“Pick your sword?”

Lei Dao looks at the Lord of the Unseen sword at this moment.

It seems that the Lord of the Unseen sword has been promoted to the Lord, and he has retrieved the self-confidence of the First Lord of the sword, the wind is full of sharp in swordman.

This is the sword number one genius!

At this point, even the Lord of the sword and the Lord of the rest category, in fact inwardly nodded. Sword Intent, the Lord of the Unseen sword, is too strong, so that he can hang on to God how big he is, even if he’s hiding it with the supreme Lord.

How horrible would it be when the Lord of the Unseen sword moves further and reaches the supreme Lord?

That’s the top genius who can compete for the strongest Lord under his ancestors!

That’s the bottom of it!

That’s self-confidence!

What’s innate talent?

It is the most sophisticated innate talent, and it is no wonder that the sword will be so conservative to the Lord of the Unseen sword that humans may not be able to produce such a supreme genius for all their lives.

Wait, Lei Dao dont tell me, right?

Of course, human dominators almost all became conscious and filtered Lei Dao.

Is Lei Dao a genius?

That’s a demon!

Or, in the eyes of human domination, Lei Dao is no longer suitable to match other gods.

“Lord Ray, can you pick me up?”

The sword dominated the wind and again said that the eyes were more direct to Lei Dao.

The Lord of the Unseen sword is confident.

His Sword Intent Perfection, and breakthrough became the master, why is it more than ten times the power promoted?

Even a dozen times!

Even the supreme lord, now the Lord of the Unseen sword is not afraid. That is his pride!

The number one genius of the sword lantern innate talent in history!

Even Lei Dao, the Lord of the Unseen sword!

Lei Dao lightly said with a smile: “How dare you?”

“Well, then the sword will win!”

next moment, the unseen sword dominates the spirits and trusts itself, but he is still very brave about Lei Dao and must be respected. Therefore, this sword, the Lord of the Unseen sword, will come to his full strength.

Looking at the imposing way on the unseen sword, the Sword Intent sharp, Lei Dao’s silent voice, is just shouldering his hands and moving further towards the unseen sword.


A sword qi was cut out of the hands of the unseen sword lord, which sword qi, majestic, was made up of countless lines of Divine Sword, and Qi locked Lei Dao and left Lei Dao unavoidable.

With this sword qi coming out, the sword lord was complexion greatly changed.

Not good, this sword qi, has exceeded the limits of the Lord in general, even if he is the supreme master, he may not be afraid of strongly resist. Moreover, sword qi locks void, and none of the major masters can escape through void. It’s dangerous, Lord Ray may be in danger. We have to get out of here and weaken this sword qi so as to avoid the Lord of Thunderbolt. “

The word of the Lord of the sword has not been finished, but only Lei Dao stretched out his white hand and then surrendered a bullet.


In that brake, there was an outbreak of terror, and fiercely hit the sword qi, which was terror in void.

And then…

“chi la”.

That way, no stronghold one cannot overcome, terror to extreme point, could even hurt the sword qi of the supreme lord, which disappeared and vanished at the same time as Lei Dao’s frontier.

This screen, let the woman’s face slight.

In particular, the Lord of the Unseen sword, who just cared for the wind, couldn’t live, as if he were to support both Heaven and Earth, could kill all the world’s swordman.

“Lord Unseen, I took one of your swords, and I did have strength, at least a dozen times stronger than before. If I hadn’t been raised in three years, it would not have been possible to take it.”

Lei Dao speaks correctly to you.

Three years ago, the Lord of the Unseen sword was too strong.

But Lei Dao, listen to it, it’s all right. It’s stupid.

So, the Lord of the Unseen sword looked so hard and slowed down and said, “Lord Ray, tell the truth, did you just do everything you could?” It’s estimated that half of the power isn’t working, right? ”

“Huh? The Lord of the Unseen sword is like Divine Vision. Indeed, I did not have half the power, or about 20 per cent.”

The unseen sword dominates the darkness of the face, and the other human lords are full of faces.

However, everyone will soon be back in regained composure.

It’s normal!

It’s so normal!

Isn’t that Lei Dao’s normal “operation”?

“Twenty percent.”

The Lord of the Unseen sword finally couldn’t bear to ask, “Lord Ray, have you not succeeded in the Lord?”

He now doubts that Lei Dao has achieved the Lord. Otherwise, the former Lord of the Unseen sword is only the Lord, but only the power of Lei Dao 20 per cent.

Now he’s a great lord. Why is it more than ten times the power promoted? But Lei Dao still has 20 per cent power to use, while Lei Dao remains the dominant.


‘s a big difference, isn’t it?

In fact, Lei Dao has not struck the master of the unseen sword too much.


said that 20 per cent was actually a little bit more, while the master of the unseen sword was directly acquiesced at 20 per cent.

Lei Dao smiled and said, “Quick, soon, I almost did Perfection, and then breakthrough became the master of God, so it wouldn’t be on the basis of instability.”

“You’re still unstable, and you’re overruled.”

The Lord of the Unseen sword has no idea what to say anymore.

He thought carefully, and it seems that he has been struck since he was next to Lei Dao.

The body that had been struck by Lei Dao was incomplete, or even self-esteem. And now, finally, breakthrough became the Lord, so it was hard to get confidence and to reboot.

What’s the result?

Lei Dao threw a bullet and broke his strongest sword.

How can this trust the Lord of the Unseen sword?

How else do you have swordman’s gravity?

For a while, the Lord of the sword and the Lord of the rest category seem to be very sympathetic, and in that case they have met numerous times.

Every time Lei Dao struck the body.

So now they just ignore Lei Dao’s words.

I can’t get upset, and everything goes back to the right track.

“By the way, Lord Ray, did you say Perfection?”

The Lord of the Unseen sword will never be able to ask.

Now Lei Dao is so strong, hasn’t Perfection yet? What’s the real Perfection?

“Wait, Lord Kung, don’t ask! Don’t ask!”

Guardian Leader William is serious.

Other gods are all over Nodded.

Don’t ask.

Once asked, I’m afraid the blow will be deeper.

Just, it’s late.

Lei Dao almost immediately answered, “Perfection? Simply, Perfection is the opening of hundreds of frontiers, and I still have two of them. It’s too hard to open up hundreds of frontiers, and I have to work harder to complete Perfection, and then breakthrough becomes the Lord!”


The Lord of the Unseen sword stopped talking.

Other human domination is also a slight drawer in the mouth and no more talk.

For a while, the atmosphere has been somewhat bored, even with a little weird.

Even if the Lord of the Unseen sword sees one another with other human lords, it is a “pity” in his eyes.

thats all, lose.

The Lord of the Unseen sword has also come to mind this moment.

And Lei Dao can’t compare.

He’s full of swords, Lei Dao. Can you compare it?

And Lei Dao, isn’t that what you’re looking for?

Even if he’s a sword number one genius, what about Sword Ancestor, the top sword genius?

He was also a genius, but Lei Dao, no longer had talent to describe.

I can’t even describe it.


can’t say that!

Don’t say it!

It’s just not going to talk to Lei Dao about innate talent, power, not even asking.

It’s embarrassing to see the atmosphere, and Lei Dao has not mentioned the matter of the Lord of the Unseen sword, but has turned to the Lord of the sword, and started talking: “The Lord of the sword, I have been back to the jurisdiction of mankind for almost three years, and you have become the Lord, sufficient to protect humanity. So I should go back to the homeland too.”

“Lord Ray, are you leaving?”


Lord of the sword frowned.

Actually, he didn’t want Lei Dao to leave.

Lei Dao, although only the Lord, is stronger than the Lord of the sword.

To remain in the jurisdiction of humankind, it is certainly possible to ensure that humankind has nothing to lose.

Just, the Lord of the sword knows that man can’t keep Lei Dao.

This stage is too small for humankind, and Lei Dao is now the one with the top lord, and what can humankind do to Lei Dao?

So Lei Dao can go further and achieve the Lord, even the more profound realm.

“thats all, Lord Ray, you’ve done enough for humankind.”

“Good, Lord Ray, you feel at ease’s return to the homeland, and in any case, humans are your roots, and you can come back any minute.”

“Maybe one day we’ll break into an ancient continent, hoping that humankind will be born as soon as possible of new masters or even major masters, and then we can break into ancient continents without fear.”

The human lords have also spoken.

“Lord Kuroki, do you want to go to an ancient continent?”

“Well, I’ll go back to the sword first, listen to the arrangements of the community. I think the community can arrange for me to go to an ancient continent, and then, maybe we can meet again in an anachronistic continent.”

The sword master thought about it or decided not to go with Lei Dao to an ancient continent.

What are you laughing at, beside Lei Dao, the unseen sword lord has been struck with no skin, no confidence at all, and how can he be the strongest swordman?

swordman, that must be unprecedented, full of gravity.

Lei Dao was always hit, and there was no confidence. How could it be sharp?

So the Lord of the Unseen sword rejected it decisively.

Even if we were to go to an ancient continent, that would never go with Lei Dao.

“That’s a shame. I was trying to break into an ancient continent with the Lord of the Unseen sword, and now it seems that it’s only time to wait.”

Lei Dao shake ones head, he’s really feeling sorry.

For so many years, Lei Dao has met the itinerant monk that can “barely“ follow his foot. After three years, all of it was comparable with 20 per cent of his power.

No more people like this, Lei Dao is cherished!

It is only a pity that the Lord of the Unseen sword will return to the sword.


Just Lei Dao is ready to say something more, and suddenly his rumors are shaking.

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