In the Sun Great World, all the respecters are silent.

They “look at” Lei Dao’s whole process of killing five dragons, and there’s a slight fever in their face.

It’s embarrassing. It’s embarrassing!

Lei Dao, what do you think these dragons are? Being a smart guy isn’t enough, but question is, is Flood Dragon so stupid?

What’s going on back, just before the war breakthrough, even the tattoo goes up from over 100 to more than two hundred and thirty, when the other dragons are blind?

Even a little bit of the big boy’s mouth, he even thinks that Lei Dao’s “acting” is so exaggerated. It’s a fool of Flood Dragon!

And those Flood Dragon, really stupid?


answer may be surprising.

It’s a fool! And foolish.

It is often felt that the most important thing is likely to happen.

Many dignitaries saw that after the five dragons, there was still a long way for the dragons to move directly towards Lei Dao encircle and kill.

It seems that the dragons really eat this.

Even Lei Dao’s “performance” is exaggerated, and there are dragons on it.

“I didn’t think we’d overestimate these dragons…”

“indeed, Flood Dragon Clan are idiots. Just for so many years, why didn’t we find them so stupid?”

“Or, in fact, we’re as stupid as Flood Dragon…”

Many of the respecters felt their hearts bleeding and showed an embarrassing expression on their faces. Lei Dao was so obvious as a trap, but those Flood Dragon preferred it.

It’s that simple, but it’s easy to be ignored.

None of these priests found Flood Dragon so stupid.

Or, that’s because Lei Dao’s very different.

After all, Lei Dao did something that seemed simple and easy. But actually?

Who dares to set up a trap in the clear world without fear that the whole set will not be killed? Moreover, Lei Dao had to deal with all kinds of dragons, and he must have had such a bad breath in his heart.

“Lei Dao has shown more than two hundred mystery tattoos, and according to the characteristics of the radical divine art, No. 6-Layer is a hundred Eighteen mystery, so that the 7-Layer is a two-hundred and sixty-six mystery, and Lei Dao should bring the thousand divine art cultivating to 7-Layer. It’s just that two hundred and sixty-six mystery tattoos can almost go to the top of the uterus, but the dragons in Flood Dragon, especially the top dragons, are probably even more likely than three hundred gods. Lei Dao did so, actually risking it, and once he was surrounded, it would be dangerous not only for the stars.”

The myth of the great dignity of the child has also changed.

Don’t look at Lei Dao’s killing of five dragons, but in fact Lei Dao is at risk. Even the 7th Layer thousand divine art, in such a battlefield, it is far from being known as be invincible, even across invincible.

Lei Dao, it’s dangerous!

“Palace Lord, Lei Dao is so dangerous.”

Wu won’t defeat frowns and say.

The killing of five dragons seems exciting, but, in fact, if Lei Dao is lost, everyone also sees the potential of Lei Dao today, which is unbelievable.

It’s not even a pride seed, it’s probably a big pride seed!

If Lei Dao dies, that’s a big loss.

In particular, Lei Dao is still the first person in cultivating thousands of divine art, and it’s already cultivating to 7-Layer, even 9th layer Perfection, not impossible.

It is true that even the Lord will be concerned.

The reason is simple, Lei Dao’s cultivation experience, and it’s probably possible to make more people cultivating thousands of divine art.

And so much divine art, even more important than a big pride.

“Keep your eyes on it. Lei Dao chose it himself, and no one can interfere now.”


voice of the child’s grand pride is in hall, and then the attention of all the respecters and the priests is focused on Lei Dao.

“Do you really have a dragon?”

Lei Dao just went through a great war, and he knew himself that it might have been a little more intense, even if it wasn’t consumed.

But he has to show a fatigue and a brutal killing.

Don’t tell me, really got some dragons.

Lei Dao has no doubt that these dragons are so cheating?

Or else, Lei Dao’s plan is perfect, clotheless, and he forced really to play, and these dragons are naturally “on top”.

“Well, since it works so well, it’s more serious!”

Think of it here, Lei Dao, “Alarmed” yelling: “Today, even if it’s a war, it won’t make you these Flood Dragon better! Can you come with me with me?”

Lei Dao’s big Divine Body, majestic spreads terror divine might. But with Lei Dao’s battlefield, as well as forcing really to “perform”, there are really a few violent imposing tactics.

In fact, Flood Dragon, who came near the stars, was not one or two, but five or six, all dragons.

Just because they just came here, they saw five dragons killed by Lei Dao, even though it seemed to me that Lei Dao was exhausted and had been killed with horror and fortunately.

But what’s wrong with them?

It seems somewhat too coincidental.

When is Lei Dao really lucky, a little longer than five dragons?


Suddenly, there was a huge yelling from a distance, and then a huge Flood Dragon of incomparable appeared in void.

This Flood Dragon, when it comes, spreads terror on might suppression, even the remaining five or six dragons, with a slight crunch in their eyes.

“Thirteen Dragons are coming.”

“It’s 13, it’s coming. This is a real god.”

“Good, no matter whether this real god has hidden some strength or really lucky enough to kill five dragons, he’s dead.”

“Thirteen, but one of the top dragons of our Flood Dragon Race has nothing to do with it, no matter what the real god has.”

The remaining five or six dragons were very excited to see this huge Flood Dragon show up.

Sixteen, one of the top dragons!

there are more than two hundred and eighty mystery gods, and in the dragons there are also the top layers, and there are thirteen, and these dragons all feel safe.

“Looks like it’s a big fish! Moreover, a total of seven dragons, once all killed, amount to another 70. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

And in this case, Lei Dao picked up that excitement in his eyes, but it turned out to be “outrageous”, and it seemed that all people had a kind of perish together brutal aura.

That’s a good match for his position!

A man with more than 200 mystery tattoos, with a firm will to hold unyielding’s top real god!

“One of the real gods in the district killed five dragons. Let me tear you into pieces!”

suddenly, 13 started, moved towards Lei Dao.

Moreover, the other six Flood Dragon Peace and easy go, with no action, seems to have no intention.

They are not anxious, and even feel like they can appreciate a “big play”, and they can witness the tear Lei Dao into pieces in person.

However, these Flood Dragon are not in a hurry, but Lei Dao is in a hurry, not just trying to kill one Flood Dragon, but to kill all seven Flood Dragon.

Now there’s only one Flood Dragon. What if he smashed this Flood Dragon and scared the other six Flood Dragon?

Once these six Flood Dragon determined to flee, Lei Dao would not have kept them all.

Each one of them, Flood Dragon, represents ten great strengths, and Lei Dao, who can’t let it go.

For a while, Lei Dao had a sharp turn in his mind, and he had a lot of ideas.

“Looks like these Flood Dragon won’t do it anymore, so, I’ll only do it on my own!”

Lei Dao had a bright glow in his eyes, and he would soon have decided.

So Lei Dao, in the face of the thirteen heinous pockets, is also irrelevant, and has never been the most tragic imposing scenario, directly moving towards the thirteenth round.

“Even if it’s dead, fight!”

Lei Dao face upwards screamed, and more than two hundred and thirty mystery tattoos erupted instantaneously, creating a wave of power, flowing into the hands and hitting the crap on 13.


A noise, as if void was all shaking.


Lei Dao screamed, without the prediction of Flood Dragon, Lei Dao was directly blown up.

Just how Lei Dao was blown up in a slightly biased direction, which seemed to be moving towards the remaining six Flood Dragon.

But it’s all right, and it’s all right, and it’s all right, and, uh, it’s all over Lei Dao, and Lei Dao must have been an arrow at the end of the flight, with inflict heavy injury, which one of these dragons is expected to kill Lei Dao.

So, Divine Body moved towards a dragon in Lei Dao, where the dragon did not go back, even opened its mouth, looked up and tore Lei Dao into pieces.

“If it’s dead, you have to pull a dragon mattress!”

Lei Dao, with the imposing way, seems to have broken some sort of shackles at this moment, and the imposing way reached Peak.

Of course, this imposing way is mixed up with a brutal aura that makes it clear that an arrow at the end of the flight.

And that dragon, of course, was not afraid, so the big body came up directly, and the huge claws were going to tear Lei Dao into pieces.

pu. “

Finally, Lei Dao collided with Flood Dragon.

There was no accident for everyone, a scream.

Just, it’s not Lei Dao, but the dragon.

The dragon’s claws were crushed immediately after reaching Lei Dao fist and turned into powder. Like Lei Dao’s power, it’s totally not like two hundred or thirty mysteries.

Even more than two hundred and fifty tattoos!

No, even stronger!


forces of terror have not only shattered Flood Dragon’s arm, but even majestic, engulfing to Flood Dragon’s body, and blink the huge body of Flood Dragon has been hanged into powder.


This dragon can only open his mouth, unwavering staring at Lei Dao.

It seems to understand something.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t have a chance to talk anymore.

A top dragon, it’s so unknown that he’s dead.

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