
The heart is in the body, and Lei Dao’s mind seems to be exploding. Even with the Divine Blood Clone’s with the body, it is a earth-shaking shock. The power of terrifying constantly washes every inch of Divine Blood Clone’s flesh and blood.

Lei Dao closed his eyes and he felt a memory.

This memory is very confusing, and there is only one picture that is incomplete and very vague.

In these incomplete pictures, Lei Dao saw the ability to support both Heaven and Earth. There are tens of thousands of terrifying giant beasts, which are among the voids of the heavens and the earth. They are as large as other bodies, and even the giants of terrifying aura are great. War.

The giants’ bodies are strong, but they are not like the Sacred Body. Every move has great power, as if the rules between the heavens and the earth are like the fingers.

That is God!

Lei Dao suddenly clear comprehension.

Only God can use the power of rules.

In fact, whether it is Dao Body also good or Sacred Body also good, it is constantly enhancing the comprehend of the rules. For example, Sacred Body, only the achievement of Ultimate Sacred Body, can sense the rules in the underworld, but it can’t be touched, can’t be used, and can’t be controlled.

Only God can control some of the rules, forming terrifying magical powers, one stroke, destroy heaven and exterminating the earth.

Those giant beasts, even Lei Dao, have been sure that they are Divine Beast, otherwise how to compete with God?

Reaching out also has innate talent, with God great war, battle heaven and earth rends.

And in memory, Divine Beast and God are very numerous, I don’t know what is being contested.

There are even the great war of God and God, the great war of Divine Beast and Divine Beast, in short, very chaotic.

Lei Dao So far, the gods he knows are actually only three. That is the god of oversee in the Ancient God Prefecture Three Great Divine Dynasty. But the god of Three Great Divine Dynasty oversee seems to have disappeared.

I don’t know what it is and disappear.

In short, even the god of Three Great Divine Dynasty, Lei Dao has no chance to see it.

But in the picture of memory, how many gods are there? Dozens, even Paramount is not unusual. And there are plenty of Divine Beast, playing heaven falls and earth rends.

“What are they fighting for?”

Lei Dao frowned.

He didn’t know what God and Divine Beast were fighting for.

But the one revolution of the memory picture seems to be a huge Divine Beast, which should be the master of this heart. A powerful Divine Beast was seriously injured and finally came here, and died.

After hundreds of millions of years, corpse has gradually decayed, leaving only the heart, a large amount of energy, and can still support hundreds of millions of years.

Of course, for such a long time, even if the heart can support it, only the power of one in ten thousand is left, and it is also riddled with impossible recovery.

However, this made Lei Dao stunned.

The heart of Divine Beast!

That is the real “Divine Blood”.

There is also a Divine Blood in the Ray Dao Body. There seems to be some connection between them. As a result, Lei Dao directly swallows the heart of Divine Beast, and the strength of the body is even more inflated.

Although it doesn’t break through to Divine Blood, it’s a big benefit in the most critical place, Divine Blood.

Divine Blood has become stronger!

Divine Blood becomes stronger, which means that Divine Eye will become stronger and Divine Eye Domain will be enhanced.

As for the point of enhancement, Lei Dao is not clear, and he has to try it himself to know.

However, the enhancement of Divine Eye is definitely not simple.


Lei Dao opened his eyes.

A dazzling bright glow blooms in his eyes.


Lei Dao muttered.

The picture in memory is too shocking for him.

The ability to support both Heaven and Earth is the destroying heaven and exterminating the earth.

That kind of power is simply heart-rending.

That is the real destroying heaven and exterminating the earth. What is the so-called Sacred Body attack?

Sacred Body, after all, still uses the power of the Sacred Body itself, Divine Blood Clone is also a simple force.

Sacred Body is even stronger, even if it is the Sacred Body 9th layer, what about the Sacred Body domain?

In the face of God, it is totally two concepts.

Sacred Venerable is strong, and it is impossible to destroy heaven and exterminating the earth, but God can!

This is why God can aloof and remote, suppressing the ages.

When the Three Great Divine Dynasty suppressed Ancient God Prefecture, Nine Great Imperial Sect couldn’t lift his head and didn’t dare to have any action, it was because of God’s awe-inspiring!

Lei Dao continues to experience the changes in Divine Blood Clone.

Divine Blood Clone is still digesting the power of the Divine Beast heart, especially the blood of Divine Beast, and it is also a blood essence, but it also contains some of the capabilities of Divine Beast.

Lei Dao’s Divine Blood Clone slowly digested, and his within the body seemed to be “zisheng”, and it seemed that there was something to grow.

“pu chi”.

Suddenly, on the forehead of Lei Dao’s Divine Blood Clone, a scarlet divine eye had grown, but now, next to Divine Eye, an eye has grown.

This eye seems to be dead gray, looks lifeless, and there is no such power as the Divine Eye.


With this dead gray eyes open.

Suddenly, a gray rays of light, majestic moved towards in all directions, Lei Dao through the gray eyes, did not see anything strange.

However, when the Lei Dao manifest came out with an Ultimate Sacred Body and was shrouded in gray rays of light, the Ultimate Sacred Body body vibrated, the eyes of the eyes showed a confused color.


Lei Dao startled in one’s heart.

The Ultimate Sacred Body is also affected by the illusion, which is incredible.

Not to mention the Ultimate Sacred Body, even if it is a Sacred Venerable, the mind is firm and the Spirit Sense is powerful. In fact, the illusion has no effect on the Sacred Venerable.

Lei Dao has never heard of any illusion that can affect Sacred Venerable.

Even the Sacred Venerable of the Sacred Body 9th layer is the same, and it doesn’t do much for Sacred Venerable.

But just now, Lei Dao spurred the dead gray eyes, shrouded in the Ultimate Sacred Body, but it was able to get the Ultimate Sacred Body into the illusion, which is incredible.

So, Lei Dao used several Ultimate Sacred Body, one after another to test it. The result is the same, all of them fall into the illusion, and even Lei Dao can kill several of the Ultimate Sacred Body through dead gray eyes, killing each other.

This ability makes Lei Dao fall took a deep breath.

To some extent, the illusion of dead gray eyes is more terrifying than the scarlet divine eye. Especially when encountering a large number of enemies, illusion can make the other side kill each other without knowing it.

Just how is this possible?

Actually, Sacred Venerable is hard to resist the illusion of dead gray eyes.

Suddenly, Lei Dao flashed a flash of light in his mind. He thought of the name of the master of the heart, the mysterious Divine Beast.


The name of this Divine Beast is called Snapdragon, which controls a strange illusion.

Even God can be confused, let alone trifling Sacred Venerable?

Of course, Lei Dao’s current illusion will definitely not confuse God, and even the more determined Sacred Venerable can’t be confused, but it can prove that this dead gray eye is powerful.

“Just blink.”

Lei Dao called this second eye a blink of an eye, which is quite appropriate.

This is the power of the Divine Beast bloodline in the Ray Dao Body. However, now that the dragon’s heart is dirty, it has been completely digested by Lei Dao’s Divine Blood Clone, which is completely integrated into the body Divine Blood, long before each other.

In the future, Lei Dao will promote Divine Blood, which will actually increase the blink of an eye.

This is the biggest achievement of Lei Dao this time.

It’s not just about getting a little memory, it’s about making the Divine Blood Clone stronger. More importantly, there is more than one blink, and a more terrifying ability.

More terrifying than a blinking domain!

So, Lei Dao quietly stayed near the bones, quietly studying the role of blinking, waiting for the maturity of the five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine.


The principality of flowers has recently been raging, and there is an information about it, a case about Baihuahou, about the bones of the information.

According to information, Baihuahou has joined the Baihou League and became a member of the Baihou League.

Baihou League, this is a strong great influence of rising.

Many Sacred Venerables have some impressions of the Baimeng League.

To join the Baihou League, for example, to contribute to the holy treasure!

That is to say, Baihuahou has no holy treasure, and now in the principality of the flower, the influence sharply decreases. This seems to be a good thing for the sacrific Venerable.

However, while Baihuahou joined the Baihou League, it also came with a top expert in the Baimeng League, that is Sacred Venerable Lei!

Moreover, it is overseeing in the bones.

The name of Sacred Venerable Lei is actually not small. With the expansion of the Baihou League, the reputation of Sacred Venerable Lei has gradually spread. However, the story of Sacred Venerable Lei is extremely skillful.

What is fighting an exceeding level, what defeated Imperial Child, etc., simply extreme skillful, ordinary Sacred Venerable can be seen at first glance is exaggerated, simply will not believe.

But there is no such thing as a small Sacred Venerable Lei.

After all, being the head of the Baihou League is certainly not simple.

Even, can be comparable with Sacred Body 5th layer !

This is indeed a strong support. It is no wonder that Baihuahou can leave at the bones of feel at ease. There is Lei Dao oversee, and Baihuahou has no effect on the bones.

However, there is more information, and the first five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine will mature, and it will be ten days later.

For a time, this information was soaring, and I didn’t know how much Sacred Venerable was provoked.

Those secretly hidden Sacred Venerable, staying in the principality of the flower for so long, what is it for?

Isn’t that the five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine?

They have already passed various channels before, knowing that a five-Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine is about to mature. Therefore, when this information came out, those Sacred Venerable did not have any doubts.

I even think that it may take ten days, and the Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine will mature.

For a time, many Sacred Venerables began to rush to rush to the bones.

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