Seed Of Speed

Chapter 31 - Commiserating Hymn

"Is that what you are going to say if we get killed?" Tovao snapped, shocked by Diego's lack of care.

"The little grub nearly killed me before the challenge with Searing King Cobra venom. Am I supposed to care that he is dead now? I'm just disappointed that I didn't get to do it with my own power," Diego replied dryly.

Whatever Tovao had expected him to say, that clearly had not been it as he just stared at his brother in deeper shock until Diego flicked his forehead. Awoken from his state, Tovao rubbed his forehead angrily and asked in reply, "He tried to kill you?"

"Yeah, about two weeks before I became the heir. He only lived through that day because Father ended the duels early."

"Then you brought him along… to kill him?"

Diego just shrugged and turned his attention back towards the group of warriors. Everyone had some form of injury, but thankfully, there were only two that were more injured than Peyni and ended up having to be carried back. Peyni managed to stay conscious for the trip back, but fainted after crossing through the portal, making Diego wonder just how that badly injured man made it back to their camp at all. Two men had to carry Peyni back to his tent while the other heavily injured warriors were also brought to their own.

Upon their return, they were greeted with solemn faces throughout the entire campgrounds, including all three clans. The Telryn Clan had taken the most damage as their tunnel had been the focus of the attack, but there were a few smaller groups that had also launched attacks. The Langu Clan had clearly been keeping tabs on each of the clan's movements and were easily able to invade their space and retreat without too much difficulty.

"Everyone get some rest, you've all earned it," Diego said as they entered their camp.

Unlike them, he made his way for Toba's tent since he was not present in his makeshift guard post. Not too surprising, there were another two men inside the tent, one being Ruski, Toba's second, and the other was Nozo, the unofficial leader of the Lizard Faction members who had been sent. Diego had already guessed they would gather in Toba's tent.

"Ishu, good to see than you returned to use in one piece. How were things?" Toba asked.

"The Langu Clan fled as soon as Shaman Rainshower and I reached our warriors. Everyone I found was injured, but Shaman Rainshower healed the worst of the injuries. Among the missing or dead, one name stands out: Catro," Diego replied.

"The young master…" Nozo sighed softly.

Toba nodded with a sigh of his own then said, "That is unfortunate."

"Do we have a count of our losses yet? There were eighteen men in the group I found," Diego asked.

"Hmm… Taking eighteen men off the list puts us at fifteen missing or dead," Ruski said.

"We have also lost most of the day's harvest since most people just ran," Nozo added.

"That was likely their goal with this ambush. No doubt their men are combing the tunnels, gathering our hard work as their own," Toba said without much expression.

"Then let me lead some of our warriors back into the pocket world and get back what is ours!" Diego said.

"No, we don't know how many people they have mobilized, so I refuse to let you go to your death. We have plenty of crystals to make this venture worth it and we have lost enough people," Toba said firmly.

Diego sighed, but did not refute his uncle. He knew his uncle was far more experienced than he was, and even he could see the foolishness of dėsɨrė, but the nature of his 'System' meant he needed to put himself into dangerous situations if he wanted to advance quickly.

The four of them talked for a while longer before Diego excused himself and headed for his tent. When he ducked into the small room, he found his ki'ta lying on top of his bedroll which made him smile since Rainshower had thought of him, yet his heart was still heavy. Among the fifteen, aside from his brother, there was another familiar name on the list: Rueh. The young man, who normally just handled the dracolisks, had been recruited into the Void Passage to help with the mining, and the unlucky boy had been in the first tunnel to be attacked.

So, what does a Bard do when they were troubled? Diego picked up his ki'ta then plopped down on his bedroll. For once, he did not care if the Quko's Shaman might sense his magic. He could feel the heaviness throughout the entire camp which seemed to only magnify his own.

::{Empathy} created::

Diego ignored the prompt as he closed his eyes. His fingers began to dance as Creedence Clearwater Revival's, "Have You Ever Seen The Rain", began to ring out throughout the Telryn camp.

"Someone told me long ago

There's a calm before the storm

It's been coming for some time

When it's over so they say

It'll rain on a sunny day

I know

Shining down like water

I want to know

Have you ever seen the rain?

I want to know

Have you ever seen the rain?

Coming down on a sunny day…"

Unknown to him, Diego's voice carried a gentle, comforting feeling. Everyone in camp who could hear his voice felt their own sorrow resonate within the song, but instead of increasing the feeling or masking it, it seemed to soften without taking anything away. Those who were close to those who died could not help but think of their favorite moments with the deceased.

Diego's song ended, but the notes lingered throughout the camp for another few moments. He let out a heavy sigh and opened his eyes. Although he was not surprised, there was a new alert waiting for his acknowledgement.

::{Commiserating Hymn} created::


Profession: Soul Singer (Bard)

{Singing} – Level 2 – 15/20

- Ability to keep vocal tone, later levels improve pitch and vocal range

{Ki'ta} – Level 4 – 2/40

- Skill with the Ki'ta, later levels improve technique

- Combining two or more instruments, boosting power of the melody

{Tranquil Heart} – Level 2 – 2/50

- Soothing melody that calms the heart, easing bottlenecks in cultivation

{War Song} – Level 2 – 17/20

- Energizing melody that reinvigorates the heart, boosting all forms of energy amount of compacity

{Heart Song} - Level 1 - 9/10

- Touching melody that makes the listeners feel more inclined to the caster, able to ensnare those with weak wills

{Empathy} – Level 1 – 1/25

- Allows caster to sense the mood of those in the area

- Sorrowful melody that eases the listeners' grief and helps them reminisce about their loved ones


Diego dismissed the window with a light smile and set the ki'ta aside. His bardic abilities were progressing well on their own, but he knew they were missing their true power. It was like an instinct that nagged at him every time he looked at those skills. He closed his eyes again and began to meditate.

While Diego was busy, someone else was searching for the source of the disturbance. Shaman Fanflame had used a simple illusion spell to slip into the Telryn camp without alerting anyone. The spell could only hide her presence from those without magic, but someone at the ninth stage of the Mortal Body would be able to sense the 'void' that her spell caused if they released their aura. Since Toba was the only person at that level, she was not too worried about being caught.

With her mana sight, Fanflame could see a thin trickle of mana slowly moving in two separate directions so she followed both before choosing which to enter. The two tents were identical from the outside, but one had more light, thunder, and fire being drawn inside while the other had water and wind. She chose the tent with water and wind as she knew those were Rainshower's affinities by her name. She jingled the bell at the tent's opening and waited.

"Come in, Elder Fanflame," a voice said from inside.

Fanflame ducked as she walked into the tent and found Rainshower sitting against the far wall on her bedroll. She looked up at her with a blank expression, but Fanflame could instantly sense she knew something. Rainshower motioned with her hand and a padded mat appear on the ground next to Fanflame's feet.

"Apprentice Rainshower, how are your father and mother?" Fanflame asked as she sat down.

"Both are in good health. Father recently broke through to the Gold Rank," Rainshower replied politely.

"Oh? I should prepare him a congratulatory gift," she remarked.

"Is there anything else you need, elder?" Rainshower asked after a minute of silence.

Fanflame smiled with a predatory gleam in her eye. "I sensed a strange magic not too long ago and became curious."

"You may be an elder, but is a taboo to ask about unique spells," Rainshower said coldly.

Fanflame chuckled, "Quite defensive, aren't you? I guess it is that boy then."

"You don't honestly think that hulking brute can use that kind of magic?" Rainshower said, trying to hide the truth.

"Hulking brute, huh? I wonder what he would say if he found out how you felt."

"That isn't necessary, Elder Fanflame," Rainshower said quickly.

Again, Fanflame chuckled, "Then deliver a message for me. Tell him that if he would like a recommendation to Grand Master Shadowbolt to come see me before we leave tomorrow."

"Grand Master Shadowbolt?!?" Rainshower exclaimed.

"Yes, my master is highly skilled in illusion and thunder spells and I think he would be just what master is looking for."


"It won't be certain since I am only his honorary disciple, but without any true training and be able to cast whatever spell that was, I'm confident he will be interested. If he decides to not use my letter that is fine as well, I would just like to send my master a qualified student."

"My father will have to check whatever letter you want to send with him. After all, he is a member of the Telryn Clan and therefore a candidate of my father's."

Fanflame gave a wry smile and nodded her, "Of course, of course. I can't really poach the heir of a clan, now can I?"

"I just wanted to clarify incase of misunderstandings," Rainshower replied.

"I'll be going now, but don't forget to deliver my message, apprentice," Fanflame said as she stood up.

"I will, Elder Fanflame."

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