void is silent, and there are many visions around tomorrow, and there are many Great Emperor and Lord, but at this moment no one will agree to it.

They’re shaking inside!

Another pride, incarnation, was killed by Lei Dao, and they saw Lei Dao wipe out the sacred man incarnation, as if it was really easy to be with no difficulty.

Is it so easy to kill the saint incarnation?

Aren’t they really mistaken?

If only the rumors are heard, it must be felt that the saint incarnation is easily extinct, and that if Daoist comes to the top, it can kill the saint incarnation.


Great Emperor was the first car in Quinn!


Queen Great Emperor imposing way like a rainbow, trying to challenge the saint, what’s the result? Even a saint can’t carry a bullet, or even lose his life in vain.

With the light of Great Emperor’s previous car, no one now thinks that the saint incarnation is so easily extincted.

But seeing Lei Dao wipe out the sacred incarnation for one reason, that’s Lei Dao!

Only Lei Dao can kill the saint incarnation!

“It is true that there has been a guessing before that there will be no one but the Lord of Thunderbolts who will kill the saint incarnation.”

“We all felt before that Daoist could kill the saint incarnation, just because the saints aloof and remote, and that Daoist lacked courage over the saints of war, thats all of them. Once there is courage, it is not hard to kill the saint incarnation for the top question of Daoist. But now it seems that we’re a little optimistic, not the top question that Daoist can kill the saint incarnation, but the landlord can kill the saint incarnation.”

“The saint’s sentence is well prepared, but what about it? The landlord still killed incarnation.”

“The saint’s sentence will again fall down incarnation, possibly a very powerful incarnation, even the main war incarnation!”

“The main war incarnation?” Go ahead, the saints will use the main war incarnation only when dealing with their ancestors. Raymond is strong. Do you have a little bit of a problem with using the main war incarnation? “

“Even if the main battle incarnation is not used, there are several powerful incarnation nations, and the landlord may not be able to carry it.”

Many are arguing.

But without exception, it was astonishing to see Lei Dao wipe out the sacred man’s incarnation.

The saint’s sentence, however, has learned the lesson that the saint is susceptible to incarnation’s extinction and has been prepared and very careful. But what about the results? It was also in the gutter that overturned the ship and was cut off from incarnation.

Now, Lei Dao, alone, has wiped out the incarnation of the three noble saints, which is known as an ancient man, at least this age, or even the previous centuries, has not been born to ask Daoist so strongly by Lei Dao.

“The main war incarnation?”

Lei Dao also has a slight heart.


knows that the sacred incarnation is divided into three types. The first is ordinary incarnation, with strong or weak fluctuations, but Lei Dao actually seems to be as close as Daoist as the top question.

Even if Daoist was stronger than the top, that was very limited.

Only because the saints can keep the forces of the ancient continent, the ordinary saint incarnation will be so strong, almost crushed by any top question of Daoist.

But the loss of ancient continental power, the ordinary incarnation of the saint, is a little stronger than the top question, Daoist, all of which is too big.

But if it’s the main war incarnation, it’s different.

The main war incarnation is the second incarnation of the saint incarnation, a horror incarnation capable of fighting with the ancestors great war. The main war, incarnation, is the true criterion for the struggle of the saints.

Just, the saints usually deal with the top questions, Daoist, ordinary incarnation. Mobilizing the main war incarnation? That’s almost invisible.

But is the ordinary saint incarnation working for Lei Dao?

So, the saint’s sentence is really likely to mobilize the main war incarnation, so Lei Dao is now under a lot of pressure.

If, according to Lei Dao’s original plan, he wanted to stay in the reindeer valley for a few months until Spring of Life eruption was over, and Spring of Life was completely refining.

But now Lei Dao can’t continue to stay in the reindeer valley, the more dangerous it is even for a long time. Once the Lord of the Holy People’s Word incarnation came, Lei Dao was desperate to flee.

Lei Dao has a clear knowledge of his power.

To deal with the ordinary saint incarnation, he can destroy the ordinary incarnation of the saint with a founding grandfather Divine Body and in the body’s territorial boundaries. But in the face of the holy master’s war, incarnation, that is not a level at all and cannot be resisted at all.

Major War incarnation, comparable with the original ancestors!

Lei Dao wiped out the Aparnation of the saint’s sentence, and he didn’t know what the saint said, but thought it wouldn’t be very good. And the saints are often very small, killing the incarnation of the saint, and 100 per cent of each other will drop down incarnation again.

So Lei Dao can’t stay in the reindeer valley, and he has to do everything he can to collect Spring of Life as much as possible. At least one more one, and refining will be able to add more lifespan.

next moment, Lei Dao no longer hesitates.

“The area is coming!”

suddenly, Lei Dao had surrounded the area throughout the deer valley, and all the Lord, Great Emperor, had been removed from the deer cream by Lei Dao, who had to take the entire Spring of Life from the deer Ridge.

“What is Lord Ray doing?”

“He moved us all out of the reindeer valley. What do you want?”

“The power of Lord Ray, Dont tell me is the power of his domain? It’s awesome to ask Daoist not to carry it, to be directly removed from the reindeer valley! It is no wonder that the sacred man incarnation, this method, this power, has been completely above Daoist’s top question.”

Lei Dao’s “heavenly” approach has caused many grievances.

But Lei Dao imposing modes are flourishing, just extinguishing a sacred man incarnation, so even if there are more grievances, it is not possible to confront Lei Dao at this time.

So they can only watch Lei Dao’s move.

“Take it!”

Lei Dao mobilized the area to bring the whole deer cream into the body’s area.

“hong long long”.

suddenly, a position shakes, and Lei Dao moves the whole deer valley into the body’s territorial boundaries. After all, Lei Dao has the strength of the area, and it may be possible to remove the whole deer valley.

The reindeer valley was shattered by mountainside rocks, and the deer valley was shattered, and gradually moved, and the entire valley was moved by Lei Dao to the body area.

“En? Spring of life is still spreading?”

Lei Dao was a little surprised.

He moved all the reindeer valley, but Spring of Life was still spreading out.

So, the rapid move towards Spring of Life spraying in Lei Dao’s geographical boundaries extends into it, and he wants to see what keeps Spring of Life spraying.

As Lei Dao’s geography stretches, Lei Dao finally felt that the power of the area seemed to have touched a treasure.

This treasure has a depressed life aura, even to Lei Dao.


Lei Dao is delighted in one heart.

Spring out of life because of a treasure?

Lei Dao can’t imagine why this is a treasure?

Or Lei Dao doesn’t have to continue to stay in the reindeer valley for months, refining Spring of Life, and if this treasure is taken away, can it be spreading out of Spring of Life?

Or, this treasure itself has the life of the sea, and Lei Dao doesn’t even need Spring of Life, and only this treasure refining can increase unimaginable lifespan?

This time, it’s a huge harvest!

“Get up!”

Lei Dao shouted, the strengths of the body’s territorial boundaries were packed in treasure, and then the insane intention was to “pull it out”. Just, that treasure buried underground is too deep.

It’s too hard to get treasure out alone.

But Lei Dao doesn’t have a way.

It’s just a mountain range thats all, even an incredible mountain range, which buries a treasure full of life. It is not known why treasure spreads a large number of SPring of life, which has led to the attention of the reindeer valley.

So, Lei Dao, can you just move the whole mountain range?

What can he do to move a mountain range in the body area anyway?

With this in mind, Lei Dao was determined immediately.

He manifest out a founding grandfather Divine Body, suddenly, the old grandfather Divine Body’s constant expansion into a giant man of honor to support both Heaven and Earth.

Thereafter, the great ancestor Divine Body’s hands fiercely took the whole mountain range, referred to by fiercely.

“hong long long”.

There is also the intensification of the regional boundaries, and the original ancestral Divine Body of Lei Dao directly raised the whole mountain range and threw it in the body’s territorial boundaries.

Seeing this scene, everyone stares.

What happened?

Why don’t you even have mountain range?

There’s only one empty deserted area in front of them, where’s the deer cream? Not even mountain range…

“I’ve heard the landlord screamed treasure well, but I didn’t think it was better than three feet to shave, and even the mountains moved directly…”

Many rulers find themselves silent.

They’re ten thousand li. Why?

Isn’t that Spring of Life and Great Dao of Life in the Deep Ridge?

Now, the reindeer valley is gone, and the mountains are gone, and Lei Dao’s head is gone, and what can they do?

What can they do in the face of a world in which a pride can exterminate the sacred man incarnation?

Even if you stop it, you can only see Lei Dao move out of the deer cream valley, move the whole mountain range, and finally silhouette drill into the space corridor and disappear shadowless.


Not long ago, a world-shaking terror pressure came from void.

The saint is coming again!

This time, incarnation, actually has a horrendous power to stifle.

Major War incarnation! This must be the main war incarnation!

The saint said it really fell down the main war incarnation!

It’s just that when the saint’s Lord incarnation came, he couldn’t even hold his eyes open, and his eyes were uncertain, and even worse on his face.

“That Saint didn’t go wrong? Where’s the deer cream?”


voice of the saint is back in void. It’s been a while.

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