Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 212: 211 unites friendship and gives allies "opportunities"

  Chapter 212 211. Unity and friendship, giving allies “opportunities”

 In the cave of Zhenyi Dharma Altar, Lei Jun quietly listened to the conversation between Shangguan Peng and Shangguan Peng. His mood was not ups and downs, but he raised his eyebrows slightly.

The voice of the middle-aged captain continued to be heard from the Thousand Miles Transmission Symbol: "According to the temperament of the new Heavenly Master, it is indeed possible. Even if she goes out of the mountain without the Heavenly Master Sword, she herself will definitely not be able to hold back, but..."

He stopped talking, but Shangguan Peng said calmly: "Of course, it must be the remnants of the previous dynasty or the people in the blood river. We must not get involved, otherwise it will be self-defeating, but there are always some... coincidences in this world."

The middle-aged captain understood it deeply: "Just as Xiong Gang of the Blood River Sect appeared in Lunan Valley by chance, the Shushan Sect had a deeper enmity with them."

Having said that, the middle-aged captain who also came from the Shangguan clan was still a little worried: "General, it was His Majesty's original decree to protect the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain and allow it to temporarily rest and recuperate. Now His Majesty has no new decree to issue. If we are like this now, will it be..."

Shangguan Peng: "At this time and that time, when Your Majesty protected Longhu Mountain, the remnants of the previous dynasty were not as rampant as they are today. They actually wanted to establish another destiny line for the Mountain and River Kingdom in the Southern Wilderness, and Wei Ancheng of the Blood River Sect had not yet confirmed their arrival. The realm of the Nine Heavens.

Now that the situation has undergone a series of drastic changes, of course we must adapt to local conditions. However, His Majesty's golden words cannot easily change course. We should try to figure out your intentions and share your worries for Your Majesty.

As long as we act carefully, everything has nothing to do with us. Even if the truth is revealed in the future, we should bear some bad reputation for Your Majesty. "

oh? It sounds like that, but is it really so... Lei Jun listened calmly, thoughtfully.

“What the general said is...” the middle-aged captain whispered.

He exhaled a long breath: "In the past few years, both the Shence Army and my Shangguan clan have suffered heavy losses for the Tang Dynasty. The Buddhists and Taoists have received a lot of support, but they have shrunk behind. Now it is their turn to be the leader of the Tang Dynasty. Give some effort!”

How come we, the Shangguan clan, are bleeding and sweating all the time, while the Buddhists and Taoists can stay behind and recuperate?

 It is time for us to recuperate and recuperate. Now is the time when we need the Buddha’s path to stand in front of us.

  Otherwise, why did you come to support me in the past?

This trend of thought probably has a certain scale within the Shangguan clan and the nobles of the Tang Dynasty. It is not just the idea of ​​​​a few people... Lei Jun was convinced.

As for whether, as Shangguanpeng said, he wanted to share His Majesty's worries and do things that were inconvenient for His Majesty, there is a question mark, and it is not necessarily who will take the blame.

 It’s not that Her Majesty the Queen will definitely treat Buddhism favorably, but her behavior is indeed a bit weird.

The new school palace has fundamentally shaken the foundation of the family, but it also caused the emerging honor family that was originally the basic market of Emperor Tang Ting's room.

Especially after experiencing the previous series of wars, the Shangguan clan and other noble families were also severely weakened.

The Shangguan family rests with the country and will not waver in the general direction. They will always be the pillars of the Tang Dynasty, but they may not have their own ideas on small details.

“It’s true that Longhu Mountain suffered great disasters before, but now that the world is in chaos, who is not struggling in the turbulent waves?”

Shangguan Peng said calmly: "It takes a thousand days to raise an army, but it takes only a moment. Now we can only overcome the difficulties together."

 Middle-aged captain: "Yes."

 After a pause, he said softly: "But there is indeed no whereabouts of Lei Jun at the moment, and Yuan Mobai is a high-level mage after all, and according to rumors, his strength is even higher than that of He Dongxing in Shushan..."

Shangguan Peng: "Accidents are everywhere. If everything follows common sense, there will be no surprises. The key is to have enough and accurate information and intelligence... When people want something, it is easy to get it."

 In the cave of Zhenyi Dharma Altar, Lei Jun was lying on his side, holding his head with one hand and nodding slightly.

 Although everyone has different positions, I basically agree with this.

 Middle-aged Colonel: "General, let's go next..."

Shangguan Peng: "We must prepare for the Tianshi Mansion, and we must not let go of the remnants of the previous dynasty. The latest news we have received so far is that you can go to Kongliu Mountain, where there may be a secret camp of the remnants of the previous dynasty."

 He thought for a moment and then reminded: "In the short term, you should not go near the Silver Flute Rock area."

 The middle-aged captain was startled: "General..."

Shangguan Peng: "Well, there is also a camp for the remnants of the previous dynasty at Silver Flute Rock, but... although I can't be 100% sure, I got news that Xiong of the Blood River Sect probably went there just after he left Lunan Valley. "

Xiong Gang is an old man at the eighth level of the Blood River Sect. No one can compete with him. The middle-aged captain was alert: "Yes, general, I will keep the secret and restrain others at the same time."

He suddenly remembered something: "Since people are coming from Shushan, what about Xiong Gang?"

 In the previous battle at Lunan Valley, it was Xiong Gang who killed Shushan elder Jiang Dongyu.

Shangguan Peng: "Don't rush to inform them of Xiong Gang's whereabouts."

The middle-aged captain promised: "Yes, general."

Although he didn’t say it clearly, Shangguan Peng obviously wanted to wait and see what happened at the Tianshi Mansion.

Although it would be inappropriate to focus all the "accidents" in Tianshi Mansion and Shushan on Xiong Gang, it is not easy to grasp the whereabouts of an eighth-level master.

Shangguan Peng can only squeeze out as much value as possible now.

“Yuan Mobai’s cultivation level is only three days old after all, and Xiong Gang is not sure enough to keep him, so the focus is still on Lei Jun.”

Shangguan Peng said: "I ordered you to go down and continue to collect information about Yuan Mobai and Lei Jun. Since they have come to the Southern Wilderness, they must have a plan and will not leave easily. If there is any news, please report it to me as soon as possible."

 He himself needs to go to the area near Silver Flute Rock first to make some preparations.

“Yes, general.” The middle-aged captain obeyed the order.

In the Zhenyi Dharma Altar Cave, Lei Jun listened to the sound coming from the Thousand Miles Transmission Symbol gradually disappearing, and finally sat up.

 He was sitting cross-legged on the ashram, holding his knees with both hands, with a half-smile on his face.

So it’s like that, the Silver Flute Rock mentioned in the second lottery has both opportunities and dangers. The danger seems to come from Xiong Gang, the eighth-level elder of the Blood River Sect.

 We must be grateful that the Tianshi Seal has been revived, otherwise the threat posed by the powerful men of the eighth heaven would never be a winner.

But since it still indicates that this life path is dangerous, it means that hiding in the Zhenyi Dharma Altar Cave Heaven and facing opponents from the eighth level cannot be said to be completely safe. There is still a risk of being noticed by the opponent, being caught out by the opponent, or waiting for the opportunity.


 It sounds like General Shangguan doesn’t know much about the situation over at Zhaojiang.

Lei Jun left Zhenyi Dharma Altar Cave Heaven and went directly to the Zhaojiang River Basin.

Although he is very curious about what the fourth-grade opportunity is on the other side of Kongliu Mountain, he will go to Zhaojiang and his party for now.

Of course, he had no intention of going directly to the upper reaches or even the lower reaches of Zhaojiang River. Instead, he went to the middle section of Zhaojiang River first.

There may be Xiong Gang, the elder of the Blood River Sect, on the other side of Silver Flute Rock. Lei Jun doesn't know who is on the upper and lower reaches of Zhaojiang River, but he knows that there is a sixth-grade opportunity on each upper and lower reaches of Zhaojiang River.

 Since God has arranged it this way, then we shouldn’t waste it.

Generally speaking, we can still say that we are our own people, and you, General Shangguan, are official officials. You are a good citizen who has always obeyed the law and served the court. You are a first-class good citizen. Of course, it is impossible to harm the important generals of the court, let alone engage in internal strife. Wait until your loved ones are hurt and your enemies are happy.

Just like you, General Shangguan, want to use the fifth-grade opportunity of Silver Flute Rock to entertain Pindao, Pindao reciprocates the favor by giving you a sixth-grade opportunity. This is called gentlemen coming and going, uniting, loving and helping each other.

 At present, there is only a small technical problem left. How to deliver the good fortune of Shangguan General?

If he really wants to completely distance himself, Lei Jun can try to trade with Huoyao, that is, Shen Qubing, under the guise of the exchange of information between Qiyao.

It doesn't matter what information Shen Qubing gives him, the point is that he can "sell" information about himself or the descendants of the Sui Dynasty to Shen Qubing.

 Then the news was passed to Shangguanpeng through Shen Qubing.

However, no matter what the outcome is for Shangguanpeng, Shen Qubing may be cheated.

Lei Jun and Shen Qubing didn't have much contact, but they got along fairly well, so they had no intention of dragging each other into the water.

 If you don’t go through Shen Qubing, then you should start with Shangguanpeng himself.

As General Shangguan himself said, a Tao means being strong without desires. However, when people’s desires are known to the outside world, it is easy for the enemy to take advantage of them. Of course everyone in the Tianshi Mansion has something to ask for, but everyone knows it.

 Don’t say that Longhu Mountain is not truly aloof from the world. Even if it is truly aloof from the world in other aspects, they still hope to find the lost treasure of the master.

 In the eyes of the world, they are the Celestial Master's seal and the Celestial Master's robe.

Master and disciple Lei Jun came out of the mountains to the Southern Wilderness this time, precisely for this reason.

 Later, he was involved in the turmoil caused by the descendants of the previous dynasties in Jiuli Secret Realm, Xinglongyuan, Baiquan Mountain and other places, all of which were caused by this, and more coincident with the meeting.

If they heard about the Celestial Master's Robe on the way, they would definitely pay attention.

Yuan Mobai and Lei Jun, both masters and disciples, have never made any secret of this point.

 Then, this is where they have their own desires and cannot do without desires.

 Starting from this aspect, it is possible to lure the master and the disciple into the trap.

 Now comes the problem.

 General Shangguan, you also have something to ask for.

 I am asking for clues about the Heavenly Master's robe.

 The one you ask for is trying to trick me.

 In order to be able to design me, what I ask for is also what you want. Get what I want first so that you can design me.


Lei Jun walked silently alone and quietly arrived in the middle of the Zhaojiang River Basin.

 He was not in a hurry to show up, but first patiently observed and inquired about the situation.

The spheres of influence inherited from the major witchcraft holy lands in the Southern Wilderness are intertwined. Lei Jun spent some time to confirm that the surrounding area is the sphere of influence of Yinshan Cave, the holy land of the witchcraft lineage.

It is true that Yinshandong is currently at war with the Blood River Sect, but as Lei Jun learned previously, Yinshandong is not united as one.

The Gu magicians who mastered the inheritance of Hongyundong on both sides of the Zhaojiang River belong to a group that is not very interested in the mainstream forces of Yinshandong. Their attitude towards Wei Ancheng and the Blood River Sect is correspondingly ambiguous.

It is a coincidence that this Gu magician is an acquaintance of Lei Juntong Tianshi Mansion, and he is under the Longmen of Tian Lin, the elder of Yinshandong.

After waiting for a while, Lei Jun saw a Gu magician coming out of the village. He immediately seized the opportunity and secretly waved his Xiyang flag.

 Thereupon there was a stream of light flashing with nine colors, and it was thrown into the rushing Zhaojiang River.

 It is the nine-color brilliance that Lei Jun has mastered about the Heavenly Master's robe.

The nine-colored brilliance floated and sank in the river, and quickly flowed down the river with the rushing river current.

However, the brilliant and abundant spirituality of the Nine Colors has immediately attracted the attention of the magicians, and some people immediately chased it down the river.

Lei Jun remained calm and took action secretly, intercepting the nine-color brilliance again.

 Next, he appeared in public and intercepted several Gu magicians.

One of the Gu magicians is rather special. His cultivation level is not high, but he is holding an exquisite clay pot, and there is a lot of spirituality coming from the pottery pot.

Lei Jun got closer and saw the clay pot, and couldn't help but feel happy: "Is this good luck for me, or are you very unlucky?"

Rolling thunder swept across, and the young Gu magician holding the clay pot turned into fly ash along with the clay pot, but many Gu insects flew out of the clay pot.

One of the beetle-like monsters instantly enlarged in size and flashed aura, forming a shield to protect and block the other Gu insects.

Many other Gu insects flew in mid-air and condensed into a huge weird human face, with the mouth and nose open and closed, and uttered human words: "Niubi surnamed Lei, is it you again?!"

That face is clearly that of Tian Linlong’s direct disciple Zhao Sen.

At the beginning, in the mountains of the eastern section of Danan Mountain, Zhao Sen fought with Nanbodhi monk Ruyuan, and was beaten into a pool of flesh and blood by Lei Jun with a stick.

The Gu magician's cultivation does not focus on the physical body. Zhaosen's cultivation has reached a certain level, so even if the physical body is destroyed, he can still survive.

But after all, he failed to reach the realm of the upper three days. Although Lei Jun's stick did not kill him, it still made Zhaosen's subsequent cultivation difficult and he was in a dilemma.

With the help of his mentor Tian Linlong, Zhaosen managed to stabilize himself and put his soul on Gu insects. He gradually planned for further development and stayed in Hongyundong to practice hard. On weekdays, young disciples held pottery Gu jars.

Was I thought about the narrow road of the enemy today, and actually met Lei Jun again.

Lei Jun was not polite, he immediately threw out several spiritual talismans in succession.

 In order to spread the news that his people were in the eastern section of Danan Mountain, he left Zhaosen alive and did not pursue him to death.

The purpose of showing up now is to spread the news that his people are in the Zhaojiang River Basin, so he will also keep alive. However, there are other Gu magicians here in Hongyundong, so Zhaosen naturally does not need to stay anymore. This trip is just in time to clean up the ones left before. Hand tail.

 While he was still alive, Lei Jun easily stopped using some of his own original spells and used more orthodox methods passed down from the Tianshi Mansion.

Zhaosen lost his body and escaped with the help of a large number of Gu insects. He seemed to be really not afraid of Lei Jun hitting them one by one with a stick.

But Taoist Talisman Sect monks are known for their versatility in using different talismans to adapt to different battle situations.

Lei Jun did not use his Guishui Yin Lei, Ji Tu Yin Lei and other talismans that covered a large area, but switched to the Tianshi Mansion's long-standing Five Thunder Zhengfa Talisman, Thunder Ten Thousand Jun Talisman, and Sea of ​​Fire Boundless Talisman. He still killed all directions, and instantly covered a large number of thunder and fire. Submerged many Gu insects.

When he was in the realm of Yuan Fu and Dao Palace, he spent all his energy to refine the Yin and Yang Shuangsha and the Yin and Yang Duangang. The same spell in his hands was more powerful than other sects. Even if the Five Thunder Zhengfa Talisman and the Thunderous Thunder Talisman were used by Lei Jun, it was not His natal talismans are better than other people's natal talismans.

Zhaosen still wanted to struggle, but he was instantly blasted to pieces by Lei Jun. A large amount of thunder and fire turned the area into purgatory. None of the Gu magicians present could escape, and they were all killed by Lei Jun.

The remaining people in Hongyundong in the distance looked at this scene in horror, and for a while they huddled together and trembled.

Lei Jun seemed to be indifferent to their appearance. After taking care of Zhaosen and others, he headed towards the lower reaches of the Zhaojiang River.

 It seems that chasing the nine-colored light flowing down the river is what matters most to him.

Of course, Lei Jun would not seriously go to the lower reaches of the Zhaojiang River.

After making an appearance, he quietly retreated again and stayed away from the Zhaojiang River Basin.

The news that Jiucai Guanghui and Tianshifu Lei Jun appeared successively in Zhaojiang spread quickly.

Lei Jun was not disappointed. General Shangguan was well-informed, had a keen sense of smell, and was very mobile. He quickly came to Zhaojiang area quietly.

 When he arrived, Lei Jun patted his **** and left.

 Whether General Shangguan will also go down the river next, Elder Lei no longer pays attention.

To be fair, it is unknown whether Jiucai Guanghui and himself appeared in Zhaojiang one after another, causing huge changes in the lower reaches of Zhaojiang River.

 Therefore, it is also unknown whether Shangguanpeng will definitely be able to harvest the sixth-grade opportunity that Lei Jun gave him downstream.

 But as before, Lei Jun did not force the result.

 Just let everything take its course.

As everyone has seen, General Shangguan came to Zhaojiang on his own initiative, but no one asked him to come.

 (End of this chapter)

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