In the dark abyss, Lei Dao entire group was very cautious and even cautious.

Lei Dao’s look is getting more and more dignified.

Because, he sensed a trace of aura of the innate God, although very light, but it is indeed filled in the dark abyss.

Anyone who has a relationship with “God” is very complicated.

What is the dark abyss?

Why is it related to the innate God?

Lei Dao is not sure, what he can do now is just to look for the eternal sandalwood in the dark abyss.

1 day, 2 days, 3 days…

It has been a few days since Dongchen Sacred Venerable seems to be spinning around here. He has sensed a ray of sandalwood, but he can’t lock the specific position.

However, it should be nearby.

So, they searched for a few days in the vicinity, and it seems to be getting closer and closer, but they never saw the traces of Wan Tan.

“hu ……”

Suddenly, a breeze blew past, and the darkness of all around seemed to be blown away a lot.

Dongchen Sacred Venerable eyes unwavering staring in a certain direction in the distance.

“Found, Tanba! Look at the color, it should be at least 10,000 years, this is Wannian Tan Ye!”

Dongchen Sacred Venerable is very excited.

Finally found the Wannian Tan.

This time luck is still relatively good, actually found so smooth in the Wan Tan, Dong Chen Sacred Venerable thought it was still looking for a long time.

Moreover, out of the abyss storm, they have not encountered any danger during this time.

The overall situation is relatively smooth.

Of course, in fact, the abyss storm was terrifying enough, and it was basically difficult for someone to survive such a storm.

Only the simplified version of Lei Dao’s sanctuary can save so many people.

Now, I finally found the Wannian Tanba.

“and many more.”

Suddenly, Lei Dao solemnly said.

When Dongchen Sacred Venerable was about to go to the front to collect this Wannian Tanba, Lei Dao immediately stopped Dongchen Sacred Venerable because he sensed danger.

A faint danger made Lei Dao nervous.

“What is the question?”

Dongchen Sacred Venerable is full of doubts.

Lei Dao took a deep breath , said solemnly : “Let’s see again, where is the Wan Nian Tan Ye growing?”

The dark abyss is dark everywhere, even if you see the bonanza, but the situation around it is a bit fuzzy, not very clear. Especially with Wannian Tan, the eyes of everyone are concentrated on the Wan Tan, and where do you care about other things?

However, with the reminder of Lei Dao, some of them looked at the underside of the banyan.

“That is……”

Dongchen Sacred Venerable almost exclaimed.

He saw it, and looked very clear, just in the place where the banyan sand leaves grow, it is actually a corpse, a huge corpse of the thousand zhang, looks ragged, broken, and does not know how long it died. Time of corpse.

Moreover, this corpse does not have any aura of Sacred Venerable, which means that it is not the corpse of Sacred Venerable. But not Sacred Venerable, what is corpse?

From this corpse, you can only feel lifeless, and even the decaying aura. But this is a dead body, but it makes Dongchen Sacred Venerable creepy and dare not have any closeness.

“This… what is this?”

The voice of Sachened Venerable seems to be shaking. He doesn’t know why he is shaking, but it is the trembling that can’t be contained in his heart.

“This is a god corpse! However, it is the god of the innate God!”

Lei Dao solemnly said.

“God corpse?”

The Sacred Venerable beside Lei Dao is startled in one’s heart.

God, they naturally know.

But no one has seen the gods, let alone the gods.

“What is an innate God?”

Dongchen Sacred Venerable asked again.

“I can’t explain it for a while. In short, it is the same existence as God. Now, there is a god body here, and it is dead here. This shows that there has actually been a great war. And this god The corpse was not killed by other gods. There is a very special force in his corpse, which is quite different from the Sacred Body and Divine Body. It seems that it is similar to the special power in the dark abyss.”

Lei Dao’s look also became very dignified.

“Is this corpse dangerous?”

Dongchen Sacred Venerable asked again.

“Not very clear, maybe dangerous, maybe not. But I feel a dangerous aura, the source is on this corpse.”

“How come to get the Wannian Tan leaves?”

It seems that Dongchen Sacred Venerable attaches more importance to Wannian Tanye than Lei Dao.

“You can only try it.”

Lei Dao took a deep breath, if you want to get this Wannian Tan leaves, you can only come by yourself. Otherwise, maybe Dongchen Sacred Venerable and the rest will die.

This is the induction of Lei Dao.

Moreover, it should be that Lei Dao analyzes the 10%’s destruction rule, which is derived from the rules and is never wrong. This kind of induction can almost be comparable with Great Emperor!

The rule is the essence of the world, and Lei Dao naturally believes in this kind of induction.

Since it is dangerous to feel that this corpse is dangerous, it must be dangerous.

However, the corpse is in danger again, and Lei Dao must also get the bonanza, and never allow it.


Lei Dao manifest has a Divine Blood Clone.

The scarlet eyes on the Divine Blood Clone open instantly, and the Divine Eye Domain launches like a tidal wave, and the scarlet radiance quickly covers the corpse.

With Divine Eye Domain coverage, Lei Dao has a little peace of mind.

Moreover, the Divine Eye Domain was covered on the corpse of God, and after a while, nothing changed.

As a result, Lei Dao’s Divine Blood Clone flew straight over, grabbed the big hand and grabbed the Wannian Tanba, and gently picked it up.

Just then, the accident suddenly happened.


I don’t know when a black glow slammed out of the corpse, and the speed was so fast that it didn’t react at all. Moreover, the more terrifying is Lei Dao’s Divine Eye Domain, which can’t stop it.


Lei Dao’s hands unwavering to catch the Wannian Tan, and the Divine Blood Clone is the first time to pull back and retreat.

Just, it is already late.

The Divine Blood Clone is going fast, and there is no black glow.

Even Lei Dao’s Divine Blood Clone feels a huge threat, and it seems that once it is hit by the black glow, there is a great danger.


The next moment, Lei Dao’s Sea of ​​Sacred Body also moved.

Almost the first time, the Sea of ​​Sacred Body has expanded rapidly, and the Divine Blood Clone is in the Sacred Body. At the same time, the black glow hit the Divine Blood Clone.

However, before this, the Divine Blood Clone was covered with a faint ray of light.

That is the simplified version of the sanctuary!

This is, this simplified version of the Sanctuary has not been completely motivated, and the power of the captured Sacred Body is only a small part, which is considered to be the largest simplified version of Lei Dao.

“pu chi”.

Thus, the simplified version of the sanctuary is so cracked.

A huge crack was formed, and the simplified version of the sanctuary was instantly fragmented.

The black glow hit the Leivine Blood Clone on Lei Dao. Suddenly, a strange force quickly penetrated into the Divine Blood Clone, madly destroying Lei Dao’s Divine Blood Clone.

“Divine Blood suppression!”

Lei Dao heart turn pale with fright.

Just a single blow, the strange power constantly ruined Lei Dao’s Divine Blood Clone, and the key is that Lei Dao simply can’t resist.

Divine Blood Clone can’t resist those weird forces.

Lei Dao can only inspire the power of Divine Blood, which can barely support.

“Simplified version of the Sanctuary!”

At this time, Lei Dao once again spurred the simplified version of the sanctuary.

This time, Lei Dao went all out to condense’s simplified version of the sanctuary, so the power was very powerful, barely protecting the Divine Blood Clone, and then combining the power of Divine Blood to expel the strange power.

This is just what happened in the blink of an eye, and even the East Sacred Venerable and the rest have not yet reacted.

Finally, the strange power was forced back, and Lei Dao’s Divine Blood Clone returned safely.

But Divine Blood Clone suffered a lot of damage, and Thousand zhang’s Divine Blood Clone, at least half collapsed.

If Lei Dao is a little later, his Divine Blood Clone will probably collapse.

However, fortunately, Wannian Tan leaves were still obtained by Lei Dao.

“Sacred Venerable Lei Be careful!”

At this moment, the sound of Dongchen Sacred Venerable sounded, and Lei Dao looked up almost for the first time.


In front of Lei Dao, a terrifying animal body appeared.

The dark, ink-like body, as if it can be hidden in the dark abyss at any time, exudes a force that makes Lei Dao particularly oppressive, completely different from Sacred Venerable and even God.

It is very compatible with the dark abyss, as if it were born in the dark abyss.

“A beast! This beast has just been hidden in the god corpse, and it is long in the wind, it looks like this, it is terrifying. Sacred Venerable Lei, we have to escape, immediately escape!”

The sound of Dongchen Sacred Venerable is shaking.

The stranger, the most terrifying alien in the dark abyss.

Whenever you encounter a strange animal, it is difficult to have Sacred Venerable to live away from the dark abyss. Dongchen Sacred Venerable is already a veteran. I didn’t expect this time to finally “turn over the boat”. When I met a stranger, I could hardly live.

Lei Dao took a deep breath, he has quickly retreated, came to the side of Sachened Sacred Venerable, the first time shouted: “All manifests out Sacred Body into this Lei’s Sea of ​​Sacred Body, do not have any resistance , like in the abyss storm.”

In the case of Lei Dao, let Dongchen Sacred Venerable and the rest regained composure.

They thought of Lei Dao’s special method.

In the Abyss storm, Lei Dao’s special method allows them to survive the storm safely, and this time, perhaps against the attack of the alien.

So, a total of five Sacred Venerable, all of them made a Sacred Body, quickly entered Lei Dao’s Sea of ​​Sacred Body, and almost no defense, let the Sea of ​​Sacred Body intercept some of their Sacred Body, even Also actively cooperate.

With Lei Dao’s Seared Sacred Body intercepting the power of dozens of Sacred Body, suddenly, Lei Dao’s strongest simplified version of the Sanctuary is once again formed, and this time, Lei Dao uses the power of destruction rules and also integrates In his simplified version of the sanctuary.

This is Lei Dao’s strongest method!

Now, can you see if you can resist this terrifying animal?

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