Chapter 254 Chapter 253. The war begins (two chapters in one)

 Compared with the many assumptions in my mind, the current Heavenly and Earthly Pure Law is indeed still in its infancy.

On the one hand, Lei Jun needs to continue to figure out and perfect this method. On the other hand, as Lei Jun's personal cultivation level increases day by day, the method will become stronger and have more functions.

 “Well, it’s a very good blank.” Xu Yuanzhen said.

  Lei Jun: “I believe it was for confidentiality reasons, so Jinzhou secretly contacted the remaining descendants of the Nanzong Lin tribe to make ritual vessels on their behalf.

 But I think Ye Moquan should not only have made such preparations, but may also have more means. "

"Stop." Xu Yuanzhen: "I'm almost looking forward to what you said."

 Lei Jun: "I look forward to your methods even more, Senior Sister."

 Xu Yuanzhen: "I did prepare some gifts for the old fox."

 Lei Jun asked straightforwardly: "Can you kill him?"

“It’s a certain degree of difficulty, and you may have to pay a certain price, but it’s not impossible.” Xu Yuanzhen’s answer is very personal: “However, that is not my expected goal for the time being.”

Lei Jun raised his eyebrows: "So what is your expected goal?"

Xu Yuanzhen: "We haven't decided yet. Once we take action, let's see how willing the old fox is to spare his life."

 Hearing what you said, I’m not really surprised... Lei Jun thought to himself.

 It is true that my senior sister is extremely talented, but often her ideas are not so popular.

 While everyone benefits from her strength, they must also be prepared for her work.

Although Lei Jun had different views from Xu Yuanzhen in this regard, he did not say much and simply said: "On the other hand, this round may not be just about Ye Moquan."

"It's not surprising." Xu Yuanzhen seemed to be packing up something while speaking: "Since the date is approaching, I will go directly to Jinzhou."

 Lei Jun: "The little senior sister has passed."

After ending the communication with Xu Yuanzhen, Lei Jun also started to pack his bags and expected to leave the Daze area of ​​Taihu Lake.

Neither Xu Yuanzhen nor he intends to attack the remaining descendants of the Nan Zonglin tribe north of Taihu Lake first, nor do they intend to prevent the other party from successfully making ritual vessels and sending them to Jinzhou.

 Since Xu Yuanzhen already knew it, it would be difficult for the other party to take this opportunity to catch her off guard.

 On the contrary, Xu Yuanzhen secretly prepared a return gift.

By then, it’s hard to say who will be caught off guard.

“Speaking of which, the secret realm where Senior Sister and Zhang Rui are currently should correspond to the winning lottery.”

  Lei Jun thought: "I don't know what the fifth-grade opportunities and possible hidden dangers predicted in the fortune tell me specifically."

 According to what Xu Yuanzhen said, the secret realm may lead to another world besides itself.

Will it be the same as the foreign world that we entered from Daheishan?

 Inherited from ancient times to the present, look at the distance between the world.

Thinking about this sentence carefully now, it seems that the first half of the sentence refers to the Xuanxu Mirror, and the second half of the sentence points to the secret realm predicted by the middle number.

It is rather like the words of ancient and modern times and the world, and it also evaluates the Xuanxu Mirror in the Cave of Shangqing Lei Mansion and the strange secret realm.

 So, the secret realm, or the other side of the world it involves, time, ancient and modern, also has something magical about it?

Lei Junxing was meditating on the road, with many thoughts flashing through his mind.


 The ancestral land of the Ye people in Jinzhou.

 In the courtyard of the deep house, the old man sat quietly in a chair, looking out the window at a lush forest in summer.

 Later, his eldest son Ye Wei came to the door.

 The old man in the room said: "Come in."

"Father." Ye Wei entered the room and stood with his hands tied: "The Nanzong Lin clan has completed the work and the things will be delivered soon."

His father, Ye Moquan, the leader of the Ye Clan in Jinzhou, heard this and nodded slightly: "After these last things are settled, you should also make the final preparations."

 Ye Wei: “Yes, father.”

 He did not leave immediately, but stayed in silence.

 Ye Moquan also did not rush Ye Wei and just sat calmly.

After a long time, Ye Wei said: "Father, the risk you took this time is too great."

Ye Moquan smiled: "In my position, there are some things that cannot be avoided, and I have no intention of avoiding them."

 He does not believe in direct confrontation with others.

 But that doesn’t mean he can’t play such a move.

"Although Qingzhou, Suzhou and other places have said they are ready,..." Ye Wei hesitated.

Ye Moquan was calm: "This time, you don't have to worry about whether they will do more, as long as they don't do less. If we want to be on guard, we can only make some preparations in this regard."

 Ye Wei: “At present, no.”

"That's enough." Ye Moquan nodded slightly and looked out the window again.

 Ye Wei bowed and then left.


 Outside Long, it is close to the Western Regions.

 The yellow sand of the desert is scorching hot under the midsummer light.

 On the yellow sand, there are a few small black spots scattered.

They are all monks dressed in black, with solemn expressions and serious expressions.

Looks like a majestic treasure, but his whole body exudes a strange aura, covering all directions.

Whether it is the current heat or the extreme cold in winter, it will be crushed and disappear in this area.

These black-clothed monks are all descendants of Dakong Temple.

 Their leader is a young monk wearing a dark golden cassock.

This monk is tall, with a rare smile on his face among the people in Dakong Temple who have straight faces, and he looks to be no more than 20 years old.

 In fact, his real age is indeed not very old, and he is currently less than fifty years old.

 But he became famous very early.

 It was during his rapid rise that Dakongji returned to land.

 The name of the law is, Yuan Mie.

 Early Buddha of Dakong Temple.

 Now the new abbot of Dakong Temple is appointed.

His mentor was Ji Xiang, the previous abbot of Dakong Temple.

Ji Xiang did not die, he was standing behind Yuan Mie at this time.

 Previously, he voluntarily passed on the position of abbot to Yuan Mie and abdicated as the king of Dharma.

Jixiang Dharma King determined that the Yuan Ni Society would be a more suitable abbot of Dakong Temple than himself. Under his leadership, the era of Dakong Temple's Dharma rectification will eventually come.

In today's Tang Dynasty, Yuan Mie's reputation has indeed surpassed that of his master Jixiang Dharma King.

 Although most of it is a bad reputation.

When Dakong Temple first returned to the mainland, it was Yuan Mie who took the lead in breaking through the mountain gate of Bodhi Temple, one of the four authentic holy places of Buddhism.

After that, he fought thousands of miles away and intercepted Vajra Temple, another holy place in Buddhism, to welcome the new abbot, killing many of his opponents.

Later, when Tianlong Temple was attacked again, Yuan Mie had succeeded King Jixiang and became the new helmsman of Dakong Temple.

 While he was famous, his hands were stained with blood.

Generally speaking, monks who successfully reach the seventh heaven realm within a hundred years of age are recognized as geniuses by the world. Their potential is not yet fully realized, and there is still the possibility of continuing to climb higher.

Seventh-level monks under the age of fifty are undoubtedly geniuses among geniuses and can be called monsters.

 And the circle disappears…

An eighth-level master of the Dakong Temple lineage who is under fifty years old.

Those of the same generation who can be compared with them are the former Queen Zhang Wantong and Tianshifu Xu Yuanzhen, the current Tianshifu Tang Xiaotang, Bailian Sect Future Maitreya, Nanhuang Geposhan Li Tianqing and a few others.

On the other hand, there are only four leaders of major forces under the age of 100 inside and outside the Tang Dynasty.

 Today, the Queen is Zhang Wantong.

 Contemporary Celestial Master, Tang Xiaotang.

  The leader of the Xiao clan outside Longwai, Xiao Hang.

 Then there is the monk Yuan Mie from Dakong Temple.

“Brother Abbot, the gate of Vajra Temple is still closed, and no communication between inside and outside is allowed.” A black-clothed monk whispered beside Yuan Mie.

Yuan Mie smiled: "It will be opened soon."

His master Jingxiang Dharmawang said: "There are some weird things inside the Vajra Temple. Those Confucian scholars also noticed it and tried to win over Tianlong Temple. They persuaded us to turn to Vajra Temple, so they planned to test it."

 “It doesn’t matter, everyone just gets what they need.”

Yuan Mie: "Without their appearance, I would also like to see what secrets are hidden in Kongang Temple. Now that the battle of Jinzhou is about to begin, there will be people gathered from all directions, and no one will bother us. This is the best."

He opened his palms, and a dark golden light appeared above his palms. The light showed a blend of purity and tranquility at the same time, which made every disciple of Dakong Temple around him brighten up when he saw it.

"Besides, there are some extra gains." Yuan Mie moved his five fingers, and the light ball rose and fell.

 There were frequent contacts and transactions between the four surnames Liuwang and Dakong Temple.

  When Dakong Temple was living overseas before, some of the material supplies and support it received from the inland were probably from the hands of famous families.

But Dakong Temple is not a vassal of the Four Surnames and Liuwang.

 Nothing is unbreakable.

To a certain extent, according to the purpose they believe in, the Confucian family is also an existence that should be destroyed in this world.

It’s just that as far as Dakong Temple is concerned, the first and most direct enemy is the four holy places of Buddhism. Therefore, it currently cooperates with the four surnames and Liu Wangduo, and both sides get what they need.

 Dakong Temple is eyeing the four holy places of Buddhism. They have their own ideas about the specific choice. They have been eyeing Tianlong Temple in Jiangnan before.

 The leaders of major aristocratic families who want to divert their attention to the Vajra Temple will naturally make some comments first.

 Hence, there is a circle of light that is extinguishing above the palm of your hand at this moment.

Although Yuan Mie himself has already set his sights on the Vajra Temple.

 The Vajra Temple currently looks weak and closed, but no one knows what it is like inside.

Yuan Mi’s visit this time is not like attacking the gate of Bodhi Temple. From the beginning, he was rushing to destroy the gate.

 He went to the Vajra Temple again this time, more for testing and confirmation.

Of course, if Vajra Temple cannot come up with two brushes, this trip will have another outcome.

“Other aspects are left to Master. If there are any major changes in Jinzhou, please inform me.” Yuan Mi put away the undulating light ball above his palm and told Jixiang Dharma King.


Lei Jun left Taihu Daze and headed north.

While rushing on the road, he contacted Tang Xiaotang, who had arrived in Jinzhou in advance.

“There are quite a lot of people here, and most of them are staying on the outskirts.” Tang Xiaotang said casually.

 In some battles between top players, both parties do not allow others to watch.

However, neither Xu Yuanzhen nor Ye Moquan had any intention of clearing the place this time.

Tang Xiaotang and others are currently mostly parked outside, because the principals haven't arrived yet.

"Fangdu is from Jingxiang, Chu Peng is from Suzhou, Ye Yi is from Qingzhou, and Lin Lishan is from Youzhou..." Tang Xiaotang casually mentioned a few names, all of which were core and high-level members of various famous families.

 One by one, they are all great scholars from the eighth heaven. As representatives of each family, they came to Jinzhou to witness the battle between the masters from the ninth heaven that they had not seen for many years.

 As for whether they have any other plans or arrangements, they have to ask themselves.

“The representatives from the Tang Dynasty’s imperial family who came to watch the battle were King Changshan and the female fox from Suzhou,” Tang Xiaotang said.

 Lei Jun understood clearly after hearing this.

The Suzhou female fox mentioned by Tang Tianshi naturally refers to Chu Yu.

 As for the other one, he was a royal master, Changshan King Zhang Junhai.

Due to various reasons, strictly speaking, the Zhang family is the largest family in the Tang Dynasty. There are many masters, but they are relatively scattered.

 Moreover, people’s minds are different.

 This is true for the former King of Wu, the current King of Zhao, and the King of Huayang who used to cover up his affairs very well but actually had both sides.

Where is this King Changshan?

“The people from Chunyang Palace are Elder Lu and Elder Guan.” Tang Xiaotang continued: “I heard that Yue Xiling has been in seclusion recently, and he is probably working hard for the eighth heaven realm.”

Elder Lu of the Chunyang Palace Lu Jin Duan moved around a lot with the Tianshi Mansion, and Lei Jun and Tang Xiaotang were both familiar with it.

As for the elder Guan Tang Xiaotang mentioned, Lei Jun briefly recalled that he should be an elder from Chunyang Palace named Guan Jing.

His cultivation level is outstanding. He is also at the eighth level of the Heavenly Infant Transformation of the Taoist Danding Sect. Strictly speaking, his cultivation level is still above Lu Jin Duan. He has already reached the fourth level of perfect infant transformation. He is below the real person Huang Xuanpu and is pure. One of the top masters in Yang Palace.

 He came hand in hand with Lu Jinduan, and undoubtedly attached great importance to the Battle of Jinzhou.

However, Lei Jun is more concerned about another person: "Is Master Huang of Chunyang Palace not here?"

Tang Xiaotang: "I heard that they came out of the palace specifically for this battle, but the specific circumstances are unknown."

She suddenly snorted: "By the way, that little girl is here too. It's rare that Chunyang Palace is willing to let her out."

At first glance, the words seem to have no beginning or end.

But Lei Jun knew immediately who Tang Xiaotang was referring to: "Jiang Yu came out with Elder Guan and Elder Lu? This is indeed a bit unexpected."

Jiang Yu is a junior disciple who previously joined the Chunyang Palace. He possesses the fundamental qualifications of the Pure Yin Immortal Body. It is said that his talents in other aspects are far beyond his peers, and his cultivation strength has improved by leaps and bounds. Since she entered the palace, Chunyang Palace has been keeping a low profile in dealing with her. Very few outsiders know that Chunyang Palace has added such a talented person.

It was not until the past two years that the news gradually became public, and Jiang Yu quickly stood out and became famous.

 Now, she has become famous both inside and outside the Tang Dynasty.

The general view of the world is that after Chunyang Palace missed Tang Xiaotang, its character finally exploded, and Jiang Yu came to make up for the regret.

 It’s just that a certain heavenly master was quite dissatisfied with this juxtaposition.

 “Where are the other families?” Lei Jun changed the topic at the right time.

Tang Xiaotang replied: "No one came to Jingang Temple, but Kongjing came to Xuantian Temple, and Miaokong came to Tianlong Temple."

King Kong Temple is located in the Western Regions and is mysterious all year round.

Although the new abbot was welcomed back before, it was severely damaged by the siege of the White Lotus Sect and Dakong Temple. The Kongo Temple suffered heavy losses and had to close its doors, so it had very little contact with the outside world.

 It is not particularly surprising that they were absent from the Battle of Jinzhou this time.

 Xuantian Temple is located in Yunzhou, near Jinzhou.

Although this sacred place of the authentic Buddhist precepts usually keeps a low profile, now that a war is about to break out in Jinzhou that may sweep the entire Tang Dynasty, and it is closely related to it, there will be no movement at Xuantian Temple.

Master Kongjing has always cooperated well with the Tang Dynasty imperial family, and he is also an elder in Xuantian Temple who favors the Tang Dynasty.

Lei Jun had a chance encounter with the other party when he obtained the Great Five Elements Creation Yuan Qi from the cracks in the Xianliu Mountain Valley in the early years. Although he could see the other party, the other party could not see him.


Kongjing is a monk in the seventh heaven realm of the Buddhist precepts lineage.

 The masters of the eighth heaven realm, including Master Ning Ru, the head of Xuantian Temple, did not show up.

 There may be quite a lot of differences within Xuantian Temple about the upcoming Battle of Jinzhou.

 Elder Miaokong from Tianlong Temple is actually a Buddhist monk in the eighth heaven realm.

This elder of Tianlong Temple has always cooperated and interacted with the Tang Dynasty imperial family.

Earlier, the disciples sent by Tianlong Temple to the Capital Academy were killed by the heirs of Dakong Temple. It was Elder Miao Kong who came out to settle the score with Monk Jitong of Dakong Temple.

However, it is difficult to draw a conclusion easily about the current internal situation of Tianlong Temple.

“The ones coming from Shushan are Elder Wei, Elder Ji, and Gao Dongyan.” Tang Xiaotang finally said.

The elder Wei, named Wei Qiyue, is of the same generation as Xu Duan. He is the elder of the Shushan sect. He has been famous for many years and is the elder with the most say within the Shushan sect.

 Elder Ji is Ji Dongquan, Ji Chuan’s father.

Gao Dongyan was a Shushan elder of the same generation as Dongquan and He Dongxing.

However, he has always been relatively close to the aristocratic families, and he is one of the representatives in Shushan who tends to reduce confrontation and cooperate more with the aristocratic families.

 He has a direct disciple named Lin Xinran, who is from the Lin clan in Jiangzhou.

 It’s just that Lin Xinran later died at the mouth of the big demon.

Lei Jun feels very sorry for him every time he thinks about his "old friend".

"But I feel that the people from Shushan have something wrong when they come here." Tang Xiaotang's voice fluctuated slightly: "I don't know what they are up to."

Lei Jun was thoughtful when he heard the words, and he could roughly guess the purpose of the people in Shushan.

But now in Jinzhou, after meeting Tang Xiaotang, Wei Qiyue, Ji Dongquan and Gao Dongyan's attention was indeed elsewhere.

 They scanned the surrounding mountains and rivers privately.

During the Battle of Jiangzhou, who were the people who secretly supported Tianshi Mansion?

No matter the court or the famous families, they all tend to think that those people are not Confucian magicians, but flying swords or magic weapons of Taoist sects.

 This made the Shushan sect speechless for a long time.

Wei Qiyue, who looks like a middle-aged woman, has a solemn expression at the moment, her eyes seem to be absent, and she observes her surroundings.

She urgently wants to know the origins of those Waidan monks who are secretly helping the Tianshi Mansion and are very powerful at the same time.

“Uncle Wei, Brother He, just based on the two of them, which one do you prefer?” Gao Dongyan asked, looking at the ancestral land of the Ye clan in the distance.

He Dongxing: “If the leader of the Ye clan cannot stabilize the ancestral land of the Ye clan in Jinzhou, he will definitely lose.

If he finds a way to avoid following the footsteps of the Northern and Southern Lins, then this battle can still be fought.

 As for who wins and who loses, it depends on the current situation of the Ye clan leader. "

Xu Yuanzhen is amazingly talented. Not only has his cultivation level improved rapidly, but his actual combat skills are also extraordinary.

 She had previously forcibly injured Lin Huan, the leader of the Youzhou Lin Clan, in front of Ye Moquan.

However, when the gap between the two sides is not obvious, the attacking side always takes more initiative.

Now that the two are facing each other, the situation is completely different.

Xu Yuanzhen entered the realm of the Nine Heavens for the first time, and there were also differences between the Nine Heavens monks and the Nine Heavens monks.

 In practice in this world, it is customary to divide the Nine Heavens into five small realms.

 Taoist Fulu School is generally called Wuqi Chaoxuan.

 Taoist Danding sect calls it Wuqi Chaoyuan.

 The Taoist Waidan sect is called the Five Qi Dynasty Immortal.

 The other spiritual traditions are basically the same.

 The last time Ye Moquan fought against someone, his strength was already at the third level of the Nine Heavens.

 Xu Yuanzhen entered the realm of the Nine Heavens for the first time.

 In terms of realm, Ye Moquan is even more dominant.

 Xu Yuanzhen’s advantage actually lies in...his youth.

Ye Moquan was a contemporary of Li Song, the former Supreme Elder of Longhu Mountain, and was much older than Li Song.

 To this day, he is already over 400 years old.

 Careful maintenance can only barely delay the decline.

How much strength the old leader of Jinzhou Ye Clan retains now is the key to this battle.

 “Here we come…” Wei Qiyue did not participate in the discussion on this topic.

 She is more keen on finding her own goals, but unfortunately she has never gained anything.

 And today’s rightful owner has arrived.

In the distant sky, a dark thundercloud appeared to be neither fast nor slow, but in fact it disappeared in an instant and arrived over the ancestral land of the Ye tribe in Jinzhou.

Atop the black thunder clouds, a woman wearing a purple robe and a black coat sat upright, with a pale face and picturesque eyebrows.

 Suddenly it was Xu Yuanzhen.

“Senior sister!” Tang Xiaotang greeted Xu Yuanzhen, but did not step forward.

 This is the war agreement Xu Yuanzhen made with others.

Although Tang Xiaotang is useless in daily life, she is very clear about this kind of things. Unless there is a serious accident, she will not intervene in Xu Yuanzhen's battle.

 Although, there is a high probability of an accident...

 Amidst the black thunder clouds, Xu Yuanzhen turned to Tang Xiaotang and nodded in greeting.

 Then she lowered her head again and looked down at the ancestral land of the Ye Clan in Jinzhou.

At this time, a large number of lights suddenly lit up in the ancestral land of the Ye Clan in Jinzhou. Centered on the Wenhua Baoguang that shot straight into the sky above the ancestral land, they intertwined and amplified.

Like the previous ancestral land of the Lin people in Jiangzhou, the ancestral land of the Ye people in Jinzhou occupies a vast area, almost comparable to a fortified city.

At the moment when the light expands and magnifies, it covers the city walls.

 The sound of drums seemed to be coming from it, solemn and solemn.

 In the pavilion and courtyard at the central core of the ancestral land, the front door opens automatically and sequentially when there is no wind.

 The entire Ye Clan mansion welcomes today’s guests in the most solemn manner.

But in the distance, Tang Xiaotang, Chu Yu and others looked at each other from afar, and soon discovered something strange.

Although the Ye people in Jinzhou have very thorough etiquette.

 But at this moment, in the huge ancestral land, there are no children of the Ye clan.

The ancestral land is completely empty.

 Only one person is there.

Another participant in today’s battle.

 The old leader of the Ye clan in Jinzhou, Ye Moquan.

The old man said: "It's great to have friends from far away, but it's a pity that we are enemies rather than friends."

"It's good as it is now." Xu Yuanzhen calmly walked down from the thunder cloud, walked through the main entrance of the Ye clan's mansion, and came all the way to Ye Moquan.

 Two monks in the realm of the Nine Heavens are sitting opposite each other.

 “Both my uncle and my ancestor received your support back then.” Xu Yuanzhen.

Ye Moquan: "Without the old age, with the talents of several Daochang Lis, the result will not be much different."

"Hurry up and slow down, your mood and attitude will change, and so will the people around you." Xu Yuanzhen: "What's more, you have done more than this."

Ye Moquan looked towards the south, towards the distant Tianshi Mansion.

After a while, he withdrew his gaze and said calmly: "Although I am careful, if I do too many things, I will leave traces in the end. As the proverb goes, 'If you don't know, don't do anything except yourself.'"

 Xu Yuanzhen: “Let’s get started.”

 It is not a discussion, but a notification.

 Thus, the Battle of Jinzhou officially kicked off.


Lei Jun temporarily stopped going to Jinzhou.

 The imperial court has just received news that there are two valuable items in total.

 First, Ye Yan, the leader of the Ye Clan in Qingzhou, left his ancestral land in Qingzhou and his whereabouts are unknown for the time being.

 Secondly, Chu Xiuyuan, the old leader of the Chu tribe in Suzhou, left his ancestral land in Suzhou and his whereabouts are unknown for the time being.

Will these two great Confucians of the Nine Heavens also point their finger at Jinzhou and Xu Yuanzhen?

What will be the reaction of the Queen and the Tang Dynasty imperial family?

Other messages arrived one after another, and Lei Jun quickly picked them up.

Although Ye Yan and Chu Xiuyuan have left their ancestral lands in Qingzhou and Suzhou respectively, the Ye Clan in Qingzhou and the Chu Clan in Suzhou currently have cultivators from the Eighth Heavenly Perfection who continue to stay behind.

 At the same time, the most treasured heirlooms of the two clans did not come out easily.

In this way, the worst can be sustained for a period of time, waiting for help, without giving foreign enemies a chance to take advantage of the situation.

Judging from the measures taken by the other party to dare to stand firm, the Four Surnames and Six Hopes have found a way to crack or resist the "barbarians".

 At least they have a certain degree of certainty in their judgment.

So, what is the current situation in the ancestral land of the Ye clan in Jinzhou?

Lei Jun continued to move forward while thinking.

 But at this moment, a ball of light suddenly flashed in his mind and words appeared:

 【Across the mountains and rivers, the four directions are in order, ready to go, and move against the times】

Lei Jun raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

 Four fortunes flew out of the ball of light this time.

Lei Jun reads one by one:

  【If you win the lottery, go to the ancestral land of the Gao family in Zezhou, there is a chance to get a fourth-grade chance. There will be a little turmoil but it can be calmed down, which is good luck. 】

  【Winning the lottery, go to Xuantian Temple in Yunzhou, and have a chance to get a fifth-grade chance, but there are certain risks, so you should deal with it carefully. 】

I won the lottery and went to the old site of Bodhi Temple in Zhongzhou. No extra income was gained. Although there was a storm, it calmed down quickly. 】

I won the lottery and went to Jinzhou to watch the battle. There was no extra income, and the soldiers were fierce and the battle was dangerous. There were certain risks. You should handle it with caution. It is fierce. 】

 In view of the increase in his own cultivation strength and the fact that he has the Celestial Master's Seal with him, Lei Jun's ability to resist risks has been greatly improved.

 In this case, there is still a certain risk mentioned in the signature, indicating that the person or thing causing the danger should not be underestimated.

Looking at the luck predicted by the winning lottery, it can basically be verified in reverse. The battle of Jinzhou may start between Xu Yuanzhen and Ye Moquan, but it will not end between them. There will definitely be Other experts got involved.

There are three lucky numbers left: one in the top and two in the middle. The first thing that caught Lei Jun's attention was that one of them was the winner.

One of the four holy places of Buddhism, Yunzhou Xuantian Temple, is afraid that a big change is about to happen.

"The best way to deal with this kind of thing is it to the official." Lei Jun said calmly.

As for the words "the four directions are completed, and are ready to go", it probably means that the four places mentioned in the four fortune-tellings have built something together.

 Ye Moquan’s arrangement?

 In this case, there is no need to take risks on the Jinzhou battlefield.

 If one of the other three places is destroyed or uprooted, the overall framework will be changed or even destroyed.

In this case, Lei Jun naturally chose the one that won the lottery.

 The Gao family in Zezhou is a die-hard supporter of the Ye clan in Jinzhou. The heads of the Gao family have been seeking to marry Ye family daughters for generations. The Gao family is similar to a branch of the Ye clan to some extent...

Lei Jun recalled that he was ambushed by the Gao family's children in his early years in Qiluo Valley.

There is also a Dharma name and virtue involved, but the true biography of Xuantian Temple came from the Gao family in Zezhou.

 Then a group of people were sent to the West together by Lei Jun.

This time, I just wanted to pay a formal visit... Lei Jun nodded slightly and headed for Zezhou.

PS: 7k chapters



 (End of this chapter)

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