
Lei Dao’s in the body’s area, there was a crack, although it was just a crack, and Lei Dao’s in the body’s area could recover at once.

However, this is a bad phenomenon.

This shows that Lei Dao’s area of body has also reached a limit and that he cannot afford to take on a stronger force anymore. In other words, Lei Dao is about to be able to carry the forces of the world, and the forces of the world are stronger than the body’s territorial boundaries in Lei Dao, and the boundaries of Lei Dao’s body cannot be activated, or even endangered.


Indeed, it’s a crack again.

As time passes, Lei Dao’s interface in the body has become increasingly fragmented, and everyone has clearly found this.

“Alliance Lord Lei can’t carry it?”

“What kind of rare treasure does that make the whole world incredible?”

“Dont tell me that, in the future, the whole obsession of me can dominate the only champion of the League?”

“Unfortunately, Lord Raymond, at the dawn of the world is the top question of Daoist, trapped in an obsession, and then goes back, pathetic, lamentable, supreme question of Daoist, which is the seed of the ancient ancestors.”

A lot of people are sighing.

Indeed, not all of them want the Lord to win. Rather, they want the Lord to fail and be defeated by Lei Dao. Otherwise, with the power to dominate the League, the future will not be lost in the heavens of the Lord?

Of course, the best result is the sides suffer.

Just, now it seems impossible and sides suffer, Lei Dao is doomed to fail.

“haha, Alliance Lord Lei, you can’t hold it! You’re finally a top question, Daoist, what if you want to acknowledge allegiance, the Seat will spare your life and will never blame you for what you did before. Even when this Seat breaks up, it’s possible to take you out of the world.”

The Lord’s vision of disdainfully looking at all living activities is a venture that says to Lei Dao.

He doesn’t really cherish Lei Dao as a human being, but as a wander!

Indeed, the power of treasure has been summoned to pinnacle by the Lord’s Alliances, which will hardly force suppression Lei Dao.

Who knows what’s going to happen?

If Lei Dao could take over, then naturally, would it be easy to stop Lei Dao until he studied this obsession treasure?

Now, the Lord, who dominates Alliance Lord, does not want to save the branches, he just wants to go to comprehend, rare treasure, as soon as possible, and he has a hidden feeling that this rare treasure is connected to the entire perimeter, and that, once comprehend is complete, his harvest may go far beyond imagination.

Even if there’s hope for our ancestors!


Lei Dao looked cold, but his will was even more firm, despite the continuing fragmentation and even the collapse of his territorial boundaries in the body.

“The world is full of charms, evil influence, devil walking, good spirits being suppression, and everyone’s walking like a corpse, and no evil move, what is the world?”

“In the clear world, I have seen too many ugly worlds, a small world, even a big world. Maybe I have the ability to change, but I can only change a little world or a big world. What’s the point for the whole world? The same is true in absurd continents, and the weak is prey to the strong, the jungle law, and I can’t change it.”

“At the end of the world, I thought it would be possible to change the world, at least to make the people of the world live in harmony, and the world is full of good beauty. Just, I was wrong, I was wrong, I underestimated your demons’ influence, and I underestimated the strength of the bad influence. But you want me to go down to the bad influence, acknowledge allegiance, to the bad influence?”

“Lower head, that’s impossible, and recognize allegiance too, always impossible. Since I’m going to change this world, it’s a martyr determination! Today, I have made such a determination, and I am determined to die, and do you?”

Lei Daos voice has just begun to be low, but now, as surging bores, the whole void of the “hong long long long” impact, Lei Dao feels more determined, faint, seems to have a light on his mind.

Is that the power of the mind?

Lei Dao was unclear, but at this point he felt that he had no fear, that he was in the body’s territorial boundaries, as if he injected an energy in an empty way, and that crazy fight against the obsession.

“Damn it, how could a man like that be so boring?”

Major Alliance Lord complexion sank.

Actually, Lei Dao has a word right, Lei Dao has the resolve to die, and what about him?

He didn’t!

The Lord of the Lord of God always thought of getting treasure, and then leaving the world, even after he got treasure, he thought far more. Once he left the miniature, he wanted to ask Daoist, or even, that there was a chance to achieve his ancestors.

This is his lifelong dream. How could he be determined to die?

“You’re going to die, that Seat will help you! What if your will is stronger? Will can’t replace power!”

The Lord of the League of Nations was silent, and he spurred the treasure in his hands and mobilized all the lost forces.


suddenly, the ecstasy clouds are raging.

What if Lei Dao really has the resolve to die?

The gap in power cannot be bridged at all.

Even if Lei Dao’s mental strength is stronger, it will not work.

It collapsed!

Crazy collapse!

Lei Dao’s in the body’s territorial boundaries, like the end of the day, began to collapse.

Even, the forces of fanatical terror began to surround Lei Dao directly through the body’s territorial boundaries, putting enormous pressure on the original ancestral Divine Body of Lei Dao.

At this point, the original ancestor Divine Body of Lei Dao will be physically overwhelmed, and he will only know how horror this force is. He only knows how much pressure he has taken in the body’s area?

Even so, in the body area, it took so long.

This is incredible!


Just, even a part of the super power, infiltrated in, crushed on Lei Dao’s ancestor Divine Body.

Only four percent of the original ancestral community, even if defensive, can’t hold it at all. So Lei Dao’s original grandfather Divine Body started to collapse, little by little.

Lei Dao can even feel the passing of his life.

Once the original grandfather Divine Body collapsed and life lost, then he would die.

Even if he had his original ancestor Divine Body’s immortality, he could be resurrected again, but it was just to let the obsession extinguish one thats all, and there would be no change.

Death, really close.

Lei Dao is not the first time to feel death, just this time, when he has exhausted his best efforts, but still cannot change the end, and this time Lei Dao’s hard start is not fighting for his life and Death.

He’s trying to change the world, change this charm, evil influence across the world.

Just, he seems to be about to fail.

The devil is ridiculous, and the righteous are not safe at dawn.

The whole obsession is filled with a corrupt aura.

Lei Dao never thought he was noble, nor did he think he was great.

He was just at first, insisting on being a good man!

He’s just a good guy, thats all!

Just, this world, good people don’t seem to have good news.

shua. “

Lei Dao jumped up.

His eyes shine with a bright glow, even more in his head.

These images, from the beginning of Lei Family Castle.

At first, he started martial artist.

At that time, he had to be a good man.

Just, he’s not a good man on his way, he’s pushing him, so Lei Dao can only fight once. For yourself, for the sake of relatives, for the family.

In the end, Lei Dao walked out of the real God World, and he swept all the enemies he ever had.

Later, he became a member of a well-defined human influence, and he tried to be a good man, but at that time Lei Dao was strong, the more powerful, the more responsible.

Lei Dao is not enough to be a good man when he’s human.

He has to shoulder the burden of humanity as a whole, and he wants all mankind to be proud and good.

Lei Dao succeeded.

He spearheaded humankind, sweeping all the evil and powerful races around it, leaving humanity no longer worried about its own security, providing it with security and a quiet life, cultivation.

From then on, Lei Dao felt that he changed humankind and changed part of the world.

Just, too big, Lei Dao couldn’t change the whole perimeter.

Then he went to an outrageous continent, where the weak is prey to the strong and more brutal. Even there is a saint of aloof and remote, and Lei Dao is unable to change the absurd continent.


that time, Lei Dao even doubted, was he wrong?

He’s just a regular itinerant monk thats all.

What about Daoist?

More powerful than he is, even saints, ancestors, what is he?

Ideally to change the whole world, change the whole wilderness continent, okay? It’s just an idiot thinking about thats all.

Even his master’s original ancestral space, he can only oversee in the dark, thats all, and he can’t change the whole world and the absurd continent, Lei Dao what virtue and ability to change the whole world?

Since then, Lei Dao has been cold and hidden in his heart.

Until he came to the jungle.

He started, and the target was just to find the goddess, and then leave the miniature thats all.

But Lei Dao was surprised to discover that there were no saints or ancestral fathers in the world, but there were many gods, lords, or even Daoist.

It’s a world more cruel than an ancient continent, than a clear world.

Maybe he’s capable of changing the world?

So Lei Dao started to move, and he’s going to clean the whole world!

Just this time, it seems that even he went in.

Bad influence is stronger than he imagined.

He’s dying!

But even if he was to die, he would not regret it.

He just wants to be a good man!

Just, in this human world, why is it so hard to be a good man?

“There’s no turning back.”

next moment, bright glow in Lei Dao’s eyes.

“First ancestral bloodline, raise it.”

The vitality of the rado Body has passed away.

It’s a lifespan. It’s a lifespan.

Ancient. Start!

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