1 day, 2 days, 3 days…

Lei Dao oversee, in the bones of the bones, over time, he apparently felt that the strange Spirit Sense around him had increased. Even if he had been shocked by the Sacred Body, this time, these secretly snooping Sacred Venerable is no longer the Sacred Body 2nd layer, 3rd-layer, but the Sacred Body 4th layer!

At least Sacred Body 4th layer Sacred Venerable !

There are even Sacred Body 5th layer Sacred Venerable !

This is also the powerful Sacred Venerable that makes Baihuahou incompetence, but now it has been traced. The purpose is naturally the five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine that is about to mature.

“Sacred Venerable Lei.”

At this time, Baihuahou could not sit still, and came to the bones.

It’s been three or four days before the Lei Dao oversee bones. Obviously, the five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine is about to mature. Now, among the entire principality of the flowers, the secretly hidden Sacred Venerable is almost focused on it. The bones.

Although not all Sacred Venerable will show up, those Sacred Venerable are using various methods to spy on the five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine in the bones.

Even Lei Dao is sure that those Sacred Venerable know no less than him.

Perhaps, at the moment when Ten Tenousand Years Spirit Medicine matures, all Sacred Venerable will pop up.

Baihuahou also clearly felt the faint aura near the bones, so the heart was very upset.

“Sacred Venerable Lei, information has been scattered, and in a few days, those Sacred Venerables have already reached the bones, perhaps…”

Baihuahou’s words were not finished, but there is no doubt that Baihuahou has no confidence in Lei Dao. After all, facing so many Sacred Venerable, glare like a tiger watching his prey.

And Sacred Venerable spies in the dark.

Can you rely on Lei Dao alone to suppress all Sacred Venerable?

Lei Dao didn’t speak or even responded.

This kind of thing is too much to say, but it is still necessary to know.


Suddenly, Lei Dao lifted his eyes and looked at the five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine in the bones.

At this moment, the energy of this five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine violently surge, at a glance, the energy of terrifying even began to dissipate, and the terrifying fluctuations could not be covered by the great array.

Therefore, the five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine is mature, and the noise is too big. Many Sacred Venerable can know at a glance.

“spirit medicine is mature!”

Lei Dao muttered, then, almost the first time, he crossed the five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine.


Outside the bones, a black robe Sacred Venerable sits quietly in the void.

He alone, clearly sitting on the void, but many Sacred Venerable seem to ignore this silhouette, no one cares.


As the five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine matures, the terrifying energy causes the entire void to vibrate.

Suddenly, black-robed man also opened his eyes.


The black-robed man’s eyes flashed a different awn.

“It’s finally ripe, and a five-Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine is hard to find anywhere else. But in the bones, there are five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine matures, although there is only one, it is enough.”

Black-robed man has a hint of excitement in his tone. Apparently, he has waited for a long time.


“Five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine is mature?”

A Sacred Venerable in a robe, looking at the sky above the bones, the terrifying energy fluctuations can’t be wrong, that is, the bones of the spirit medicine mature.

Otherwise, there will be no such fluctuations.

“This time Ten Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine is mature, and the principality of the flowers is lively. However, Baihuahou joined the Baihou League, the Sacred Venerable Lei who invited, but there is so big reputation. Maybe, this time Ten Ten Thousand The fight for the Years Spirit Medicine will be quite interesting.”

This is a Sacred Venerable of the Sacred Body 5th layer. He is vying for this five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine. Although he doesn’t need it, he can give other Sacred Venerable. After all, once there is a five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, a Sacred Body 5th layer Sacred Venerable can be achieved whenever the time is right. !

These opportunities can be met and not very demanding. It is very rare. Since there is a chance to compete for the five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, will it be let go?


In the bones, Lei Dao watched the five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine mature, and he no longer cares about the situation around him. In his eyes, there is only this Ten Tenousand Years Spirit Medicine!

As for the surrounding situation, it has nothing to do with Lei Dao!

“Hahaha”, this spicy medicine is old man!

Suddenly, a burst of laughter echoed over the bones.

In the bones, I don’t know when there is a lean old man, and my eyes are unwavering staring at the five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine in the bones.

At this moment, the five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine is about to mature, but Lei Dao takes a step forward and is close to this spicy medicine.

“Sacred Venerable Lei, leaving this spicy medicine!”

This lean old man doesn’t know what the origins are, but the aura on the body is extremely terrifying.

He immediately issued a Sacred Body, a full Sacred Body, apparently Sacred Body 4th layer Sacred Venerable!

On the bright side of Lei Dao, it is just the Sacred Body 4th layer Sacred Venerable that’s all. Although there is one more clone, in those eyes of Sacred Venerable, Lei Dao is still only Sacred Body 4th layer Sacred Venerable.

Even Lei Dao is very strong.

But these Sacred Venerable of Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, which one is not strong? They also have confidence, even if they don’t lose to Lei Dao, they can’t be wrong.

If you put in one or two Sacred Body and you can get five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, then you will not hesitate.

Therefore, the Sacred Venerable started, and all the effort was to go all out. Even the four Sacred bodies were raging and the power of the Sacred Body was applied to the pinnacle.

Even super level play!

This is desperate!

For a five-Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, burn the Sacred Body directly.

Even if there is no opponent, after burning the Sacred Body, the Sacred Body will suffer a lot, it will take a long time to recover, and even damage the foundation, it will not be fully recovered.

Seeing this scene, Lei Dao didn’t move at all, and the four Sacred Body of the lean old man rushed toward him, and Lei Dao still moved towards five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine.


At this moment, there was a mountain in the void, a heavy mountain, falling directly from the sky, and the sly squatting to the area in front of Lei Dao.

This is not to crush Lei Dao to death, but to block Lei Dao’s way.

Then, there was a big hand, and the five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine under the moving moves towards it was fast, and it was faster than Lei Dao.

Obviously, in front of Lei Dao, the five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine will be the first to be included.

“Look for Die!”

Lei Dao is very angry.

This five-Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine is very important for his ability to quickly advance the Sacred Body 5th layer. There is no one in front of him, and he is brave enough to snatch five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine.

This means what ?

This means provocation, very serious provocation!

Lei Dao is far from achieving a realm that is all bearish, he needs five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine!

Who dares to snatch five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, who is going to die!


The next moment, Lei Dao didn’t hesitate, four Sacred Body plus Divine Blood’s five-divine Divine Blood Clone, all of which came out. The five bodies of thousand zhang are in the void.

Terrifying impering manner, as if to freeze the void.

The invisible impering manner is like a big net, covering the whole void. All the Sacred Venerable who feels this aura feels that the heart is like a huge stone, very heavy.

However, the imposing manner is just an imposing manner.

Even if they can make the other person frightened, they can’t stop the other party from snatching five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine.

“Divine Eye Domain !”

The next moment, on the forehead of the Lei Dao Divine Eye clone, Scarlet’s eyes slammed open. Suddenly, the rich scarlet radiance quickly converges into a Divine Eye Domain, almost in the blink of an eye, moving towards all directions, enveloping the mature five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine.

The giant mountain that had just descended from the sky, and the one that was suddenly abrupt, seemed to be solidified at the moment, motionless.

This is Divine Eye Domain!

In the Divine Eye Domain, you can speed up and of course slow down.

When decelerating to pinnacle, it is almost no different from static.

The giant seems to be struggling, but once it enters the Divine Eye Domain, unless it is so powerful that it can force the Divine Eye Domain to tear, it can only be manipulated by Divine Eye Domain.

The giant mountain is still shaking slightly, but it has no effect. This giant mountain is obviously a holy treasure, and even the Sacred Body of the Sacred Body 4th layer Sacred Venerable can’t hold back the suppression of this giant mountain.

But in the face of Divine Eye Domain, it still has no effect.

Lei Dao ignored the giant mountain and the big hand, but continued to move towards five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine. He is already close to the spiral medicine, and even he can get this spirit medicine.

“hong long”.

I don’t know when there are a lot of Sacred Venerable over the bones, and even the manifest has a densely packed, dozens of Sacred Body. Each Sacred Body exudes a terrifying impering manner.

At least Sacred Body 4th layer Sacred Venerable !

Apparently, those who secretly spy on the bones, Sacred Venerable of Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, chose to do it at this moment. After all, five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine are mature, and they don’t have a chance at this moment.

“So many Sacred Venerable…”

Baihuahou’s face is a little pale. She had speculated before, there have been estimates, maybe she has a little bit in her heart, knowing that there are many Sacred Venerables in Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine.

But in fact, there is not an intuitive concept in the depths of Baihuahou.

Now, Baihua Hou witnessed this scene with his own eyes. Void Among them, the densely packed Sacred Body, all indicate the number of Sacred Venerable of Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine.

With so many Sacred Venerable, I can’t help but let Baihuahou be lucky.

Fortunately, she decided to join the Baihou League, and even Sacred Venerable Lei came to the principality of Baihua. Otherwise, she faced this scene and took what to resist?

Simply impossible!

Perhaps the last thing I can see is that the spirit medicine has been snatched.

Just, how can Lei Dao be in the face of so many Sacred Venerable?

“Catch it!”

Lei Dao grabbed it, and finally, without any surprise, Divine Eye Domain enveloped this area, and Lei Dao was the fastest. He finally got his wish and got this mature five Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine.

Spirit medicine is finally here!


Lei Dao put the spirit medicine in his arms, and at this time, he looked up and looked at the void.

The bones are over the ground, and there is a densely packed piece, all of which are Sacred Body!

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