Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 266: 265 Second-grade opportunity, easy to change the universe! (2-in-1

Chapter 266 265. Second-grade opportunity, easy to change the world! (Two in one chapter)

Lei Juntian Xinglu's Yin Xing method, the magic effect is brought into full play at this moment, and with the help of the Xuanxu Mirror, the body is invisible.

Despite this, Lei Jun was still cautious when moving.

Taoist Alchemy Sect monks have a very sensitive soul, especially if the Yang God leaves the body, their perception and insight abilities will be further improved.

Lei Jun quietly went deep into the cave. Before he could see the owner of this place, his own thoughts moved slightly.

His Yin and Yang Holy Body seems to be attracted by something.

In addition to the Yin and Yang Sacred Body, the balance of movement and stillness and the page 3 of the Heavenly Book that explains the changes in the world's two rituals seem to have also been touched.

 Then, he wiped out the three-tiered altar on the spot.

 The dangerous places inside are sometimes even more dangerous, and death and injury are common.

 But now he felt even greater pressure when facing Lei Jun, who was only a fraction of his age.

As for the art of the soul, it is called the Mengzhang Shenjun method, the Supervisor Shenjun method, the Lingguang Shenjun method and the Zhiming Shenjun method, which correspond to Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku and Xuanwu respectively.

 Under the altar, there is a big cauldron.

 After a few exchanges of moves, Lei Jun understood the opponent's style of play.

 The tiger roars in the wind.

 Seeing Qi Shuo's Jiuyuan Dan Fire Fan, Shangguan Sheng's eyes were even more awe-inspiring.

Even so, Kang Ming is currently in a coma, and his soul has been severely damaged and fragmented. There are also fragments of Wen Zhaoqian's Nascent Soul mixed with it, so he must deal with it early.

Qi Shuo didn't want to delay any longer, he just wanted to lead his people to break out of the encirclement as soon as possible to avoid other masters arriving.

 It's just that this child's eyes have experienced vicissitudes of life and his demeanor is mature.

But when the upper and lower Five Thunder Arrays were clamped together, they were crushed like a millstone, and the treasure fan made a creaking sound.

Zhou Peng, Wen Zhaoqian and others mixed with Huang Tiandao, and even occupied the magpie's nest and seized the houses of Huang Tiandao's people.

 The black ice sea even resisted Kang Ming's dark side of the Book of Heaven, and the two sides quickly offset each other.

Though it is thunder, it is still silent.

The Star-Ringing Fight, which is a sublimation of the Ta Gang Step Fight, continues to further increase Lei Jun's speed and strength.

 My divine talisman and spiritual official urn are stronger than your golden talisman and golden city urn.

Qi Shuo noticed in time that just above his head, five talismans formed a huge talisman array. Lightning flashed and thunder exploded, and the five elements and five colors were transformed.

After Wen Zhaoqian lost consciousness for a moment, he quickly woke up. Yuanying first resisted the first wave of attacks from the Seven Stars of Glory, and then Yuanying immediately changed.

 Although some talismans were burned as a result, the number of talismans became more and more dense.

Lei Jun's tall Dou Mu Star God Dharma Image was very fast and hit Qi Shuo Yin Fire Tiger's body with a heavier fist than before. The giant green tiger's body was suddenly dwarfed by the blow.

Although Kang Ming's Seven-Star Evil-Breaking Talisman caught the opponent off guard, it was still resolved by Wen Zhaoqian, who had a stronger soul spell.

Although he was submerged in the sea of ​​ice, Kang Ming may resurface as long as the temperature is slightly relaxed.

The image like a young Taoist priest now transforms into a vast ocean.

Who would have thought that Wen Zhaoqian did not really die, but was trying to take away his health?

The black Xuanxiao Five Thunder Dharma Ribbon hung quietly above his head, without any brilliance or sound.

And the method of seizing the body will also weaken the monk's own spirit, making it difficult to use it frequently.

Chun Yang Palace directly transmits the righteous law, and the supervisors are punished and destroyed, like a white tiger!

Among the various sects in Chunyang Palace, the lineage of Supervisor Shenjun Baihu has always been the most aggressive in attacking and killing. Whether it is Taoist martial arts or divine soul magic, they all use it as the main attack and kill.

The image of the middle-aged Taoist priest reflected on the surface of the giant golden elixir on the top of the altar is clearly an elder of the seventh-level Nascent Soul Realm named Wen Zhaoqian from Chunyang Palace, the holy land of the Taoist Danding Sect.

Qi Shuo summoned Jiuyuan Dan Fire Fan to fight trapped beasts.

 His Nascent Soul is still powerful.

 In a further distant direction, there seemed to be light flowing, and the battle was still going on, but one side was escaping and the other was pursuing.

Looking at Kang Ming, whose soul was shaken by this battle between souls and fell into a deep coma, Lei Jun took back his soul and returned to his physical body.

Lei Jun ignored the large area of ​​turquoise sea of ​​fire surrounding the Yin Fire Tiger on the opposite side and rushed straight through it.

With his cultivation strength, stopping the ritual at the moment will not cause damage to himself.

Although there is still a difference in speed, the difference in time is enough for Wen Zhaoqian to regain control of Kang Ming's soul and not give the opponent a chance to escape.

 The basis lies in Kang Ming's own special characteristics and Wen Zhaoqian's failure to seize him.

 But after he moved slightly, the more ferocious green Yin Fire Tiger rushed forward again.

 Gu Han and others have always been in contact with Zhou Peng and others.

 Under the current circumstances, there is no better way to protect the law than to keep it secret.


The Yin Fire Tiger transformed by Qi Shuo groaned and suddenly opened his mouth.

This is not over yet, under the huge fire tiger's four legs, a golden-red hurricane appeared, with wind and fire combining.

What Wen Zhaoqian was casting at this moment was the Soul Spell derived from the Divine Lord's Law.

There was no reply from Xu Yuanzhen for the time being, so Lei Jun first chased in the direction of Zhou Peng and others who had escaped from Qingshi Island.

In front of the dojo, a three-story altar with a style slightly different from the tradition of Fulu Sect stands.

The figure of this young Taoist priest is somewhat illusory and vague, not like a real entity.

 There are many secrets hidden inside.

 Because he was more worried about Lei Jun destroying his remaining golden elixir.

Even Shangguan Sheng was shocked when he saw it.

It looks like a young man on the outside, but it is actually a monk from the Danding sect who combined his yang spirit with the Tao womb and was born into a Yuan Ying. The initial image was like a baby, and now he has grown into a young person, which shows that Wen Zhaoqian has been doing this for many years. After practicing hard, the spirit, soul, and soul became stronger.

Wen Zhaoqian was not sure what happened at the moment, but he had a vague feeling that someone else had come in.

And the black sea of ​​persistence also expanded and continued to occupy the surrounding area.

 After this previous experience, he once again confirmed Kang Ming's qualifications, which were indeed very rare.

 The Mingxing Shen is good at close combat, but the Yinhuo Tiger on the opposite side did not suffer much loss.

With the loss of the Huangtian Zongtan, Huang Tiandao currently only has three days of monks who can continue to maintain combat effectiveness.

Seeing the truth revealed, they no longer waited any longer and immediately captured Kang Ming first.

 However, under the combined blessing of the Ring of Stars and the Burning Wheel, the speed actually slowed down.

 The light of the magic weapon suddenly dimmed a lot.

The brilliance of three colors condensed into a three-story altar in mid-air, and immediately suppressed the murderous white tiger Gangfeng.

“At the beginning, you didn’t allow Cao Chu from Jincheng Village to take away Li Ziyang’s body.”

The huge fire tiger struggled to resist, but could not escape.

As the leader of Huang Tiandao branch, although he keeps a low profile every day and even keeps moving and hiding, he has never stopped paying attention to the outside world.

 “Gu Han?” Lei Jun was thoughtful.

Contacting the mysterious air flow in the cauldron, Lei Junfu reached his heart, and such a name automatically appeared in his mind.

Facing the Yin Fire Tiger from a distance, a tall star **** of destiny stood on the waves like a **** descending from heaven. He strode towards him, it was Lei Jun!

He never expected that his Huang Tiandao sect would be secretly infiltrated by traitors from Chunyang Palace. Even some members of the sect had been seized and controlled by those traitors from Chunyang Palace.

 Seeing that as Wen Zhaoqian died, the flashing light of the altar gradually extinguished.

Although he has invaded Kang Ming's soul now, strictly speaking, he is still in the Nascent Soul out-of-body state, and his perception is extremely sensitive.

 There was no warm and dry body on the altar, only the golden elixir that looked somewhat flawed.

The fire tiger, as huge as a mountain, was surprisingly fast at this moment. It moved quickly and even avoided the punch of Lei Junming Star God.

Wen Zhaoqian regretted that no one helped him protect the law at this moment, and wondered why Lei Jun appeared in this secret cave, but he had no time to regret, and now he could only fight with all his strength.

However, this may also dilute the energy and lead to a lack of reliance on both sides and everything is sparse.

 When Lei Jun got closer, he suddenly discovered that Kang Ming was being restrained and was not allowed to go free.

 But Kang Ming's eyes suddenly flashed.

At such a speed, even a martial arts monk like him must use his special skills to explode, which is beyond his normal state.

 Jinchenglu's defense, Fenlunlu's movement, and star-circling battles also comprehensively improve attack, defense, and movement, forming a three-in-one stack.

Chun Yang Palace directly passed down the magical method of the soul and held the sea of ​​​​brightness.

“The fish will die, but the net will not break.”

 Zhou Peng, Wang Jingfang and others have long been traitors to Chunyang Palace.

 Kang Ming was lying on the ground unable to move, and the surrounding area was arranged like a small dojo.

 However, Yin thunder can corrode the Yang God.

 Fortunately, Wen Zhaoqian's Nascent Soul is tenacious and can change as he pleases, and he immediately transforms into a streamer and evacuates.

The green fire tiger quickly moved behind the Life Star God, and at the same time opened its mouth and roared.

Wen Zhaoqian further cultivated into Nascent Soul, but Kang Ming was restrained in every way. The gap between the two sides was so big that it was almost impossible to make up. Wen Zhaoqian could not directly attack Kang Ming in his current state with his soul. At this moment, his Nascent Soul was directly communicating with Kang Ming. Shenhun fought hand to hand, and Kang Ming had little power to fight back.

When Yang Shen, a monk from the Danding Sect, travels for a day out of his body, the power of his soul is already stronger than that of a monk from the Fulu Sect of the same realm.

Under the altar, beside Kang Ming who was lying down, stood a Taoist priest dressed in white and black robes.

 This object has limited use for Lei Jun. It is mostly used to study the Taoism of the Danding sect of Taoism.

Taoist Danding sect monks have cultivated themselves into Yang Shen, they are not afraid of the sun, their bodies are strong, and they are no longer overcome by masculine thunder and lightning.

 But there seems to be something inside the cauldron at the moment.

 There were dragons and tigers composed of red flames, lurking aside, taking advantage of the situation to harass Lei Jun.

 His Nascent Soul was also stored in the golden elixir before.

To be honest, Kang Ming is not sure whether he can deal with the Nascent Soul monks from the seventh heaven, but now he can only fight to the death.

 However, the spiritual object was too precious, and even with Wen Zhaoqian’s background and experience, he couldn’t bear to give it up.

But at this moment, there were stars flashing around the Yin Fire Tiger.

 Step by step, the momentum is getting stronger and stronger.

However, why did Gu Han and the others cause civil strife in Chunyang Palace?

 Wen Zhaoqian has incomplete memory, and Lei Jun still doesn’t know about it.

 There is something unexpected happening outside!

However, Wen Zhaoqian had already begun to seize the ritual rites, and for a while he couldn't help but feel in a dilemma.

At this moment, being washed away by Lei Junke's yin thunder that threatened Yang Shen, Nascent Soul, which originally looked like a teenager, suddenly aged rapidly and turned into a senile person.

Seven points of starlight lit up from the depths of Kang Ming's soul, and then quickly transformed into stars in the shape of the Big Dipper, illuminating Wen Zhaoqian's Nascent Soul.

 In the mirror, the image of a middle-aged Taoist priest seemed to emerge.

He felt that in the real world outside, on the sea, there were big movements from Qingshi Island and Jiufang Island.

 Chunyang Palace is accustomed to dividing by four images. Taoist boxing is directly divided into Qinglong, White Tiger, Suzaku and Xuanwu.

 But those black mysterious thunders were stained by the Jiuyuan Dan fire fans in the air, and the magic weapon was immediately dyed a little black.

But if you will spend the rest of your life in a new body in the future, it will be extremely difficult to progress in practice after taking away the body because of the indifference of body and mind.

Lei Jun was not afraid, and used attack to attack, exchanging moves with the opponent.

 The Taoist priest has an elegant appearance and a peaceful demeanor, but he looks a little weak.

 But combined with its appearance, it looks even more weird.

Wen Zhaoqian Yuanying is tenacious, but he does not dare to be struck by the thunder at such a critical time to seize the body.

Many talismans printed on Kang Ming's Taoist robe are shining, but together they have a suppressive effect, suppressing Kang Ming's cultivation and controlling Kang Ming's actions.

Without his cover, the two three-day elders of Huang Tiandao were immediately overtaken by the soldiers of the Great Tang Shence Army.

The Liangyi Tianyuan Magic Barrel created an environment full of Yuan Magnetic Power, isolating the inside and outside of the cave. At the same time, the Xuanxiao Five Thunder Magic Barrel gave birth to more black Yin thunder, turning into heavy thunder clouds, surrounding Wen Zhaoqian's Nascent Soul, launching a wave Wave after wave of continuous attacks.

 After receiving this blow, his Nascent Soul suddenly resembled a piece of fragile porcelain, with many cracks appearing on the surface, and it could only barely remain intact as a whole.

 The combination of the two will create an extremely rare special case:

Whether he can withstand today's opportunity depends on Kang Ming himself in the future.

 In the process of fulfilling Kang Ming’s destiny, Lei Jun was able to browse some of Wen Zhaoqian’s memories together.

 The black ice sea quickly disappeared, and its replacement suddenly turned into a pale golden wind.

Wen Zhaoqian's mind was slightly dazed for a moment as he pounced, and his thoughts became confused.

Lei Jun didn't say anything when they met, and directly punched the green Yin Fire Tiger first.

 But because Lei Jun saved a hand in time, the golden elixir was not completely destroyed.

Lei Jun was determined to capture and suppress Wang Jingfang alive like he did when he captured Wang Jingfang, and then slowly interrogate him.

  But for Cumming, it's different.

The vast Sea of ​​Mingming temporarily held back the shadow of the dark side of the Book of Heaven. At the same time, this illusory sea of ​​pitch-black ice began to swallow up and freeze Kang Ming's soul.

  Manifest the image of Doumu Lingguan!

The surface of the Danwan pills has a floating glow, but the glow is relatively dim, and there are even looming cracks.

The violent fists struck down at high speed like a meteor shower, smashing into pieces the previously seemingly impregnable defense of Qi Shuo's golden city walls!

The tall Lingguan Doumu grabbed the Yin Fire Tiger's head and neck from above with one hand and pushed it into the sea. The green flames and the sea water suddenly surged, and a large amount of water vapor evaporated.

And Taoist priest Tao Kang also fell into a trap.

If you look closely at the pill, you can see that the surface of the pill reflects the scene like a mirror.

Lei Jun thought for a moment and did not touch the golden elixir.

 Below, the black thunder and lightning reappeared, forming another silent but strange and domineering giant talisman array, with the same five elements intertwined.

Zhou Peng and others also plan to continue to train Kang Ming and make arrangements after Kang Ming breaks through to the seventh level.

On the other hand, there was a group of green flames rolling and rising in the sky.

Although he was pleasantly surprised and wanted to try it right away, Lei Jun calmed down quickly, took out the cauldron, quickly cleaned up the scene, and then left Zhubo Cave Mansion first, and would study it later after the matter was over. Think carefully.

 The black thunder and lightning struck again, drowning Wen Zhaoqian's severely injured Nascent Soul.

 In fact, Zhou Peng and others did not intend to touch him immediately.

It's just that Wen Zhaoqian was injured, and his body and soul were separated. He lost his body now, and only the golden elixir remained. Although Wen Zhaoqian's Nascent Soul can still survive, in the long run, his life span will definitely be shortened and he will become weak.

In the past, Lei Jun destroyed the body of Zhao Sen, the descendant of Yinshan Cave of the Southern Wasteland Wumen. Zhao Sen preferred to use Gu insects to maintain his soul and spirit instead of casually finding a physical body. This is the reason why.

Therefore, although Kang Ming's own strength will greatly increase after he breaks through to the seventh heaven, Zhou Peng and others are still determined to support him, and they are also sure that they will still be able to control Kang Ming when the time comes, whether by calculation or not.

  They all come from the step fighting on the Gang. My fighting around the stars is better than your fighting around the stars.

Lei Jun contacted his senior sister Xu Yuanzhen while looking in the direction of Qingshi Island.

There was no one on the top of the altar, only a huge round, golden pill with a diameter of more than one meter.

 In the tiger's mouth, there is an extra cattail leaf fan.

Lei Jun turned into a Doumu Lingguan, with his other hand clenched into a fist and knocked down.

 When the enemy moves his hands, the Yin Fire Tiger will be the main attacker, while the Fire Dragon and Fire Tiger will attack and assist from the side.

Unexpectedly, I suddenly encountered a shadow separated from the dark side of the Heavenly Book, but the characteristics of the soul were not consistent with it. It was the Nascent Soul monk from the seventh heaven. At this time, I only felt that the picture in my consciousness was white and disappeared. other.

Originally an inspirational film about young heroes happily coming to overseas sects to prepare for spiritual cultivation and attack a higher realm, it has turned into a horror film with a strong tragic color.

There is nothing special about this big cauldron.

Now they are together...

As soon as Wen Zhaoqian came up with the art of punishing and destroying the supervisors, he wanted to decide the outcome with Lei Jun.

 But what is going on is not fairy-like at all.

 The place where the sea and the sky meet, let alone our own side, looking from a distance, the moves of Taoist Danding sect like Zhou Peng are not conspicuous.

Danding sect monks cultivate themselves diligently, and they are basically as good as external objects, and their daily ritual objects are basically used as sacrificial vessels and ritual vessels.

 It was like a mountain sinking, almost falling into the sea.

Since we are destined, I will help you one more time today. I hope we can both borrow and repay... Lei Junxian nourishes vitality with spring thunder and temporarily hangs Kang Ming's life.

At the same time, with the help of Lei Jun, Kang Ming's two souls circulated around each other. When one was broken, with the constant help of the other, it gradually began to recover.

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 When he arrived, he only saw Wen Zhaoqian's damaged golden elixir, but not his Yuanying.

 At this moment, Wen Zhaoqian's expression suddenly changed slightly.

In addition to the monks of Tianshifu, Huang Tiandao also has calligraphy urns from Huofadi.

 The rest will be affected by the Wanfa Zongtan of Longhu Mountain Ancestral Court.

 This is the second-grade opportunity mentioned in the above lottery?

 The artistic conception of the related to the achievement of the Liangyi Immortal Body?

Lei Jun's Life Star God, with the support of Huanxing Dou and Tian Xinglu, once again made great strides forward. The enemy was slower than the enemy, and he was in front of Qi Shuo's Yinhuo Tiger in an instant.

Even though he was in a closed cave, the general environment of the cave began to appear in Lei Jun's heart.

Kang Ming is expected to break through the general convention that body and method are indistinguishable, and at the same time be the leader of Taoist Danding and Fulu.

 Kang Ming’s own spirit was swallowed up by the sea of ​​ice, and he looked very miserable.

 The person who controls the Yin Fire Tiger is Elder Huang Tiandao, Qi Shuo, who was not seen when Qingshi Island was attacked earlier.

In addition to the black and cold ice sea, a large number of black thunder and lightning suddenly appeared here.

With the blessing of the Ring of Stars, the speed and strength of the huge green fire tiger have been significantly improved.

Wen Zhaoqian's Nascent Soul was soaring by attacking Lei Jun, and was already preparing to rush out of Kang Ming's soul.

 There was only a long sigh in the air:

"It's a pity that there is no one more suitable for the time being, only you. Fortunately, it is blended with the most spiritual thing, and your bones and soul are special. I hope it can leave some hope for the future of this poor man."

Wen Zhaoqian's Nascent Soul flew into the center of Kang Ming's eyebrows and went straight into Kang Ming's soul to replace him.

Wen Zhaoqian's Nascent Soul transformed into a stream of light and rushed into Kang Ming's eyebrows.


 The dragon and tiger are driven by no one else but Qi Shuo.

Although the memory fragments are fragmented, they are still valuable.

 There are people around me at the moment, so I don’t plan to use the Celestial Master’s Seal, Hundong Nine Lights, etc.

 He came on the waves, and the entire sea was separated by his terrifying momentum and power.

 While the brilliance of purple, gold, and blue colors flashed, a large seal suddenly rose from the depths of Lei Jun's soul.

But in Wen Zhaoqian's view, this junior monk of the Fu Lu Sect has an extremely tough soul and a firm will.

The wind tiger and cloud dragon are now transformed into red fire tiger and fire dragon, which is due to his sublimation after three days of cultivation.

As the light continued to expand, it gradually began to completely fill Kang Ming's soul.

 …This is how it should be under normal circumstances.

In Kang Ming's mind, Wen Zhaoqian Yuanying reappeared at this moment, replacing Kang Ming's central position in the depths. The boy-like Yuanying sat cross-legged, his body shining with light, illuminating the surroundings.

In the real world outside Kang Ming's soul, Lei Jun appeared and came to the core of the cave.

 Coming to Huang Tian Zongtan's side today, some things were somewhat beyond Lei Jun's expectations.

There are no signs in the real world, only the bodies of Lei Jun and Kang Ming are quietly confronting Wen Zhaoqian’s golden elixir on the altar.

Daomen Nascent Soul seems to be fragile and immature, but it has become a climate, and the tenacity of the soul is among the best in the world.

Wen Zhaoqian's Nascent Soul was being targeted by the shadow of the dark side of the Book of Heaven, and he was temporarily distracted. At this time, it was illuminated by the brilliance of seven stars, which was equivalent to being attacked by Kang Ming without any obstruction.

 Various speculations flashed through Lei Jun's mind.

It was this air mass in the cauldron that attracted the attention of Lei Jun's own yin-yang body, the Heavenly Book he carried, and the balance of movement and stillness.

It is surprisingly the magic weapon that Qi Shuo worked hard to refine, the Jiuyuan Dan Fire Fan.

Looking carefully, it looks like a ball of air, with green and black intertwined with earthy yellow, constantly inverted.

 There may be people behind them.

Although he is dressed as a genuine Taoist priest from Chunyang Palace, his appearance is too young, less than ten years old. He is more like a Taoist boy than a Taoist priest.

 At a glance, you can tell that it is the Jiuyuan True Fire inherited from Longhu Mountain.

Lei Jun’s speed suddenly became faster!

In addition to the original Life Star God, Lei Jun now adds his own method of Tianxing and Yangxing. He does not consider concealment and only maximizes his speed!

Even Qi Shuo has a burning wheel, but at this moment he can no longer keep up with Lei Jun's speed.

 After settling Kang Ming, who was still unconscious and still needing to rest, he surfaced and glanced between Jiufang Island and Qingshi Island.

 “…Xuan Lei?!” Qi Shuo was shocked.

In this case, it is better to continue exploring through multiple routes.

"The two-phase holy body, combined with the extremely high understanding, gave birth to the two-phase soul. As expected, the soul is unusual and extremely rare." Lei Jun nodded slightly.

Whether Wen Zhaoqian was sincerely fighting the big demon during the battle when Chunyang Palace was destroyed, or whether he was deliberately fleeing his shell and pretending to be dead to escape, his physical body was indeed seriously damaged in that battle, leaving only the remnants of the great elixir.

“Well, they’re all rubbish.” Lei Jun nodded, and a large amount of black thunder suddenly surged around his body.

Shangguan Sheng, who was rushing over, had the same stunned expression, and his foot speed subconsciously slowed down.

But Wen Zhaoqian did not give him such a chance, and still struggled to death. In the end, with endless resentment, Yuanying disappeared into the soul of Kang Ming, whose body he had previously wanted to seize. When his Nascent Soul was shattered and was about to be destroyed, Lei Jun was uncharacteristically not in a hurry to completely destroy it immediately.

During the recovery process, Kang Ming’s soul was merged with Wen Zhaoqian’s remaining Nascent Soul and Golden Elixir.

 In fact, he was the one who betrayed Chunyang Palace during the demon chaos.

It’s a pity that Kang Ming was alert and sensitive, and he quickly saw something fishy.

He directly used a simple and crude way, also out of body, to intervene in the current alternative illusory battle about the ownership of Kang Ming's body, mind and soul.

 Seven-star evil-breaking talisman!

The Taoist Talisman Sect’s holy land, Tianshi Mansion, is a high-level spiritual talisman that is in the same line as Huang Tiandao. It is specially used to deal with enemies who attack one’s soul.

Wen Zhaoqian's Nascent Soul retreated and tried to escape, but Lei Jun directly blocked it in Kang Ming's body.

 In addition to Gu Han, there is also Wen Zhaogan.

But looking at Kang Ming's current state, Lei Jun immediately understood that a fierce battle was going on in his soul.

The Jiuyuan Dan Fire Fan and the Yin Fire Tiger were activated together, and suddenly more majestic green true fire raged out.

Wen Zhaoqian didn't even arrange for a disciple to protect the Dharma in order to seek privacy.

Lei Jun tapped his fingers, and the golden elixir was completely broken. Then, under his control, it was transformed into two streams of light, one yin and one yang, and then integrated into Kang Ming's body.

If it weren't for this, the collision between Wen Zhaoqian's Supervisor Punishment and the Heavenly Master's Seal just now, if it were a three-day monk, his soul would have been wiped out long ago.

 But immediately there was a violent conflict with the black sea of ​​ice.

While Wen Zhaoqian was stepping up his efforts, warning signs suddenly appeared in his heart again.

 With just my hands, I can still blow you up today!

Lei Jun looked at the magic weapon, and the Mingxing God spoke human words: "You were not taken away?"

 “I will fight you to the death today!” Wen Zhaoqian’s Nascent Soul was shaken and at the same time, new changes occurred.

Then support the spiritual official urn.

 In the core area of ​​Zhubo Cave Mansion, at this moment, the clouds are steaming and the aura is flowing, like a fairyland.

 But at least, Huang Tianzong's altar has been broken.

 “Yin Lei?!” Wen Zhaoqian was startled again.

After leaving the Zhubo Cave, he found another stable place in the deep sea, set up the Xi soil flag to block out the outside world, and Lei Jun took out the cracked golden elixir.

Suzaku Elder Wang Xuan was the one framed by them to take the blame.

 Fortunately, Zhubo Cave is hidden in the deep sea, so even the monks from the last three days would have difficulty detecting this place across the deep sea and the ocean.

Qi Shuo finally spoke and said coldly: "Zhou Peng and the others don't need to be happy too early. They will not break up or establish things. We are all corpses on this road."

 But at this moment, deep in Kang Ming’s soul, a talisman that had been hiding under the shadow of the dark side of the Heavenly Book finally emerged.

Lei Jun’s life star **** sweeps across the fire dragon and fire tiger.

Then look at the golden elixir Wen Zhaoqian on the top of the altar.

His eyes first fell under the altar in the dojo.

Around the body of the mountain-like giant tiger, in addition to the stars surrounding it and the golden and red hurricane blowing, there is actually golden light forming a majestic city, helping Qi Shuo resist Lei Jun's attack.

 But for a flash, I suddenly felt something strange around me.

The problem is that according to the news that Kang Ming and Huang Tiandao have received before, Wen Zhaoqian, the Yuanying elder of Chunyang Palace, died for protecting his master's sect when the Great Demon of the North attacked Chunyang Palace about four years ago. fall from the sky.

Wen Zhaoqian was still the elder of Chunyang Palace four years ago, and he even died fighting to protect the sect.

At this moment, he was riding the Yin Fire Tiger, causing the surrounding waves to rise into the sky, covering the retreat of the two surviving Huang Tiandao elders.

 Kang Ming himself was secretly complaining about bad luck at this time.

 It was as if the middle-aged Taoist priest had rejuvenated his youth.

Even if we catch them all in this trip, we may still lose the clues.

 But he was unusually calm.

 They all come from the wind talisman. My heavenly traveling urn is better than your burning wheel urn.

Lei Jun raised his hand and clenched his fist: "Now, you have not been taken away, but you cooperate with Zhou Peng and others to take away other people from Huang Tiandao?"

Just when Wen Zhao was horrified, Kang Ming's mind changed again.

This aspect is one of the specialties of the monks of the Taoist Danding Sect. Although Lei Jun's soul is also tough, he is not sure of victory in a head-on confrontation.

Destroy the giant tiger surrounded by stars.

The Gangfeng kills the evil spirits, and from it comes out a sharp energy that frightens all the evil spirits and threatens no one, and is about to tear the sky and split the earth.

Lei Jun glanced around.

Qi Shuo's natal spells include the Golden City Urn, which is the sublimation of the Golden Guan Talisman, the Burning Wheel Urn, which is the sublimation of the Wind Riding Talisman, the Ring of Stars, which is the sublimation of the Step Gang Step Fight, and the Dragon and Tiger, which is the sublimation of the Dragon and Tiger Twin Spirits. Shuang Yanlu and others.


The mysterious man who unexpectedly attacked Li Qingfeng and Li Hongyu with the intention of seizing the Heavenly Master's robe?

 Under normal circumstances, the lives and lives of the Aland Cauldron monks in this realm are so fused that their body, mind, and soul are inseparable from each other.

 In the distance, a figure was approaching quickly. It was Shangguan Sheng, the general of the Shence Army.

Although the Danding sect’s Yuanying Yang Shen is strong and strong, if it is injured, it may often damage the root.

 The same is true for Qi Shuo.

 Kang Ming was helpless and unwilling, but he could only watch his soul being dragged into the ice sea.

Lei Jun's soul was facing a fatal blow from Wen Zhaoqian at this moment.

 Seeing Lei Jun holding Qi Shuo back, he immediately prepared to step forward to help.

Hmm, just like the beginning of some novels I read on Blue Star before time travel, someone failed to seize the protagonist's body, but instead the protagonist merged with the fragments of the remaining soul, inheriting the memory, but the consciousness and cognition remained unchanged... Lei Jun nodded slightly.

The soldiers of the Shence Army of the Tang Dynasty who carried out the siege only had three days of cultivation. Facing Qi Shuo's team to break through the siege, they could only delay.

At this point, Wen Zhaoqian could no longer worry about whether the spiritual treasure was wasted, and his Nascent Soul immediately began to escape to the outside world.

Lei Jun manifested into a giant surrounded by stars, and his movements were equally fast, and he quickly got out of the way.

 The contest between souls and spells is not obvious to the outside world.

His own Heavenly and Earthly Principle Dharma also comes into play.

The young Taoist priest standing next to Kang Ming at this moment, with an illusory image, is exactly the image of Wen Zhaoqian Yuanying.

 He looked back at the Dharma altar.

 The former Xuanwu Elder of Chunyang Palace, Gu Han, became an eighth-level heavenly infant and a third-level elder.

 Kang Ming and the monk from the Danding sect of Shangsantian Taoism were in the core area of ​​Zhubo Cave.

It would be fine if a monk only temporarily takes control of other people's bodies and will return to his original body later.

Although he deliberately concealed what he wanted and pretended to be nonchalant, Zhou Peng and others had been paying close attention to him secretly.

Looking far away in the direction of Jiufang Island, there is no longer the scene of the previous brutal battle, but I don’t know what the outcome will be.

Seven starlights shone in the black sea of ​​ice and disappeared without a trace, being swallowed up by the silent sea of ​​ice.

 But Wen Zhaoqian's Nascent Soul was now damaged and had defects. It was no longer perfect, and its solidity suddenly dropped significantly.

Lei Jun didn't say much at the moment. He first collected the unconscious Kang Ming and the broken golden elixir.

Lei Jun's Life Star God seemed to tear apart the heaven and earth. He raised his fists, one on the left and the other at the same time, and blasted the red dragon and tiger at the same time!

Bluestone Island itself, looking at it at this moment, has almost been beaten to the ground, and the sea water has submerged the original island.

One of the three natal methods in the third day of Qi Shuo's middle school was also the step fighting on the Gang. After the third day of Qi Shuo's middle school, it was also upgraded to the star-circling battle.

There were green flames attacking, but they were all blocked by the talismans flying around the Ming Star God like stars.

 In the depths of his soul, a dark star emerged.

Immediately afterwards, a large white jade seal struck Wen Zhaoqian's soul!

The former Chunyang Palace Elder Wen, who has been practicing Taoism for many years and at least appears to be well-educated, already had the curse words on his lips but before he could open his mouth, the sudden appearance of Tianshi Yin knocked back all the words he wanted to say.

 The red fire dragon and fire tiger attacked Lei Jun on both sides, covering the green yin fire tiger.

"You have hidden more secrets than expected. If I had known this, I would rather wait." Wen Zhaoqian's voice kept echoing in Kang Ming's mind: "It's a pity that the arrow is on the string now and has to be fired."

His appearance and facial features are quite similar to the middle-aged Taoist priest reflected on the surface of the golden elixir on the altar.

Qi Shuo ignored it and spread a large amount of green fire, blocking Lei Jun and others.

Wen Zhaoqian calmed down his mind, chose to trust his fellow disciples and fellow Taoists outside, and continued to seize the ritual rituals.

Due to Kang Ming's previous life experiences, he had to be on guard against similar situations early, which was the back-up plan he prepared for himself.

 It takes time to completely wipe out his spirit and assimilate his spirit.

The ocean was silent and black, and there were bursts of chill from it.

Lei Jun took back the Celestial Master Seal, then waved his hand: "Just as you will die, we will be fine."

 When the sea of ​​​​Zhi Ming appears, it is like the abyss of the North Ming Dynasty, which is bottomless and can accommodate all things.

  It’s just that the current performance was created by him.

 Ordinary human souls are yin spirits, which are difficult to come out of their shells, cannot travel in the sun, and are taboo against the most yang and strong powers such as thunder and fire.

His crimson robe was flashing with light, but it did not come from himself.

The Yin Yang, Five Thunder and Five Elements talisman formations are aligned up and down, immediately locking the space, as if it were turned into a cage or a colosseum.

 In the depths of the abyss, the basalt image of a turtle and a snake is looming.

Qi Shuo's ferocious aura was also aroused, Yinhuohu pounced on the Mingxing Shen who spread his left and right hands to both sides and opened the middle door wide.

Lei Jun remained calm, the Xuanxu Mirror flipped over, and light and dark alternated for an instant.

 The golden elixir on the top of the altar is now covered with fine cracks like spider webs just like it did when it warmly illuminated the Qian Yuanying.

 【Yi Zhuan Qian Kun Qi】

“...Wen Zhaoqian!” Kang Ming stared at the middle-aged Taoist priest.

 No wonder Zhou Peng and others are still living more and more nourished even though they are hiding in Tibet. Zhou Peng even successfully broke through to the eighth heaven realm.

  To be precise, he is a traitor leader.

 But all previous efforts will be wasted, and precious spiritual objects will be consumed and wasted.

 In the golden wind, there is the shape of a pure white tiger condensed.

 The surface of the golden elixir reflects the image of Wen Zhaoqian himself.

Qi Shuo has fought all his life, has rich fighting experience, and has extraordinary strength in the same realm. In the past, he used the Yin Fire Tiger to fight Li Ziyang's Yang Thunder Dragon.

 At present, the only thing to do is to concentrate, ignore the wind and rain outside, and complete the ritual as soon as possible.

Lei Jun caught up and saw a green mountain-like giant tiger, which was very conspicuous even on the sea. It was the Dharma Elephant of Jiuyuan Yanzu, also known as the Yin Fire Tiger.

 Unfortunately, whatever you are afraid of will come to you.

 Scatter the golden and red hurricane around the giant tiger.

 The giant tiger was beaten like a mountain, its bones were broken, its tendons were broken, and it was torn into pieces, like a landslide!

In the center of the sea of ​​shattered fire, just as Qi Shuo's figure appeared, the huge fist smashed down again, causing the rocks on the seafloor to collapse together with the person!

PS1: Chapter 9k3

PS2: I saw a friend asking if the update time is not fixed now. To be honest, I am quite helpless. I am definitely the one who wants to fix the time the most, but I can only write at this speed. I would like to give you more Update, but you can’t write nonsense, smile bitterly.


 (End of this chapter)

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