
A lot of life has passed away.

At this juncture, Lei Dao no longer hesitates, and he mobilized the energy directly and started to upgrade the original ancestral bloodline.

Lei Dao’s original ancestral bloodline, now 4 percent, a total of 10 bloodline lines.

But now Lei Dao begins to upgrade the bloodline, despite everything.

The first bloodline, and Lei Dao, was chosen long ago, cost 8,100 years of lifespan.

The second bloodline, a little more expensive, took 10 billion years of lifespan.

Third Type bloodline, cost 100 billion years lifespan.

Three bloodline, just consumed three billion years of lifespan.

When all three bloodline lines were upgraded to Big Perfection, then Lei Dao was integrated into the original ancestral bloodline in the body, and then the old ancestral bloodline changed again.


The original ancestral bloodline has been strengthened, and the original ancestral Divine Body has begun to reorganize again, and Lei Dao has a clear feeling that the original ancestral bloodline is growing rapidly.

Lei Dao looked at body data.

Lei Dao (34 years old)

Life style: Origin Divine Body

Lifespan: One hundred and one hundred thousand countless years

in the body world: 55 times the territorial boundaries (expansionable)

Origin bloodline: 5% (13 bloodline Perfection)

The original ancestral bloodline had reached 5 per cent and would have been extended in the body’s territorial boundaries.

but to do what about Lei Dao’s lifespan, there’s only one hundred and one hundred thousand years left, and how much can it be done even if it’s expanded twice as much as thats all?

Why don’t you rely on your ancestors Divine Body strongly resist!

As Lei Dao’s original ancestor Divine Body also reached 5 per cent, a reconfiguration took place once, so that the original grandfather Divine Body had increased a lot and could have slightly blocked some of the forces that had infiltrated the industry.

Just, now the obsession is just a partial infiltration of power.

How can Lei Dao’s ancestor Divine Body resist if the body’s territorial boundaries collapse and the forces of the obsession erupt?


Lei Dao now urgently needs lifespan and a large number of lifespan to upgrade in the body area.


he had a large number of lifespan, even lifespan, which was not exhausted, he could continuously upgrade the original bloodline and the body’s territorial boundaries, and why would he be afraid of an obsession?

Even Lei Dao has the confidence to fight the obsession!

But it’s just Lei Dao’s luxury thats all.

lifespan, it would have been difficult to increase, or even to be obsessed, those heavenly material, earthly treasure, life prolonging categories of treasure, all of which are illusory.

Even with the use of that rare treasure, which has a close relationship with the fascination, the whole world is shaking, and even a great deal of obsessive power, all used to “suppress” Lei Dao in the body’s territorial boundaries.

Lei Dao has reason to believe that the obsession may be a treasure, or a world.

Moreover, when the industry used many forces to suppress the Lei Dao territorial boundaries, some of the “illusions” within it had even begun to break. For example, some precious heavenly material, earthly treasure, disappear.

The treasure, which had not been exhausted before, had disappeared.

What does that mean?

That’s all that really is illusory, and Lei Dao’s previous speculation is correct, and the obsession is an illusory world, where everything, including natural resources, is false and is like thats all.

It’s just that it doesn’t have much to do with Lei Dao’s stress, and he’s still under the pressure of the miniature, and it’s very big.


Still can’t bear it.

Finally, Lei Dao’s territorial boundaries in the body continue to collapse rapidly, infiltrating a large number of obsessive forces, still covering Lei Dao, leaving Lei Dao alone, even if it reached 5 per cent of its original ancestral Divine Body.

“Still not enough?”

Lei Dao’s silent.

Even if he expands the area twice as much, what’s the point?

It doesn’t work much anymore.

Wanted to increase a lot of lifespan, too, simply impossible.

Maybe that’s his limit.

At this point, the whole world is caught in turmoil.


dominant Alliance Lord’s rare treasure is deeply linked to the obsession, and as the dominant Alliance Lord struggles to rush rare treasure, the whole world is caught in turmoil.

And many gods, even when they were unclear, were crushed into powder.

“What the hell is going on?”

“Why is the confusion so intense?”

“rare treasure of the dominant allies must be the core rare treasure of the obsession, which concerns the whole world. I didn’t think that the miniature might actually be a treasure, and the core of the control is in the hands of the Lord of Alliance.”

For a while, many lords asked Daoist about rare treasure glare like a tiger watch his prey in the hands of Lord Alliance.

That’s the Supreme Treasure who controls the obsession!

Even if it is not possible to reach the point of control, who is not moved to influence the obsession, or, ultimately, to rely on this rare treasure to leave the world?

Even two other deputy Alliance Lord, now somewhat regretting.

If they have rare treasure, why don’t they hold fate in their hands now?

Unfortunately, they regret it, and now they have rare treasure, the Lord of Alliance!

“Lei Dao, you’ve reached the limit, give up. Don’t recognize allegiance, then go to Die!”

The Lord of the Sovereign Alliance now doesn’t want to accept Lei Dao anymore, and he knows that Lei Dao cannot be accepted at all. If you can’t take it, let Lei Dao die!

“I can’t help it!”

Lei Dao wants to be a good man. It’s hard.

Even if he had used the few remaining lifespan systems to strengthen the original ancestral bloodline and to strengthen the original Divine Body, but what about that? A water truck pays thats all.

What’s his strength better than the whole obsession?

hong long.

Finally, the internal boundaries of Rado Body were completely collapsed and completely torn.


most immediate consequence of the collapse of the territorial boundaries is the cynical pressures of terror, all of which are on Lei Dao’s original ancestor Divine Body, and at this moment Lei Dao seems to have borne the pressure of the heavens and the earth as a whole, making him tough.

And his ancestor Divine Body is crashing rapidly.

Without one minute, his Divine Body would collapse completely, then there would be no death, a resurrection, and the next minute, he would be crushed into powder.

No luck, no accident.

“Is that death aura?”

Lei Dao seems to have felt death aura.

“Wait, I seem to have a way.”

Lei Dao was desperate, and the mind was shining, and he seemed to think of something.


Lei Dao, big hand, flew out a black coffin from his inside the body’s area.

This black coffin, deep and dark, looks like a weird feeling, but it spreads aura of death, and there’s a lot of death in it.

Lei Dao hasn’t used the black coffin for a long time, but until now Lei Dao remembered the black coffin.


seems that once you hide in a black coffin, no power can destroy a black coffin?

Of course Lei Dao did not try the power of the saint or his ancestral ancestors.

Maybe the saints and their ancestors are capable of destroying black coffins, maybe not, who knows?

But this is Lei Dao’s last choice.

“Little black, wake up, open the black coffin and let me in.”

Lei Dao immediately started contacting his little black coffin.

For so long, the darkness seems to fall asleep, and I don’t know what’s going on.

Lei Dao is the little black master, so only he can wake up the dark.

“Well, Master, I’m awake. What’s going on? How did Master want to get into the black coffin?”

“Little black, I can’t explain, Master is in danger, and now he has to hide in the black coffin, and open the black coffin.”

Lei Dao also had no time to explain that he had to hide in a black coffin as soon as possible.

“Wait, Master, this aura… a very familiar aura, Master, this power is so familiar, so familiar, you’ve always wanted to find the power to die. That’s right, not dead pearls! A force similar to the non-death of the original source is the natural force of the black coffin. Come on, let me swallow that immortal pearl, so huge, incredible, maybe really open up the black coffin.”

Little black voices are pushing up, and it’s exciting.

“Little darkness, don’t you die of the original pearls? Where did you see any dead pearls?”

Lei Dao is very different.

Don’t die of the original pearl, he’s not seen.

How did Lei Dao bring it to the dead without seeing it? But Lei Dao didn’t see the pearls in the world.

“Master, that transparent treasure, it’s not the same as the original pearl, but it’s much stronger than the one who doesn’t die, it’s the treasure and energy that the black coffin needs most!”

“Transparency crystal? You said that rare treasure?”

“Yeah, that rare treasure.”

Lei Dao opened his mouth, and that rare treasure was related to the black coffin.

But what did Lei Dao get to compete with that rare treasure?

“Little black, I’m afraid you’re going to be disappointed. I was forced to do so by that rare treasure, and it’s almost impossible to support it, so I’m afraid I can’t compete for that rare treasure.”

Lei Dao laughed bitterly, and said.

I knew that rare treasure was related to the black coffin, and he had already released the black coffin.

Master, you don’t need to fight, you just have to let me out, and then I’ll open the black coffin, and then the black coffin will naturally swallow that rare treasure. Once rare treasure gets into the black coffin, he can’t escape. “

“Swallow rare treasure, that’s all?”

“Yes, just so simple, Master doesn’t believe it can be tried.”

Lei Dao always felt some incredible.

“Try it.”

Lei Dao clenched ones teeth, and now he has no better way to do it, so that the black coffin can only be thrown out in a black way.


Darkness turned into a light, and swiftly flew towards the Lord of the Lord of the Lord.

“What’s the expensive stuff? Break for me!”

The Lord of the Lord saw the black coffin, which he thought was the treasure of Lei Dao, who naturally did not want to get the black coffin near and directly mobilize the forces of the lost.

It just seems that the forces of terror, when they fall on the black coffin, have nothing to do with it.

“What’s going on?”

Lord startled in the heart, dont tell me Lei Dao can fight the risk spot?

“oh la la”.

next moment, black coffins open.

A corpse in a black coffin can be concealed from outside, and as this corpse emerges, the whole world seems to have been shaken.


The black coffin, despite the fact that there is an invisible hand, captured directly the rare treasure in the dominant leader, fiercely dragged directly into the black coffin and swallowed “by the black coffin.


The blackcoffin was shut down, and the whole world seemed to be quiet.

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