hu… finally came back. “

Lei Dao showed up silhouette, finally growing relaxed.

too terrifying!

He is certain that the saint must have hated him, even by using the main war incarnation, otherwise Lei Dao’s heart has always had a strong sense of threat and must be a threat to the saint.

Luckily, come back now.

Back to the city, Lei Dao had a sense of security.

Think about it in the reindeer valley, in front of the saint, it’s too terrifying, and if it’s a little later, until the saint’s sentence falls down, then Lei Dao will die, and no one will save him.

Luckily, Lei Dao’s lucky this time.

“Uh, this time it was intended to be low-key, no longer guilty of a saint. I didn’t think I was guilty of a sacred man, and I was guilty… so that I had already been guilty of five sacred people?”

Lei Dao, think about how he got five priests, but he didn’t have a little rush? Or is he already in debt?


is no meaning for Lei Dao for the five sacred or ten saints.

“thats all, be guilty, but not many saints.”

Lei Dao returned to Cave Mansion and immediately entered the secret room.

This time, this harvest is too big.

First, Lei Dao’s original ancestral bloodline reached 10 per cent, and his ancestor, Divine Body, reached one. The original ancestral Divine Body is small accomplishment, while the small accomplishment’s original ancestor Divine Body, brought the leap to Lei Dao’s qualities.

He has the original ancestral character!

That’s some of the original ancestors, which makes Lei Dao very special now.

Does he ask Daoist now or not?

If Lei Dao asks Daoist for the realm. But if Lei Dao is above Daoist, according to his original grandfather Divine Body, he already has some ancestral characteristics, or can he ask Daoist?

But if Daoist is not asked, then Lei Dao is not the original ancestor. At least Lei Dao is worse than his ancestors, real ancestors, why would he care about the master of the saint’s war incarnation?

So now Lei Dao is far away from his ancestors.

“Achieving the original ancestral Divine Body, and my Divine Body has also increased its resilience, but it’s a little too much down in the body’s area, and then it has to be expanded in the body’s area.”

Lei Dao has a decision in mind.

the body’s territorial boundaries are the guiding method that is indispensable.

Moreover, Lei Dao is now aware of the importance of the body’s territorial boundaries, especially when the obscene continent is so important to the Holy People.

Not because of the strength of Lei Dao in the body’s area, the strength is strong, much stronger than many of the top questions about Daoist, but more than the holy man incarnation, but in fact the strength of the Dao Body’s internal boundaries is not a spectacular one, or a normal one.

But Lei Dao’s in the body’s area has a special role, almost completely restraining the saint!

That’s the “isolation” method in the body’s area.

Once isolated from the body’s territorial boundaries by Lei Dao, the ordinary incarnation of the saint could no longer feel the absurd continent, that is, the sacred man incarnation at that time could not keep the sources of power of the absurd continent on the sacred man incarnation.

In that way, the saints lost their greatest advantage, so Lei Dao could do it again and then three times to destroy the saint incarnation. Isn’t he not strong enough to look back at Great Emperor?

No, Great Emperor is very powerful in Quinn! It was the top question of well-know figure in Daoist, but he said incarnation to the saint, just one ordinary incarnation, but he failed so badly.

The reason is that Great Emperor was unable to isolate the nexus between the holy man’s incarnation and the absurd continent, and that was why that was so tragic. If the link between the saint incarnation and the homeland cannot be isolated, great war with the saint incarnation would have no meaning at all.

Unless the force reaches the level of the original ancestral, it has the power of oppression for the common saint incarnation.

But possible?

Lei Dao’s in the body’s area can isolate the link between ancient continents and the saint incarnation, and Lei Dao’s search is fundamental and hidden.

Maybe it’s Lei Dao’s in the body’s area, and that’s why a world is.

Despite power, volume high grade and so on, Lei Dao’s territorial boundaries and the delimitation, darkness and absurd continents are simply unable to mention on equal terms, both of which are entirely two levels.

But in essence, Lei Dao’s in the body’s area and in the clear, dark, absurd continents are almost an independent world!

So Lei Dao’s in the body’s territorial boundaries can isolate the link between the saint and the absurd continent.

Of course, this is also very limited.

For example, if the number of sacred people incarnation is greater, Lei Dao’s area of body is repressive and cannot be completely isolated.

If the main war incarnation was to be lost, it would be useless for Lei Dao to be in the body’s area.

So Lei Dao has to continue to empower the body’s area, dozens of times in the body’s area, no, hundreds of times!

“Spring of the life of this harvest shall be the first to merge refining.”

Lei Dao started refining in the body’s area of Spring of Life, and this time he brought back a lot of Spring of Life, even the whole deer cream.

As a result, there is also a lot of water left in the reindeer valley.

Lei Dao’s fast refining there.

100 years, 5 billion years, 10 billion years

Turn around, Lei Dao’s lifespan increased by two hundred and three billion years.

This is all Spring of Life refining plus lifespan.

Lei Dao added billions of years of lifespan before, but it consumed more than three billion years of lifespan, raising the original ancestral line to 10 per cent, leaving 200 billion years of lifespan.

And now two hundred and three billion years of lifespan, together, Lei Dao owns another 4800 years of lifespan!

Four hundred and eighty-one billion years of lifespan, which seems to be a lot, in fact, not even ten times in the body’s area. Now Lei Dao’s in the body’s territorial boundaries can be amply expanded to a point of 115 times.

Just don’t have enough lifespan thats all.

Although there is no Spring of Life, Lei Dao also has more precious treasure, found in the deer Ridge Valley, where Spring of Life sprays.

Spring out of life is because of that treasure.

Lei Dao’s consciousness was buried in the body’s territorial boundaries, and he came to the reindeer valley, where Spring of Life was dry, but he was still taking a piece of Spring of Life.

In the reindeer valley, Lei Dao was afraid to release refining, so Spring of Life could form rivers.

But in the body’s area of Lei Dao, Lei Dao could have left refining directly, with the result that Spring of Life in the Deep Ridge was dry.

“What exactly is this treasure?”

Lei Dao moved in the heart.

He used to think about taking treasure out first.

But now it seems, why did you take it out?

Now treasure is buried underground, and it’s still able to spray a stock of Spring of Life, and what if treasure moves out of Spring of Life?

Or, once treasure moves, if it’s not refining treasure, or it can’t be turned into lifespan, then it won’t be a waste of effort?


would be better if refining Spring of Life could now be transformed into lifespan, or if it were to be better, to refining Spring of Life, and to see how many days Spring of Life could spray?

So Lei Dao was quiet waiting for Spring of Life to come out slowly, and then he quickly refining.

Lei Dao waited one more day and saw Spring of Life close to it, and refining it, resulting in 8,100 years of lifespan.

This is the first day, but the second and third day.

The increase in lifespan was ambushed, but basically between 8,100 and 10 billion years.

Day four, day five, day six

As time passes, SPring of life seems to be endless, which is good for Lei Dao, and he cannot afford Spring of Life to float.


‘s better to spray a year and a half, so he doesn’t have to grieve for lifespan, ascending to the skies with a single leap, directly accomplishing his ancestors!

Of course, Lei Dao just thought about thats all.

In fact, he knew it was impossible at all.

Although SPring of life has been spreading, the rate of spraying slowly after 10 days has passed and the volume of SPring of life has been reduced.

Thirty days, thirty days, thirty-second days, thirty-three days

Eventually, Spring of Life had flown for 35 days, which had gradually disappeared, with no trace and no further drop of Spring of Life.


Lei Dao opened his eyes and somewhat distracted.

Thirty-five days!

If not the Spring of Life of the previous two billion years of lifespan, then 35 days of follow-up, the Spring of Life of Lei Dao refining does not count.

And for 35 days, his increased lifespan was enough to reach 2,100 and 2,200 billion!

That’s more than 21 billion years of lifespan, far more than Lei Dao’s ever earned.

Even Lei Dao, see this number, and the heart is a tip and excitement.

If you add four hundred and eighty-one billion years before lifespan, Lei Dao’s present lifespan has reached 260 billion years!

“260 billion years lifespan?”

Lei Dao has no surprise in mind.

“Can there be so many Spring of Life, exactly treasure?”

Lei Dao is more curious now. What treasure is hidden underneath the deer valley? More than 20 billion years of lifespan can be added, even more than lifespan increases in life seeds.

Lei Dao used to be afraid of taking treasure out of it, and it would be a mess, and there were some unpredictable changes.

But now, there is no SPring of life in the reindeer valley, even if he takes treasure out, is unable to refining, is unable to increase lifespan, but it has little impact on Lei Dao.

After all, he’s got more than 20 billion years of lifespan, a huge harvest!

“Open for me!”

Lei Dao shouted in a low voice.

suddenly, in the body’s territorial boundaries, it seems that there are two big hands, and the Ridge Ridge, even the whole mountain range, is divided into two.

It’s real moving mountains and draining seas, heaven falls and earth rends.

As the whole mountain range was separated and a huge crack was split up on the ground, Lei Dao’s hand reached the bottom of the crack, instantly holding the treasure on the ground, and then fiercely grabbed it.


next moment, Lei Dao’s hand has been recovered, and in his hand there’s a black stone.

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