Blood Taylor flew at a fast pace, and he had arrived near the stars, and saw void, the powerful Divine Body, which was a true Divine Body.

Blood wants face upwards to yell, and then he goes up and tears the loyal god of venerable into pieces.

However, it suddenly stopped.

“Huh? How did that many familiar aura?”

Bloody Thai senses it only finds out that there are a few familiar silhouette around it, other dragons. About three or four Dragons have arrived more than blood.

But why don’t these dragons do it?

Blood is even reckless, and it feels a little incorrect, so it’s also prudent.

Suddenly, the blood tower saw that Divine Body in front, and the pearl was staring out?

“Why is there another mystery tattoo?”

Blood heart trembled, it seems to understand why the other dragons are so cautious, not so far, but are watching.

Because the master of the Divine Body, the upper palace, is too vague to put a trap in it, waiting for them to drill in, and it seems that they are afraid that they are inappropriate, and that every other time they deliberately “strengthen the imposing way”, so that they feel that he has reached the limit.

Is this a deliberate insult to their intellectuals?

So, the blood tower used to hold Roar’s voice “, but just like the other dragons, wait quietly and silently look at the” show “opposite the real gods.

At this point, Lei Dao does have some kind of crap.

At first, about a time, Flood Dragon has arrived, and Lei Dao is still very calm in the land, without a bullet, pretending to be nothing.

But now?

One, two, three.

The number of Flood Dragon, even around it, has increased by four or five times, but these Flood Dragon are like saying, each and everyone are waiting for silence, and there is no intention.

“Dont tell me I did too clearly. Is this a trap? But it’s not true, even if it’s a trap, with the strength I have shown, it’s more than a hundred tattoos. One or two Flood Dragon, to make sure that they don’t do it, understands it now. It’s four or five. It’s still waiting. What are they waiting for?”

Lei Dao really doesn’t understand.

He thought his plan was perfect, and there was no loophole.

But why are these Flood Dragon so cautious now?

Lei Dao clenched ones teeth, once again condense a path of mystery.

One hundred and five, one hundred and eight, one hundred and ten.

Lei Dao is really stuck with the mysteries on his own, but he has to make a “strong in appearance and weak in reality” image, really tired.

Lei Dao first time felt that he really didn’t perform innate talent.

Indeed, these Flood Dragon are not really careful, but their intellectuals are still on the line.

Lei Dao is such a big flag drum, just a hundred times a mystery tattoo, and how can it be possible to expose aura and power with such a cowardly “bait” without a trap?

Of course, this is not the point.

On the battlefield, a bigger trap is also hostile to absolute strength.

More importantly, these Flood Dragon “recognized” Lei Dao.

In Flood Dragon Race, especially among these dragons, Lei Dao’s reputation is now “as in the middle of the day”, and every dragon looks at Lei Dao’s image before he goes to the battlefield.

The reason is simple, Lei Dao is the owner!

Lei Dao, in his capacity as the owner of the border, has a “shadow” of two dragons, which are now well known in Flood Dragon Race.

And in their small world, that’s invincible, the priest below invincible!


order to ensure that no repetition is repeated, the dragons will be careful to meet Lei Dao and will never follow Lei Dao into Small World.

Recognize Lei Dao, the dragons didn’t do it, that was not stopped Lei Dao’s hold. They have also seen the stars near Lei Dao, apparently Lei Dao, who, in order to escape, did not flee into the stars at that time and dared to follow them.

The reason they don’t do it is they’ve been waiting.

等到足够多的龙子,或者顶尖龙子出现,有把握拦住Lei Dao ,最后再动手彻底encircle and kill Lei Dao 。

Lei Dao might not have dreamed of it, not his “play” was too exaggerated, nor his plan was too perfect. It was his reputation too big, and it was recognized by the dragons.

“Lei Dao’s Posing Way has been strengthened again, as if it had lured us out? It’s a dream!”

“Good. Wait a minute. Let this Lei Dao play first. He thinks we’ll be there?”

“Wait a second, there’s more dragons coming, and then this Lei Dao can’t escape even if he wants.”

“Lei Dao killed two of our dragons, and Elder of the family has issued a warrant for the killing of Lei Dao. Chop Lei Dao, that reward is quite generous.”

Many dragons are watching Lei Dao’s “show.”

Next moment, Lei Dao doesn’t have to have a magic manifest, which he directly manifests out a hundred Eighteen mystery.


A whole hundred and two Eighteen mystery tattoos came out of wanton cohesion, and the forces of terror fluctuated moved towards all directions.

So far, Lei Dao has also noticed some mistakes.

These dragons seem to have broken his “conspiracy” and embarrassed him now. However, these dragons are not allowed to go, but they should be waiting for something, and since that’s why Lei Dao doesn’t have to deliberately mystify, he’s ready to do it first!

“That’s you!”

Lei Dao Spirit Sense immediately picked up a dragon, big Divine Body, like a big mountain, and the fierce moved towards the dragon to “smash”.


Blood slightly dumbfounded.

On the other hand, that venerable God, he did it, and the target was straight to it.

Bloody suddenly got angry.

What do you mean?


are four dragons around here. Why are you choosing it? Dont tell me it’s the weakest?

Blood Thailand can’t stand being “lightened” by other Flood Dragon, and is it now “light” or is it a true god, in its eyes, infinitely weak?

Then I can’t stand it!

“Lei Dao, you’re away from the stars, and I’m gonna help you, remember, killing you is Dragon Blood Tae!”

Bloody Taylor yells and goes straight to Lei Dao.

It naturally “recognizes” Lei Dao, and understands why the many dragons don’t do it, but wait for silence. The reason is simple, Lei Dao is the owner!

Once you get into the stars, then who can’t be Lei Dao?

But it’s Lei Dao who’s proactively away from the stars, moved towards it, where’s the misgivings? Do it, tear Lei Dao!


As blood Thailand moves, the other four dragons are stupid, especially Lei Dao really, who are far from the stars, moved towards blood, and who really intend to join circurcle and kill Lei Dao.

In the Great World battlefield of the Sun, the best of the dragons is, in fact, through a number of strengths, encircle and kill. The most typical example is the Antarctic Truth.

You know, the Antarctic God, which has been temporarily breakthrough, opened up in the body Small World, was opened in the battle, but there is no way to fully use the strength of the body Small World.

But in this process, the Antarctic Truth God was surrounded by a few top dragons, the forcibly.

This is the shame of God!

It is also to make these dragons happy and even more rampant on the battlefield.

So is Lei Dao today.

Even Lei Dao is the legendary leader, but what about that?

Lost Small World, Lei Dao not worth mentioning!

However, the remaining four dragons continue to endure the desire of the siege, and they decided to wait and touch the bottom of Lei Dao.

After all, the way Lei Dao used to be “bait” did not look like it was entirely dependent on the stars, and it was good to let the blood dragon go to the bottom of Lei Dao.

“Good to see you!”

Lei Dao saw blood and moved towards him, and he came up, didn’t go backwards, did not escape, and it was forbidden for Lei Dao to be angry.

Good man!

Lei Dao really thinks this dragon is a good man, and very cute.

What else is misgivings, Lei Dao? Of course it’s fighting!


Next moment, Lei Dao’s tattoos on his forehead, the eruption.

It’s not a hundred Eighteen mystery tattoo, because Lei Dao felt horror aura on the other side of the dragon, finding a hundred Eighteen mystery tattoo, and it’s really hard to carry it.

So Lei Dao naturally had to blow up a little more.

One hundred and thirty, one hundred and fifty, one hundred 70, one hundred and eighty.

Turn around, the magazine of condense on Lei Dao’s forehead reached a hundred and eighty times, an unbridled release of carefree’s mystery and the release of Divine Body’s strength, which is a remarkable carefree.


Next moment, Lei Dao has bombed out of fist, wretched on the giant body of the dragon.

The dragon, though strong, can kill a hundred and fifty gods, and its power is above one hundred and fifty gods, about 70.

But it’s a little worse than Lei Dao’s power to erupt one hundred and eighty mystery tattoos now. So Lei Dao fist was blown up and shaken.

Although some damage has been inflicted, it is only minor damage, and it has not been done at all.

But it’s still a first time for Blood Taylor, and it’s very angry!


The time has come for Blood Tak to yell, the madness to come back, and the noise to be filled with grievances about the other four dragons, and what are the other four dragons hesitating?

I saw Lei Dao spreading one hundred and eighty mystery tattoos, and the other four dragons did have some hesitation. However, they all have a guess.

Lei Dao, even if he’s stronger, should not be more than two hundred shreds.

Besides, what if Lei Dao had two hundred tattoos?

Lei Dao is not the Lord of the Antarctic Truth, and not every one of the two hundred mysteries can open in the body’s success.

What if it opens up in the body world in battle?

Since the other dragons can circurcle and kill breakthrough’s gods, they can also circurcle and kill Lei Dao!

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