“This is it!”

Lei Dao came to a blasphemy, and in fact here, although it was shattered by Lei Dao’s territorial boundaries, it is now rapidly recovering.


pace of recovery is very alarming.

It’s all around here, and it doesn’t seem to see anything.

However, under the territorial boundaries of Lei Dao, and in particular Lei Dao, the 50 times the size of the territorial boundaries has been used to crush space, or to feel something unusual, with very slight fluctuations.

Now it seems to have recovered as usual, but this may be just a hidden thats all.

“Open it!”

Lei Dao’s territorial boundaries surrounded the area, and then the area was fragmented again. And then the spatial crack became even more visible, in front of Lei Dao and in the presence of a wave of fluctuations.

A familiar fluctuation belongs only to the dianerant monk.

Lei Dao took a deep breath, just a space crack, thats all of it, but he drilled into it with the sensitivity of the original ancestral Divine Body to space.

It’s just that there’s nothing in this spatial crack, and Lei Dao isn’t sure.


next moment, Lei Dao did not hesitate, directly foot across and drilled into space cracks.

This time Lei Dao had a sharp fall.

And that seems to be a space passage, but it’s kind of different.

Anyway, when Lei Dao silhouette slipped out of space, all around the environment had changed significantly.

“Is this it?”

Lei Dao saw all around, verdant and lush, and he was in a forest. Just, isn’t he still in the hallway?

“New man again.”

Suddenly Lei Dao heard a voice, a voice he could understand.

shua. “

Lei Dao sees moved towards the source of the sound.

And beside him, there was a pride in fixing itinerant monk, not even a god, just a big pride, thats all.

“Did you fix itinerant monk?”

“Good. Are you the lord? Or the Lord? There’s no difference, actually. If you’re here, just stay calm.”

This great pride seems to be very upset, very calm.

“Wait, what is this place? And who are you?”

“Where? You didn’t come here, and you didn’t know where it was. This is the hallway.”

“Ecstasy corridor?”

Lei Dao’s heart sinked.

It is true that this is still a hallway.

“I’m just an ordinary pride, a hundred million years old, thats all…”

“You spent 100 million years? Right here?”

“Yeah, right here. hehe, actually, I’m not much, the area is 100 million years thats all, 100 billion years, billions of years, and so on, more than I’ve been working on itinerant monk for a long time. And you’ll get used to it soon.”

Lei Dao was also gradually aware of this place as this nine fountain pride was.

Here, indeed, it is a hallway, but it is at the heart of the hall corridor.

Many repairs of itinerant monk will be lost once they enter the hallway. The last dilemma will come to this place.

Of course, Lei Dao is different.

He’s “proactive” to find this place, and the process is different, but it’s all the same, and he’s stuck in here.


The obsession, a world, a world that’s not big, the environment here is simple, and it’s never changed, and, in any case, it’s not possible to leave.

Even if all around is destroyed, it can be restored as soon as possible.

Anyway, the obsession can’t leave.

“Well, what you should know, you know, obsessed for so many years, and actually have many influences. Although the obsession cannot be destroyed, we fix itinerant monk. Here, you have to join a influence, otherwise you can’t guarantee your security. After all, we can’t get out of the world, some powerful itinerant monk, and start! Like any custom, enjoy joy, fight the corner, compete for power.”

Nine Springs of Dignity is very clear.

一座无法离开的World ,哪怕是顶尖大主宰又如何?

If you don’t enjoy it, do dont tell me that I’m just sitting at the end of the clock?


Besides, someone’s place will be in dispute.

After all these years, the fascination didn’t know how much to fix itinerant monk.

“Can you hold it here?”

Lei Dao suddenly started talking.

“Series? Maybe, maybe not.”

“What do you mean maybe, maybe not?”

Lei Dao frowned, don’t understand what that means.

“It’s simple. Fictinerant monk cultivation, what is it? Not some energy, or some heavenly material, earthly treasure, slowly increasing fleshy body. But everything here, like really, actually, seems to be illusory again, or else, how could it be broken and recovered immediately? There’s really a place like this, which is not obsessive, but Sacred Land, cultivation Sacred Land! It’s not easy to pick up the natural resources that don’t exhaust them.”

“But it’s not that simple.”

Nine Springs, the priest, took a jured fruit directly.

The fruit, the flower drip, seems to be out of the ordinary.

“This jured fruit, which we call Jugor, enhances fleshy body, and we’ll serve, and we can feel clearly that the body is growing, and cultivating works very well, but is that really?”

pu. “

next moment, nine fountains of pride, jugos for powder.

But not long ago, he had another jugu in his hand, just like, eating and still having the same effect.

Lei Dao frowned.

He was also aware of the seriousness of the problem.

“So, what’s the hallucinations we’re staying in?”

“Maybe, maybe not. Who can say that again? No one can leave the world anyway.”

Nine Springs, shrugged ones shoulder, he doesn’t care about these.

He couldn’t be the Lord for 100 million years anyway.

Well, anyway, the world’s successors, most of them fake, fantastic, all of them, but what? Nine Springs have been completely asleep, even reluctant to cultivation.

“No, if you can keep holding up, even if it’s a hallucination, would someone be able to accomplish their ancestors?”

“Hahaha, even if there are endless natural resources, endless time, want to be a ancestral? That’s not just an idiot who says dream thats all of it. However, while it is not possible to accomplish our ancestors, there are many questions about Daoist.”

“问Daoist 都有很多?”

“Yeah, here’s a lot of questions about Daoist. It’s not surprising that the fascinated natural resources have been exhausted, and there’s a lot of time for some people to end up asking Daoist with their heart cultivating. Even some people assume that even if this is an illusion, everything that has been experienced in the illusion is as true as the truth. In fact, back to the clear world, perhaps many people can re-cultivating on the basis of their experience within the world until the strength and realm in the world is not impossible. If that’s true, the fascination is about cultivation Sacred Land. Unfortunately, no one can leave the world.”

Lei Dao has now basically touched the situation of obsession, which is the core area of the hall corridor, and basically disappears in the hallway of the labyrint monk, all come here.

But there are many ways to get to the lab to fix itinerant monk.

Some people, walking around the hallway, came here with unfathomable mystery.

Some of them repaired itinerant monk, in the hallway, saw a world, and then came here.

People also tried to destroy the hallway like Lei Dao, and the result was unfathomable mystery’s coming here.

In any event, it will not be possible to leave without coming to the jungle.

However, Lei Dao concealed that the way he came here was somewhat special and seemed to be different from others. He’s supposed to be “pro-active” to find an obsession, so he got into the miniature.

Perhaps Lei Dao came with 55 times the area boundary, destroying the entire world again, finding some traces of spider horses, or leaving the way not necessarily.

Of course, Lei Dao has become more confused.

甚至,Lei Dao 也想先找到牛魔主宰的daughter 瑶馨主宰再说。

Even if you want to leave, you will have to leave with your Lord, and it is not a white trip to get lost.

“Lord Koizumi, do you introduce me so much that you can end up with purpose? What do you want?”

Lei Dao like a smile yet not a smile looking at nine fountains of pride.

This great pride has an answer, and there is nothing to hide, and Lei Dao doesn’t mind giving the other party a little advantage.

Nine Springs, Lord said with a smile, “I’m just a little pride, thats all, in the world, all over, the Lord is nothing. I was just sent to pull up the new guy thats all. It’s not the same as Lord Ray, but you have to be careful in the open world and in the name of Brilliant. Here, while cultivating doesn’t know it’s fake, when it comes to power, it can play formidable power here. And, repairing itinerant monk is dead, and that’s actually dead. You first arrived in Chad, preferably to join a influence. My influence is called the Dragon League, the Lord of Dragon Fai oversee, and the one who asks Daoist enough to guarantee your safety.”

“So you pulled me into the Dragon League?”


“Well, I joined, take me to the Dragon League.”

Lei Dao directly said it.

He’s gonna use the influence here to find the goddess and join any influence. Look at Nine Springs so “Eyes”, then joining the Dragon League is, there’s nothing at worst.

Nine Springs have opened their eyes, some accidents.

“You never went to the Dragon League, and you didn’t even know much, and you promised to join?”

Lei Dao stood up, and there was a smile between his mouth, indifferently said: “Understanding, not knowing, it’s all right, but with the Dragon League influence. The influence is strong or weak, it’s not important, it’s surname Lei.”


The Nine Springs have opened their eyes, and their eyes are uncertain.

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