“hong long”.

Finally, this huge beast, the huge body smashed into the simplified version of the sanctuary.

Suddenly, Lei Dao’s simplified version of the sanctuary began to tremble violently, swaying as if it would break at any time. Even the power to destroy the rules is being shaken.

The most terrifying of this strange animal is not its enormous power. If it is only pure power, it is nothing at all, but the key is that the alien beast still has a mysterious power.

It is with this mysterious power that the beasts can make Lei Dao’s simplified version of the sanctuary oscillated, and it continues to be, in fact, it seems that even the simplified version of the sanctuary can not last long.

“This strange animal, unheard of, should be the strange beast born in the dark abyss.”

Lei Dao has turned countless thoughts in her heart.

This alien is too strong, and thanks to Lei Dao’s simplified version of the Sanctuary defense is very strong, otherwise, it will not be able to stop the long bee.

“This strange animal is drilled from the god corpse, that is, the alien animal is home to the gods. If it is destroying the gods?”

Lei Dao seems to have some guesses in his heart.

Thus, his fierce violently surge of the Sacred Body quickly expanded, and in order to surging the waves, moved towards the gods engulfing.


When the Seared Sacred Body touched the corpse, the animal was maddening, and the crazy moved towards Lei Dao’s sea of ​​Sacred Body attack.

“has an effect.”

Lei Dao is delighted in one’s heart, at least he knows the lifeblood of this strange animal.

Of course, the beast is very powerful, and Lei Dao will not really and fight with the beasts. Seeing the aliens retreat, his Seared Sacred Body quickly receded, and then confronted the aliens.

The beasts are low and seemingly wise. After seeing Lei Dao retreating, he did not rush, but unwavering staring at Lei Dao and the rest, seems to be vigilant.

Lei Dao looked at this strange animal and felt a little weird.

It seems that this is a young animal, not yet fully grown.

“This… If it is a young animal, it is a nest of gods, feeding on the flesh and blood of the gods, and growing up in a special environment of dark abyss. Once adult, it is really terrifying. Even, comparable to Sacred Body 9th layer ?”

Lei Dao shivered in one’s heart.

This strange animal is too terrifying. According to Lei Dao’s speculation, once adult, then the Comparable to Sacred Body 9th layer, even stronger than the Sacred Body 9th layer, will reach the level of the Great Emperor.

Once adult, it is comparable with 9th layer and even Great Emperor.

This is simply not to think.

More powerful than any other beast that Lei Dao has seen or heard.

Even if it is a descendant of Divine Beast bloodline, perhaps is also merely this.

But this animal is not a descendant of Divine Beast bloodline, and there is no trace of Diura Beast’s aura.

“Wait, the dark abyss should not be related to these aliens?”

Lei Dao thought of another possibility.

These strange animals were not born because of the dark abyss.

On the contrary, it is because of these strange animals that they gradually have dark abyss.

When Lei Dao was outside the dark abyss, he didn’t know if it was an illusion.

He always felt that the dark abyss was expanding and slowly expanding.

Just like the vitality, it is constantly eroding Ancient God Prefecture, eroding the territory of Three Great Divine Dynasty. However, this erosion is not obvious.

In the records of the city of the Abyss, it seems that some people have noticed it.

The dark abyss is expanding!

However, this expansion is too slow. According to this expansion speed, even if it is hundreds of millions of years, the dark abyss will not expand to such a large extent that it will pose no threat to the huge Ancient God Prefecture.


Lei Dao didn’t dare to move. He was afraid that when he moved, it would cause the uneasiness of this strange animal and attack him madly.

But the strange beast suddenly made a low sigh, and then the entire dark abyss seemed to be shaking.

Lei Dao has a deep feeling of uneasiness in his heart.

Even Lei Dao felt extremely dangerous.

“Sacred Venerable Lei, not good, there is a different animal!”

On the face of Sachened Venerable, there was a desperate color on his face. He saw it, in another direction, a beast that was more than ten times larger than the beast.

Moreover, as soon as this strange animal appeared, the terrifying suppressing aura was even stronger.

Even the power of Lei Dao’s strongest destruction rule seems to have been suspended.


The power to destroy the rules seems to be very uneasy.

This is the power of the rules, but the essential power of the world!

In front of this strange animal, too strong and too strong, Lei Dao knows that it is far from an opponent at first glance. Perhaps, this exotic beast will blow Lei Dao and the rest into powder.

And the fact is true.


At this time, Lei Dao did not hesitate.

This beast, very strong and powerful, Lei Dao feels better than the Sacred Body 9th layer, even better than the Great Emperor!

Really Sacred Body 9th layer Sacred Venerable Even the Great Emperor encounters this stranger, and the perhaps are also bode ill rather than well.

Therefore, Lei Dao stepped back in the first place and was crazy back. Of course, Lei Dao also reminds Dongchen Sacred Venerable and the rest.

However, there is no need for a Lei Dao reminder.

After seeing this terrifying to the extreme point of the beast, Dongchen Sacred Venerable and the rest has reacted, crazy back, want to stay away from the terrifying beast.

But after all, it was a little late.

This strange animal opened his mouth and immediately blew it.


This beast is really a sigh of relief, but this tone makes Lei Dao and the rest eye-opening, even stunned.

What did he see?

As the beast opened his mouth, suddenly, the entire dark abyss swelled, followed by a terrifying storm, and growing, moving towards Lei Dao and the rest whistling engulfing.

Abyss storm!

This is actually an abyss storm!

“Impossible, how can there be a deep abyss storm? Don’t tell me, the abyss storm is the movement of this strange animal to make a noise?”

Dongchen Sacred Venerable can hardly believe his eyes.

In the past, the most dangerous scene in the dark abyss was actually the abyss storm. But what is it now?

A strange animal, blowing a tone into a terrifying abyss storm.

This simply refreshed the perception of Sachened Venerable and the rest.

With the abyssal storm engulfing, the five Sacred Venerables, such as Dongchen Sacred Venerable, were directly engulfing by the storm and quickly disappeared into the dark abyss. They did not know where they were.

Lei Dao is a little better.

He had a simplified version of the sanctuary, and was not taken away in the first place, but the terrifying alien was sighed again and again. Suddenly, Lei Dao couldn’t hold it anymore, was swept away by the storm and disappeared into the dark abyss.


Lei Dao gnashing teeth, he is working hard to persist.

But the abyss storm seems to blow over berserk, and Lei Dao’s sea of ​​Sacred Body can’t support it, and it’s almost broken. Even Lei Dao has shown other Sacred Body, which does not help.

As for the simplified version of the sanctuary?

It can no longer be condensed now.

Only the power to destroy the rules can now be mobilized by Lei Dao to barely protect Lei Dao.

But in the storm, the role that can be played is very limited. And in the dark abyss, it seems that the power of the rules is subject to a certain degree of suppression.

As Lei Dao gradually became engulfing by the storm, he was involved in the depths of the dark abyss.

Lei Dao can only unwavering to protect its core. At least, the Sacred Body cannot be completely erased.

One hour, two hours, three hours…

Lei Dao didn’t know how long he had been taken away, and he was almost completely twisted into powder.

Gradually, the wind seems to be a little smaller.

Lei Dao can even barely control his body.

“pu tong”.

Lei Dao fell to the ground.


Lei Dao startled in one’s heart.

The Abyss storm has disappeared, but Lei Dao has fallen to the ground. This is extraordinary, the dark abyss is said to be bottomless, even if it is into the dark abyss, Lei Dao has always been flying in the void.

I have never heard of it, there is ground in the dark abyss.

But now, Lei Dao has indeed landed on the ground, and although all around is dark, Lei Dao can feel that it seems to be a barren land.

He slowly got up and tried the manifest to get five Sacred Body.

“hong long”.

The Sacred Body was just manifested, and Lei Dao felt a terrifying power, unwavering and suppressing his Sacred Body. With the now-deficient Sacred Body of Lei Dao, there is no pressure on this terrifying.

So, Lei Dao took back the Sacred Body.

“Fortunately, the Sacred Body is still there, it has not completely collapsed. It is just too severe and it takes a long time to recover.”

Lei Dao is slightly relaxed in her heart.

The Sacred Body is still there, but it is only a serious one. Now it is in this special place. I don’t know why there is a suppression force. Unwavering suppresses his Sacred Body and makes Lei Dao unable to manifest the Sacred Body.

Of course, this was the creation of the Lei Dao Sacred Body.

If Lei Dao is restored, it is possible to manifest the Sacred Body.

Lei Dao didn’t care where it was, and now is not the time to explore, he must recover as soon as possible. Strength is the most important no matter where you are.

Especially in the dark abyss, there may be danger everywhere, and Lei Dao will have to restore his strength as soon as possible, otherwise he will encounter a different animal, and Lei Dao has no chance to escape.

So, Lei Dao began to try to recover.

To restore the Sacred Body, if it’s outside, you can naturally wait for the Sacred Body to recover slowly. But here is the dark abyss, and Lei Dao must fight for the second to restore the Sacred Body.

Therefore, Lei Dao decided to use Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine!

Restoring the Sacred Body with Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine is a pretty “luxury” and even less cost effective. After all, the role of Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine has a greater role than restoring the Sacred Body.

But at this time, Lei Dao will not regret these Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine.

Anyway, Lei Dao has hundreds of Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, which is enough for him to “squander”.

What’s more, restoring the Sacred Body is not a squandering.

Lei Dao got life protection!

Only by restoring strength can life protection be.

Lei Dao took out dozens of Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine directly, crushed them, and slowly recovered five Ultimate Sacred Body.

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