Master, you finally leave seclusion. ”

It was a great pleasure to see Lei Dao out of the house, and the moon waitress was very happy, and they were walking around in the upper palace, and countless of them were closed.

Even though some influence and family behind them, they’re the only horses! They also have a significant increase in power among influence or family behind them, not to say, but also at the heart of the whole influence or family.

The reason is simple. They’re Lei Dao’s waitress!

Even a waitress is proud.

Lei Dao is not the general upstairs disciple, but the first god in the upper palace, Eldest Senior Brother in the Guardian God Palace!

Even if it were to be placed in the entire five palaces, that would be a person of identity, and it would never be ignored. Whoever is Eldest Senior Brother of the Guardian God Palace, who is not a priest?

Even a lot of achievements have been made.

Even cultivation is easy to turn around, and family influence sources continue to support their cultivation, coupled with a unique environment in the uterine, which is now faster than disciple in the perimeter.

Of course, they have not forgotten, so they are still awakening their identity and are the maiden of Lei Dao. They’re able to have everything in front of them, and they’re dependent on Lei Dao.

“Happy moon, say,” What’s the major event in the Guardian God Palace lately? “

“Major event no, but Master, your reputation has spread throughout the upper palace, even the whole Guardian God Palace!”

“Noble thats all, not any major event.”

Lei Dao looks very clear, doesn’t care about his name.

“By the way, God and the Truth God came to find Master, but nothing should be done to congratulate Master.”

Lei Dao shake ones head, again asking about the moon, found that the recent Guardian God Palace was really calm.

But how can Lei Dao make a contribution if it’s calm?

So Lei Dao just went to mission hall.

Mandate hall is usually filled with tasks, but most of them are on front-line battlefields. And now, the mission is completely cancelled.

The Temporary Armistice between the Oriental Guardian God and Flood Dragon Race, with several hundred years at a time of Paramount for thousands of years, will not be a major move.

As for the other large Guardian God’s palace, there was no war.

The task is therefore some of the ordinary tasks.

For example, looking for some heavenly material, earthly treasure, a great deal.

The search for someone, which is another ten, is crucial, is very difficult to accomplish. Wanna find a missing man, easier said than done?

Even in the case of great dignity, even the Lord, the task of incompetence can only be carried out with luck.

Lei Dao looks at these tasks, and there’s something wrong with his face.

By virtue of those tasks, why would he be able to purchase the contribution point of life prolonging treasure? Even some hundred years are still estimated at Paramount Millennium.

Lei Dao!

He has to work hard!

If life prolonging treasure does not increase lifespan, Lei Dao has no chance of even working.

Isn’t that Eldest Senior Brother Lei Dao?

“Indeed Eldest Senior Brother, fortunate to see him.”

“Eldest Senior Brother just escalated to the palace area for a little while, so few people are actually seeing Eldest Senior Brother.”

“Eldest Senior Brother, come to mission hall. Is this another mission?”

“The last time Eldest Senior Brother played divine might on the battlefield, killing at least thirty dragons, should we have more than 300,000 contributions? Now it’s time to pick up the mission and make a contribution.

“indeed, there are rumours that Eldest Senior Brother was able to take this step today with effort and perseverance, and I had no faith in it before, but now I believe that Eldest Senior Brother’s efforts are indeed unavailable and shame for my life.”

Mandhall’s people are also getting bigger, and many of the True Disciple in the Upper House see Lei Dao, all eyes shine.

But after all is in the palace hall of Disciple, a person with status, who will never climb up at any time, but in the eyes, they pay a little tribute to Lei Dao’s new promotion, Eldest Senior Brother!

Lei Dao also heard the theories of these real disciple, and he was very silent. Did these people misunderstand his “hard work”?

Lei Dao has been on mission hall for half a day and has not seen anything.

And he didn’t have enough ideas in his head.

In fact, Lei Dao didn’t think about it, and he went to the top of the Guardian God’s palace. Then tell them that he can ensure cultivate to a thousand extreme divine art 9th layer as long as he supports his vast life prolonging treasure.

Even if the road shakes up, becomes a pride, a great pride, or a god.

But possible?

Who would believe that?

Moreover, the five majesty palaces are most focused on equity.

If you want anything, you have to pay first.

Unless there are strong people in the family, some care can be left, but that’s all. Even Lu’s fat, it looks like he’s got a contribution from Lou Dai.

But that is also a point of contribution for Lu Dai’s life.

It’s not the Guardian God Palace’s contribution point to Lu’s fatty.

Lei Dao wants to make a contribution, okay, you have to pay first, you have to earn it yourself!

How can it be possible to rely on the full support of the Guardian God Palace to give him a source of continuous cultivation natural resources? It’s just an unexpected idea.

Who can believe that Lei Dao, working hard to use the energy, can rapidly escalate?

The effort he said was to try to use the energy, but now the entire palace, even the whole Guardian God Palace, seems to have had a little “misunderstanding” of what he meant.

However, Lei Dao did not mean an explanation, but it was unclear.

Since life prolonging treasure or contributing point cannot be obtained without any reason, Lei Dao will have to rely on himself.

“By the way, the five great palaces, same qi, connected branch, Guardian God’s palace has no significant contribution, and the other palaces are not necessarily certain, and perhaps the other palaces also have a significant contribution?”

Lei Dao eyes shine.

His request was not high, and he went to the battlefield to earn a contribution point of 100,000, basically enough to upgrade the thousands of divine art to 9th th layer Perfection.

By then, the priests should not be questioned.

That’s enough!

And then the cultivation will have to be a pride to plan later.

But now Lei Dao has to make a big contribution, and the Guardian God Palace does not have such a mission, so he goes to the other palace.

So Lei Dao directly found the Deputy Palace Lord of Mission hall, asking: “Deputy Palace Lord, do you know if the Guardian God Palace has been assigned to other palaces? That is the task of a high level of contribution.”

“The mission of the other palace?”

Deputy Palace Lord is also a pride who naturally recognizes Lei Dao.

Indeed, now the Guardian God Palace does not recognize Lei Dao’s new “Eldest Senior Brother”.

“The Truth God, what you should do now is to be quiet in the upper palace, to try to get the thousands of divine art cultivating to 9th th layer Perfection, or to open it in the body world.”


Deputy Palace Lord also persuaded Lei Dao.

After all, Lei Dao is now given high expectations.

Although the masters did not call Lei Dao, there seemed to be a hidden message, and the masters were following the quiet of Lei Dao closely.


thousand divine art 9th layer!

This is the true limits of the human being, and the masters are very concerned that there are no people who can cultivate to prove that their deduce is correct?

Today, only Lei Dao has this potential cultivate to thousands of divine art 9th layer, naturally receiving the attention of many people under the Guardian God Palace.

At this point, Lei Dao was leaving the Guardian God Palace, and many felt uncomfortable.

Lei Dao shake ones head said, “Deputy Palace Lord, we can’t make a taste of hard work. And in the secret room at Guardian God’s Palace, it’s safe, but impossible has opportunity, not even inspiration. I now encounter bottlenecks, even if I work in the Guardian God’s Secret Room at the Palace of Guardian God, even if the seclusion millennium is over. I would also like to try to get cultivated to thousands of divine art 9th layer, not to leave myself with regret, so we have to leave the Guardian God Palace.”

“Don’t leave yourself regret…”

Mandate hall Deputy Palace Lord muttered.

indeed, Lei Dao has put the thousands of divine art cultivating into 8-Layer, and it’s a layer that can reach 9th layer Perfection! Even to reach the limits of the true God of mankind!

If that’s how it opens in the body world, then it’s too bad.

Don’t try it. How do you feel?

“If you really want to leave the Guardian God Palace and go to other palaces to make a contribution point, there is a real opportunity. The Sword God Palace in the five great palaces has recently been caught in war with the Devil. Although no assistance has been sought from other major palaces, in fact, the pressure of the Sword God Palace has been enormous, and some real gods have been sent to other palaces, and you can travel to the Sword God Palace as our representative of the Guardian God Palace. At that time, the work gained in the course of the war is equal to that of the disciple in the Sword God Palace, and can be returned to the Guardian God Palace with the same contribution.”

Lei Dao eyes shine.

War, he prefers war.

Only war will enable him to earn a great deal of work, thus making a great deal of contributions.

Of course, war is cruel.

The war now erupts only in order to be able to do less in the future.

“Deputy Palace Lord, is it appropriate that the Sword God Palace break war with the devil?”

“Hahaha, Ray, as long as the palace does not seek help, it is best to send the true gods forward. Once that is the case, the priests will not be involved in the war, and if the priests participate in it, it will represent a total outbreak of great war and less than one of them will not stop. Even the war between the Sword God Palace and the devil has not yet reached the point of irreconcilable until death.”

Lei Dao nodded, and he said, “Did we not send a true god before?”

“It was intended to be sent, but during the previous period my Guardian God’s palace also broke a war with Flood Dragon Race, so it was impossible to draw a hand. It may be a little late now, but it is also important to send someone to express our support for the attitude of the Sword God Palace in Guardian God.”

“I go alone, isn’t it too small?”

Lei Dao also realized this question.

“haha, Ray, you’re too small to know your identity and influence. You’re my first real god in the Guardian God Palace! It’s the Eldest Senior Brother of the Guardian God Palace, so long as you go, it’s my Guardian God’s Palace’s greatest support for the Sword God Palace, and the rest of the palace can cant compare with it!”

Lei Dao nodded, who did not take too long into account, promised Deputy Palace Lord.

As a result, Lei Dao turned away from the mission hall from the Deputy Palace Lord, a trip far from the Guardian God Palace, to the Sword God Palace, and Lei Dao was ready to do the same.

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