Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 215: 214 This prosperous age is as you wish, General Shangguan

Chapter 215 214. This prosperous age is as you wish, General Shangguan

Master and apprentice Yuan Mobai and Lei Jun are no strangers to Gaopu.

 When they were in Danan Mountain, it was this person who colluded with the Jinzhou Ye tribe from the north, intending to ambush Lei Jun and his disciples.

Gaopu has an outstanding reputation and has always been known as the second master in Jincheng Village under Zonghan, the "Ghost King".

However, the strength of Wumen ghost monks fluctuates greatly in actual combat, which is mainly related to the evil spirits and walking corpses of their ambassadors.

The reason why Gaopu is known as the second master of ghosts after Jinchengzhai Holy Lord Zonghan is because after years of practice, he has accumulated many powerful evil spirits and walking corpses, and he has the ability to control multiple powerful evil spirits at the same time. Evil spirits and walking corpses face the enemy together.

  If a master who is also in the eighth heaven realm does not have the means to quickly threaten Gaopu himself, it will be extremely difficult to deal with him.

However, thanks to Lei Jun's little help, Gao Pu was sent to see Wei Ancheng, the head of the Blood River Sect who had just left seclusion.

 As a result, Gaopu and others became the first targets for surgery after Wei Ancheng's newly ascended to the ninth level.

 The many evil souls and walking corpses that Gaopu had worked so hard to accumulate were all destroyed by Wei Ancheng.

 Later, Wei Ancheng chased Gaopu all the way back to the mountain gate of the holy land of Jinchengzhai, gathered the masters of the Blood River Sect, and finally crushed Jinchengzhai, forcing Zong Han, Gaopu and others to bow their heads and surrender.

Now, under the leadership of Zong Han, Jinchengzhai, together with Wei Ancheng and the Blood River masters, attacked Yinshan Cave, the holy land of Gu magic, and faced off against Yinshan Cave, Gepo Mountain, and Samsara Abyss, uncovering a rare situation in the Southern Wilderness in recent years. Bloody battle.

However, both Zong Han and Gaopu are unruly and strong men of the Southern Wilderness Wumen.

 Although they bowed to Wei Ancheng and the Blood River Sect for the time being, they obviously had other plans.

Gaopu acted together with Yang Yuqi, the prince of Shengkang, a direct descendant of the Sui Dynasty, which is quite arousing people's imagination.

The relationship between Wei Ancheng and the direct bloodline of the descendants of the Sui Dynasty is now quite subtle.

It was just Shangguan Peng's misfortune that he ran into two opponents at the eighth level of heaven.

Especially Gao Pu, the elder of Jincheng Village, is worried that he has lost many evil souls and walking corpses in the past and is in urgent need of new blood.

  It's like a new girl meets an old hungry wolf, the scene is unbearable to imagine...

“So, the current situation of General Shangguan is... missing?” Lei Jun asked.

Yuan Mobai's voice was conveyed in the Qianli Telephone: "For the time being, let's call it a day. As far as the teacher knows, news has been sent back to the Tang Dynasty. For such an incident, I believe the capital will react soon."

 Shangguan Peng is a general in command of the Shence Army of the Tang Dynasty. He is also a leading figure in the younger generation of the Shangguan clan. He is regarded as a key figure in the training of future successors.

If something happens to him in the Southern Wilderness, neither the Tang Dynasty emperor nor the Shangguan clan will take it lightly.

Especially when the ghosts of witchcraft and ghosts are involved.

"Chongyun, in these troubled times, remember to be careful in your words and deeds, and don't be careless." Yuan Mobai reminded Lei Jun again.

 “Master, please rest assured, disciple understands.” Lei Jun was convinced.

He himself also appeared in the Zhaojiang River Basin. Although his appearance was a surprise, it would definitely become a clue for the Shangguan clan to investigate in the future. He had already expected this.

However, it’s just like Shangguanpeng’s idea earlier.

 At the moment, there is something more worrying for everyone in the Tang Dynasty here in the Southern Wilderness.

After meeting with Yuan Mobai in the Zhuan River Basin later in the evening, Lei Jun ended the call.

 The current environment is beautiful and full of aura.

Lei Jun started the practice again and carefully drew the talismans.

 After accumulating a certain number of spiritual talismans, Lei Jun withdrew from the Zhaitan Dojo and returned to the Kongliu Mountain area.

 The flow of spiritual energy in Kongliu Mountain is not as chaotic and manic as before.

But the deep cracks and valleys in the ground are still there, and the flow of earth veins and spiritual energy is constantly changing.

Lei Jun quietly descended into the underground rift valley, and then cast his own specially made Thousand-mile Transmission Notes again.

These spiritual talismans flashed little by little in the earth's spiritual energy like a rushing river, and were washed away in the blink of an eye, scattering and disappearing.

Lei Jun saw this, nodded with satisfaction, and then left.

After leaving the chaotic place of Kongliu Mountain, he followed the same pattern, still on the second floor of the Zhenyi Altar, and re-arranged the map like a star map, showing the approximate whereabouts of each spiritual talisman scattered in the earth's spiritual energy.

Although he had the relevant information about Zhu Anjiang first, Lei Jun still used his own method to further collect information and compare the two.

Some of the spiritual talismans that were scattered earlier in Xinglongyuan were damaged, and some were too far away to be traced and determined.

Lei Jun is now spreading a second wave on Kongliu Mountain.

 While waiting for the response, Lei Jun went down from the second floor of the Zhenyi Altar to the first floor again.

Then, he gently waved his flag.

 The Xi soil flag was unfolded, and the Heavenly Eye Chichen, which was still as hot as lava, flowed out of it.

However, after the Xirang Banner's spiritual power was consumed for a long time, the Heavenly Eye Chichen no longer had the previous intensity, and instead relied on the Xirang Banner to warm up its spiritual power.

 After leaving the Xi soil flag and contacting the air, those sky-eye blazing stars began to cool down and tended to solidify.

The fiery flames gathered together and gradually condensed into a strange spiritual stone that looked like an eyeball. It was round and black, and its spirituality was deeply embedded.

Lei Jun was not in a hurry and waved his hand in the air.

So in the first floor of Zhenyi Dharma Altar, blue flames rose up, surrounding the strange stone that looked like a round black eyeball.

Soon, as if a person had opened his eyes and woke up, the strange stone began to glow, and a fiery breath came from it.

"But you can't repeat changes like this often, otherwise the spiritual energy will be wasted." After observing for a while, Lei Jun already knew something in his mind.

While he was using the Nine Abyss True Fire in the altar to worship the Heavenly Eye Chichen, he also took out the Guangfa Spiritual Crystal that was given to him by Ji Chuan from the Shushan Sect.

 Jiuyuan True Fire is good for refining elixirs and refining weapons, and has extra convenience.

Using Guangfa Spirit Crystal to generate Guangfa Clouds has the same effect and helps monks to refining magic weapons.

With the combination of the two, the Sky Eye Blazing Star once again shines like a blazing star.

With the concentration of spiritual power, the illusory heavenly eye that seems to overlook the heaven and earth and observe the four directions is re-formed on the first floor of the Zhenyi Dharma Altar.

Lei Jun closed his eyes and meditated. He was constantly refining the Heavenly Eye Chichen. He could also feel that his vision seemed to be connected to the illusory huge Heavenly Eye and merged into one.

 He then took out his divine eyepiece stone and threw it into the blazing stars.

 The blazing stars shine brighter than before.

Lei Jun stood up, stepped on the **** and walked around the stars.

While murmuring something in his mouth, he traced his fingers in the air, forming one shining talisman after another.

Then these talismans swirled around the blazing stars, and finally fell into the blazing stars one after another rhythmically.

 In the blazing stars, gleaming Taoist aggregates and runes began to appear.

Lei Jun continued to refine this magical weapon for many days.

 Finally, while the brilliance of the blazing stars did not diminish, it began to become warmer.

Although the Heavenly Eye condensed by its spiritual power could see all directions before, it is still high in the sky and is also eye-catching and easily noticed by others.

Now, as Lei Jun continues to practice and nourish, the illusory eye of heaven gradually begins to disappear in the air, as if it has disappeared.

But Lei Jun’s vision is connected with it, and he can still see the large range of world around him.

“Okay, this way, we have initially reached the idea.” Lei Jun, who had been circling around, suddenly stopped. In the sky above his head, mana condensed, manifesting a huge Dao Seal.

 The seal fell, and it was printed on the shining star.

As the Dao Seal fell, the radiance of the stars below converged, completely turning into the appearance of an ancient mirror.

Traces of the Taoist seal appeared on the ancient mirror. The marks disappeared in a flash, and the ancient mirror's brilliance became further restrained, as if it had received final recognition.

 The seal rose back to Lei Jun's head, then dispersed into black and white yin and yang energy, and then returned to his body.

Lei Jun waved, and the ancient mirror fell in front of him.

“Let’s call it the Celestial Eyeglass for now.” Lei Jun looked at the magic weapon made of the Divine Eyepiece Stone and the Heavenly Eye Chichen, and nodded slightly.

 He put on the celestial eyepiece, left the Zhenyi Dharma Altar, and returned to the real world.

Standing among the mountains, Lei Jun looked around, and then pointed his finger on his astronomical eyepiece.

 The mirror surface is like water waves, gently rippling and spreading, then calming down quickly.

 But the scene shown on the mirror is different.

 The magic weapon’s spirituality has risen, but it is much lower-key than before.

Above the sky, there seems to be a huge eye in the sky but it is hidden in the air.

In Lei Jun's own consciousness, his vision instantly connects to the Sky Eye, and he can see up and down in all directions. There are almost no blind spots to speak of, and the distance is extremely far, far beyond his current perception range.

When Lei Jun concentrates his energy on a certain direction, an area or even a certain point, the distance and clarity of observation are further improved.

 At this time, the scene will be clearly displayed on the mirror surface.

 In terms of distance and clarity, it far exceeds the original divine eyepiece stone.

“Well, now I’ll use the Yuanci Sword Pill, which will make it easier to lock on to the target.”

Lei Jun nodded with satisfaction.

 He had exchanges with his master Yuan Mobai for advice in this regard.

From a purely visual perspective, the observation range and accuracy of the Celestial Eyepiece are already comparable to those of some monks in the Seventh Heaven Realm.

Lei Jun did a few more related tests, put away the celestial eyepiece, and returned to the Zhenyi Dharma Altar Cave.

 Arrived at the second floor of the altar and observed the map like a star map.

 Like last time, many of the light spots on the map disappeared, leaving less than half.

 Some light spots are still flowing.

 There are individual light spots, but their positions have stagnated, and they are only trembling and swaying within a small range.

Lei Jun recalled the general topographic map of Nanhuang, and after comparing it, he confirmed that it should be the Zhuanjiang River Basin.

From this point of view, there may indeed be changes in the flow of the earth's veins there, and there may be descendants of the Sui Dynasty who shake the earth's veins and establish new nodes for the destiny of the country.

Under the rule of Gepo Mountain, the holy land of Wumen Shenwu, there are people related to the descendants of the Sui Dynasty.

 In other words, they are descendants of the Sui Dynasty, arranged by the family, and joined the Gepo Mountain family to run the business?

Thinking about it, Lei Jun left the Zhenyi Dharma Altar Cave Heaven and set off for the Zhu'an River Basin.

  Along the way, the ball of light in my mind no longer prompted me to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune.

As usual, Lei Jun hid his whereabouts and rushed on his way, but he was also a little curious in his heart.

Awakening the Seal of the Heavenly Master, the whole person can escape into the True One Dharma Altar Cave, and the safety of Taoist Lei while walking outside is greatly improved.

 But it’s not 100% safe.

The previous two luck fortunes can illustrate the problem.

It’s just that Xiong Gang, the elder of the Blood River Sect, who is also a monk in the eighth heaven realm, won the lottery twice, while Yang Yuqi, the prince of Shengkang, and Gao Pu, the elder of Jinchengzhai, won the lottery accordingly.

 The difference lies in the fact that Yang Yuqi and Gao Pu, two powerful men from the eighth level, are traveling together?

Lei Jun has a different view.

 He ​​is currently unable to completely refine and control the Celestial Master's Seal, so instead of using the Celestial Master's Seal to fight and confront the enemy, he uses the True One Dharma Altar to escape into the sky and hide his whereabouts from powerful enemies.

 At present, it seems that it is basically impossible for opponents in the seventh heaven realm to see through the mystery.

 The masters of the eighth heaven may bring risks.

Since the focus is on insight rather than direct combat, the risk is not only related to the number of eighth-level masters, but Lei Jun guesses it is more likely to be related to their orthodoxy.

The Blood River Sect's practice is better than the perception of the energy of living things and the evil spirit of blood, but Lei Jun directly avoided the Zhenyi Dharma Altar Cave Heaven. To sense the changes in the void and the Celestial Master's Seal magic weapon itself is not what the Blood River Sect is good at.

Yang Yuqi, the prince of Shengkang, is a master of Confucianism in the eighth heaven, and his perception of relevant aspects is better than that of Xiong Gang, the elder of the Blood River Sect of the same realm.

 Therefore, under the same circumstances, he sensed that there might be a greater threat to the Zhenyi Dharma Altar Cave waiting in the wings.

In addition, unlike the Sixth Heaven and Seventh Heaven realms where there is no stratification within the realm, there are often mysterious changes between the various small realms within the Eighth Heaven realm.

The same is the eight -day monk, Yang Yuqi is specifically renamed as a level, or may be more clever than Xiong Gang ... Lei Jun speculated.

 Unfortunately, the specific situation is unknown. The only person in the Tang Dynasty who has had contact with Prince Shengkang is Shangguan Peng.

 A few days later, Lei Jun arrived near the Zhu'an River Basin.

 It still looks calm here at the moment.

Gepo Mountain, the holy land of the Wumen Divine Dance, has always been the most peaceful area in the Southern Wilderness, and it is indeed well-deserved.

Although Gepo Mountain is currently participating in the war, fighting with the Blood River Sect and Jincheng Village, the Zhu Anjiang area in the rear is still peaceful.

 It is peaceful and peaceful, but there are undercurrents.

“It’s loose on the outside and tight on the inside, which is obviously unusual.” Yuan Mobai, who arrived first, has been observing for a while. He also did not act rashly and just waited patiently.

After meeting up with Lei Jun, he glanced at his apprentice and said with a smile: "The latest news is that the general left the capital in person and went south to the southern wilderness."

The general is Shangguan Yunbo, the contemporary leader of the Shangguan clan. He is also the current general of the Shence Army of the Tang Dynasty. He is one of the few martial arts experts in the world.

As a master of martial arts in the eighth heaven realm, the world is vast and he can easily conquer it. Only Wei Ancheng, the head of the Blood River Sect, poses a threat to him in the Southern Wilderness.


"The general also brought the gangster Jinge out of the capital this time." Yuan Mo said in vain.

Lei Jun said sincerely: "General Shangguanpeng can rest in peace, this prosperous age is as he wished!"

If something happens to Lei Jun and Yuan Mobai, Tang Xiaotang will definitely be unable to hold himself back.

She is a genius, but she has just entered the eighth heaven. Facing the Wei Ancheng of the ninth heaven, she needs at least the Tianshi Sword to help her fight.

 Now the same principle applies to Shangguan Yunbo and Dang Kou Jinge.

The combination of the eighth-level martial arts master and the world-famous martial arts magic weapon is in line with Shangguan Peng's expectations. Although there are some discrepancies in the specific candidates, Shangguan General must be loyal to the country and will definitely not care about these details...

"There is also not so good news." Yuan Mobai glanced at his apprentice, the smile on his face faded, and his expression became more solemn: "There was a letter from the mountain gate. Just a few days ago, Lin Che returned to Jiangzhou. land."

Hearing this, Lei Jun raised his eyebrows slightly.

Lin Che, the current clan leader of the Lin Clan in Jiangzhou, was lost in the void together with Xu Yuanzhen at the end of the Poyang Daze War six years ago. Their whereabouts are unknown and their whereabouts remain a mystery to this day.

 (End of this chapter)

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