“What’s going on?”

Lei Dao was somewhat strange, and his message was always calm, and only a few people knew it, or Master gave it to him.

“Dont tell me I’m Master?”

Lei Dao took out the fax. If it were Master, it would be even more strange, Master Young Master moved to Lei Dao.

“En? Not a subpoena. Is this a request for help?”

Lei Dao, look at the beacon. How can I get a message? And a stranger’s call for help.

“Wait a minute. Master gave it to me, so long as it’s official disciple under Master, one by one.”

Lei Dao remembered.

This is a little special.

It was Lei Dao from the original ancestral sky, which could be communicated to all the original vacant disciple.

Of course, such a message is directed only at “rescue” signals.

If you want to contact each other alone, you need to know the other’s specific message, just like Lei Dao and Senior Sister Azure Lotus Ruler.

Now this message of rescue, which is just a disciple of an original ancestral space, or a Senior Brother of Lei Dao, Senior Sister, can be received as long as it is close.

If it’s far apart, there’s no way out.

Moreover, it is difficult to say that even if a message of rescue is received, it is not possible to go to rescue. So this message of rescue, completely try ones luck, has nothing to do with it, just a little bit of hope for thats all.

“There’s room coordinates, that’s good, just, go to dont go?”

Lei Dao somewhat hesitating.

“thats all, it seems bad to see death, but Master disciple, at least the Lord, is even the Lord, and then I can escape if I do not oppose it. At dawn, except for the ancestors, there should be no one who could trap me.”

This, Lei Dao is very confident.


had Kun Peng Divine Body, in the clear world, and as long as he was not trapped in the dark, he could leave.

Even in the dark, at Lei Dao’s speed, who can chase him?

Even this rescue may be somewhat dangerous, but Lei Dao is not afraid.

Lei Dao is a good man who can’t help him. It’s a little too much to say, but, anyway, how can he see his Senior Brother or Senior Sister?

And when you think about it, Lei Dao says directly, “Lord Kuroki, I have something here that may not be able to deliver you.”

“Brother Lei, have a chance, you must come to the sword to see me.”

“The chance must go.”

The sword lord didn’t mention compare notes in any way, and he had a hidden feeling that it might be hard to catch Lei Dao in this lifetime. However, he finally had a cruelty with Lei Dao, two of whom were friends and maintained a friendship.


The Lord of the Unseen sword has stepped out and has disappeared in void and left the human frontier.

“Lord Ray, are you okay?”

The Guardian seems to have seen a little bit of an end.

Lei Dao nodded, and said, “Good, the disciple under Master’s umbrella is begging for help, just as I have received a message of help, and I have to look at it in any case and see if I can help.”

“The disciple of the original ancestral sky begins for help?”


Lord of the sword, eyebrow raised, followed by a sound expression, said, “Lord Ray, the disciple of the original airspace, at least the Lord or even the Lord.” And reputation is out there, and the original disciple is in trouble, even in need of help, and how big is that? Surely not a small thing, Lord Ray, or be careful. ”

“I understand that things cannot be left immediately for me to preserve myself as the most important. But there are no more people in the clear world who can trap me.”

Lei Dao sighed, stand up, and the whole body seems to have a freshy “aura”.

This aura, very familiar.


Lord of the sword dominates the corner of his mouth a little bit.

He didn’t say anything, and then, again, I’m afraid Lei Dao will be beaten out of his skin.

What do you mean, there’s not enough people to trap Lei Dao now?

Lei Dao just dominates thats all.

Even if the performance is stronger, it is only the Lord.


Lord of the sword wants to think of himself, so it’s not easy to become the master of one after another, but now it seems that Lei Dao has been left behind long ago.

“Well, Lord Ray, be careful about everything.”

Lei Dao nodded, then confirmed the space coordinates on the message of rescue, and silhouette had been drilled into the space corridor.

In accordance with the space coordinates on the message of rescue, Lei Dao has estimated to be able to arrive at Kun Peng Divine Body Perfection now, even twice as necessary.

“Seems to be a little more farther than the Loren? If Senior Sister Azure Lotus Ruler is still alive, it is estimated that Senior Sister will also have access to the message of relief.”

Lei Dao muttered.

But he’s not too worried.

Even if Master disciple had that many, he probably had a bigger top lord, and then he wouldn’t have to use him, and he just had to look around and play sauce.

So Lei Dao continued to travel in space, moving towards space coordinates.

“Help tyrant Zhu in his oppression, you’re helping tyrant Zhu in his oppression! And you know what your behavior is? The Seat is the disciple of the great ancestor, and if you kill this Seat, you don’t have your place in the clear world!”

Star River, this is the territory of the Star River.

Anyone knows that the stars are the Lord of the Star, the disciple of the original ancestral space, Brilliant, nobody dare to provoke.

But now, the Lord of the Star seems to be in trouble, and it’s a big problem, and the body of the whole man has been torn apart, and it looks very difficult to look.

In front of him, he was a master in blue robe, and aura was very young, and Lord Blue Robe seemed to have sealed a group of special masters and had no idea what to do.

The two sides fought in void, and they were the great lords, and even the stars were approaching the top, but far from being the opponent of Lord Blue robe.

So the Lord of the Star only sends a message of rescue.

He also sent it to Master, but Master didn’t know where to go, and he didn’t seem to have any response.

As time passes, the Lord of the Star River is becoming less and less hopeless.

“Is that right? I’ll kill you and see who can avenge you, your master’s ancestral empty, and I’m afraid there’s not that big time to avenge you.”

blue robe has a cold smile in the corner of his mouth.

Who doesn’t know who the original disciple is?


are no classrooms in the original space, and there are too many disciple collections.

Apart from a small number of disciple, the original space would not have started for disciple at all.

Even if it’s dead, it’s not as skilled as thats all.

“hmph, I’ve already reported to Master your investigation into the famous continent Demon, and if I’m dead, will you see if Master will be prosecuted?”

The Lord of the Star River can only fight now.

“You look for Die!”

lord Blue robe, after hearing the Lord of the Star River, seems to be angry about a change in his face.

Indeed, in general, the killing of one another between the Lord and death, and the death of the first place, will never be brought to justice. After all, the killer’s always killed, not as skilled as a man. That’s the face of the invisible, dignified ancestral, how can he be automatic?

But if it’s about anarchy, it’s different.

Even if the original grand sky does not surrender itself, it will send inquiries.

Then maybe it’s bad for Major Events.

Think of it here, Lord Blue Robe is naturally angry.

He was the supreme lord, who wanted to kill the Lord of the Star River, but the Star Warlord after all was the disciple of all the original ancestral spaces, cultivating a special cultivation technique, was amazing, trying to kill, even if he was the supreme master, and it would take a little time to wipe out.

And now, it’s almost gone.

“See when you can still carry it?”

blue robe, who runs a wave of hands, has seen a huge phantom behind his back, which, like clouds, is directly packed into the Lord of the Star River.

The Lord of the Star is not the supreme master, but he has received a blade from his ancestors. If this technique is able to cultivating to Perfected States, it’s the strongest defense in the dominion!

Even the Kun Peng would have to be so much less defensive.

Of course, the Star Warlord did not make it cultivating to Perfection, just small accomplishment thats all.

But even small accomplishment, defense is terrifying.

The black dollar will not fail, and cultivating will have a special power called black power.

This black power, many of which have accumulated for a long time, slowly cultivating out, small accomplishment’s black dollar will not be lost, and it will be slow to bring it together.

But in order to kill the Lord of the Star, the black dollar must be wiped out.

It is precisely because of the difficulty of being tortured by the black dollar that Lord Blue robe will not be able to completely kill the Lord of the Star at half a time or, in the face of a noble Lord, the Lord of the Star would have fallen long ago.

But now, the Lord of the Star does not seem to be able to support much longer, and he’s in the body’s blanket, with almost 10 per cent of the total period.

Don’t you think I’m gonna die here today? ”

The Lord of the Star River is unhappy.

He investigated the gods Demon of an ancient continent, which led to such life and death crisis.

But the message of rescue has been sent and even sent to Master, who has no alternative but resigning to ones fate.

And he was in the body’s black dollar, and he was tortured quickly.

“The Black dollar does not vanish, indeed it is strong. Unfortunately, you’re small accomplishment, and if it’s great accomplishment, I can’t help you, so now you don’t have a chance, Die!”

lord Blue robe clearly knows the cultivation technique and seems to be well aware.

Once the great accomplishment’s black dollar doesn’t work, it’s the supreme lord, and blue robe can’t do it naturally.

But small accomplishment, it took a little time, and he could destroy it.

The face of the Lord of the Star is becoming increasingly ugly, and even his body has begun to be oppressed and damaged.

And when the black dollar is torn away, it is when he is completely meteor.


Suddenly, void appeared in space ripple.

Immediately, a silhouette walked out of the space passage.

“Well, it’s always here.”


suddenly, both eyes are concentrated on people.

“Uh, who are you guys my Senior Brother?”

Lei Dao vision swept, some of which are not quite certain.

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