Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 213: 212 Fourth grade opportunity, blazing eyes of heaven

Chapter 213 212. Fourth grade opportunity, blazing eyes of heaven

Lei Jun walked directly towards Kongliu Mountain.

 In terms of time, he stayed in the Zhaojiang River Basin for a long time, and he didn’t know if he could catch up with the opportunity to win the fourth-level lottery at Kongliu Mountain.

According to the previous contact between Shangguan Peng and the middle-aged captain, everyone except Shangguan Peng had already headed towards Kongliu Mountain.

Lei Jun didn't force it. He went to Kongliu Mountain with the idea of ​​​​trying his luck. If I get it, I will lose my life. Just let nature take its course.

  In any case, he had no intention of staying in the Zhaojiang River Basin to see the fate of Shangguanpeng.

On the road, Lei Jun contacted his master Yuan Mobai again.

 The noble family headed by the Shangguan family has so far failed to restore the atmosphere before the demonic chaos in the Western Regions.

“At present, on the whole, everyone is still in the same boat, but the boat is leaking, and there is some controversy about who went into the water to repair the boat.”

 Lei Jun: “Disciple please follow Master’s teachings.”

The only exception is when faced with a pure Yin spirit without a physical body. The warrior's blood energy is strong and Yin evil can be warded off as easily as the blazing Yang, which may injure the opponent's Yin spirit.

 Before he finished speaking, the second half of his voice suddenly got stuck in his throat.

Those who came to the southern wastes of the Datang of the Tang Dynasty were all capable of their strengths. Although there were not many people, they were concentrated together, and they were quite powerful, and they continued to penetrate the line of defense of the old Sui legacy.

"It's just that he just..." The young guard hesitated slightly.

The White Lotus Sect was one of the disasters of the Tang Dynasty.

With a slight movement in his heart, he took out the divine eyepiece stone, removed the Xi soil flag to cover it, and quietly used the divine eyepiece stone to observe the four directions in the mountain.

 But he was lurking nearby and heard a rumor through some Gu magicians in Hongyundong.

 The vitality of the Shence Army of the Tang Dynasty slowly recovered, but the influence of the Wuxun family in it declined slightly.

I don’t know how long it took, but in the first floor of the Zhenyi Dharma Altar, the Jiuyuan Earth Fire seemed to suddenly fluctuate a little. At the same time, Lei Jun felt a warmth coming from his divine eyepiece stone.

“Spread out and use your own efforts to stabilize the rock. Don’t let it collapse again.” The middle-aged captain ordered.

By the time he arrived at the Kongliu Mountain area, it could be seen that the fighting was in full swing there, and a battle was going on at an intense level.

Lei Jun carefully inspected this area, and suddenly felt that under the fire, the heat was steaming, and the scene above seemed distorted. A huge eye appeared on the sky, looking down at the sky, overlooking Kongliu Mountain.

Lei Jun felt the burning sensation of the God's Eyepiece Stone in his hand become even stronger at this time.

 One hand strangled his neck from behind.

But the middle-aged man who caught Lei Jun's attention was a descendant of the Confucian divine archer with a good physical foundation. He was not among the Yin spirits, and would not be suppressed by the warriors.

In order to stop the pursuit of everyone in the Tang Dynasty, the descendants of the former Sui Dynasty who evacuated took out some spiritual objects containing the essence of fire and ignited them.

 But Lei Jun waited for a while, even Shangguan Peng came over, but Tian Linlong did not come.

Gang Feng was blocked, and most of his comrades survived. The young warrior was really strong, and he actually survived despite being beaten by Gang Feng.

Lei Jun listened and nodded silently.

Shen Qubing turned into a white light and flashed forward, facing the strong wind. The next moment, there was a deafening sound of wind and thunder.

 The intensity of the fire then decreased.

The rocks at the back of Kongliu Mountain are quite special, but under normal circumstances, they don’t appear magical.

Lei Jun was alert and jumped up to a mountain to observe from a high position. He found that the descendants of the former Sui Dynasty had not had time to remove the sacrificial rituals that shook the aura of the earth this time, and many sacrificial vessels were still there.

It was during this process that the Queen promoted many common people from the Han family.

 But Shen Qubing and others who attacked the mountain this time were all warriors.

At the same time, due to the chaos of the earth's veins, this place was temporarily cut off from the outside world, making it difficult for anyone to trace it afterwards.

 "Maitreya in the future..." Yuan Mobai was slightly surprised when he heard this.

Although the fire here is fierce, it can't stop him.

As mentioned before, although there are discordant voices internally, on the whole Tianshi Mansion is currently in the same boat as the Tang Dynasty.

Seeing this, Shen Qubing shouted urgently: "Everyone, go to the mountain on the left!"

 There, a few people were escaping from the back mountain direction.

Everyone in the Tang Dynasty didn't have time to think about it and hurried up the mountain. Then they saw the rocks cracking and a strong wind blowing.

 There was a group of Tang soldiers around them, most of whom were from the Shangguan clan. Most of them looked at Shen Qubing with complicated expressions.

  But one thing is the same on both sides.

The spiritual object used by the descendants of the Sui Dynasty to ignite fire must also be relatively special. After being combined with the rocks at the back of Kongliu Mountain, it happened to undergo the current change by chance, forming the Heavenly Eye Chichen.

Although he was angry and amused that Lei Jun poached his own Thousand Miles Transmission Note, Yuan Mobai did not doubt that his apprentice was capable of doing this.

He remained calm and quietly came to the back mountain.

 In the hearts of Shangguan Peng and others, I am afraid they are even more disapproving. They feel that the current situation of Tianshi Mansion stems from the internal strife in Longhu Mountain.

Yuan Mobai didn't say much when he heard the words, but just reminded: "Be careful with your words and actions, don't be careless."

 Especially with Shen Qubing as the arrow figure, they have already entered Kongliu Mountain.

Some soldiers of the Tang Army stepped forward to destroy and clean up, but their actions were illegal, which caused the spiritual energy of the ground here in Kongliu Mountain to become even more chaotic. Earth and rocks surged like an earth dragon turning over in the mountains, and the earth cracked, forming deep valleys.

Like Shen Qubing and others, they were not aware of it for the time being, and they only focused on breaking through the fire barrier and chasing the fleeing descendants of the former Sui Dynasty.

The key point is to remind his master not to go to Yindiyan, Zhaojiang and other places, but also to be wary of the Shangguan clan's meticulous "care" from fellow travelers, including but not limited to Shangguan Peng.

Although Lei Jun guessed that Mu Yao, the year star in the sky of the Book of Heaven, was very likely to be the future Maitreya, he was not absolutely sure yet, and he did not know why the other party suddenly came to the Southern Wilderness.

As for the Bodhi Temple, it was because of the mistakes of Abbot Yuan and others that they were taken advantage of by the enemy. They failed to play their due role and suffered in vain, wasting the support the court had given them.

He avoided both sides of the war and tried his luck first to see if anyone could seize the fourth-grade opportunity first.

 …As for Lei Jun, he looked a bit like Zhang Yuan who was in a daze after being possessed by the shadow of the Book of Heaven.

Lei Jun found a hiding place, held up the Xi soil flag to cover himself, and at the same time silently meditated and meditated.

 Simply burning it with fire would have such a miraculous effect.

 The middle-aged captain stared at Shen Qubing who was sitting cross-legged in meditation in front of him without saying a word.

He brought Zhao Sen and other Gu magicians to a boil, and deliberately exposed his whereabouts in the Zhaojiang River Basin to attract Shangguan Peng.

When Lei Jun saw this, his heart moved slightly and he quietly approached.

He mentioned another incident: "At Hongyundong in Zhaojiang, my disciples heard another incident. Maitreya from the White Lotus Sect also came to the Southern Wilderness."

"General Peng's previous instructions were mostly about Tianshi Mansion and other places. However, there is also an explanation about this person... Let us act according to the opportunity." The middle-aged captain said softly: "The root cause is indeed not Shen Qubing. If he is missing, it is still There will be many people from the Han family who will show up, but after all, he is still very special, so he can be as few as possible."

He has some ideas on how to use this thing and the Heavenly Eye Chichen, but he needs to try further. The current time does not allow it, so he collects the Heavenly Eye Chichen first and studies it later.

 In turn, if you ask them to protect Buddhism and Taoism, some members of Shangguan and other distinguished families will naturally be unwilling.

Yuan Mobai didn't seem that surprised after hearing the plans of Shangguan Peng and others, but he was just a little emotional:

“Although heirs of poetry and calligraphy are different from heirs of martial arts,...since they already have such a profound foundation, people further hope that they will last forever.”

 Shen Qubing was also seriously injured by this incident and had to quickly recuperate and regulate his breathing.

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Lei Jun smiled: "On the whole, we still need to unite and help each other. I can't interfere with what the other party thinks, but I insist on that."

The Xirang Banner is currently used to seal the Sky Eye Chichen, and it is inconvenient to use it to capture living people, but Lei Jun is not lacking in methods in this regard.

 Just because the Wuyue Rebellion and the East China Sea Demonic Rebellion broke out one after another, the recovery was not as good as expected.

Yuan Mobai: "Although our sect is not directly in tit-for-tat with the White Lotus Sect, the current situation in the Southern Wilderness is in chaos, and the White Lotus Sect suddenly intervenes and makes the situation even more chaotic, so we must be on guard."

Lei Jun weighed the magic eyepiece stone in his hand.

Hongyundong is regarded as the territory of Tian Linlong, the elder of Yinshandong, an old enemy of Tianshi Mansion, and Zhaosen is also Tian Linlong's proud disciple.

Lei Jun makes a scene near Hongyundong, and naturally he may attract Tian Linlong first.

 But he is a leader of the younger generation of the Shangguan clan. Through him, we can infer some trends within the Shangguan clan.

He originally planned to just watch the storm indifferently, but there was a former Sui Dynasty survivor, old and young, who evacuated, which attracted his further attention.

He took out the Yuanci Dragon-wrapped Flag that he had made and shook it. Suddenly there were many white lights that looked like vines flashing. Then he wrapped around the drowsy middle-aged man and took it down. The flag was rolled up and stored in the magic weapon. middle.

 Suddenly, heavy curtains of fire shot into the sky and quickly spread to the entire back mountain.

Now that he suddenly came to Nanhuang and Zhaojiang Basin, Tian Linlong naturally couldn't ignore him.

The middle-aged captain said: "There are no other people nearby to disturb you. The opportunity is rare and fleeting. If you miss it today, you don't know how long you will have to wait. All you have to do is harden your heart..."

 This is naturally not just Shen Qubing, but Shen Qubing is the best among them.

The young guard's heart moved: "In this case, now is indeed an opportunity..."

Nanhuang is currently in chaos due to the descendants of the former Sui Dynasty. If the White Lotus Sect intervenes again, the Tang imperial family will undoubtedly have an even greater headache.

This person looks groggy, as if his spirit has been suppressed by his opponent.

As for Tianshi Mansion, it is currently at the bottom of its weak stage and is in urgent need of recuperation...

Lei Jun's figure disappeared again early.

 With the circulation of his magic power, two auras, one black and one white, floated out and wandered among the mountains.

Shen Qubing and other Tang army officers were attacking more and more fiercely, and the descendants of the former Sui Dynasty could no longer resist it, so they had to break out and evacuate from Kongliu Mountain.

Yuan Mobai had already known about Lei Jun's research on the Qianli Transmission Symbol of his Tianshi Mansion.

This generation of future Maitreya, although young, is extremely talented and powerful. He is famous both inside and outside the Tang Dynasty, and is recognized as the future enemy of Buddhism.

The earth's energy surged into the sky and formed a powerful wind that cut through the sky and the earth, cutting gold and iron, cutting everything inside and outside Kongliu Mountain into pieces.

 Under the rule of the Queen and Shangguan Yunbo, the Shence Army of the Tang Dynasty slowly recovered its strength.

Such a master suddenly stepped across the boundary, thus attracting Tian Linlong's attention. As a result, Tian Linlong was too busy to take care of Lei Jun.

On this day, I believe that it is the four -product opportunity signed by the air flowing mountain.

 After a moment, Lei Jun's attention fell in the direction of the back mountain.

Lei Jun was not in a hurry, he was familiar with the road and blessed himself with the night wind symbol of the wind and thunder talisman, and then used the spiritual power of the snake bone to silently enter the mountain.

The fundamental reason why the Tang Dynasty imperial family and the martial nobles surrounding them supported the Buddhist and Taoist holy places was to use Buddhism and Taoism to check and balance the Confucian aristocratic families such as Qi Wangna.

The warrior soul is completely refined in the body, is strong and strong, and difficult to be harmed by external enemies. However, on the other hand, the warrior soul is completely restrained and has no way to actively hurt the opponent.

 The founding nobles of the Tang Dynasty, headed by the Shangguan family, were integrated with the Tang imperial family. Whether it was the struggle for power in the court or the rise of new families, they were naturally in opposition to the traditional famous families such as the Five Surnames and Qiwang.

From the ground below the mountain, a violent energy of the earth broke out, causing the earth to shake instantly.

Lei Jun followed his own senses and finally found a piece of rock that looked like it had been melted in the flames at the back of the mountain.

About six or seven years ago, Future Maitreya entered the world and walked, and in turn quelled the Huaishan Rebellion caused by others within the White Lotus Sect. At that time, he showed his cultivation for the past three days.

Lei Jun wouldn't have been able to discover the mystery immediately if he hadn't been carrying the Yin-Yang Holy Body and had a keen sense, and if he hadn't had the Divine Eyepiece Stone in his hand.

It is difficult to predict what Shangguan Yunbo and others are thinking.

Everyone hurriedly accepted the promise and dispersed in all directions.

Shangguan Peng cannot be the leader of the Shangguan clan.

 Ending contact with Yuan Mobai, Lei Jun continued to Kongliu Mountain.

The hot ooze burned through a large area of ​​earth and stone derived from the dim aura, but the aura of the Xi soil flag was dense, thick, and endless, and finally succeeded in wrapping away a large area of ​​the Sky Eye's blazing star.

 The current head of the White Lotus Sect is customarily called the current Maitreya, Holy Lord Maitreya or Holy Lord White Lotus, and the successor of the sect leader is called the future Maitreya.

The spiritual energy of the earth's veins surged back, the environment was dangerous, and a descendant of the former Sui Dynasty took the blame.

 But Lei Jun noticed a somewhat ethereal feeling from it.

 So Lei Jun also secretly warned other experts to come after hearing the news.

 Shen Qubing was injured.

The Shangguan Great General refers to the commander-in-chief of the Shence Army of the Tang Dynasty and the current head of the Shangguan clan, Shangguan Yunbo.

At this moment, the entire Kongliu Mountain seemed to be shaking.

 A name suddenly appeared in his mind:


Some people are aware of the sergeant of the Tang Dynasty, but the attention is always on the descendants of the former Sui Dynasty.

However, whether it is him Lei Jun or clues about the Tianshi robe, I am afraid that it will attract more than just Shangguan Peng.

Lei Jun waved his flag, and a large amount of dim aura was generated, enveloping and absorbing the magma-like Sky Eye Blazing Star.

 The source of all this seems to come from the flames in the back mountain.

Lei Jun: "Yes, Master."

 This is the starting point for their actions.

The future Maitreya of the White Lotus Sect also arrived in Nanhuang and the Zhaojiang River Basin not long ago.

Lei Jun’s understanding has improved from a transparent level to a quiet level, and Yuan Mobai also knows it.

“Looking at Her Majesty the Queen’s words and deeds, although there are often unexpected things, there should be no serious problems at the moment. What needs to be paid attention to now is the thoughts of General Shangguan.” Yuan Mobai said slowly.

 Similar views, regardless of whether the position is right or wrong, but it can be seen that even if it is not absolutely mainstream among noble families, there is still a large market.

Lei Jun’s mind suddenly changed and he had some enlightenment:

The rocks are soft, like ooze, and look so hot that it’s heart-stopping.

Ten years ago, the demon rebellion broke out in the Western Regions. In that battle, the former general of the Shence Army and the former leader of the Shangguan clan died, and Shangguan Yunbo took over.

The young guard stared blankly at the sudden appearance of Taoist priest Gao.

"It's really good that no one else will bother you." Lei Jun said while breaking the middle-aged captain's neck.

 (End of this chapter)

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