“Distinguished man, this is life prolonging class treasure you ask!”

The wolf Great World, Lei Dao, is sitting on the throne, and there are also a lot of Heavenly Wolf Race’s real gods that give Lei Dao a “input” with a lot of precious life prolonging the treasure category.

Lei Dao has already used many life prolonging categories of treasure, and has had to say that Great World is Great World, far more than Small World, and Lei Dao’s current lifespan has increased by more than two million years, for a total of over 98 million years.


‘s a little bit worse than countless years.

“I know, you have to continue to collect life prolonging class treasure, get back.”

Lei Dao, these Heavenly Wolf Race gods left hall as soon as they waved.

“It’s really hard to spend all the time…”

Lei Dao showed a smile on his face.

When he came to Great World, when he showed the identity of the Scorpion, those Heavenly Wolf Race were really listening, and Lei Dao needed everything, and they did everything they could.

Great World’s natural resources are far beyond Small World, so Lei Dao has a source of continuous access to a wide range of life prolonging categories of treasure and is hardly exhausted.

Of course, that’s also because Lei Dao was scratching too hard.

He wouldn’t care about Heavenly Wolf Race’s death, as long as he was able to get life prolonging category treasure.


Lei Dao did not hesitate to annex directly the large number of life prolonging categories of treasure that had just been acquired to the body. He now uses these treasure very simple, directly swallowed.

suddenly, Lei Dao closed his eyes, and his lifespan began to grow rapidly.

Nine hundred eight hundred and eighty hundred thousand years, nine hundred and 900,000 years, one countless years


The next moment, the whole wolf Great World was shaken, while void had a huge excuse, a huge claw stretched out of the wolf Great World and accompanied by a roaring sound.

“Scorpion, you’re bullying wolves too much!”

The roaring shout spread the whole firewolf Great World in a moment.

“It’s our great pride, our Heavenly Wolf Race!”

“Coming up, finally coming. My Lord Heavenly Wolf Race finally couldn’t stand it, and the Scorpion is a fool of wolves!”

“Scorpion is huge, but we should not be so bullied by Heavenly Wolf Race, who is now in the hands of the great priests, and who can be expelled from that scorpion.”

Heavenly Wolf Race in Great World, the wolf, each and everyone, are happy and happy.

Grand priests finally started, and they don’t have to be “waited” for the Scorpion, and they heeded the orders of the Scorpion’s priests to turn the whole firewolf Great World over a sky and the earth turning upside down, which is really sporadic enough.


With Heavenly Wolf Race’s great priest Spirit Sense sweeping, it suddenly came “awake”, and angry roar ringed the whole wolf Great World: “You’re not a scorpion, you’re damn it humans!”

“What? Humans?

“Human beings in Great World?”

“It’s humans who pretend to be scorpions, damn it, we’re all deceived!”

Heavenly Wolf Race’s furious roaring back in void, while Heavenly Wolf Race’s great pride is more disregarding everything, going straight out, a giant claw drops from the sky, moving towards the Great World Palace of the Firewolf.

At this juncture, Lei Dao’s eyes are somewhat uncertain.

“Did you find it?”

It was found that Lei Dao had been prepared long ago, all searched for so many worlds, and impossible really had been “hiding through the sea” and would be found sooner or later.

Even if Lei Dao wanted to be able to “take a first step”, then he could leave when Heavenly Wolf Race was discovered, but he didn’t expect a second step.

But unfortunately, Lei Dao’s lifespan finally reached countless years!

Lei Dao (2 18 years old)

Life patterns: the priests.

Lifespan: $15.53 million. $26,270 years and 6 months.

in the body world: 10 standard communities (can upgrade)

Don’t die: small accomplishment (can upgrade)

Lei Dao’s lifespan has exceeded countless years, and at this point Lei Dao has no hesitation.

“Had you to consume a countless years of lifespan, promoted to great accomplishment?”



Next moment, there’s a lot of life in rado Body, that’s lifespan!

The whole countless years lifespan just disappeared, but Lei Dao’s brain had a new, strange memory, which seemed to be hard to repair.

at all times, Lei Dao can feel that his understanding of the death penalty is deeper, and even the Divine Body of Lei Dao is growing at its source.


Next moment, Lei Dao is afraid to stay in the palace, apparently with great respect and a great respect for terrifying, and Lei Dao does not think his ten standard communities in the body world are the rivals of the great Heavenly Wolf Race.

So Lei Dao has only one choice now, that’s to escape!

Lei Dao immediately showed Divine Body, his Divine Body was huge, but it had slowly shifted towards the Kun Peng community. The moment Divine Body was shown, the speed of Lei Dao rose sharply.

hong long.

Lei Dao was transformed into a light, flew out of the palace instantly, and the next moment the palace was crushed by Heavenly Wolf Race’s claw.

“En? Die!”

The grandfather saw no killing Lei Dao, the giant claws started moving towards Lei Dao.

“Quickly, faster, faster!”

Lei Dao’s crazy rush to Divine Body, just not dead, small accomplishment stage Divine Body, is, in fact, far less than this Heavenly Wolf Race.

It appears that under the terror pressure of the great dignity of Heavenly Wolf Race, there is no escape.

But now Lei Dao is changing, almost all times are changing.

His Divine Body, at all times, is getting stronger. Even in Lei Dao’s vision, the space in the Great World of the Firewolf is too weak, and even if drilled into it, it will be crushed by the great dignity of the wolf.

So we have to get out of the Great World of Firewolf, get out of the clear void.

“The power of the world!”

Lei Dao angry roar, suddenly, his strength in the body world erupted.

suddenly, his head came up with a huge World phantom, spreading terror aura.

Ten standard worlds, the size of the world, are actually equivalent to great dignity, but it’s just not the Great World, so it’s a little bit of thats all, but it’s not limited to big dignity, and it’s the highest pride!

And Lei Dao is more than the power of the world, and he has Divine Body, which is like a senior man, Divine Body, or no death, and the defense is very strong!

So Lei Dao escaped, and he was not afraid that he would do his best to beat fist out, and was brutally bombarded with the great claws of Heavenly Wolf Race.


suddenly, a little bored.

Immediately, the invisible shock of majestic moved towards all directions spread, and the remaining waves of terror struck the Great World of a firewolf, which lasted over time, and wolf Great World Space was torn apart, and the earth was dumped as usual at the end of the world.

“Lord, stop, the Great World of the Firewolf can’t hold the power of the Great Dignity!”

Hundreds of wolves down there scream out loud.

This after all is Great World, where does Heavenly Wolf Race carry the attack? In addition, Lei Dao’s World effort, combined with Divine Body, is actually capable of comparable with the general dignity.

Even if you’re hostile, you can support one or two.

“The Die!”

Heavenly Wolf Race wanted to go on, and it had seen that the current human race was strong, with the strength of great respect, but it seemed to be just the most common dignity, which belonged to the bottom of the advance.

And it’s still a distance.

This man bold, who had appeared on Heavenly Wolf Race’s land and had been ravaged in the back of Heavenly Wolf Race, must not bypass each other.

So this man must die!

And Lei Dao, this moment has also felt the horror of the great respect of Heavenly Wolf Race, a pure force that directly shocked him in the body world and almost shattered him in the body world.

At the same time, there are also horror forces that directly hit his Divine Body.

It is true that the death of Lei Dao is strong, dedicated to defense and hard to die. As a result, the forces of berserk, which are constantly bruised in the body, have been dissolved, but forgiven, Lei Dao’s presence in the body World has also been shocked, and it will take some time if the damage is to be restored.

“World Series, attacks are strong, but defense too weak. If they encounter a stronger presence than they themselves, it is almost impossible to resist.”

Lei Dao is aware of the disadvantages of the World Series.

If you can’t meet yourself, or same rank, then the human beings of the World Series can crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, directly smashing the opponent. But it is more powerful than it is, and humankind is often much faster than it is.

It’s cheating!

But Lei Dao and Divine Body!


was no longer appropriate to use the power of the World at this time, so Lei Dao directly pushed Divine Body out of the Great World of Firewolf with shock.

“Okay, leave Great World, see how many more you can resist?”

In fact, Lord Heavenly Wolf Race is waiting for Lei Dao to leave the Great World. If Lei Dao stays away from the Great World of the Wolf Race, then Heavenly Wolf Race’s grandfather from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, I’m afraid it will take a long time to capture or kill Lei Dao.

But now Lei Dao just left the Great World of Firewolf, which is the opportunity to meet, and he doesn’t have to worry about blowing up the Great World of Firewolf, and he can do everything he can to kill Lei Dao directly!


Heavenly Wolf Race yelled at his great giant wolf body, spreading a horror aura, in which huge claws were spreading all over a mile in an instant.

Even Lei Dao can no longer escape from the attack of Lord Heavenly Wolf Race.

“Come on, come on, hurry up!”

Lei Dao is also anxious to burn, and he can feel the threat of the cluster. He’s sure this Heavenly Wolf Race is a great pride, too terrifying.

In the Ming void, this great Lord Heavenly Wolf Race can do nothing without worry.

you’re going to be hit, whether Lei Dao’s in the body world or Divine Body, I’m afraid not.

I’m afraid it will be bombed into powder.

Lei Dao’s immortal talent, in which “no death” characteristics can work, and Lei Dao is afraid to gamble.

At this point, we can only escape!

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