“The Lord of the Unspoken, who was guilty and pardoned.”

Lei Dao was also in front of the Lord.

“No matter, the landlord just gave me an initial show of strenght, even in an absurd continent, there was no god like the landlord. How dare you ask who the Lord is under the door?”

“My master is the original ancestral.”

“The original ancestors? No wonder.”

Speaker seems to be suddenly realize, nodded.

Lei Dao was the original ancestral disciple, and that said the past, otherwise it would be strange for a pride to ask Daoist, who doesn’t speak to God.

“I didn’t think that I left the wilderness continent, and it was a long time since the landlord was born, Daoist, a powerful and powerful question, and perhaps, this age, we also looked forward to the birth of the second ancestral ancestor.”

No spearhead means Lei Dao.

The ancient ancestors have achieved their ancestors in this age, but so far, the top question has been that Daoist has a lot, and no one has the knowledge that he can become his ancestors.

Achievement begins with a short period of time and is not necessarily linked.

Some, on their way to their ancestors, will soon be able to reach Peak-Stage, and then achieve their ancestral ancestors, but others, even when the era has just begun to be the top question of Daoist, will not succeed until the end of the clock.

If we are to achieve our ancestral ancestors, there are multiple factors that can be brought together.

Lei Dao was late, but he said, “How far is your ancestor road?”

“How far have you gone?”

She doesn’t know what Lei Dao speaks correctly means.

“If there are ten thousand meters in the way of the original ancestors, what is the current position of the defenceless? How far have you gone?”

Lei Dao explained again.

There’s something wrong with the Wizard hearing, and then said with a smile: “Did the original greatness not tell the Lord of Thunder? In fact, the way to begin is just a call to thats all, not really a road. The path of origin, not fixed, is likely to be ten thousand meters, and also ten ten thousand meters and a hundred thousand meters. Some people have left ten thousand meters, so they can make it to their ancestors, but others, even after 100 thousand meters, are still gods, okay?”

Lei Dao has some understanding, but some don’t understand.

Aren’t the ancestors eternal?

How could someone’s path be shorter, instead of having a chance to start their ancestors.

The longer the way some people go, the less chance to achieve their ancestors?

“So, the poorer God, the more chance to become a ancestor? They’re all short.”

“hehe, Lord Ray is too funny. Who says the worse God will have the chance to become a ancestor? Can’t you be the better God, the shorter the way we started our ancestors? Like the original grandfather, after becoming Daoist, did he do his ancestors in a short time, dont tell me he wasn’t good? The original ancestors, that was the top question.”

Lei Dao had a shock.

Thereafter, the heart is more excused.

Got it. He got it!

Who says it must be better?

On the contrary, the better it is to ask Daoist, the shorter its way of origin, the easier it is to achieve its ancestral ancestors.

On the contrary, those who normally asked Daoist, cultivation, for a million years, seemed to have been on the road to their ancestral homeland, even far away, but still did not see the end.

How can we accomplish our ancestors without seeing the end?

So most of the questions asked Daoist could not succeed in his ancestral life.

“What about you?”


“I’ve been on my way to my ancestors for a long time, maybe, far away, but I can’t see the end.”

Lei Dao’s silent.

The meaning of the goddess is very clear.

Perhaps it is no longer possible for the masters of the world to achieve their ancestors, even if they are the supreme questions of Daoist, who cannot see the end of the day.

Like most asked Daoist, it’s been a long way away, a long time ago, but I don’t know where I went, and I can’t see the end.

Even, you can’t stop.

Once it stops, then never want to be the ancestors.


Lei Dao thought about himself.

His original ancestral path, which was provided by superficial energy, belonged to a new bloodline, and at present Lei Dao cultivation was very slow. Even, Lei Dao drained a lot of lifespan, which led only to the upgrading of the original ancestral bloodline to 3 per cent.

In order to achieve their ancestral ancestors, the original ancestral line must be upgraded to 100 per cent.

Why is it so hard?

Lei Dao used to be confident and felt that he had a course and that he needed to move in line with the moved towards his vision.

But now it doesn’t seem that simple.

Most ask Daoist, not as much as Lei Dao has always seen hope?

But what about the results?

No one can become a ancestor!

Lei Dao was sinked in his heart with hope, but now it seems that his ancestral path, perhaps, is not that smooth. Can he really get life prolonging categories of treasure before the time comes?

Lei Dao has some doubts.

Lei Dao exchanges cultivating insight with non-linguistic masters, both of whom are the top questions of Daoist, but Lei Dao is too far away from the dominant language in terms of common sense.

As a result, Lei Dao has also received a lot of common knowledge about asking Daoist.

For example, some ask Daoist, the pursuit of power has ignored realm. In fact, however, there has been an increase in strength and no achievement of the ancestral fathers.

Many of the top questions of rebuking the Heaven and Earth at that time, Daoist, have not been able to do so.

On the contrary, the mountains were not exposed, and it seemed that in all its aspects they were not too sudden ancestors, but they had achieved their ancestors in the absurd continent.

It gives Lei Dao a big shock, and it reminds Lei Dao.

After all, Lei Dao has ignored the upgrading of the original ancestral bloodline, in pursuit of power, in the context of the body’s territorial boundaries.

Only to upgrade the original ancestral line will you be able to achieve your ancestors?

Just, in the expansion of the body’s area, it’s Lei Dao’s escort, and he has to upgrade. Powerful, important, important to life protection!

Lei Dao, of course, also told him about his presence in the body’s area and told the bulldozer that he was very surprised.

Humans’ World Series system is amazing.

“It is only a pity that the World Series system cannot achieve its ancestral ancestors, otherwise it must be a great cultivation path, even if it is enough for Peak-Stage’s entire civilized cultivation system!”


regret is also expressed by the Lord of Language.

The World Series is strong. Look at Lei Dao.

Lei Dao defeated the Sun, killed Great Emperor in prison, and now struck with the territorial domain, which was the strength of the body’s territorial boundaries.

Otherwise, Lei Dao’s original grandfather Divine Body is far from being able to do so.

It was regrettable that such a strong cultivation system had resulted in the breakdown of the path of origin, and that no one could speak of it.

“indeed, if not in the body World Series system that broke the path of origin, then why would I be on the other path of origin?”

Lei Dao shake ones head.

He also felt so painful.

The original ancestral bloodline, it’s so hard to upgrade.

However, Lei Dao carefully thought that, in fact, the World Series was not omnipotent. For example, his presence in the body’s territorial boundaries would also be constrained by Divine Body.

If Divine Body is not strong enough, it cannot be expanded indefinitely.

Lei Dao did not elaborate on his original ancestral Divine Body, which, after all, involved Lei Dao’s way of origin. Nor did the Lord ask that every pride asks Daoist’s path of origin, which is in fact highly confidential and cannot be easily disclosed.

The two are sitting for a few days, talking to each other, and even forgotten that the true “dominant” is the Lord of the Bull and the Lord of the Flowers.


Suddenly, Lei Dao and the Wireless seem to feel something and stop.

And then Lei Dao saw that the Lord of the Buffalo had come along with the Lord of the Flowers, and that the two people were very close and seemed intimate.


this good again?

Lei Dao had some accidents.

Nor do you know what the Lord of the Buffalo used to spend a few days with the Lord of the Flower in Cave Mansion. This came out of the way, both of them were hailed, and the Lord of the Flowers did not have that cold cold feeling of resentment before.

“Lord of the Bull, congratulations and greetings to the companion.”

Lei Dao said with a smile.

The Lord of the Bull also showed a smile on his face, saying with a smile: “The Lord of the Thunderbolt is thanks to you, otherwise I will not be able to enter the garden.” I can’t get into the garden, and I won’t be so quick with the flowers, Lord Ray, you can help me a lot! “

Lei Dao saw the cow masters like this, and nodded, total feel at ease.

And this time the Lord of the Beef will enter the Gardens of Bliss, a great deal.

However, Lei Dao needs a life seed without landing.

At this time, the Lord of the Flowers took out a box: “Lord Ray, thanks to you this time, the cow will promise you everything.” In this box, there were 100 and eight seeds of life, and when Master gave me, let me realize that life Great Dao. Unfortunately, for so many years, I realize almost, but I have never been able to embark on the path of my ancestors and have failed to live up to one of Master’s misery. This hundred and eight seeds of life are not very useful to me today, and they are sent to the Lord of Ray. ”

“One hundred and eight seeds of life?”

Lei Dao moves in his heart, and the nerves on his face are very touching.

He thought there were only a few or dozen.

But who can think of a hundred and eight?

It’s just a surprise.

At this point, Lei Dao did not excuse, so he immediately picked up the box: “Then this Lei is more respectful of his life.”

After the box, Lei Dao opened the box.

There’s a hundred and eight seeds in there.

and worthy of the original ancestors, it’s great talent!

Just don’t know if that 72 life seeds that Lei Dao received were good, even if it was close, but the amount was enough to cover.

“By the way, and the life prolonging categories of treasure in my garden, will all be collected for the Lord, just for a while.”

“Well, that Lei can also speak with a non dominant theory.”

Lei Dao is satisfied.

It was an accident not only to have a hundred and eight seeds of life, but also to have a large number of life prolonging categories of treasure.

This time, it’s worth it!

“By the way, Lord Ray, we have one more thing to ask for.”


Lord of the Buffalo seems somewhat hesitating, but finally, he was clenched ones teeth, determined to move towards Lei Dao.

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