Seed Of Speed

Chapter 32 - Brother...

As the sun began to set, the Solar Energy in the environment began to drop causing Diego to awaken from his meditation naturally. Without the support from the formation that stored the extra energy and redistribute it throughout the cultivation rooms, there was no way to train the body once the sun went down which was the main drawback of their family's cultivation.

Diego opened his eyes and let out a comfortable sigh. He had never been into meditation in his past-life, but even if he had, he doubted it was like this. While he was in his trance, he could choose to either enter his mental plane to train at an accelerated rate or simply watch and experience the changes in his body. Since he had been wanting to just relax, he had chosen the latter and watched as the Solar Energy washed through his body before collecting at his navel. Everywhere the energy passed, it left a warm tingle deep inside his muscles.

He stretched, causing a number of pops and cracks throughout his body, then stood up. His stomach gave a growl as if on cue and he chuckled while heading out of the tent. What he had not been expecting, though, was Rainshower sitting by his tent, playing with a thin stream of water that circled around her fingers.

"Senior-apprentice Rainshower! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you waiting!" Diego apologized quickly.

"It's fine, junior-apprentice brother. I sensed you inside and guessed you were meditating when you didn't answer," Rainshower said as she graceful stood up and the water zoomed into a small vial that was hanging from her belt.

"What brings you to my door… of sorts?" Diego asked with a smile.

She giggled and replied, "Elder Fanflame, actually. She felt your 'song' and got curious. How did… never mind, I shouldn't ask, but she was able to sense some of the illusion magic your song carried. She wants to meet with you in exchange for a letter of recommendation to Grand Master Shadowbolt, the sect top illusionist. This could be a great boon for you once you reach the sect."

"Really? That would be great. I was already considering to study illusion magic and mind arts, so that I could combine them with my Soul Singer abilities," Diego said, his smile turning into a full grin.

"She said that you needed to meet her before we left if you want the letter. If we hurry, we should be able to reach her before the moon rises and she begins her meditation."

"Lead the way," Diego said with a slight bow as he motioned towards the Quko campgrounds.

She giggled again, a slight blush on her cheek, and walked forward. Diego smiled and followed, taking a few peeks at Rainshower's figure as they walked. Unlike how Fanflame had snuck her way into the Telryn camp, Diego and Rainshower had to walk through normally and were therefore stopped then escorted to Fanflame's tent. Thankfully, she had left word with her clan to be expecting them, or it would not have been as easy to enter. Just because they were allies, it did not mean they could wander around the other's grounds unescorted.

Fanflame's tent was large, larger than the mess tent where everyone got their food, but that was the luxury of being a shaman. Diego ran the string of bells next to the tent opening and waited for Fanflame to call him in.

"Welcome, apprentices," Fanflame said as they walked into her tent.

The scent of burning sandalwood and lavender filled the room despite the lack of smoke. Fanflame was on a plush pillow in the center of the room, sipping on a teacup. Her bed was pushed back in the corner with a folding wall hiding all but a corner of it. She even had a wardrobe in the other corner which Diego thought was crazy until he remembered the size of the space inside Firesand's storage bracelet.

"Good evening, Elder Fanflame," Diego and Rainshower said in unison.

Fanflame set down her cup on a small table next to her and then a folded sheet of paper appeared in her hand. "Be sure Shaman Firesand doesn't disrupt my glyph or my master won't recognize the letter," she said as she held out the paper.

"That's all?" Diego asked suspiciously.

"Ishu!" Rainshower scolded.

Fanflame chuckled, "It's fine. Smart, in fact, when dealing with those who master illusions. But to answer your question, yes, that's all."

Diego took the letter from her and waved at them dismissively. He was confused, but Rainshower's tug on his sleeve kept him from saying anything else and followed her out of the tent. The two Quko warriors who had led them to Fanflame's tent were still waiting on them and began escorting them back to their camp.

"Junior-apprentice Ishu, you must never talk to an Elder like that again! Once you are in the sect, that kind of attitude can get you in a lot of trouble, and punishments aren't light in the sect," Rainshower's voice rang in his ear.

"But, what's in it for her? She isn't acting out of the kindness in her heart," Diego replied, unhappily.

"Of course, she isn't acting out of kindness. She might not be able to claim you as a candidate to the sect, she can still direct you to her master and possibly get some reward out of it. She doesn't even know the stroke of luck she had by giving you that letter."

"Then shouldn't I apprentice under Firesand's master? I do owe your father."

"Father's master isn't suited to your style as a Soul Singer. You won't need to engage in direct combat since you will be supporting groups. Master Magmatomb is exclusively a front-line combatant, and he is merely a Master while Grand Master Shadowbolt is a Grand Master. There are only nine Grand Masters in the sect," she replied, matter-of-factly.

"Alright, I promise not to be too rash next time. I guess I am getting something I truly need which is lucky."

"You would have gotten his attention once you revealed your Soul Singer abilities. This way just gives him a reason to take your directly as a disciple without having to argue with the other Grand Masters and lets her get a favor or two out of her master for sending you," she explained.

"Catro?" Diego asked in disbelief.

His face was covered in blood and grim, but there was no mistaking his piercing amber eyes. He looked over at Diego and grinned a toothless grin. "Brother…" he croaked as he stumbled towards him. "Die with me!"

Catro lifted his hands, one holding a fiery red crystal that gave off wisps of flames and the other clutching a dagger. Diego did not understand what he was trying to do, but Rainshower did as uncorked all six vials on her belt and formed a shell of ice around the two of them.

"Attack!" she screamed, right before a deafening boom erupted.

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