In the hallway, Lei Dao continues to walk.

Although it is not possible to cross the shuttle space, Lei Dao can fly, and his ancestor Divine Body has a perfect inheritance of Kun Peng Divine Body’s advantages, not only with the incomparable innate talent on space, but also at a world rate.


Lei Dao is fully flying.

He wants to see what’s hidden in a hallway in the area? It will lead the many gods and the Lord to fall into it.

Lei Dao flies in the hallway of the macro corridor, which is vast, but has no life aura, nor can Lei Dao be prevented.

Day 1, 2 days, 3 days

Turn around for a few days.

At this point, Lei Dao has been flying.

It’s kind of unusual.

“How many days has it been, still flying?” dont tell me I haven’t flew across the hallway? ”

Lei Dao doesn’t feel right. How big is the whole hallway? From outside, it’s not worth mentioning, it’s just as big as an ordinary area.

But Lei Dao’s flight is so fast, and it’s been a couple of days, and don’t say that one area is so big, and even as big as ten, it’s time to fly to the head. What do you think it looks like now, or can’t see the end?

Is there such a big area?

Lei Dao began to be vigilant.


Lei Dao stopped, and at this point he wanted to contact the Lord of the Buffalo, but found it impossible to connect with the summons. At first, their connections were unhindered. Why is there no link now?


hallway, no one knows what’s going on. Even the Lord of the Buffalo, he only knows a little bit about thats all, and, after all, few people can return from the hallway.

Even if returned, they just went into the hall corridor and left immediately, not at all.

“By the way, dont tell me I went into the core area of the hall corridor?”

Lei Dao’s heart moves, and seems to think of some possibility.

In general, there are mysterious, weird places where there may be no difference between the outside, but once at the core, that would be very weird, mysterious and terrifying.

Maybe Lei Dao came to the core area of the hall corridor, so that’s how it turns out.

“Would it be, too, lost?”

Lei Dao frowned, he had some guesses and judgements in his heart.

However, he is currently in a very short time, and just a few days too, he is not in a position to judge.

So the next time, Lei Dao kept flying, sweeping with Spirit Sense, trying to find the Lord, or the Lord of the Bull.

Unfortunately, for a month, Lei Dao won nothing!

At this point, Lei Dao is also hiding something, and maybe he’s trapped in the hallway, and he’s lost!

Because, no matter how he flew, he couldn’t get to the end, as if the hall corridor was endless, but how could it be? Even if it was a brilliant, it would not be possible to say that it was endless, and that was marginal.

And Lei Dao has this feeling, it seems endless.

If it’s just a maze, then it should be Lei Dao’s continuing circle, going back to the point of origin. But the paranoid corridor is different, and Lei Dao keeps flying, no matter how long he can see it, and it’s completely different from his previous position.

It seems that this fancy corridor is immense and immense.

But Lei Dao is also sober.

He understood that it would be so long to fly, and I’m afraid it would never end.

He, really, got stuck!

“Wanna trap me?”

Lei Dao coldly snorted, a fancy corridor, and tried to trap him, and Lei Dao didn’t feel able to trap him.


next moment, Lei Dao manifest out of his ancestral Divine Body, and at the same time his head seems to have flown a path, which is a vast road.

This is Lei Dao’s way of origin!

Every pride asks Daoist, has his own way of origin.

Once manifest came out of the path of origin, the itinerant monk was the strongest repair of itinerant monk, and would not be trapped by some Illusion Technique, at least to see fantasy.

Even the meditation can feel a clear world.

At this point, the path of Lei Dao’s original ancestors is growing, and he is doing his best to feel the clear world.

Just, it’s not working.

Without any effect, Lei Dao senses no power in the clear world, or even a little direction, just as it disappears out of space.

This is similar to the anarchy of the continent, which does not feel the power of any ambiguity.

But it seems a little different.

In an ancient continent, there is no such weird, as if it was hidden everywhere by fog.

“Ask Daoist that Dont go…”

Lei Dao’s heart sinked.

He found out that it’s a big problem, he’s in trouble, too big.

He can’t walk out of the hallway, even if he was caught in a curtain corridor, and none of them came out, and where did the many dignitaries, the Lord and even the Lord go?

If it’s been stuck in the hallway, Lei Dao has flew so long, it should have been able to touch it or feel aura. But so far Lei Dao has not felt any other aura repairing itinerant monk.

Even life aura doesn’t feel it, that’s very suspicious.


seems that the whole hallway is just Lei Dao alone.

“I can’t be trapped!”

Lei Dao took a deep breath, and so far he has no better way to do it, but to try and see if he can cross the shuttle space.


next moment, Lei Dao, like the same shadow, is “integrated” into space directly and silently. This is Lei Dao. It’s the ability of Kun Peng Divine Body in the body’s original ancestral line, spatial shuttle!


innate talent of Kun Peng Divine Body, not even called space shuttle, is integrated into space and can leave anywhere quickly through space passage.

This innate talent, too strong.

Only the Kun Peng community can have such a space as innate talent. With Lei Dao’s original ancestor Divine Body, the catalyst for space innate talent, Lei Dao with no difficulty entered the space corridor.

Just, next moment, the passage collapsed suddenly.


Space corridors, like fragmented mirrors, collapse into fragments, while the original ancestral Divine Body of Lei Dao, also fled from the space corridor.

“Space shuttles don’t work.”

Lei Dao’s mood is invisible.

At this point, he didn’t know he was in trouble!

If not resolved, I’m afraid he will never be able to leave the hallway.

“I want to see how big the hallway is?”

Lei Dao showed a cold mind in his eyes.

He’s got some trouble, one more time, and the results are useless. Now Lei Dao, he doesn’t want to look for God, he just wants to get out of this hallway, thats all.

So Lei Dao mobilized the body’s territorial boundaries.

This time, Lei Dao released all the territorial boundaries without shrinking the territorial boundaries, but wanton. And he’s not the power to release the area, but the whole area!


The area is coming!

A complete territorial boundaries came, so it came directly to the riddle corridor, where everything was in the jurisdiction of Lei Dao.

This is Lei Dao’s real method!

Just, it’s his lifestyle, because once the body’s territorial boundaries are broken, he’s hard to recover. So, less than all, Lei Dao will not directly bring the region down, most of which is to mobilize it to form domain thats all.

When Lei Dao’s territorial boundaries come, Lei Dao can feel it, and then it becomes a territorial boundary.

Just, it’s not working.

In the context of his territorial boundaries, Lei Dao did not feel any clues about the corridor. Some are just empty pieces.


That’s the hallway.

Lei Dao ice-cold expression, Lower muttered: “The Lei wants to see if the hallway is really big?”

Just say, Lei Dao’s mind moves, and at this moment, his area is going crazy.

Double, double, triple, four times, five times.

Lei Dao’s in the body’s area, crazy expansion, constantly expanding. Lei Dao has no control whatsoever, so he leaves the body to expand its territorial boundaries.

Ten times, twenty times, thirty times, 40 times, fifty times

In the turn, Lei Dao’s area of body has expanded to the size of the 55-fold area, and Lei Dao is now able to expand to the greatest extent.

Fifty-five times the territorial boundaries, equivalent to the size of the fifty-fifth regional boundaries.

Even, Lei Dao’s thickness in the body’s territorial boundaries is strong, and the general fifty-fifth regional boundaries are far larger than the fifty-fifth times the size of the cant compare with Lei Dao.

But this size, like before, is still empty, cold, silent, no vitality, nor does it feel aura.

So weird, Lei Dao is the first time!

But Lei Dao is not discourage, but it’s crazy.

“If you can’t find a way back, then you can destroy this hallway completely, destroy it all, blow it out.”

Lei Dao screamed, and now he’s very nervous, and he’s very nervous by this fancy corridor.

If he can’t find a way out, then he completely destroys the hallway.

At the same time, he was completely under his control in the 55-fold area of territorial expansion. Fifty-five times the power of the regional boundary, suddenly, was shattered by void, which had been surrounded by the territorial boundaries.

hong long.

Break it!

void crushed!

Full fragmentation!

As usual, no, more terrifying than the end. Lei Dao didn’t see a big hijacking, maybe even a big hijacking, or, like now, void was crushed and turned into nothing.

Fifty-five times the area controlled void, all crushed. However, Lei Dao’s anger was anger, but he was still feeling every place under the control of five times the territorial boundaries.

“En? This space is cracked.”

Lei Dao suddenly moved.

At this moment, he felt something unusual.


seems to be an inadvertent, instantly fragmented brakes in space, and there is a slight slide of space cracks that are hidden from very slight fluctuations.

Although this fluctuation has passed away, it has been captured by Lei Dao.

next moment, Lei Dao moved directly to the source of that flu.

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