After a few days, Lei Dao was fully restored.

Only five of the Ultimate Sacred Body were fully restored, and Lei Dao had a sense of security in his heart, otherwise he would not dare to explore this place.

Lei Dao slowly got up and began to look around the place.

He has arrived on the ground.

The ground looks black, and not even a blade of grass grows, bare and covered with thick black mist, Power of Spirit Sense has no effect.

Lei Dao remembers that he was a storm formed by a terrifying dark abyss and a beast that was eventually blown into this mysterious place.

Unexpectedly, the abyss storm of the dark abyss was actually formed by the strange beasts.

I still feel incredible when I think about it.

Was rolled into this place, Lei Dao finally has a line of vitality, but Dongchen Sacred Venerable and the rest, I am afraid it will be troublesome. Once caught in the abyss storm, most of them are bode ill rather than well.

The possibility of being able to survive is minimal.

This time the mission has been completed. Dongchen Sacred Venerable and the rest can also get 20 Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine per person. Unfortunately, Lei Dao is willing to give it, but Dongchen Sacred Venerable and the rest has already Can’t get it.

Lei Dao is still thinking about getting out of the dark abyss and getting out of this place. He has already got the eternal sandalwood, and if he only needs to go out, he can exchange the spirit medicine of 60,000 years or 70,000 years with Yuanchuan.

This is the most important thing for Lei Dao.

But first, Lei Dao had to figure out the place, otherwise it would be difficult to get out of here.

This place is full of mystery.

Moreover, Lei Dao feels that this place is very different. In the city of the abyss outside the dark abyss, Lei Dao has never heard of it, and the dark abyss will have a bottom.

It seems that there is no one at all that can reach the bottom of the dark abyss.

“No, how is the power of the rules here so weak?”

Lei Dao startled in one’s heart.

Originally, Lei Dao analyzed the power of 10%’s annihilation rule. For the annihilation rule, even in the dark abyss, Lei Dao can sense it.

But now, this kind of induction has been weakened a lot, intermittently, as if there is any force here that interferes or affects the penetration of the rule.

But the rules are the essence of the world.

Is there any place that is inseparable from the rules?

Lei Dao’s look became more dignified, and he faintly felt the difference here.

Thus, Lei Dao simply made five Sacred Body, especially the Sacred Body, and directly intercepted the power of five Sacred Body to form a simplified version of the sanctuary for the unexpected.

After all, Lei Dao is not sure what danger there is here?

Lei Dao began to move on. He didn’t know where it was going, but now he can’t choose. If you want to fly, Lei Dao feels that the suppression of the head is bigger.

Moreover, the top of the head is endless, how to fly?

It is better to clarify here.

Gradually, Lei Dao walked for a few hours, when he felt a familiar aura.

God corpse!

Another god!

And still the innate God, the huge corpse lying quietly on the ground, this god body, it seems that there is no strange animal, but it is still incomplete, it seems to have terrifying the fight before death, until the death.

In the chest of the corpse, a huge wound appeared.

This huge wound has not been able to recover.

With the power of the innate God, there is almost no unrecoverable injury. Even the great war between the true God and the innate God is to destroy the innate God into an ashes, in order to completely kill.

But now, the innate God and the corpse are preserved, and the biggest wound is the wound of the chest.

Maybe this is fatal!

“What enemy can kill the innate God?”

Lei Dao was even more surprised.

He once got the memory of the corpse, naturally very clear the power of the innate God. Even if the true god and the innate God great war, it is possible to take advantage of it, but it is too difficult and difficult to kill the innate God.

The true rank of the same rank can’t be done.

“No, there are so many gods here…”

Lei Dao startled in one’s heart, the more he walked, the more he could see the corpse.

One, two, three…

There are thirteen gods and they appear here. And every god body is incomplete. The huge gods, even if they have been dead for hundreds of millions of years, still seem to have a power.

It’s shocking to see so many corpses here.

Thirteen gods, that means thirteen innate God!

Even in the era of the rise of the true God, thirteen innate God, it is also an unimaginable terrifying power, enough to be able to cross the world, so that many true gods can do nothing.

But now, these gods are dead.

Moreover, they died here together, not far apart.

This shows that these innate Gods have fought side by side, but who are the objects of their great war?

Is it true God?

Lei Dao is not sure.

Lei Dao was in amazement, so he continued to move forward.

Gradually, after crossing the thirteen Gods of the innate God, it seemed to be a huge open space.

However, in this open area, Lei Dao saw a shocking scene that would make him immortal.

God corpse!

A lot of gods!

Not one or two, not even a dozen.

But dozens of gods!

Among them, not only the gods of the innate God, but also the gods of the true God!

Lei Dao once met the god of the gods, and even got some information from the corpse, naturally familiar with the gods. Therefore, when I saw the corpse of the land, I was shocked.

Dozens of gods, most of them are gods.

There are also innate Gods. If you add the thirteen Gods of the innate God, the number of both sides is almost the same. With so many gods, does this represent a great war between the two sides?

Even, is the decisive battle?

Don’t tell me, the dark abyss is a special place formed by the great war between the true god and the innate God.

Lei Dao has flashed many thoughts in his mind.

These gods, even if they have died for hundreds of millions of years, are gathered together and are very shocking. Even if it is dead, it is extremely rich, even if it is Lei Dao’s five Sacred Body, and even a simplified version of the sanctuary, it is faintly confusing, and it is difficult to move.


The next moment, the Lei Dao manifest came out with Divine Blood Clone.

Although the Divine Blood Clone has not fully recovered, the Divine Blood Clone is significantly better than the Ultimate Sacred Body in the face of the corpse. Although there is also a suppression, the suppression is not that big.

Perhaps this is related to the Divine Blood of Divine Blood Clone within the body.

After all, Divine Blood in Divine Blood Clone comes from the true God!

Lei Dao took a deep breath and he started to get Divine Blood Clone close to these gods, especially the gods. Because the Divine Blood bloodline in Ray Dao Body comes from the true god.

Therefore, these true gods will not exclude Divine Blood Clone too much.

Even, maybe you can get some memories and benefits.

Just like the god corpse that Lei Dao had encountered.

Divine Blood Clone approached one of the gods, then activating the divine blood and reached into the corpse.


Suddenly, the corpse began to vibrate slightly.

At the same time, Lei Dao’s Divine Blood is also oscillating, seeming to resonate with some kind of power in the corpse, and faint has some memories.

However, the picture is very blurry and Lei Dao can’t see it.

Faint seems to be in great war.

Maybe this fight, but Lei Dao can’t see it clearly.

This is a true god corpse, after all, not as a god.

Last time, Lei Dao was able to get so many benefits and memories. In fact, it was the gods who deliberately wanted to leave inheritance. But now, this true god corpse obviously does not have this consciousness, and does not specifically leave the meaning of inheritance.

Perhaps, this true God is falling in the battle, where would you think of leaving the inheritance specifically?

Lei Dao also relied on the memory of Divine Blood and the corpse to find some information from the memories of the remains of the gods, but the information was too fragmented and too vague, leaving Lei Dao with nothing.

However, there are more than one gods here, and Lei Dao can continue to explore other gods.

So, Lei Dao came to the second god.

This god body, even the head is gone.

Most of the body was wiped out.

There is only a torn trunk left, and there is a huge blood hole in the chest. Like the innate God God, this huge wound has not recovered.

Seeing this big hole, Lei Dao can’t help but fallowned.

This is a bit weird.

There was also such a wound on the corpse of God’s previous innate. If it is with the true god great war, it may be caused by the true God.

But now, even the real god corpse, there are such wounds.

Don’t tell me is caused by the innate God?

Just how do these wounds look so much?

Lei Dao moved in the heart, so he immediately got up and his eyes swept over the surrounding gods.

This look, but let Lei Dao startled in one’s heart, the body is even more faint and cold.

The surrounding gods, whether they are innate God or true gods, have such a similar wound on their corpse, which looks very different from the real god or the innate God’s method.

It seems that…Innate God is facing the same enemy as the corpse.

“don’t tell me, isn’t this the place where the true god and the innate God finally fight?”

Lei Dao took a deep breath, and there were many chaotic thoughts in my mind.

He carefully sorted out the memory and found that he seemed to have entered a misunderstanding.

Once, Lei Dao got the memory of the gods.

Knowing the “unbeatable” event, knowing that the innate God had been with the true god great war, and finally the true god won, the innate God disappeared without a trace, seems to be killed to the last one.

And the true God seems to be more and more difficult to give birth to the true God because of the supernatural, so God is getting less and less, and eventually disappears.

This is preconceived.

Lei Dao knows that the contradiction between the true God and the innate God is irreconcilable, both sides great war, irreconcilable until death.

Now that I see so many gods, I think it is the innate God and the true god great war.

But what if it is not the great war of both sides?

Judging from the wounds on these gods, the innate God and the true god seem to be very likely to have the same enemy!

Perhaps, this time, the innate God and the true god are not mutually great war, but in the fight against the enemy!

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