Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 214: 213 Taoist Master Lei is about to cry

  Chapter 214 213. Taoist Master Lei is about to cry

 Wringing the neck of the middle-aged captain, Lei Jun casually threw the corpse into the deep underground ravine, and the body was immediately crushed by the strong wind.

Then he kicked the young guard into the wind belt.

The biggest advantage of Taoist Talisman Sect monks is to make talismans in advance. They can deal with many complex situations through a variety of talismans. Moreover, when making talismans in advance and borrowing spells from heaven and earth, they can obtain greater power of talismans with less consumption, thus achieving a similar goal. Good at everything but not good at everything.

 At least omnipotent most of the time.

 Only when facing some more extreme situations and opponents will it appear that this all-round ability is still insufficient.

For example, a martial arts master who has been cultivated to the next level can get up close, or face ultra-long-range attacks such as Taoist flying swords or Confucian magic shots.

Taoist Master Lei avoids similar problems when he practices daily and tries to figure out some methods on his own.

  Everyone immediately gathered around him: "Don't panic. General Peng may be involved in something at the moment, or he may encounter chaos similar to the backflow of earth energy, which will hinder our communication with him. We will try again later."

Everyone gathered above the deep valley where the wind had calmed down but the spiritual energy veins were still chaotic. They lowered their heads and looked down together, and then they looked at me and I looked at you.

Shengkang King Yang Yuqi, a great scholar in the eighth heaven realm, is very good and powerful, but still normal.

The five inheritances of Nanhuang Wumen are mostly chaotic and bloody. There are often killings and conquests between each family's holy places, between each family's inheritance branches, and even within each major holy place.

Lei Jun pays attention to this person because the other person may have or come into contact with relevant clues about the Celestial Master's robe.

 Sakon searched again and found no tracking marks or traces left by the two men.

The other party actually knew little about his own situation, but according to his description, Lei Jun believed that his contact with something similar to the shadow of the Book of Heaven should have happened while preparing for the Earth Line Sacrifice.

 The Holy Land Mountain Gate, which was previously attacked by the Blood River Sect, was newly built in the past few years.

The Blood River Sect, the Holy Land of Blood River, and Jinchengzhai, the Holy Land of Ghost Path, have the worst reputations, and their descendants are also the most heavily targeted.

 At this time, everyone could not help but have an ominous premonition in their hearts.

I searched left and right, but found nothing.

 In rumors, Zong Han bowed his head to Wei Ancheng, and Jincheng Village is now united with the Blood River Sect.

Since there is currently no sign that Shen Qubing’s Heavenly Book·Six is ​​stronger than Lei Jun’s own Heavenly Book·Three, conversely speaking, the power of the Heavenly Book’s shadow that this middle-aged man came into contact with is likely to be much stronger than the one that originally attached to Zhang Yuan. That shadow?

This is worthy of attention. I remember that when I signed the article about the Shadow of the Book of Heaven, I mentioned that the relevant opportunities can be expanded... Lei Jun thought thoughtfully.

Shen Qubing and others turned around and looked over from a distance: "What's wrong?"

Someone suggested: "Maybe the Taoist talisman is not working. Is there any Confucian who sees words as well as faces?"

But if it were really a life-and-death enemy, how could there be so much time for Lei Jun to slowly accumulate status in a step fight?

Of course, in addition to accelerating himself, Lei Jun also has many methods to slow down his opponents. On the other hand, he cannot simply compete with Shen Qubing for speed.

At present, Shen Qubing is recovering from his injuries and his sensitivity to the outside world has declined. Lei Jun can deal with the middle-aged captain quietly.

 You can go around Zhu Anjiang first and see if the light ball in your mind will give you any hints.

If no major accidents occur and development continues, he will most likely be the next generation of Prince Shengkang or King Shengkang after Yang Yuqi.

The Blood River Sect, which is accustomed to fighting and even deliberately provoking fights and massacres, rarely has a stable foothold in the Southern Wilderness. It is often surrounded and suppressed by other lineages. It is also warlike, so that they do not have a fixed mountain gate all year round, and their ancestral court has long been It was destroyed and abandoned many years ago.

 But the reason why his soul was suppressed was the same as Zhang Yuan's before.

Regarding the contact between the two parties with the shadow of the Book of Heaven, Zhang Yuan was directly attached to a shadow, while the middle-aged man only had contact with it earlier and was not directly attached to the shadow.

Otherwise, there would not be anyone as secretly connected with the Blood River Sect as Gu Ying, the master of Yudong Dong.

Even if the news is false and Yang Tai is never seen, it doesn't matter. It's just a matter of luck. It's better to have clues than no clues.

"Or not."

 The foundation of the Gepo Mountain lineage has always been the most stable and internally united in the Southern Wilderness.

 He secretly wrote down the relevant matters, but did not dwell on them too much. He continued to interrogate the middle-aged man as if nothing had happened.

 Under the influence of the chaotic spiritual energy of the earth's veins, all means of communication have been disrupted and ineffective.

 As the middle-aged captain said, people like Shen Qubing are too special and rare.

 But there was nothing unusual at that time.

  A group of Shangguan disciples had no choice but to accept their bad luck and left the messy Kongliu Mountain dejectedly.

Did those two people slip and fall into it?

Although Shen Qubing was injured, he still said: "Let's go down and look for it. We can't live without seeing dead people and corpses!"

 Yuan Mobai did not mention that Shangguan Peng was dead.

The Shangguan clan member showed a smile that was uglier than crying: "...I can't contact the general."

“However, there is a problem...” Lei Jun raised his eyebrows.

Most of the time, Lei Jun is too lazy to care about other people's affairs.

When Lei Jun threw the two people down, the wind was strong, so both of them died without their bodies intact. It is difficult to find the remaining flesh and blood now.

If that were not the case, Wei Ancheng had been in seclusion before, and everyone in the world was looking for him, so why would it be so difficult to find him?

The situation in Jinchengzhai is slightly better than that of the Blood River Sect, but the characteristics of the ghost path practice are also notorious, and they are full of hatred from all over the world. Therefore, they are often besieged. The ancestral court of Shanmen has been attacked countless times.

When everyone heard this, they looked at each other and smiled bitterly. They could only comfort each other and try again after a while.

However, considering that having Huo Yao who has been identified by himself may be beneficial to future actions, and the existence of Shen Qubing may cause thorns in the Shangguan clan, Lei Jun stepped in today.

 Attempted remote contact far away from the chaotic place of leyline aura, but there was no response.

The eldest son, Yang Tai, may go to the Zhu Anjiang area in the near future, but the specific time and purpose are unknown.

 Not to mention the three-level monks, even some monks in the seventh-level realm couldn't hold him down in terms of speed.

No one doubted that Shen Qubing was the one responsible. Firstly, this kid had been seriously injured before, and secondly, he was a straight-headed man, so there was no way he could pretend to be nothing and not reveal the slightest trace.

It is not easy to completely dig out all the information that the other party knows and to distinguish between true and false. Lei Jun also struggled a lot.


Lei Jun searched for a place where the aura of heaven and earth was peaceful, and contacted his master Yuan Mobai using the Thousand Miles Transmission Symbol to communicate with each other and exchange intelligence information.

 It is worth mentioning that Zong Han’s lineage can be traced back to his ancestors, and he had a lot of grievances with the Tianshi Mansion.

No matter the Tang Dynasty imperial family or the masters and apprentices of Yuan Mobai and Lei Jun, their whereabouts have not been known recently.

Rather than them slipping and falling into a deep ravine, everyone's first reaction was that the middle-aged captain led people outside the mountain to investigate the environment or track down the whereabouts of the escaped descendants of the Sui family.

Well, judging from the result, although it was a bit unsatisfactory and some people lost their hands, they still succeeded in breaking through a camp of the descendants of the Sui Dynasty and destroying a key node of the opponent's destabilizing the earth and establishing the destiny of the country.

 “This…” The person who tried to contact Shangguan Peng was surprised.

It is worth mentioning that according to the division of power in recent years, it is the sphere of influence of Gepo Mountain, the holy land of the Wumen Divine Dance in the Southern Wilderness.

 The young warrior was a little lost: "Still unable to contact the general."

The difference is that Zhang Yuan is stained with a shadow from the Book of Heaven, while this middle-aged man has been exposed to similar existences before.

The others were all descendants of the Shangguan clan, and they couldn't bear the mysterious disappearance of their clansmen, so they immediately organized people and took the risk to explore.


Young warrior: "On the captain's body..."

 After taking care of the affairs at Kongliu Mountain, Lei Jun left immediately.

 In the end, after guessing, most people felt that an accident was the most likely.

 Everyone can still hold their heads high and report to their superiors.

However, Shen Qubing and others searched carefully and finally found some broken clothing remnants.

After being far away from the place where the earth's veins were turbulent and the spiritual energy was chaotic, Lei Jun found a stable place and finally had time to unfold his Yuan Magnetic Dragon Flag and release the drowsy middle-aged man.

 Lei Jun checked the opponent's situation. This middle-aged man is not like Zhang Yuan, with the shadow of the Book of Heaven attached to him.

It was not until the turmoil in the Gangfeng area of ​​Kongliu Mountain gradually subsided and the others gathered again that they realized that two people were missing.

Compared to the Blood River Sect and Jincheng Village, which have the worst reputation for killing the most people, Gepo Mountain, the holy land of the Shenwu lineage, can be said to be the most peaceful in the Southern Wilderness Witch Sect inheritance.

 In any case, Shen Qubing was not a person he disliked, and everyone got along well before.

With the blessing of Tai Ting Xian Lei, his already superior speed and destructive power as a warrior have further increased. It can be said that the advantages of the long board have been further enhanced and specialized.

The young warrior nodded repeatedly: "That makes sense!"

The Ta Gang Step Fight has to operate for a long time and reach its peak state before it can barely keep up with the opponent.

 It should be because of Shen Qubing... Lei Jun knew it.

 The origin of this middle-aged man's influence lies in Shen Qubing's Heavenly Book·6.

The middle-aged captain and the young guard who came from the Shangguan clan seemed to have disappeared without any warning.

Even though Lei Jun said this, his expression was still relaxed.

Zong Han, the contemporary holy master of Jinchengzhai, the "Ghost King", can also be called a generation of tycoons. In his hands, Jinchengzhai, which has been scattered like sand in recent years, has regained the momentum of unity and revival. His disciples include many masters including Gao Pu and Cao Chu. He was also impressed by Zong Han.

 Only when facing an extremely special warrior like Shen Qubing, Lei Jun would feel pressure again in terms of close combat.

 Now they are buried together at the bottom of the Gangfeng Valley.

Now, there is also news that Yang Tai, the eldest son of the Sui Dynasty, will go to Gepo Mountain to rule Zhu Anjiang.

However, this time I got a piece of information that made Lei Jun feel refreshed.

To a certain extent, not only were they regarded as demons by the Central Plains Dynasty in the north, but the descendants of the Blood River and Ghost Paths in the Southern Wilderness were also regarded as public enemies, and everyone wanted to beat them.

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, with big eyes and small eyes, and an ominous premonition began to arise in their hearts.

 A rough map of Southern Wasteland and related information immediately came to his mind:

 When Shen Qubing took a deep breath, he temporarily stabilized his injuries, and when he stood up again, he felt no difference immediately.

 From Yuan Mobai, Lei Junze learned about what happened in the Zhaojiang Basin during this period.

 Lei Jun stopped paying attention to the Shangguan clan members who were scattered in other places for the time being. After taking care of those two people, he went into seclusion again, as if he had never appeared.

 Zhu'an River is another water vein in the Southern Wilderness. Compared with Yujiang River and Zhaojiang River, it is more southerly and goes deep into the hinterland of the Southern Wilderness.

For example, he is currently dealing with these two Shangguan family disciples with ease and comfort, which almost makes people wonder who is the martial arts practitioner between the two parties.

 Lei Jun raised his hand and rubbed his cheek gently, controlling his expression: "This is really... so unfortunate, so sad."

 There are a few people who are hesitant but have no more clues.

However, compared with each other, there are still some differences.

Shen Qubing and others searched again, but there was still no sign of those two people.

 But his opponent…

 But in the end, the middle-aged man was suppressed like Zhang Yuan and his soul was affected.

Now, Lei Jun has finally gained something.

Yang Tai is the eldest son of this generation of Shengkang Crown Prince Yang Yuqi Zheng'er Bajing, and is also his most accomplished son. He has a high status in the direct line of descendants of the Sui Dynasty. Although he is young now, he has good cultivation, and he has already taken charge of his own role and has a lot of responsibilities. There are few important errands and his whereabouts are secretive.

Zong Han integrated Jincheng Village, which also made Jincheng Village and Tianshi Mansion once again become enemies, so Gao Pu, Cao Chu and others successively sought trouble from Tianshi Mansion.

Lei Jun’s wind and thunder talisman, Tianjiang talisman, Wuding mountain talisman and other methods are all activated. Shen Qubing, who has Tai Ting Immortal Body in his upper body, is not sure if he just uses his speed.


In terms of cultivation level, this middle-aged man was more than a little bit higher than Zhang Yuan at that time.

When the Tang army attacked Kongliu Mountain, this middle-aged man felt mentally unwell, and the abnormality became more and more serious.

It's just that the whereabouts of the eldest son Yang Tai are more mysterious than that of his younger brother, the second son Yang Fei.

 Zhang Yuan's soul was suppressed at the beginning, and it only happened after approaching Longhu Mountain. The root cause was Lei Jun's Heavenly Book·3.

Shen Qubing’s Taiting Immortal Body is so strong that he has unique advantages whether he practices Thunder Technique or studies martial arts.

Since there was no sign of a counterattack by the descendants of the Sui Dynasty, Shen Qubing and others were surprised, but they had not yet thought about the death of the two of them.

There were many people present, but they did not expect that the middle-aged captain would take action after he had helped everyone.

"General Shangguan Peng, something happened." Yuan Mobai mentioned the matter in the first sentence: "The latest news is that he encountered Shengkang Wang Yang Yuqi and Jinchengzhai Elder Gaopu, two people in the eighth heaven realm in the lower reaches of Zhaojiang River. enemy."

It's just that Shen Qubing was focused on killing and didn't pay attention to his opponent's strangeness. As a result, Lei Jun took down him first.

 There was no mention of Shangguanpeng's escape.

It's just that they were a little unlucky. Just as they were trying to rise up, they encountered the more powerful Wei Ancheng and the Blood River Sect who wanted to unify the Southern Wilderness. Wei Ancheng was the first to come to the door.

 Coming up from the valley bottom, everyone looked at the fragments of clothing and looked at each other in silence for a moment.

However, all this is relative, and it can be said that the tallest among the shortest.

 Lei Jun used his Heavenly Book·3 to interrogate the middle-aged man after he woke up.

“The time is uncertain, so this is more head-scratching.”

Jinchengzhai Elder Gaopu, okay, this one has a problem.

 A master of the Wumen ghost lineage in the Eighth Heaven, good at controlling ghosts and controlling corpses...

 (End of this chapter)

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