In the Lower House, the atmosphere has changed since the emergence of the “Eldest Senior Brother” of Lei Dao.

Previously, the disciple, the “back door”, the disciple, each and everyone with full energy, appeared to have risen significantly in the lower uterine.

No one else mentioned anything to go behind the door anymore.

The reason is simple, and the back door, Dont tell me is questioning Eldest Senior Brother Lei Dao?

Now Lei Dao is the first true god in the entire upper palace, even the whole Guardian God’s palace, the real Eldest Senior Brother!

That kind of story, even Legendary, has been praised again and again.

In particular, Lu’s fatigue is being followed, and, after all, he was fighting alongside Lei Dao’s disciple, and there is a great deal of hope in the lower palace.

Today, Lu Fat is propagating his and Lei Dao “fight side by side” to many of the lower uterine districts, as well as Lei Dao’s philosophy.

Although Lei Dao has repeatedly mentioned that it is not easy to pass, Lu is still “unwanted”.

“You know, why did Eldest Senior Brother enter the upper palace in a few months, from the lower palace, and even become my first true god in the Guardian God Palace?”

Lu Xiaoyang said himself, while other disciple shake ones head, they were really curious, but hardly anyone could see Lei Dao.

On the other hand, Lu’s fat is different.

Lu’s fatty has been wandering in the lower palace all day, and as long as they say the last few words, Lubby will be willing to teach them some of the secrets of cultivation.

And it’s said to be Eldest Senior Brother Lei Dao’s secret!

“Of course, impossible knows that only I know, and Eldest Senior Brother, have had a life affair with me, and we fought alongside each other, living together and living together and giving up deep friendship. So Eldest Senior Brother is willing to pass the box to me.”

“LuSenior Brother, what kind of thing is that?”

“To tell you, too, no matter, that Eldest Senior Brother will certainly want us in the disciple of Guardian God’s palace, all advanced by leaps and bounds, which is a great thing for the Guardian God Palace as a whole. Eldest Senior Brother’s philosophy is hard to say, simple and simple, that’s to try and try harder! If you can’t do it, then hold on, hold on! Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with trying to stick to it!”

Lou Fat said “proud”.

“That’s all? Work harder?”

Many disciple doesn’t seem to be convinced that if the effort works, what else would innate talent do? Moreover, can they move further from the perimeter to the lower palace, working on the basic condition, not trying to make it possible?

But even if they try again, their achievements are limited. It is difficult to say that those who will be able to succeed in coming to the palace.

“Why, can’t you look hard and insist? In fact, you have not been able to reach the desired height because efforts are not enough and not too insisting. Look, I’ve been trying and insisting lately, and I’m in a short time, and condense’s two mysteries!”

Lou’s fat looks very proud.

Indeed, he has been working during the recent period, but he is trying to consume the point of contribution, converting a large amount of natural resources from the point of contribution to the two mystery tattoos of Forces bly condense.

Such a “effort”, of course, is not seen by other disciple.

“If that’s it, we have to go back and work harder!”

“Yes, it must be our level of effort, cant compare with Eldest Senior Brother, otherwise, to keep working, not to say that we can reach Eldest Senior Brother, but what, to go to the palace?”

“Good. Looks like it’s not enough. We have to redouble it!”

For a while, many of the underground disciple areas were “suddenly realize”, as if they were awake and recognized their own problems. It seems that they have not risen to the palace, that they are not enough to work, even to abandon themselves and to expel themselves.

Without that kind of courage, trying to hold on, naturally impossible to upgrade the cultivation rate.

For a while, the “wind” of the entire lower chamber seems to be a lot better, and countless disciple is trying, even if the effort is ineffective, to persevere in pain.

Because it’s Eldest Senior Brother Lei Dao’s 2005 secret!

Even in the lower uterine, this wind has spread to the upper palace.

Some upstream disciple will also be questioned.

They can go to the palace, naturally the pride of the heaven, and every disciple in the upper palace is the same pride. But in contrast to Lei Dao, just a short time, when I went to the palace, I became Eldest Senior Brother, the first god in the Guardian God Palace, and they had to admit that they were better than Lei Dao!

dont tell me, Lei Dao is really trying and insisting, so today?

dont tell me, really they’re lazy?

For a while, is it true that many of the upper palace disciple is “asking themselves”, especially after entering the upper palace area, does cultivation not be positive, nor does it insist?

So, the pride of each and everyone, as if it had been stimulated, each and everyone had declared seclusion, playing games.

Seeing this scene, some of the great dignity of the Guardian God Palace felt some didnt know whether to cry or laugh.

A Lei Dao, who changed the style of the Guardian God Palace?

What a surprise!

But working and insisting, really working?

“It works!”


the Upper House, Cave Mansion secret room in Lei Dao, when Lei Dao took a life prolonging treasure, his lifespan grew rapidly, suggesting that life prolonging treasure was still useful to him.

Although, it’s a little less effective.

But as long as it works.

He trusted that, as long as he was trying to earn a point of contribution and insisted on increasing lifespan with life prolonging treasure, one day he would be able to meet the conditions of the radical divine art 9th th layer.

Well, using isotopes to upgrade the conditions of thousands of divine art 9th layer.

Lei Dao converted 380,000 contributions, all of them into life prolonging treasure, and he was also prepared to work hard in the secret room, and this time a lot more lifespan would have to be added, preferably five million years!

Lei Dao has been following the whole spectrum and insisting on life prolonging treasure, so his lifespan has also risen along the road.

10,000, 20,000, 30,000.

100,000, 200,000, 300,000

As Lei Dao uses more life prolonging treasure, the faster Lei Dao lifespan grows. However, Lei Dao was also acutely aware that, with his lifespan increase, it seemed that the effects of those life prolonging treasure life prolonging were becoming worse.

上一次,Lei Dao 十七万贡献点,差不多增加了两百多万年lifespan 。

And now, Lei Dao, 380,000 contributing points, can add more youngster lifespan, not necessarily.

However, Lei Dao is still trying.

He believed that life span, which was five million years away, should not be far away.

1 million years, 2 million years, 3 million years, 3.2 million years, 300 500 million years, 100 million years.


rapidly decreasing number of life prolonging treasure in Lei Dao secret room and the increasing number of life prolonging treasure consumed by Lei Dao, the slower the increase in lifespan in Lei Dao.

In particular, three million years after that, the increase in lifespan was significantly reduced.

Ultimately, Lei Dao converted 380,000 contribution points to all life prolonging treasure, all empty, and as a result, his lifespan increased by 4100 000 years!


Lei Dao opened his eyes.

“Enough life… just seems to be much worse.”

Lei Dao mobilized the isomer, and started looking at his data.

Lei Dao (2 18 years old)

Life style: God.

Lifespan: 44.2 million, 7,300, and 80 years and two months.

Mystery tattoo: 552 (can upgrade)

Top divine art: 8-Layer (Can upgrade)

Indeed, Lei Dao’s lifespan, despite a significant increase, increased by more than 4 million years, is more than 800,000 years away from 5 million years, almost 900,000 years.

That’s not a small number anymore.

In the light of Lei Dao’s life, he wanted to get another 900,000 years of lifespan, and the life prolonging treasure needed had to be very high and a considerable amount.

This requires a lot of contributions.

“Make a contribution, grief! Why don’t you just sell the boundary stone?”

Lei Dao raised the idea of demarcation stones.

He turned his hand over, and there was a beauty round of delimitation in his hands, which seemed to contain an unfettered force. Lei Dao has the confidence that once he wants to “sell” this demarcation stone, there must be a competition between respect and even great dignity.

That’s not a question if you want enough contribution or enough life prolonging treasure to upgrade lifespan to five million years.

Once another 5 million years of lifespan, Lei Dao can take advantage of the exotic energy, elevate the thousands of divine art directly to 9th layer great Perfection, and then the opening of the chapter in the body world, the achievement of respect!

It’s perfect!

Just, Lei Dao can’t do it again.

It’s a demarcation rock!

Even if Lei Dao opens up in the body world, the demarcation stone helps Lei Dao even more. If Lei Dao’s goal is just a big pride, then if there is no such demarcation, it may not be relevant.

But Lei Dao’s goal is not a pride, not even a great pride, but a Lord of aloof and remote!

To become a god, there will be opportunities, even if Lei Dao reaches the limits of the true god, and Lei Dao does not have half of the shapes to be the dominant.

The path of God will surely be the strongest foundation for every step.

And demarcation stones can make Lei Dao’s foundation stronger. Perhaps the key to the future success of Lei Dao is to increase the potential of the radar Dao Body within the world.

Definition stone, it’s opportunity!

This opportunity, which is unavailable, is not a point of contribution that can be bought.

It is therefore not the same as the end of the day to replace the point of contribution with demarcation stones.

Moreover, this demarcation stone was given to Lei Dao by the Palace Lord’s Children’s Dignity in the Eastern Guardian God, and Lei Dao sold it, what is it?

Kids don’t look good on their faces.

“thats all, demarcation stones are unavailable and cannot be sold easily. As for lifespan, around 900,000 years, at worst, a number of tasks have been undertaken to make a contribution point. With my efforts and perseverance, it’s not too hard to make a contribution.”

Think of it here, Lei Dao’s full of energy up and out of the secret room right now.

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