“What’s the matter? Please just say it.”

Lei Dao is in a good mood now, and if it wasn’t too big, he wouldn’t mind answering.

“In this case, our daughter, who travelled to the mystery corridor 10 years ago, was misguided by the mystery corridor, and I’ve been looking for it, but to do something about its strength, and almost lost in the hallway of the hall. Senior Sister is responsible for not getting out of the garden easily, so I haven’t been looking for these years. Well, at daughter’s lethal plates are not broken, that means daughter’s not dead.”

“This old cow came back, and he became Daoist, but the hallway was special, and I was afraid the old cow couldn’t find daughter alone, so he asked the Lord to help us with his arm. In any event, in March, if the daughter is not found in three months, the landlord can leave the hallway at any time.”

Lei Dao eyebrow raised the road: “This is it? daughter lost in the hallway, this is major event. Even without the seeds of life and life prolonging the category of treasure, my relationship with the Lord of the Buffalo will not stand idly. So, wait for me a month, I seclusion cultivation once, and then go to the hallway.”

“No question, Lord Ray wants to hold up for as long as he wants, without having to rush this two months.”

The Lord of the Buffalo and the Lord of the Flowers are pleased.

With Lei Dao, their hope of getting back to daughter will increase significantly.

Lei Dao then sought a secret room for the owner, who began to “digest” the harvest.

This time to the garden, Lei Dao has a huge harvest.

One hundred and eight seeds of life, and there are also a large number of life prolonging categories of treasure collected by the Lord of the Flowers, which alone can add many lifespan to Lei Dao.

After all, this is the collection of the Lord of the Mighty.

The master of the flowers is in charge of the garden, and if she speaks of nurturing all heavenly material, earthly treasure’s second, then no one dares to say the first.

So, in the case of these life prolonging categories of treasure, he must cherish the fact that Lei Dao was able to find one of the most of the one-time life prolonging categories of treasure in the clear world.

“Try, see how many lifespan can be added?”

Lei Dao did not hesitate to start refining these life prolonging categories of treasure immediately.

It has to be said that the life prolonging category treasure collected by the master of the flowers is very high in quality, and even Lei Dao has a feeling of returning to the homeland.

100 years, 3 billion years, 5 billion years, 8 billion years, 10 billion years

Lei Dao can feel that his lifespan is flying fast.

Even the magnitude of the upgrade exceeded the anarchy of the continent, and it was too difficult for these life prolonging the category of treasure to be expensive, and Lei Dao had refining all life prolonging the category treasure in a short time.

Finally got a scary figure.

Four hundred and one hundred thousand years, lifespan!

It’s more than four billion years of lifespan. It’s not surprising whether it’s entirely life prolonging the category of treasure, or, in the clear world, it’s more than four billion years of lifespan.

It’s even like Lei Dao sold another 40 tornado quotas in an ancient continent!

This is unbelievable!

Forty tornadoes quota, even in absurd continents, will be sold for a long time, and, after all, it is difficult to sell them now.


may take a long time to sell one.

But that’s just the beginning.

Lei Dao put his eyes on the seeds of life again.

One hundred and eight life seeds!

Moreover, unlike the 72 seeds of life that Lei Dao received before, within this 100 and eight seeds of life, there is no power to break, that is, perhaps it is only the seed of life created by the ancestors.

Perhaps the effectiveness was not as strong as 72 seeds of life that Lei Dao had received before, but it was, after all, a life seed, very precious and unparalleled.

Lei Dao took a deep breath, without the slightest hesitation, and began refining the seed of life.

The first life seed, violently surge’s vitality, quickly flowing into Lei Dao’s in the body. Without the power to break, Lei Dao refining’s life seed is very efficient.

Soon refining was the first seed of life.

Lei Dao, look closely.

800 million lifespan!

The first life seed, with a lifespan of 800 million years, is actually a big prediction of Lei Dao, and Lei Dao thinks that a life seed can give him 500 million years of lifespan, and he’s already satisfied.

Of course, with Lei Dao’s refining, the effects of these life seeds may be increasingly poor, but there will be no difference.

So Lei Dao is fast refining the seed of life.

One, two, three…

Another life seed has been raised by Lei Dao refining, and Lei Dao’s lifespan has also increased rapidly. violently surge’s vitality has made Lei Dao carefree.

Turn around, 100 and eight seeds of life, all refining by Lei Dao.

When he looked at lifespan, there was also a shock in his heart.

Seven billion years, lifespan!

This is incredible, seven billion years of lifespan, calculated on average, and almost every seed of life provided Lei Dao with lifespan for more than 700 million years.

This is also a situation in which the effects have been significantly reduced after refining had a large number of life seeds.

Otherwise, more lifespan will be added.

A total of

one hundred and eight seeds of life, combined with a large amount of life prolonging the category of treasure provided by the former master of the flowers, increased the total number of lifespan to Lei Dao in 800 years.

It’s a terrible number!

Lei Dao was more than five billion years of lifespan, that is, now Lei Dao’s lifespan reached a further 900-billion years of terror.

Almost 100 billion years!

Lei Dao was also glad to see you, and this trip came to the garden with the Lord of the Buffalo.

The increase of nearly nine billion years in lifespan is so unbelievable.

Just, how do we use more than nine billion years of lifespan?

“The geographical boundaries have been elevated to the limit and cannot be upgraded and must be added to the original ancestral Divine Body.”

Lei Dao’s cultivation, actually, has been in the direction.

Either to upgrade the original ancestral Divine Body, to strengthen the original ancestral bloodline, or to extend it to the body’s area, whether it is the way of origin or the way of escort, Lei Dao will be prepared, preferably in parallel.

So Lei Dao can get the best of it!

“Then first strengthen the original ancestral bloodline.”

So Lei Dao chose three more powerful bloodline lines.

The three bloodline, Lei Dao, started to upgrade directly.

First bloodline, it cost Lei Dao 10 billion years to lifespan, cultivating to Perfection.

The second bloodline consumes Lei Dao 10 billion years of lifespan, cultivating to Perfection.

Third Type bloodline, consumed Lei Dao 100 billion years of lifespan, cultivating to Perfection.

Together, the three bloodline consumes Lei Dao 32 billion years of lifespan.


seems to be a little more than three billion, but also within the scope of acceptance.


Subsequently, when Lei Dao integrated all three bloodline lines into the original ancestral bloodline, there was no accident that the original bloodline had risen, from 3 per cent to 4 per cent.

So the original ancestor Divine Body naturally started to reorganize again.

Every time Divine Body is reorganized, it will take Divine Body to change the earth, and Lei Dao can feel clearly that his ancestor Divine Body was reconstituted, and I’m afraid it’ll be comparable with the sun.

Even stronger than the sun!

That’s just four percent of the original ancestral bloodline thats all.

For Lei Dao, his way of origin was just beginning, at the preliminary stage.

Even if Lei Dao was retarded and felt four percent of his ancestors, Divine Body, he knew that the path of ancestral origin, which could not be provided to him, was not, I’m afraid, the general path of ancestral origin.

The future of the ancestral fathers who have achieved in this way cannot be limited.

Of course, if you become your ancestors!

Without the ancestors, everything is empty, nothing.

The original ancestral Divine Body had risen to four percent, and Lei Dao felt that the body’s territorial boundaries could be upgraded again, so he no longer hesitated to expand rapidly within the body’s territorial boundaries.

it is equally important that the body’s geographical boundaries are the way Lei Dao is guided.

How can Lei Dao defeat the gods without a patronage, thereby entering the garden? How can Lei Dao get a huge gain without entering the garden?

Thus, the original ancestral bloodline is to be upgraded, as is the body’s territorial boundaries.

Forty-six times the territorial boundaries, 47 times the territorial boundaries, 48 times the territorial boundaries

As Lei Dao expands in the body’s area, doubles and doubles, Lei Dao is already light and soon has risen to 50 times as far as it is growing.

Ultimately, Lei Dao’s in the body’s area has expanded to 55 times!

It also raised the area by ten times, cost the whole 50 billion years of lifespan.

shua. “

Lei Dao opened his eyes.

He thought a month was over, and he didn’t expect so much of this harvest, so it was two months long enough to end.

Lei Dao felt that the body was full of strength, both from the original ancestral Divine Body and within the body’s territorial boundaries, and that it had changed over time.

So Lei Dao immediately mobilized the isomer to check his body data.

Lei Dao (34 years old)

Life style: Origin Divine Body

Lifespan: One hundred and one hundred thousand countless years

in the body world: 55 times the territorial boundaries (expansionable)

Origin bloodline: 5% (10 bloodline Perfection)

Lei Dao didn’t first see lifespan, but his age.


Lei Dao in cultivation, even forgot his birthday.

He’s 34!

Of course, many lords do not have the habit of having a birthday, and perhaps some will have a grand birthday, or a billionaire, but there will never be a one-year feast.

A year?

For the Lord, the bullet means an instant thats all.

Probably a little comprehend or something. It’s been a decade or eight. What does the district get a year?

But for Lei Dao, a year is unusual, and even he looks very heavy.

34 years old!

He started martial artist, almost 18 years old, so far youngster?

Sixteen years!

16 years!

Lei Dao, how many sixteen years do you feel about Hyderland, ordinary man?

And him?

Sixteen years old, still the Lord, seems to be far from the path of the ancestral family, and it is not clear whether it will be possible to become a ancestral before the end of this age.

“By the way, how many youngster are left in this age?”

Lei Dao carefully thought, like millions of years?

Yeah, a million more words.

Not several hundred years, but billions of years!

It was quite a long time compared to 16 years, but Lei Dao felt it was urgent.


are only billions of years of lifespan. How did he get through the age robbery?

“Then set a little target, martial artist, 20 years old.”

Lei Dao made a determination and a firm face.

Lei Dao, at this moment, has completely forgotten the last time, his “little target” seems not to have been done all the time.

But is this important to Lei Dao?

It doesn’t matter!

Anyway, he set a little target, and he worked hard on moving towards that goal.

Lei Dao only works, and the rest goes to heavens will.

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