Among the Primal Beginning Sacred Land ,hall, many Elder and Half Saint are now gathered together.

Leader vision swept, then said solemnly: “everyone must have heard of it, the Origin Prefecture Chamber of Commerce Alliance Alliance Lord Lei Dao, now stuck in front of the mountain gate, to challenge my Primal Beginning Sacred Land’s Half Saint! What do everyone think?”

“hmph, maybe is a Long Jingtian! I want to take the Path of Invincible and even want to enter the land of sacred mark of my Primal Beginning Sacred Land. It is a dream. My Primal Beginning Sacred Land Why do you want to fulfill him? He dares to block , dare to challenge my Primal Beginning Sacred Land, it’s okay!”

“Lei Dao is brave enough to block the door, and the strength of the perhaps is not weak. What’s more, he once married Yi Wuji, who is sure that he is better than him?”

“Even if you can’t beat him, don’t tell me, let him block the mountain gate?perhaps. That’s ridiculous, my Primal Beginning Sacred Land is so weak, and a Half Saint dare to block the door?”

“Lei Dao is so provocative, 40 years old, when Sacred Land established sect, must die!”

These Elder Half Saints, each and everyone are murderous, and the mouth is closed.

No one has ever thought about “compromise.”

However, this is where Primal Beginning Sacred Land is different from other Sacred Land. Trifling Half Saint also allows Primal Beginning Sacred Land to “compromise”, which is simply possible.

At the time, Ancestral Master Primal Beginning failed to compromise Primal Beginning Sacred Land.

However, the loss of high-level fighting strength in Primal Beginning Sacred Land is now serious, and the inconsistency between Heavenly Origin Sacred Land and the loss is too serious, far less than Grand Simplicity Sacred Land.

If you want to be confident in defeating Lei Dao, you can’t do it at all.

“Leader, Lei Dao may have some strength. Let Sacred Land dispatch eight Half Saints and be sure to kill them!”

“Yes, eight Half Saints shot together and married Lei Dao, warn others from the following bad examples !my Primal Beginning Sacred Land, a Half Saint challenge?”

“If you put Lei Dao into Sacred Land, you can suppress it with great array. Even if you can’t suppress it, you can suppress some of his strength, and then mobilize many of the Half Saints, and you will be smashed.”

These 9th layer Elders or Half Saints, there is no one “怂”, even each and everyone are very excited.

To kill Half Saint!

It’s also very rare. They have been fighting against Heavenly Origin Sacred Land all the year round. There are countless deaths and injuries. Every expert has experienced countless battles and lost a lot of middle and high-level experts. Otherwise, how can Grand Splicity Sacred Land become Origin Prefecture? The first big Sacred Land?

But it is also good.

The advantage is that Primal Beginning Sacred Land, whether it’s a discipline or an Elder, is fearless in the face of battle, and even the way to think about the question is a bit “rude.”

Even if Lei Dao’s strength has been verified, it is Peak Half Saint. They don’t have the stability of Lei Dao’s Half Saint, but they still want to kill Lei Dao.

Perhaps this is the “arrogance” of Sacred Land.

A Half Saint also wants to provoke Sacred Land?

Can only kill!


Just then, a cold scream echoed in the hall.


All the Elder and even the Leader in the hall stood up fiercely, and their expressions were not dissatisfied. Instead, they appeared to be “fanatic” with awe-inspiring expression on their faces.

“Welcome to Lord Sacred Venerable!”

Obviously, the Master who just screamed is the Sacred Venerable of Primal Beginning Sacred Land!

Sacred Venerable, aloof and remote, is the pillar of the sky in Sacred Land, supporting everything in Sacred Land!

Primal Beginning Sacred Land’s Sacred Venerable is an Old Ancestor from Primal Beginning Sacred Land, and even the Leader rarely sees the Sacred Venerable.

At the moment, I only heard the sounds of others.

“Dignified Primal Beginning Sacred Land, has fallen to this point, even a trifling junior Half Saint dared to impudent at my Sacred Land celebration of 40,000 years. Leader, old man is disappointed.”

There was still only sound, but the Leader shivered at once, and his face was very ashamed, respectfully said: “Sacred Venerable’s lesson, my Primal Beginning Sacred Land, I have an unshirkable responsibility.”

“hmph, but even if you decline again, you have not lost the heart of my Primal Beginning Sacred Land! Remember, the heart is very important, this is the essential difference between my Primal Beginning Sacred Land and other Origin Prefecture Sacred Land, even if it is Heavenly Origin Sacred Land Those who have forgotten their ancestors don’t understand this. Lei Dao, you can’t deal with it, but anyone who dares to be impirent in my Primal Beginning Sacred Land, kill without mercy.”

“This time, the old man will shoot, kill Lei Dao, shock the Origin Prefecture! Let all martial artists know that Sacred Land is always Sacred Land, my Primal Beginning Sacred Land awe-inspiring is not available!”

No one thought that Sacred Venerable would actually be hands-on.

How can I make Sacred Venerable work on a trifling Half Saint?

However, this is the status of Primal Beginning Sacred Land and is characteristic of Primal Beginning Sacred Land.

Shun me, Chang, I am dead!

Primal Beginning Sacred Land’s hegemony is far from Grand Simplicity Sacred Land’s opinion on equal terms.

Otherwise, Ancestral Master Primal Beginning will not happen at the beginning. But even after the Ancestral Master Primal Beginning, inside the Primal Beginning Sacred Land, there was no one who felt that Primal Beginning Sacred Land was not doing right.

The expulsion will be expelled.

As for the Ancestral Master Primal Beginning, the Sacred Body is another thing.

If you want to say Primal Beginning Sacred Land’s fault, it is that when Ancestral Master Primal Beginning is still weak, Primal Beginning Sacred Land’s Sacred Venerable failed to personally kill the hidden danger in the cradle.

At this moment, the Sacred Venerable “Boshan” of Primal Beginning Sacred Land is such an idea.

He and the Sacred Venerable Great war of Heavenly Origin Sacred Land have countless times, but did not give in. I don’t think that Primal Beginning Sacred Land was wrong. I just thought that the Sacred Venerable Old Ancestor of Primal Beginning Sacred Land was too indecisive.

Directly killing Ancestral Master Primal Beginning, where will there be later?

“Boshan” Sacred Venerable has always been the case, no matter what juniors, no matter what the consequences.

Now it is another Half Saint, actually blocking the door.

This makes Sacred Venerable Boshan angry.

He oversee Primal Beginning Sacred Land, grace Lei Dao so impudent?

Therefore, even if Lei Dao is just Half Saint, Sacred Venerable Boshan is ready to do it himself.

As for the consequences?

A diignified Sacred Venerable is hands-on, what will happen? Once Sacred Venerable started, everything was over, and no Half Saint could stop a Sacred Venerable.


Primal Beginning Saint has a mountain gate outside.

Lei Dao stood quietly in the void and stood shoulder-by-hand, seemingly waiting.

He is quite low-key this time, but Primal Beginning Sacred Land does not appreciate it. Therefore, he can only be high-profile, “blocking the door” outside the mountain gate of Primal Beginning Sacred Land, which is quite provocative.

It can even cause the anger of Primal Beginning Sacred Land.

But Lei Dao is not afraid. Primal Beginning Sacred Land is even angry, how many Half Saints can be sent? With the strength of Lei Dao now, it is useless to have more of Half Saint.

In Half Saint, the Grand Simplicity Sacred Land is the strongest!

As for Primal Beginning Sacred Land?

There is no Half Saint that rivals Lei Dao.

Therefore, Lei Dao believes that the final Primal Beginning Sacred Land will yield.

By then, he will be able to enter the land of sacred mark of Primal Beginning Sacred Land and complete the final step of Sanctification.

Of course, Lei Dao actually thought about Sacred Venerable.

Just, will Sacred Venerable shoot?

At the time he was at the Grand Simplicity Sacred Land, he did not have the Grand Simplicity Sacred Land, nor did he see the Sacred Venerable from Grand Simplicity Sacred Land. Aloof and remote’s Sacred Venerable, impossible. Everything is done, except for the major event that affects Sacred Land’s life and death.

However, Lei Dao is also quite measured.

He shot, where will Sacred Land face life and death?

“No matter how many Half Saints Primal Beginning Sacred Land sent, um, it’s still awkward, try suppress Primal Beginning Sacred Land. At that time, it’s not a matter of Primal Beginning Sacred Land, like Grand Simplicity Sacred Land, Sacred What about Land? I can squeeze it myself!”

Lei Dao is more convinced at the moment.

“hong long long”.

At this moment, everyone saw the great array of Primal Beginning Sacred Land tumbling violently, as if the boiling water was boiling, it seems that the array is crumbling and completely broken.

“This is… Sacred Land array is going to open?”

Lei Dao flashed a bright glow in his eyes.

The Sacred Land array is fully open and it seems that Primal Beginning Sacred Land is ready to welcome him into Sacred Land.

Lei Dao even showed a faint smile between the corners of his mouth.


The next moment, the image of Sacred Land disappeared.

However, Lei Dao’s smile suddenly solidified.

What did he see?

A palm, just a palm, is so big that it is pinnacle. As if hiding the sky and covering the earth, covering the entire sky, Lei Dao’s Heaven Raising Great Hand Seal is in front of this huge palm, it is simply a small witch, can not explain on equal terms.

And at the same time, this huge palm has Saured Energy’s aura!

Sacred Energy, this is a palm of Sacred Energy condense!

Moreover, without a little illusory feeling, it looks like real is a real palm, just a huge that’s all.

Sacred Energy without illusory at all!


This is the former Sanctification of people!

Sacred Venerable !

Sacred Venerable is on sale!

Lei Dao’s face suddenly changed, and his heart was already crazy. The moment he saw this huge palm, Lei Dao knew that he couldn’t stop it.

Whether he uses Sacred Energy also good or fleshly body also good, he can’t stop it.

This is not an order of magnitude!

Because, the other is Sacred Venerable! Supreme expert of Sacred Body!

“Sacred Venerable, how could it be Sacred Venerable?”

Lei Dao is almost crazy.

How can Sacred Venerable be shot? And still so “sudden” shot, the goal is Lei Dao, even Qi has locked Lei Dao. At this time, no matter whether Lei Dao is invincible Half Saint or not, no matter how many kinds of Sacred Energy Lei Dao awakened, there is no luck in front of this huge palm.

Dead end !


Void, rising winds, scudding clouds, countless Origin Qi faint condense a huge face of illusory. The illusory’s huge face, hiding the sky and covering the earth, is huge and seems to overlook the entire Primal Beginning City, full of supreme prestige.

All the martial artists of Primal Beginning City, after seeing this giant face, have a heartfelt urge to worship.

Sacred Venerable ! This is the Sacred Venerable of Primal Beginning Sacred Land!

Even just a face of illusory!

“Lei Dao offending Sacred Land awe-inspiring , This Saint 斩之,warn others from the following bad examples !”

The thunder rolls of sound came from this giant face.

This time, everyone has no doubts.

Really Sacred Venerable personally shot, want to marry Lei Dao, warn others from the following bad examples!

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