Lei Dao, after that, looked closely at body data.

lifespan has four hundred and one hundred thousand years left, and Lei Dao will not move for the time being.

And his original ancestral bloodline finally reached four percent, although it was still junior, but it was always possible to see progress, and four percent of the original grandfather Divine Body was actually very strong, and in asking Daoist, it was beyond the sun.

Even some aspects are much stronger than the sun, for example, through shuttle space.


innate talent in Lei Dao’s shuttle space was brought by Kun Peng bloodline, and although Kun Peng bloodline had been integrated into the original ancestral bloodline, the capacity to cross the shuttle space was not all gone, not even weakened, but even stronger.

Lei Dao even suspects that if he returns to the homeland again, maybe it’s a long distance to cross. And that goes on, even in an ancient continent, Lei Dao is not far from the day that passes the shuttle space.

Moreover, with the recent increase in the number of integrated bloodline lines, the entire 10 bloodline has been reached, and Lei Dao has also gradually discovered a feature of the original ancestral Divine Body.

These ten bloodline combinations form the original ancestor Divine Body, with a terrifying characteristic of keeping the strongest innate talent on the bloodline.

For example, fire Phoenix, the Lei Dao, remains able to carry out the flame.

There are also Kun Peng space innate talent, and Lei Dao’s original ancestral bloodline is equally retained.

These ten bloodline, Lei Dao, have been able to use the strongest methods of these bloodline, which has led Lei Dao’s original ancestral Divine Body, with little weakness, very balanced but not flawed, but very powerful.

That’s just four percent of the original ancestral bloodline thats all.

How powerful would Lei Dao be if, after that, 100 percent of the ancestral bloodline, became a real ancestor? By then, maybe it’s a unique ancestral bloodline for Lei Dao!

It’s just an elephant, far beyond any kind of ancestral bloodline.

Lei Dao was more surprised.

At first, he also felt that the original ancestral bloodline that could be found seemed to be plain, not worth mentioning. But now, with the increasing integration of the bloodline, the old ancestral bloodline has also gradually shown its strong side.

And, in the foreseeable future, the ancestral bloodline will be stronger!

Lei Dao got up and left the secret room, found the master of the flowers and the Lord of the Bull.

The Lord of

the Buffalo weighed Lei Dao carefully, and there were some doubtful questions: “Lord Ray, have you risen again?”

Lei Dao said with a smile: “A slight upgrade of thats all, no worth mentioning.”

In Lei Dao’s view, an increase of 1 per cent in the original ancestral bloodline is indeed a slight improvement. As far as the body’s territorial boundaries are concerned, it’s just a way of escorting methods thats all, even more than worth mentioning.

But the Lord of the Buffalo seems to be even more surprised.


seems that Lei Dao can make great progress every time seclusion.

As far as Lei Dao said a little upgrade, just listen, the Lord of the Bull wouldn’t really believe that it was just a little bit more.

“I envy Lord Raymond, like the supreme lord in general, and it’s hard to raise a little more, not to ask Daoist? I became a question about Daoist, stepped on the path of the ancestors, but it wasn’t a little elevated. The landlord will be able to raise a little, and it’s unbelievable.”

Lei Dao laughed, just indifferently said, “Now you can go to the hallway, right, the hallway, can you just tell me?”

Lei Dao just knows a little bit about the hallway, but it’s all about it, and Lei Dao is not familiar with the hallway.

“It’s natural.”

Thereafter, the Lord of the Buffalo gave Lei Dao a careful account of the hallway.

The hallway is one of the forbidden areas in the clear world, but it’s not dangerous, but it’s easy to trap people. Many entered the hall corridor and then did not.

It’s gone. It’s gone.

You can even see that the lethal plates are not broken, which means no death, but it never goes out of the hallway.

Of course, the hallway is hard to ask Daoist.

Ask Daoist when it exists.

That’s a clear way to go, inner Will, and there’s nowhere else to ask Daoist.

There’s no danger, but there’s some trouble, and there’s a need to go to the hallway to find the goddess, and it’s probably not a day or two, and it takes a long time.

And the Lord of the Buffalo and the Lord of the Flowers gave Lei Dao a long time, for a maximum of three months.

Lei Dao can leave the hallway directly if he is not found in three months.

This time the Lord of the Bull will go, and both will find someone in the hallway. For three months, as long as it is not possible, Lei Dao will not have to wait for the Lord of the Buffalo, return to the garden, or even return to the homeland continent.

“Okay, when are we leaving?”

Lei Dao has little doubts.

Just looking for a guy, thats all, and there’s nothing too dangerous, for up to three months, how could he refuse? After all, he came out with a lifespan of nearly nine billion years.

To help the Lord of the Flowers and the Lord of the Beef find daughter, and there is nothing at worst.

“It’s not a matter of late, we’re leaving now.”


Lord of the Bull, too, swift and decisive, does not want to delay him. The daughter has not been seen for so many years, and the result is that it is not easy to be with the Lord of the Flowers, but the daughter is gone, and he has long been burned.

“Old cow, you must come back safely.”

And the Lord of the Flowers has some reluctance.

She had not seen the Lord of the Bull for so many years, but she had to be separated again because of daughter.

“Well, I’ll find daughter as soon as possible, and then come back, we’ll be reunited.”

Just say, the Lord of the Buffalo is ready to cross the shuttle and go to the hallway.

“A family reunion?”

Lei Dao shakes his head, and he seems to have family.

Just, like, almost forgotten.

“Maybe, when I get my ancestors, should I go back and see?”

Lei Dao seems to have forgotten something in his head, all of which was in Secret Realm the previous day and lost some memory in order to become the head of Secret Realm.

I don’t know what to remember.

Well, Lei Dao remembers that he has family.

However, the family is safe now, and Lei Dao is not too mindful to go back to reunification with his family until the ancestral fathers of achievements have been achieved.

So Lei Dao, together with the Lord of the Buffalo, crossed into space, and shadowless disappeared in blinking eyes.

“feel at ease, the hallway is not too dangerous, and Lei Dao and the Buffalo Lord ask Daoist, and should soon be able to return.”

“I hope so.”

The Lord of the Flower can only be Nodded, hoping that everything will be all right.


In the distant perimeter void, the covert builds a circle of space ripple.

Immediately, two figures went out of space.

“This is the hallway?”

Lei Dao looked around, and it seemed that you weren’t at all the odds.

He and the Lord of the Buffalo, traveled for a long time, and that came to the hallway. Of course, this is just the edge of the hallway, or the surroundings.

He said solemnly, “It’s not easy in the hallway of the maestro. He lost it in the hallway. Although it was difficult to ask Daoist, that was also because Daoist was rarely asked to enter the hallway. Maybe if you don’t mind, ask Daoist to be trapped in it. So Lord Ray, you can’t lose your mind and be careful.”

The Lord of

the Buffalo is very dizzy.

The situation in the hall corridor is not clear to anyone. They said Daoist was strong. I couldn’t help asking Daoist, but what if? Besides, asking Daoist would basically not go to the hall corridor, plus asking Daoist a very small number, and the hallway doesn’t have any chance or natural resources to go to the hall hallway.

Therefore, the failure to ask Daoist to lose in the hallway of the hall does not mean that the hallway must be stuck with Daoist, that everything is possible and that no one can guarantee it.

“feel at ease, that Lei wouldn’t have put himself in. Okay, let’s go inside.”

So Lei Dao and the Lord of the Bull flew into the hallway.

Just flew in, Lei Dao felt different.

“This feeling is amazing and seems to have been cut off with the clear world?”

Lei Dao had some doubts in his heart, and this hall corridor seemed to be cut off. But unlike the absurd continent, faint still has some connections with the clear world, anyway, very strange.

Lei Dao goes hand in hand.

“chi la”.

There are also spatial fragmentation tattoos in which space passage is shown.


Just next moment, the passage collapsed, just like glass fragments.

“How can space be so fragile here?”

Lei Dao startled in one heart.

Vulnerable space, a little bit of power can break the space, which seems to be easy, but, in fact, it is not possible to carry itinerant monk through the shuttle space.

That is, in the hall hallway, there is no room for shuttle.

This has nothing to do with space innate talent.

Lei Dao’s ancestor Divine Body does have very rare space, but what about that? He was able to sail in an ancient continent, because space was too solid.

And now, in this fancy corridor, space is too fragile to cover itinerant monk shuttle space.

Once forced, space will collapse, even if Lei Dao’s space innate talent is stronger.

“There are some weird things here, and we have to be careful.”

Lei Dao said solemnly.

Needless to remind Lei Dao, the Lord of the Bull has just tried the space here, like Lei Dao, to know that there is no space to cross, so it seems very cautious.

Failure to cross space means that once there is a danger, it is unrealistic to want space to flee.

That would undoubtedly put itinerant monk in danger.

“Lord Ray, the riddle corridor is not big, but smiles are not small. We split up and try to sweep the whole hallway.”

“Well, then split up, Lord Bull, be careful.”

“Lord Ray, you too, be careful.”

So, the two people were simply separated and moved towards two different directions, respectively.

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