Chapter 255 Chapter 254. A slap in the face broke it off (two chapters in one)

In terms of contacting the court, Lei Jun did not use any special channels and only sent relevant information back to his master Yuan Mobai.

Over at Longhu Mountain, Yuan Mobai will consider discussing with Shangguan Ning and Zhang Jingzhen, and they will report to the court.

As for the Xuantian Temple, the Tang imperial family has also been paying close attention.

 After all, Jinzhou, the focus of this trip, is right next to Xuantian Temple.

According to rumors, Jinzhou Ye Clan has been continuously infiltrating Xuantian Temple in a relatively gentle way.

Xuantian Temple itself is conservative and closed-minded, relatively passive, and rarely reacts violently.

 Military salute.

 A gem on his body shone brightly, providing him with protective power.

Disciples of Xuantian Temple, are there internal strife in the Gao family in Zezhou?

Lei Jun withdrew his gaze and glanced around again.

He and his wife are related to the Lin clan of Youzhou.

As for the east and west leaves of Qingzhou and Jinzhou, there are masters of Shangsantian in the Shenshe lineage who hold important positions in the Shence Army.

According to some ancient books and volumes that Lei Jun had read before, when the Gao family in Zezhou started their business, they married daughters of the Ye family.

 The middle-aged man said: "Don't be affected, we will concentrate on preparations."

The inscriptions on the surface of the ancient sword are mysterious, showing that they are different from Taoist talismans, but they also communicate the mysterious principles of nature.

But as the star river turned down, a new starlight talisman was immediately born, continuing to turn faster and brighter, as if it had borrowed the power of Ye Zhenxing's arrow.

Lei Jun thought of the four places mentioned in the previous fortune-telling: the ruins of Xuantian Temple, Zezhou Gaojia, and Bodhi Temple, plus Jinzhou Ye Clan itself. Combined with his understanding of Confucian inheritance over the years, he had a rough idea.

With the blessing of the galaxy-like talismans, his figure suddenly surged, as if he had turned into a god, standing tall on the sky and the earth.

 That is to say, the Jiangzhou Lin tribe has been jointly suppressed by the Youzhou Lin tribe, Jingxiang Fang tribe, and Suzhou Chu tribe in recent years, and has lost some momentum.

Monk Yongxiang’s vow was also broken.

Ye Zhenxing, as a master of the seventh-level divine archery, has good eyesight and insight, when he saw a metal rail suddenly appeared next to Lei Jun.

 A large amount of metamagnetic power was derived, covering Lei Jun.

Monk Jingxiang said calmly: "Everyone in the world has a destiny. The world is originally a sea of ​​suffering. The more causes and effects, the more suffering. I think you, Yongxiang, also understand this."

 Monk Jingxiang smiled and said nothing.

Monk Jingxiang specially prepared this creature to target his fellow disciples, and the murderous intention revealed was certainly true.

  The core essence of Confucianism is called ritual.

At that time, the military ceremony will be officially launched, which will draw the power of the vast mountains and rivers, shake the four directions, and turn into an endless war and killing force.

After the drastic changes in the North and South Forests, rumors began to spread about the imperial court in Beijing. Now His Majesty will establish a new political hall in Menxia Province to allow other officials to participate in government affairs.

 Is this Lei Jun controlling it?

 The military rituals of the four seasons are called the mobilization of troops in spring, the evacuation of troops in summer, the management of troops in autumn, and the grand parade in winter.

“I don’t know where the capital is?” Gao Xian asked softly.

  Law, heaven, body, human, elephant and earth.

He is a disciple of Xuantian Temple in the sixth heaven realm. When he concentrates on defense with Buddha's light, even some seventh heaven monks find it difficult to break through his glazed lotus flower in a short period of time.

 He was determined to try it after going further.

Facing the new generation of geniuses from the Tianshi Mansion who have reached the seventh level of heaven, Monk Jingxiang has no plans to face Lei Jun directly.

Then his arm trembled.

With his flesh and blood charred and black, his body was separated, and his head flew high into the air, as if he had been decapitated by a flying sword.

When the fighting spirit was particularly strong, Lei Jun stopped temporarily and borrowed the Xiyang flag to further hide at a fixed point.

 Once this case is started, the situation will inevitably change again.

The monk raised his head and looked at the sky: "If all the sects in this world were as pure and self-sustaining as this temple, and would not have any disputes, there would not be many disputes and disturbances. But unfortunately, neither Tianshi Mansion nor other places My Xuantian Temple is such a pure land."

 The Academy has been established, but the large-scale selection of officials has not yet begun.

 He does not hurt anyone, and the Gao family cannot hurt him, nor can they drive him away.

Monk Yongxiang was not moved by Monk Jingxiang, and repeated what he said before: "Brother, it is better for us to eliminate the grudges. At the worst, don't add fuel to the flames. Come back to the temple with me."

"Junior brother's cultivation has improved a lot in these years." Monk Jingxiang nodded calmly: "You are indeed a person with wisdom. I think you will soon surpass me and cultivate the last three days of cultivation like Brother Xinxiang. Really I admire you and feel ashamed."

“Just ensuring that there is peace for the moment is enough.” Ye Zhenxing said, “Uncle, I believe we will take action soon.”

 Among them, Zuopushe, the Minister of Finance, is also known as the Prime Minister and Assistant, and is the head of the civil servants.

Monk Yongxiang said calmly: "I don't object to what my senior brother said. It's just that the world is like this. I can't adjust enough from it, so how can I be trapped in it myself?"

As for the servant under the sect, his name is Shangguan Qing. He is one of the few Shangguan clan who practiced Confucianism and became a three-day great Confucian.

 This is called Ming Gong Ren's calligraphy urn.

 It is the ancestral land of the Gao family in Zezhou.

He identified it carefully and found that he was still an acquaintance, having dealt with him before.

The sword light quickly appeared in front of Ye Zhenxing as if it ignored the spatial distance.

 In response, Ye Moquan now faces Xu Yuanzhen.

 The most core ritual instrument is an ancient sword.

Disciple of the Gao family: "I really don't know what the master is talking about."

At this moment, a young-looking but haggard monk arrived outside the city.

 Monk Yongxiang remained silent.

“...Lei Jun!” Ye Zhenxing took a deep breath when he recognized Lei Jun, and immediately retreated!

This elder of the Ye clan is not running away.

Gao Xian said nothing when he saw this, and the majestic sword energy flowed straight into the sky.

 Deploy relevant etiquette and place them in four relatively distant places.

 But sensing the murderous intention in Monk Jingxiang, an ominous omen arose in his heart.

As soon as his fingers touched the bowstring, a stream of light suddenly condensed and turned into an arrow, pointing directly at Lei Jun.

 He walked and walked, approaching the core area of ​​the back house of the Gao family's ancestral land.

The sword light flashed across, and Ye Zhenxing's body was directly penetrated, creating a terrifying **** hole.

But Lei Jun has been constantly trying to figure out his own Taoism during this period, and he is no longer the same person as before.

The fierce and evil spirit did not soar into the sky, but was neatly restrained by etiquette. It was square and the whole seemed to form an independent world, isolating the inside and outside.

Lei Jun raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

It is Ye Zhenxing, the elder of the Ye clan in Jinzhou who is a serious man.

He once listened to the lectures given by Ye Moquan and other top masters of the Ye Clan, and was almost equal to half a child of the Ye Clan in Jinzhou. At this time, with the bonus of the ancestral land ritual, his strength was almost better than that of Jiangzhou Lin Chi.

After the Xiao clan suffered a catastrophe outside Longwai, Guo Yuan did not lose his roots.

It is like an invisible but huge military camp. After continuous training, the army and horses are ordered and prohibited, and are ready to go to war at any time.

 Two magic formations, one black and one purple, appeared at the same time.

At this moment, the first thought in Ye Zhenxing’s mind was:

Monk Yongxiang clasped his palms together and said, "The poor monk wants to see Brother Jingxiang. Please let me know."

The monk clasped his palms together and said, "Procrastinating is not an option. The night is long and I have many dreams. I will wait for the poor monk to persuade Junior Brother Yongxiang."

 Like ink splashed on white paper.

  When disciples of Xuantian Temple with similar cultivation and strength fight against each other, no one can do anything to the other.

Monk Yongxiang, who lost the protection of the glazed Buddha light, was suddenly hit by many arrows and was bleeding profusely.

This attic has three floors.

 As he retreated, a huge bow appeared in his hand.

At this time, Monk Jingxiang came behind them: "Uncle Seventeen, uncle."

Wherever the illusory bloodstain passed, the glazed lotus flower transformed by the Buddha's light suddenly melted like snow melting under the scorching sun.

 The same person can take multiple vows.

Then this advantage is real, and may even be far greater than expected.

 The ministers of the Tang Dynasty, headed by the officials of the three provinces.

Monk Yongxiang was shaking all over, his originally dark face instantly turned white, and at the end he spit out blood with a "wow" sound.

 The tall Doumu Star God Dharma Elephant appeared and directly exploded the three-story building from the inside.

The brilliance in his eyes was vaguely condensed into talismans, and a subtle light shone from the center of his eyebrows, observing the flow of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the ancestral land of the Gao family.

The heavy aura of military conquest is concentrated here, and the scale is so huge that Lei Jun can almost see a forest of spears and halberds, and layers of armor.

However, the military ceremony here has begun to take shape, and it will collide with the Liangyi Tianyuan Dharma urn, interfering with the effectiveness of the Liangyi Tianyuan Dharma urn. At the same time, it is equivalent to telling the people in the ancestral land of the Gao family that foreign enemies are invading.

 Or, the person he wants to see appears.


The right servant of Shangshu was named Guo, and his given name was Guo Yuan.

As the sword energy circulated, the entire Gao family ancestral land shook together.

 Under normal circumstances, given the characteristics of the method passed down by Xuantian Temple, as long as the disciple himself persists, there is basically no chance of breaking this precept.

Although after taking out Monk Yongxiang, the overflowing war spirit began to subside again, and it no longer looked strange, but it was just an appearance.

Lei Jun stood still, with many starlight talismans flying around his body.

 Zezhou is just north of Zhongzhou. Although it is still far from the capital, it has to make people vigilant.

No matter what the disciples of the Gao family said, Monk Yongxiang turned a deaf ear and refused to leave. He only focused on reciting sutras.

 It means auspicious ceremony, unlucky ceremony, military ceremony, guest ceremony and honorable ceremony.

Monk Jingxiang spoke calmly and matter-of-factly: "This matter needs to be kept secret and it is not convenient for it to be leaked. I have no choice but to offend you. Junior brother, please don't blame me."

 What he killed was a strange spiritual flower.

 The spirit flower is moving towards the veritable inanimate state.

Having said that, he waved his hand and a glazed lotus surrounded Monk Yongxiang, then turned around and returned to the ancestral land of the Gao family.

It is the true biography of Xuantian Temple with the title of Yongxiang.

But there was no need for him to do it himself now.

While the two masters Ye Zhenxing and Gao Xian attacked Lei Jun from afar and from close range, Monk Jingxiang seized the time to contact other helpers.

Gao Xian and Ye Zhenxing were not aware of the power of Yuan Magnet because it was invisible and formless. They were even more surprised at how the tall young Taoist priest in front of them could quietly touch under their noses and ruin their good deeds.

Gao Xian let out a long breath: "The thief Taoist nun who must be called Tianshi Mansion can come or go!"

Lei Jun was young and had reached the seventh heaven realm, but he actually killed Lin Chi, a great scholar of the Lin clan in Jiangzhou who was in the same realm.

 Monk Yongxiang was slightly silent.

 But Lei Jun suddenly saw a man who looked like a **** gourd, as if he had been shot into a hedgehog.

The current head of the Gao family is named Gao Xian. He is one of the few great Confucian scholars in the Tang Dynasty, outside the Tang imperial family and the Five Surnames and Qiwang. His wife is a member of the Ye family.

 Yongxiang Monk: “This is natural.”

 Generally speaking, the five surnames and Qiwang have great influence both locally and in the court.

Lei Jun himself pounced at this time!

Attacked by Ye Zhenxing's arrow rain, more Galaxy Talismans were transformed, making Lei Jun's Life Star God stronger in all aspects, and his speed also increased.

 The vow was broken, and he lost not only the protection of the Buddha's light, but also his tough physical body, which also weakened and decayed and was no longer as strong and indestructible as before.

 If the "barbarians" cannot break the opponent's geographical advantage.

Monk Jingxiang: "Ending all this as soon as possible can save the world and save people from suffering. As for some sins, the Buddha said that if I don't go to hell, who will? As a monk, we can only bear more burdens."

 Suddenly, a rain of arrows rose up into the air behind him, and then fell in a downpour.

Having said that, the disciple of Xuantian Temple stepped back a little, opened the door to the Gao family's ancestral residence, and meditated silently under a towering ancient tree outside the door.

 Previously in the DPRK, I was quite comfortable playing both sides.

 If the precepts are not broken, all kinds of miraculous things will come to you.

"Everything is ready, just waiting for the owner of the family to take it." Gao Xian said.

On top of Lei Jun's head, two Yi Tianyuan magic vessels flashed for a moment.

It was not until recently that the Youzhou Lin Clan was implicated by the Jiangzhou Lin Clan that the situation Guo Yuan faced became a little more subtle.

 Zhongshu Sheng Zhongshu Ling.

Monk Jingxiang shook his head repeatedly: "Now that I have entered Buddhism, all the past has become a thing of the past. It is the practice of Buddhism in this temple that allowed me to express my feelings."

 Such a master, even if Ye Zhenxing and Gao Xian join forces, they cannot be sure to kill him.

The power of magnetism gathered around the metal guide rail rapidly, and the black gold sword pill turned into a slender ray of light, like a sword light, and disappeared on the spot.

Lei Jun concealed himself and moved quietly, arriving at the boundary of Zezhou.

 Gao Xian's liver and gallbladder were about to burst.

He originally considered the same old method, first using the Liangyi Tianyuan Dharma Lu to generate a large amount of magnetic energy to isolate the place from communication with the outside world.

The Tang Dynasty imperial family was carrying out reverse infiltration.

 Since then till now, it must have been some years since I last saw him.

 Linghua died not so much because of the Buddhist method of monk Yongxiang who only sought protection, but because of its own strange characteristics.

 The middle-aged man nodded: "Is it resolved?"

 Having just finished dealing with Monk Jingxiang, who is from the same sect, he also returned here.

Chu Xiuyuan, the old leader of the Chu tribe, is known as the old man of the country precisely because he became the prime minister of the dynasty.

However, Gao Xian was not discouraged.

However, it is worth mentioning that before Master Kongjian became a monk, his lay name was Ye.

Even if some of the arrows still landed on Lei Jun, Lei Jun ordered the Star God to join him in attack and defense. Many talismans were spinning around to block the arrows one by one.

Lei Jun is not sure about the specific arrangements of the Jinzhou Ye Clan in Zezhou.

 The next moment, blood was dripping from the glazed lotus!

 A white flower with four petals, the size of an ordinary person's palm, with dots of stars on the petals, and some black traces distributed unevenly.

Even Lei Jun's own figure has become insignificant.

Monk Yongxiang: "Senior brother, it is natural to visit friends. However, in these troubled times, the temple is uneasy. After senior brother visits friends, please come back to the temple with me."

If you want to move him, Gao Xian, the head of the Gao family, must take action himself.

Not only did his Buddhist aura disappear, but he himself also suffered from it.

 Monk Yongxiang shook his head: "The abbot's meaning is the same as that of me coming to see you now, senior brother."

 It was after Chu Xiuyuan retired that Chu Lin took up the position of Zhongshu Ling.

 One hundred six. Two hundred and forty-seven. One hundred and ninety-two. Two hundred and forty-one

Ye Zhenxing rushed downstairs with Gao Xian, and then saw a tall young Taoist priest in purple robe standing in the middle of the second floor.

 He is not from the Gao family.

Having broken the ancient sword, he nodded with satisfaction as he watched the military ceremony and military rituals dissipate.

Those with the five surnames and Qiwang, a steady stream of outstanding people entered the court and became officials.

Gao Xian breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good. Your Majesty can't act recklessly."

 But now, there is something wrong with the etiquette system?

Tianxinglu is heavier and faster, and with the blessing of the Yangxing Transformation that maximizes speed, Lei Jun instantly closes the distance with Gao Xian.

Lei Jun stood calmly on the second floor of the attic, using the power of the dark side of the Book of Heaven to transfer it, combined with his own magic power, to break the ancient sword with one slap. This also ensured that Ye Moquan, who was far away in Jinzhou, would not know who did it until the end.

But Gao Xian had no choice but to unsheath his sword at this moment, and grab the previous sword first, intending to force Lei Jun back, and then **** back the ancient ritual sword.

Monk Yongxiang has superb Buddhist teachings and has already reached the level of the third level of cultivation. Even the elder of the Gao clan, who is also the third level of the middle level, has no way to deal with him.

 The monk Jingxiang opposite him clearly showed murderous intent.

The changes of the vanity of the fate of the destiny, which was extended by Lei Jun to the extreme.

 This book is also a vow that many disciples of Xuantian Temple practice.

 The Buddha's light suddenly trembled.

A large amount of magnetic energy immediately unfolded, covering the entire Gao family's ancestral land, which in turn cut off the connection with the outside world.

 It is rumored that Gao Xian himself studied in Jinju during his boyhood and youth.

The actions taken by the Jinzhou Ye Clan over the past few years are said to be very effective.

 At this moment, Yongxiang suddenly fell to the ground.

After a pause, he asked softly: "There are recent rumors in the capital that Your Majesty intends to set up another political hall in Menxia Province?"

 Monk Jingxiang: "It was my fault that I exposed the matter to him. Fortunately, it has been resolved and there should be no more people. However, I am worried about the long nights and dreams."

 When he came out like this, those Gao family members really had no way to deal with him.

The weird spiritual flower floated up under his control and landed on the lotus transformed by the glazed Buddha light opposite, his fellow disciple.

There were two people standing next to him, one of whom was clearly a monk dressed as an ascetic.

 Human beings are governed by the earth, and the earth is governed by the heavens.

 “However, it’s a little inconvenient for me to do things...”

 Military salute refers to military affairs.

Although Monk Jingxiang also dressed as an ascetic, he had a faint smile on his face: "The great benefactor here is an old friend of mine. I heard that he has been unwell recently, so I came to visit."

 In the attic, Gao Xian, the head of the Gao family, stood side by side with another tall middle-aged man.

 But throughout history, similar ups and downs are not uncommon.

“My grandfather and my father are both unwell and cannot see guests for the time being. Please forgive me, master.” The Gao family’s children who received the monk Yongxiang said calmly.

At the same time, the arrows of the Jinzhou Ye tribe, while the arrows are as good as the star, the control is exquisitely controlled, and the rapid changes are changed. The arrows are different, making the opponent instead.

Zhongshu Ling Chu Lin is Chu Xiuyuan’s eldest son and Chu Yu’s eldest brother.

The smile on Monk Jingxiang’s face grew stronger: “Abbott, you didn’t say anything, right? The abbot didn’t say anything, that’s his attitude.”

 The inheritance of Xuantian Temple is almost the best in the world in terms of defense and tenacity.

 During the Battle of Jiangzhou, was it also him?

 Then, he saw Lei Jun's side in the distance. The metal guide rails suddenly changed from one to three!

 Just when Ye Zhenxing saw this scene, Lei Jun's second blow had already arrived.

 But suddenly there was a "sizzling" sound of electricity in my ears.

But at this moment, the two five-element and five-thunder talisman arrays of Lei Jun, Yin and Yang are rotating alternately, as if a huge millstone is squeezing and grinding at this moment.

Monk Jingxiang: "If Xu Yuanzhen hadn't taken the initiative to provoke this war, and if His Majesty hadn't fueled the situation, the current battle of Jinzhou would never have happened."

But around Lei Jun's body, two Liangyi Tianyuan magic pots rotated together.

Monk Yongxiang, who had always had a numb expression and a bitter look on his face, finally became more lively when he saw his fellow disciple, and sighed softly: "Brother, you are really here."


 After the Ming Xing Shen and Tian Xing Ru, add the Lingguan Ru.

Lei Jun had a clear understanding in his heart.

 Ye Zhenxing: “Yeah, very good.”


The physique of the monks of the Divine Shooting lineage has always been outstanding among Confucian practitioners. Ye Zhenxing was hit by a "sword" and did not die immediately.

 Gao Xian nodded lightly.

 At the same time as he spoke like this, glazed Buddha light also began to appear around the body of Monk Jingxiang.

The faint glazed Buddha light turns into lotus flowers, surrounding the Yongxiang monk, and the treasure is solemn.

 So Lei Jun thought about it and quietly stepped forward.

 Cultivation progress and strength are closely related to vows, and so on.

 Breaking the precepts is not without cost.

This low-key and pure Buddhist holy place has long been filled with silent gunpowder smoke.

With the ancestral land of the Gao family as the center, the aura of civilization was intertwined with the aura of war, and the combination of civility and military affairs actually turned into an illusory forest of swords, guns, and swords, surrounding the surrounding mountains and rivers, forming a trend of isolation from the inside and outside.

The glazed Buddha light turned into a sea of ​​lotus flowers and surrounded the monk Yongxiang opposite.

Gao Xian gritted his teeth and relied on the power of his ancestral land to draw out a chain of swords and stab Lei Jun.

At this moment, Monk Dan Jingxiang suddenly took out something.

Another monk who looked like the true disciple of Xuantian Temple came up from behind and clasped his palms together: "My Buddha is merciful. Junior brother, you have sacrificed yourself to quell the catastrophe. You should have no regrets."

After Chu Xiuyuan retired to old age, the current minister Zuopu Shechu came from the Jingxiang Fang clan.

 Those practicing in the same lineage of Buddhist disciplines are required to observe the precepts.

The disciple of the Gao family said: "No eminent monk from the noble sect has ever visited here."

Around the second floor of the attic are various ritual vessels and sacrificial vessels, which together form a complete etiquette and become one of the military rituals of the four seasons.

 Among all the vows taken by Monk Yongxiang, the most important one is the precept not to kill.

Lei Jun ignored Ye Zhenxing, who was retreating, and instead waved to Monk Jingxiang.

Although this is the ancestral land of the Gao clan, the current military etiquette is so sophisticated and extensive that it cannot be arranged by their family. It must have originated from the Ye clan of Jinzhou.

“Junior brother thinks that I am from the Ye clan of Jinzhou, so why do you say this?”

It's quite the opposite.

Monk Yongxiang sighed: "Master and Uncle Kongjian are quarreling fiercely."

Monk Yongxiang's heart moved slightly, and he suddenly felt that from the ancestral land of the Gao family, an unimaginably powerful and ferocious fighting spirit came from the ancestral land of the Gao family, but the etiquette was complete and the manner was orderly.

 “Huh?” His eyes narrowed.

 His body also retreated.

 Then a pair of two pairs of Liangyi Tianyuan Falu appeared, floating in mid-air.

When the monk Yongxiang saw this, he was shocked: "...No flowers?!"

In the ancestral land of the Gao clan, Gao Xian stood on the pavilion, looking under the trees in the distance, frowning.

 The Queen ascended the throne, and the situation in the court began to shake.

In today’s Confucian Taoism in the Tang Dynasty, it is also called the Five Rites.

 The most important ritual vessel is on the second floor, where no one should be able to get close to it.

“What did the abbot say?” asked the monk Jingxiang.

Monk Jingxiang was about to say something, but when he saw Ye Zhenxing and Gao Xian's expressions changed drastically:


 Different people can take the same vows or different vows.

 But the jade exploded into pieces, turning into a rain of light and scattering in mid-air.

In recent years, the Xiao clan, Jiangzhou Lin clan, and Youzhou Lin clan have suffered major changes one after another.

Just as Jingxiang was thinking this, he discovered that there was an invisible presence blocking the world.

Monk Jingxiang: "The one causing strife in this world right now is not our Xuantian Temple, not here in Zezhou, and not in Jinzhou."

He has the sky above his head, his feet are on the earth, and people are in the center.

Lei Jun crossed the mountains and rivers and came to the land of Gao's ancestors.

 The formations all have five-colored radiance flowing around them, showing the appearance of the five elements transforming and thundering.

 The majestic and dense rain of arrows approached, as if entering a quagmire, they slowed down one after another, and their power was greatly reduced.

 It's just that now this ancient sword has been suddenly cut into two parts!

 The surging sword energy was like a real river, rushing towards Lei Jun.

 In midsummer, the manors are spread out, and the mountains and rivers in the distance are intertwined.

Monk Yongxiang used his own Buddha's light to transform into a huge lotus, isolating the sea of ​​flowers from his fellow disciples, and he was safe for a while.

 Fortunately, Lei Jun was distracted and used it frequently. In order to attack quickly, this black gold sword pill did not condense too much power of metamagnetism.

Although the signature in the article indicates that there is no risk, the wording of the signature also mentions that there may be trouble.

 Monk Jingxiang chanted the sutra immediately, and the glazed Buddha light turned into a lotus flower and bloomed to protect himself.

 Ye Moquan prepared a lot of tricks to face Xu Yuanzhen.

 But before he could move, there was another flash of sword light in front of him!

 The third Xuanjin Sword Pill hit Ye Zhenxing's neck.

Lei Jun’s Life Star God raised his hand and blasted the sword energy river with one punch.

But it crisscrosses the mountains and rivers of Beidi.

Monk Jingxiang was surprised and confused at first, but he soon felt that the spirit of etiquette and war accumulated in the ancestral land of the Gao family had dissipated!

Jingxian’s expression remained unchanged: “Did something happen in the temple?”

In the periphery of the ancestral land of the Gao clan, in addition to the aura of culture, there is also an aura of war.

 Ye Zhenxing's body was also shaken.

 In the ancestral land, in the Gao family's ancestral hall, the aura of literature and culture soared into the sky, and then poured into Gao Xian's body, causing his sword aura to skyrocket.

As for Zezhou, where the Gao family is located, it is located south of Jinzhou. It has been a die-hard member of the Jinzhou Ye Clan for generations. With the support of the Jinzhou Ye Clan, it became a second-class family that was also famous in the Tang Dynasty.

 In this way, monk Yongxiang was cut off from the outside world.

  But he was born as the son-in-law of the Xiao clan outside Longwai in the past.

 Kongjian, like Master Kongjing, is an elder of Xuantian Temple.

The disciple of the Xuantian Temple who was born in the Ye Clan screamed in agony, and the center of his body was crushed and broken by the "millstone"!

Ye Zhenxing in the distance shouted loudly at this moment, and the arrows shot out from the string, turning into a scattered rain of arrows in mid-air, flying towards Lei Jun overwhelmingly.

 The so-called emperor and his family share the world.

 That is, Shangshu Shengzuo and Youpushe.

 He killed.

These fighting spirit are constantly disciplined and regulated by more mysterious forces, making them appear orderly and ready to go.

Monk Yongxiang: "Please tell the donor to tell Brother Jingxiang that the poor monk is waiting for him outside."

He looked directly at Monk Jingxiang: "This battle in Jinzhou has already happened. We are powerless to stop it, but at least we must not add fuel to the flames. Otherwise, the storm will become bigger and harder to control, and it will eventually spread to a wider area, senior brother."

 Before Ye Zhenxing could fire the second arrow, Lei Jun flicked his hand, and a huge metal guide rail appeared and extended.

"It seems that none of us can convince the other." Monk Jingxiang said: "In this case, we can only go our own ways."

Even though the fighting spirit here is condensed like a military formation, Lei Jun still sneaks into it quietly like a shadow.

 The bow was broken from the center.

This makes it seem like there are patrols in the military camp... Lei Jun complained in his heart, but his movements were not slow at all.

 The ancient sword was broken into two parts. I wonder if it can be repaired.

 Ye Zhenxing: “The current political situation is stable and there are no major changes.”

 The three of them are on the top floor.

Monk Yongxiang sighed: "The entanglement of cause and effect, grudges and grudges always get deeper and deeper, so the master hopes that both sides of the Jinzhou battle can stop."

Although the scale is not as large as that of the two ancestral lands in the north and south of Youzhou and Jiangzhou, it is still a grand scene, like a fortress.

 But now, Monk Yongxiang’s abstention from killing has been broken.

But at that time, Lei Jun was more powerful and killed those Lin clan disciples in front of Monk Yongxiang.

 He checked around and after confirming that there was nothing unusual elsewhere, he headed for the ancestral land of the Gao family.

Two five elements and five thunder formations, one yin and one yang, sandwiched the monk Jingxiang in the center, and then began to move simultaneously and staggered in opposite directions.

If we can bury this new generation genius of Tianshi Mansion here, it will be able to make up for the loss of the ruined military ceremony...

The thunder roared, bursting the surrounding air, and crushing the body-protecting Buddha's light of Monk Jingxiang!

 He left the ancestral land of the Gao family and came to the foot of the tree.

Seeing that the other party was about to take action, Monk Yongxiang couldn't help but look even more bitter.

 The emperor controls his ministers, and the ministers govern the world.

 Dan Feijian outside the door?

 Monk Yongxiang was unmoved: "Please be accommodating."

Now that the Jinzhou Ye Clan is facing a front-on crisis that is rare in a century, all its potential forces in private are being mobilized.

"Although Your Majesty is pressing hard step by step, you can only do it step by step. If you take it step by step, there will be progress and there will be retreat. It will not always be smooth sailing." Ye Zhenxing said calmly: "But no matter how you change it, some things will eventually It will not change, otherwise the current situation will be shaken, which will be a misfortune for the common people, and no one wants to see it."

The other party once hunted down the disciples of the White Lotus Sect together with the soldiers of the Shence Army of the Tang Dynasty. He also intervened to meddle in other people's affairs and wanted to save the disciples of the Jiangzhou Lin tribe who were being hunted from the hands of the disciples of the Tianshi Mansion.

Many capable people from the tribe are guarding the first floor together.

However, the Queen temporarily set up the Eastern and Western Pavilions in front of her palace to help manage the affairs, and some things have begun to take shape.

 He was slightly startled, and subconsciously raised the long bow in his hand.

The arrows were shattered into pieces, and the talisman was also shattered into pieces.

 A true successor of Xuantian Temple, his dharma name is Yongxiang.

 He came to his senses and tried to escape with difficulty.

 The Star-Ring Dou sublimated from the Ta Gang Step Fight, not only does Lei Jun not become exhausted as time goes by, but he becomes stronger and stronger.

Without the help of the Nine Lights of Hun Dong to protect himself, Lei Jun still punched out a series of punches, constantly smashing Gao Xian's sword energy river, Gao Xian's protective magic weapon, and finally Gao Xian himself!

PS: 8k chapters


 (End of this chapter)

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