“Wanna escape? It’s late!”

Heavenly Wolf Race showed a cold smile in the corner of his lobby, but it was a top pride, not to mention that Lei Dao seemed to be a little different from his dignity, even if it was true, that Heavenly Wolf Race would be able to kill.

It’s a huge claw, hiding the sky and covering the earth, almost covered Lei Dao in it, and once it falls, Lei Dao’s Divine Body must be pollen!

For humankind, Heavenly Wolf Race’s great dignity is clearer, but it’s easier to kill humankind if it’s stronger than humankind.

Lei Dao’s heart is getting more urgent, but he’s not in a mood, the big claws on his head, but Lei Dao’s thoughts are quite clear.

He’s waiting for Divine Body to change completely.

Now, Lei Dao’s Divine Body is rapidly changing. He has already consumed the entire countless years of lifespan and raised his life to great accomplishment.

The whole countless years lifespan!

What a big number!

Lei Dao also confirmed that his Divine Body would change qualitatively and would change again.



claws of Lord Heavenly Wolf Race finally fell down, shattering Lei Dao’s body, without any fortune or accident, and Divine Body of Lei Dao collapsed instantly.

“Dead? Ah, convenient, you, a man, dare to break me behind Heavenly Wolf Race, just act recklessly!”

Dark Wolf’s pride coldly snorted, and even he thinks convenient is this human being.

“hua la”.

Just when Lord Heavenly Wolf Race was ready to leave, suddenly, he opened his eyes, as if he found something incredible. It unwavering was staring at where Lei Dao was just taken as a powder.

There, there’s about a horrible aura in the explosion.

“Still not dead?”

Heavenly Wolf Race seems to feel some incredible, how could he still be dead? Its strength, even ordinary priests, is to be taken into powder, and what is humankind?


Actually, Lei Dao is dead.

It’s just that his immortality has worked, and he has accumulated enormous energy in the body and, therefore, rapid recovery.

Without death, the biggest feature is “no death”.

Lei Dao’s Divine Body is fast shape, and he’s alive again! Even in the body’s world is perfect, and that’s terrifying, and Lei Dao is the terrorist feature of the first time.

“The Lord of the Wolf, I would also like to thank you, if you hadn’t taken this shot, maybe my mutation would have ended so soon.”

Lei Dao had a smile in the corner of his mouth.

His Divine Body, actually reconfigured once again, was a natural reorganization when the death of God escalated to great accomplishment. It would have taken a long time, even if Lei Dao consumed the lifespan of countless years.

The reorganization will always take time, and the impossible will change.

But Lei Dao was “shot dead” at this time, and his Divine Body collapsed completely, and at that time it was tantamount to indirectly helping Lei Dao’s Divine Body to reorganize, so Lei Dao would soon resume as it was.

Even if it’s not just a return, Lei Dao’s life has reached great accomplishment!

Lei Dao (2 18 years old)

Life patterns: the priests.

Lifespan: Twenty, 36,000, 200, 70 years and 6 months

in the body world: 10 standard communities (can upgrade)

No death: great accomplishment (can upgrade)

Lei Dao looked at his body data.

Death has actually reached great accomplishment.

Lei Dao’s lifestyle is a little special, still respectful.

Without death, the great accomplishment has been achieved, still a pride, not a great pride, perhaps only if Perfected State is reached!

But it doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t seem so much different for Lei Dao.

Because what he wants has already been made!

“hmph, this Seat can kill you twice, the Seat will shoot you again and see how you can recover.”

Heavenly Wolf Race, while not knowing how Lei Dao was “restored”, has nothing to fear. Once and twice, Lord Heavenly Wolf Race has not felt any threat from Lei Dao.

So, next minute, Heavenly Wolf Race started again.

This time, it seems to be closer to Lei Dao, and Lei Dao is more unlikely to hide.

Lei Dao’s mouth showed a mockery smile.


about Grandpa?

“The Lei wants to leave, you want to stay, you can’t do this Lei!”

After all, the giant claw of Heavenly Wolf Race fell down, but the next moment, Silhouette of Lei Dao was slight and disappeared.


void shock, giant claw of Heavenly Wolf Race, hit hard, but what about that? Lei Dao’s silhouette is gone.

“The Lei is here!”

Heavenly Wolf Race turned around and found out when Lei Dao came back to it.

“It’s impossible!”

Heavenly Wolf Race can’t believe his eyes.

It just locked Lei Dao, how could Lei Dao escape under its attack? Even if you don’t even know how Lei Dao escaped.

“Is that right? There’s nothing impossible!”

Lei Dao stepped further, and silhouette passed away, just like the “flash” in void, and continues to come out with the dignity of Heavenly Wolf Race.

“Flash? The space is shining! How can you cross the shuttle space?”

Heavenly Wolf Race has a big eye, and it’s good and noble, and nowhere knows what Lei Dao means.

It’s a space shuttle!

Space shuttles, and only the Lord can do so. There can be no space shuttle unless the Lord can drill into space and immediately arrive at a distant perimeter of void without the Lord.

But at this point, humankind at hand is able to cross space.

Even now, humans are no big pride, let alone the Lord.

It’s not a god, but it’s a space to cross. It’s a scandal!

“indeed, space shuttles, or, precisely, space flashes!”

Lei Dao has been smiling on his face.

The space is shining!

This is the capacity that he has consumed a whole countless years lifespan to upgrade his life to great accomplishment, which belongs to the Kun Peng community alone.


Kun Peng people, once they become great, can drill into space and travel through space. Instead of dying, it’s the Supreme technique of the Kun Peng.

the cultivating people do not need to be a great pride, and only if they do not die, cultivating to great accomplishment, they can drill into space, just for a long time.

That is to say, if space travels, it’s just not a good accomplishment, it must be a great pride, even a top pride, and the body must be strong enough to resist the pressures in the space corridor.

But there are no questions about the short range of space shuttles.

That’s “space flash.”

Lei Dao is now carrying out space flash, and as long as it comes into space, any attack by Lord Heavenly Wolf Race falls empty, it is impossible to attack Lei Dao in the space corridor.

So Lei Dao is already on the ground!

“impossible, impossible, you must have imposed some treasure, there must be defects! How can humankind be able to cross the shuttle without success?”

Heavenly Wolf Race was almost insane, and its body began to swell and eventually became a hiding hiding of the sky and covering the earth’s horror giant wolf. Subsequently, giant wolf face upwards, where void showed hundreds of huge claws, densely packed, blocked Lei Dao instantly.

“bang bang bang bang”.

void was all shaking, but it didn’t work, and Lei Dao was like walking in void, and every giant claw was covered, and his silhouette disappeared, and then appeared in another direction, so he couldn’t stand it.

Even if there were giant claw on Lei Dao’s body, it was just a mistake to think thats all that Lei Dao had been drilling into the space corridor, and it was just a shadow on Lei Dao.

“World Cover!”

Heavenly Wolf Race is almost crazy, it’s hysteria. It’s one of the most powerful respects of Heavenly Wolf Race, but now there’s nothing to do with the respect of humanity in a region, even being played by humankind.

Why don’t you let Grandpa go crazy?

Even Lei Dao used space to shine, directly close to Heavenly Wolf Race, and majestic’s World’s strength, under harsh pressure.


Heavenly Wolf Race felt like a few worlds in his back. It is, however, the supreme, strong body, the strength of Lei Dao’s World, which is tantamount to ten standard communities, but it is still far from enough to hurt the supreme dignity.


Heavenly Wolf Race broke the power of Lei Dao, but Silhouette in Lei Dao disappeared instantly.

“Want to go?”

Heavenly Wolf Race is almost crazy, and it looks like Lei Dao doesn’t know why it can’t go, and it seems like he wants to go, so he goes crazy.

Lei Dao has also failed, and while he cannot travel long distances from space, it is only space that shines, and his speed is faster than any great pride, and the pride of Heavenly Wolf Race in the back cannot be traced at all.

“The attack power is close, and the next time it should be upgraded to the body World, seeking to expand the body World several times to reach dozens of standard boundaries. It’s gonna be nice to attack power by then.”

Lei Dao had a lot of ideas in his heart.

Lei Dao soon escaped from the great pride of Heavenly Wolf Race, even if Lei Dao’s space shuttle was shorter, but far more than Heavenly Wolf Race’s flight, so that the great pride Heavenly Wolf Race would soon be lost.

The other side also goes after Lei Dao.

“En? There’s another Great World ahead. It’s supposed to be the wolf community. I heard there was a wolf pool in the wolf community, and it was the wolf lord who spent a huge amount of Essence Strength and time. Regardless of the multiple injuries, as long as Heavenly Wolf Race enters the wolf pool, it will soon be restored.”

Lei Dao slowly stopped.

He also saw many of Heavenly Wolf Race’s priests in a difficult situation, even in a very bad shape, and quickly flew into the wolf community, and it must be to go to the wolf pool to heal.

At present, humans are fighting with Heavenly Wolf Race great war, or the great war, the Scorpion and glare like a tiger watch his prey, and Lei Dao can’t do anything since Heavenly Wolf Race arrives.

It’s just that the wolves have the Lord!

It’s a problem!

“No, since it is a great war of extinction, so far Lord Heavenly Wolf Race has not shown up, and perhaps has been stared at by the Lord of the Guardian God Palace. Even if the masters now have the potential to fight in the dark, they will not at all oversee in the wolves.”

Lei Dao speculated.

Although speculation, Lei Dao felt, I’m afraid pretty close, the wolf community, now there’s no god!

“If it does not have the Lord, it is not possible to try, but destroy the wolf pool, walk directly through the shuttle space and go back to the front line, it should not be too much trouble. Once there is no wolf pool, hehe, the priests of Heavenly Wolf Race who are seriously wounded, don’t even think about recovering in a short time, and my Highness of Guardian God in the north will be more powerful!”

Lei Dao took a deep breath, and he had made a determination in his heart.

So Lei Dao silhouette came into the space corridor in the instant, harvested all aura and sneaked into the wolves.

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