Four dragons, mutually took a glance, were also heard as a catalyst for Blood Tyrone.

So, the four dragons no longer hesitate to scream, and from all directions, almost became a circle where Lei Dao was surrounded and moved towards Lei Dao.

“Well, well, my plan is perfect, and it attracts five dragons in a minute!”


the face of the five dragons’ siege, Lei Dao had no fear on his face, but had shown a glimmer of excitement.

Seems like he waited for this moment for a long time.

Five Dragons, that’s 50.

In Lei Dao’s eyes, that’s all a point of contribution, a lot of contributions!

“It’s time to show real strength!”

Lei Dao took a deep breath, looking at the five dragons that came from all directions, Lei Dao no longer hesitates, the vibration of Divine Body.


Next moment, Lei Dao’s Divine Body was like a “vibration”, and then Lei Dao had a hundred and eighty stripes of mysterious tattoos, even more than two hundred.

Two hundred, two hundred and twenty.


Lei Dao, notwithstanding, fist bombarded, only blood Tyrone, two hundred and thirty stripes of mystery, like an Immemorial Divine Mountain, was hit with blood dragon.

pu. “

Bloody Tyrons felt tremendous shocks, even torn apart, and the forces of terror were still squeezing down every inch of their flesh, with a path of passible to see a crack.

One shot, Dragon was influte heavy injury.

Even at that moment, it felt aura of death.

“bang bang bang bang bang”.

However, Lei Dao, too, had been attacked by four dragons, and his face was white, all over, as if it was in the pressure of the Force, and it seemed that one of the precautions would not support it.

“Indeed, he has more than 200 mystery tattoos, and we have five dragons, completely capable of cutting Lei Dao!”

The four remaining dragons are quite excited.

Only the blood dragon seems to feel less right, and at that moment it even felt like it was dying, but I don’t know why the power that came from Lei Dao’s fist suddenly became smaller.

Is it its delusion?


blood dragon doesn’t know, and it doesn’t seem to be excited, and it feels that Lei Dao is an arrow at the end of the flight.

“It is true that the strengths and benefits should not be too strong. After all, maybe there are other dragons coming, and then I’ll see if I’m strong enough to kill five dragons, and I might have escaped. I have to do nine deaths and still alive to kill five dragons after hard work, so that maybe the other sources of dragons are coming.”

Lei Dao thinks he really has a “show” innate talent.

So Lei Dao yelled, and it seemed like he had another magazine tattoo on his forehead.

Two hundred and thirty tattoos!

“You made me just before the war breakthrough, and then condense two hundred and thirty-three mystery tattoos!

Lei Dao face upwards laughed, a terrible scene.

Next moment, Lei Dao, despite the other four dragons, again went crazy towards the Blood Tyrone, and still fist bombed.

Blood Tyrone yells, it’s been influte heavy injury, even if Lei Dao is an arrow at the end of the flight, but it can’t stop Lei Dao from that fist!

Even after that, Lei Dao was killed by four dragons. What does that have to do with it? It’s dead!

Blood Dragon doesn’t want to die, it really doesn’t want to die. But now it’s too late to escape, and now it’s faster to die, and Lei Dao can almost kill it as easy as pie.

“Strike, even if Origin Qi is badly injured, even if he falls into the dragon’s identity, stop it! Lei Dao is already an arrow at the end of the flight, and that fist is probably his last fist, and I can live as long as I can resist it.”

Blood Dragon clenched ones teeth, followed by a ban on the body’s bloodline burning and then a terrorist attack.

It was also the last blow to Blood Tyrone, and he believed that even if Lei Dao was full of fist it could resist, what is it now? Lei Dao is already an arrow at the end of the flight.

It doesn’t even have to support much longer than Lei Dao did.

Look at Lei Dao right now, like a “sad” face, even shaking around, how much time can it take to fight four dragons? It is estimated that Lei Dao will be blown.

The blood Dragon is only gonna bite his teeth now, and it believes that finally smiling at the end will still be it!


Finally, Lei Dao fist collided with the giant claws of the Blood Dragon. But the next moment, an irresistible force of terror, directly crushed its claws and followed its claws, spread into its body.

Blood Tyrone can only watch his body crushed into powder.

“How can you be so strong?”

Blood Tyrone opened his eyes, as if I couldn’t believe it.

Even if it was Lei Dao’s fist before, it wasn’t that horrible.

How powerful is this fist now?

Even twice the fist before? Three times? Even ten times!

Lei Dao had a smile in the corner of Lei Dao’s mouth, and the blood Dragon, when he stayed, seemed to understand what it wanted to yell at, wanted to remind its companions, but it didn’t have a chance.


It’s a big liar!

It’s a big plot!

Unfortunately, the blood dragon has not had a chance, just fist, and the blood dragon is dead, completely blown up and turned into powder.


“The blood tower is dead?”

“Blood Taylor is a waste, and even Lei Dao’s hits can’t be carried.”

“Let’s do more and kill this child completely! Since he cut the blood tower, it might be his last strength.”

Four dragons, while feeling somewhat astonished, did not think too much that the blood dragon had been influte heavy injury before, and now it seems that Lei Dao’s second hit, too, could be supported.

Besides, when Lei Dao broke the blood Tyrone, the whole man seemed weaker, and it wasn’t their chance?

Though here, the four dragons were more excited and excited, and even the power was triggered to pinnacle.


Four dragons hit me, and a tough blow was on Lei Dao’s body.

Lei Dao was in void, and his face seemed to be so pale.


Lei Dao had a chest, and he really felt… well, it really didn’t feel anything.

These four dragons, even one of them with more than one hundred and fifty gods, can even be gawith two hundred mystery tattoos and join forces, but on Divine Body of Lei Dao, there is no other feeling except Divine Body, a little shock.

However, Lei Dao cannot be so “calmly”, and he must act as inflict heavy injury, so that his “perfect plan” can be better implemented.

So Lei Dao became so shaky, and his face was no more pale.

However, it is not forbidden to make four dragons suspicious.

“How still not dead?”

“Four of us attacked him twice together, and even if he was 200 or 30 tattoos dead, why are we still alive?”

“It’s a great will! Maybe, all of these humans have a strong will, and I don’t believe in it before. See you today, that’s all! Maybe Lei Dao’s only on his will now, and we can kill him if we do more.”

“Yes, you can kill him if you try harder.”

四头龙子虽然狐疑,但看到Lei Dao 一副颤颤巍巍,好像风一吹都会倒的样子,也都释然了。也许,Lei Dao 只是靠着意志在支撑that’s all 。

So, four dragons again.

不过,这一次Lei Dao 居然还迎难而上,不退反进,moved towards 它们四头龙子fist 轰来,似乎就算是死,也要在战斗中死去!

It’s a real fighter!


a while, even the four dragons that were enemies, there was a serious respect for Lei Dao!

And then…


One screams, four dragons turn into three dragons.

Dead, a dragon was directly bombed by Lei Dao fist.


other three dragons are a fog water.


Another dragon died?

How could that be?

Even though Lei Dao looks like a more difficult situation at this moment, a quick break of air, just, really?


a while, three dragons have some doubts.

“Gotta be as fast as possible. We can’t let the three dragons suspect!”

The next moment, Lei Dao face upwards laughed heartily, seems to be very sad, and he took the initiative to meet three dragons.

“bang bang”.

Two fist, Lei Dao manifest, two hundred and thirty mystery tattoos are so clear, but, just, how can the power from Lei Dao be so horrible?

Almost instantly, two dragons were crushed into powder.

Is that what 200 or 30 tattoos can do?


Next moment, Lei Dao has two more tattoos in his head, and Lei Dao has a very exciting, exciting model of shouting: “Finally, it’s broken, and it’s reversing condense’s two gods, hahaha, and now I’m all recovered, Die!”

Lei Dao State “recovered” almost instantly and then hit it with thunder power of Ten Thousand Jun, moving towards the remaining dragon fist.

“breakthrough again? And restored all power?”

The rest of that dragon’s mouth slight.

Can Lei Dao’s acting be a little more exaggerated?

It’s a trap!

This must be a trap!

And Lei Dao has no comparable vagina.


It’s just that the dragons only have their last head, down so close, and Lei Dao has a big deal, perish together, and the dragons can’t escape at all.

Or, clearly understands Lei Dao’s “conspiracy” dragon, and Lei Dao won’t let it go.

So the dragons are dead!

The last dragon is dead!

Just five dragons, that’s what Lei Dao killed, and none of them escaped.

Lei Dao even looked away, and slightly relaxed said, “It’s almost impossible to kill a strong enemy, and if there’s a few more, no, there’s another dragon, I’m certain death!”

Just, Lei Dao’s “talk to oneself”, why are you so loud? It’s even getting far away…

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