Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 267: 266 was reborn for the third time, with an immortal body! (2-in-1

Chapter 267 266. Reborn for the third time, immortal body! (Two in one chapter)

 Above the East China Sea, the sea boiled and the sky turned violent.

Due to the battle between Lei Jun and Qi Shuo, the seawater within a certain range spread out in all directions, making the sea seem to be sunken, directly exposing the seabed below.

A large amount of sea water is evaporated into water vapor due to the blazing starlight or the deep earth fire, and fills the air, forming a scene like a heavy fog.

 As the water vapor transpired, the scene in this sea area became distorted and became unreal.

Shangguan Sheng, the general of the Shence Army of the Tang Dynasty who was standing in the distance, doubted whether what he saw was real.

Qi Shuo, a high-ranking elder of Huang Tiandao, was shot dead on the spot by Lei Jun, a high-ranking elder of Tianshi Mansion who was not necessarily a fraction of his age!

Shangguan Sheng is aware of Qi Shuo's strength.

 The two had fought directly before, even more than once.

Although Qi Shuo does not practice the fortune-telling skills of the Taoist Fulu sect, the Calligraphy Lu, or the fate of the Star God, but with the joint blessing of his various natal magic methods such as the Golden City Lu, the Burning Wheel, and the Star-circling Dou, he is not afraid of the enemies among the enemies. Melee master.

Whether it is his own defense or movement speed, Qi Shuo is quite outstanding among monks in the same realm.

So although his Yin Fire Tiger mainly uses the Nine Abyss True Fire to damage the enemy in the mid-range in terms of offense, he is sure to control the distance at all times, making it difficult for masters who want to get close to him to achieve their goals.

  Occasionally, when someone gets really close to him, Qi Shuo is able to defend against others well and at the same time, he can get away with them, which makes him still very tolerant of mistakes.

 However, Lei Jun couldn't resist being faster and fiercer than him.

Through three days of continuous and profound accumulation, Lei Junzhong's magical power is better than that of other people in the same realm.

They are obviously magic urns that have been sublimated from the natal wind talisman. Lei Juntian's walking speed is even faster than Qi Shuo's burning wheel urn.

What’s more, even though the Ring of Stars battles came from the same source and looked exactly the same in appearance, Lei Jun was still stronger when they collided.

 Doumu Lingguan's Elephant continuously defeated Qi Shuo's Golden Wall and Yin Fire Tiger.

Moreover, in recent years, Lei Jun has continued to refine the balance of movement and stillness that was originally obtained through Meng Shaojie's hands.

From movement to silence, the changes are endless. It may seem inconspicuous, but it can always get stuck in the most uncomfortable position and timing for Qi Shuo.

Although Qi Shuo has experienced hundreds of battles and has rich experience, he still can't keep up with Lei Jun's pace.

 He met an opponent who was stronger than him in all aspects.

Shangguan Sheng didn't know the details of Lei Jun's past training, but as a martial arts master, he had just watched the battle between Lei Jun and Qi Shuo, and he keenly discovered that Lei Jun's attacks seemed violent and fierce, but the rhythm changes between advance and retreat, movement and stillness were extremely precise. , even higher than the opponent.

 Qi Shuo really did not lose unjustly!

 …This Lei Jun is a great young man in martial arts!

At this moment, Shangguan Sheng looked at Lei Jun shrouded in steam, and his mood suddenly became complicated.

Elder Lei from Longhu Mountain actually responded to the old saying:

 The ability can be used, but it cannot be dispensed with.

  Normally he fights with others, but every time Elder Lei takes action, he always makes a splash.

To be honest, Shangguan Sheng was somewhat mentally prepared for Lei Jun's cultivation strength and talent.

After all, Elder Lei successfully killed Lin Chi, the elder of the Lin clan in Jiangzhou, not long after he first reached the seventh-level realm.

But in just a few years, Elder Lei's strength seems to have become stronger... Shangguan Shengxin said.

After all, Lin Chi was implicated in the Qi of his ancestral land and was unable to exert his full strength. In addition, except for his natal sword, all other protective weapons were destroyed.

 But today’s Qi Shuo is completely different.

Although the Huangtian Zongtan was destroyed, Qi Shuo, as a monk of the Shangsantian Fulu Sect, was not likely to be affected like other Huangtian Taoist disciples, and he could still exert his strength normally.

At the same time, he also has magic weapons such as Jiuyuan Dan Fire Fan to help him.

 On the contrary, it was Lei Jun on the opposite side, with bare hands.

 In the end, Lei Jun actually used his fists to beat Qi Shuo to pieces!

This may be because Lei Jun's strength far exceeded Qi Shuo's expectations, which led to Qi Shuo's misjudgment and a head-on confrontation with Lei Jun that resulted in his being beaten. If he had just escaped, although he was not as fast as Lei Jun, Lei Jun would not have been able to escape in such a short time. You can take him down within a few seconds.

 Even so, the gap between the two sides is real.

Looking at all the seventh-level monks in the Tang Dynasty today, there are few who can compare with Lei Jun's strength.

 Wait a moment... Shangguan Sheng's eyes suddenly focused. Thinking of Qi Shuo's Jiuyuan Dan Fire Fan, his expression became more solemn.

What is the origin of the black thunder and lightning that Lei Jun restrained Qi Shuo's magic weapon?

Although Tianshi Mansion is famous for its thunder techniques, in Shangguan Sheng's impression, there is no such mysterious thunder.

This Xuanxiao divine thunder is silent but powerful. It can wear down the opponent's magical weapons and magic weapons.

 Could it be that it belongs exclusively to Lei Jun, was created by him or participated in research?

 Shangguan Sheng can naturally think of some precedents.

 Tang Xiaotang and her golden thunder.

 Shen Qubing and his Bai Lei.

 Now, it’s Lei Jun and his Xuan Lei.

Is it also due to his own inherent talent?

  It explains the reason why Taoist Lei’s previous cultivation level improved so quickly.

Today's trip was really worthwhile. In addition to defeating Huang Tiandao and discovering the connection between Zhou Peng and others with Huang Tiandao, I finally saw the true level of Lei Chongyun in Longhu Mountain... Shangguan Sheng took a long breath.

To a certain extent, this is no less a gain than breaking through the Huangtian Zongtan.

Lei Jun's master is Yuan Mobai, both of whom are proficient in the practice of physical life skills. The first magical power is the life star god.

And this Xuan Lei is calm and condensed, which is exactly in line with Lei Jun's temperament.

Shangguan Sheng suddenly sighed.

At this moment, he actually felt a little bit the same worries about Jinzhou, Youzhou, Qingzhou, Suzhou, and Jingxiang.

 The spiritual energy of heaven and earth surges, which is conducive to people's practice.

 Those who enjoy the greatest benefits are these sects that have opened their doors widely!

 In the distance, the gaping hole in the sea gradually filled up again as the sea water gathered from all directions, restoring the undulating but intact sea surface.

 Above the sea surface, the water vapor gradually disperses.

The star-studded image of Doumu Star God disappeared at this time.

Lei Jun himself, tall and straight, dressed in a purple robe, reappeared under the steaming clouds and mist. He was no longer violent as before, but floated out of the dust, like an immortal coming to earth.

 "Taoist Lei cleans up the gates of Longhu Mountain today and kills the rebels. I am very happy and congratulated." Shangguan Sheng looked calm and stepped forward to congratulate Lei Jun with a fist in his hand.

Lei Jun returned the favor with a Taoist bow: "Thank you, General Shangguan, for holding down the battle for the poor Taoist."

Shangguan Sheng smiled and said: "I don't dare to take it. I don't dare to take it. It's true that Master Lei has great powers and has opened my eyes."

 He looked in the direction of Jiufang Island in the distance: "It turns out that the real Huangtian Zongtan is over there."

 Lei Jun: "It seems that it has been destroyed by senior sister."

Shangguan Sheng: "This is really the best thing."

 He looked at the two elders Huang Tiandao who were in the three-day realm.

Without the cover of Qi Shuo, the two of them would naturally be unable to resist the encirclement and suppression by the generals of the Tang Dynasty Shence Army.

"I'm going to keep him alive so that I can wipe out the remaining rebels on the land." After Shangguan Sheng greeted Lei Jun, he stepped forward.

Lei Jun was hanging in mid-air, adjusting his breath and breathing out to restore the mana he had just consumed, while scanning his eyes in all directions.


Kang Ming wakes up leisurely.

 For a time, he felt that his mind was a mess, with many more memories that were not his own.

 After a while, he finally came back to his senses and straightened out his thoughts.

 He himself was not successfully captured by Wen Zhaoqian, but instead merged with part of the other party's memory.

  Could Wen Zhaoqian still be doing things in secret and hiding hidden dangers?

Kang Ming looked inside and checked himself, and he suddenly discovered that he was actually carrying a golden elixir that only monks from the Taoist Alchemy Sect had!

 He was uneasy when he suddenly noticed that the mysterious shadow from before seemed to be undulating gently.

Kang Ming had a thought and his mind sank into it.

 In the pale universe, the **** sun spreads its "sunlight".

 Silent, emotionless handwriting appeared in front of Kang Ming:

 The death of immortality, the life of new life.

Kang Ming chewed on these eight simple words in his heart and had mixed feelings for a while.

 “Has this wonderful master of the void saved me?” He quickly calmed down.

 Attempted to communicate with the owner of this pale universe, but received no reply.

Kang Ming still had some doubts in his heart, but he solemnly thanked the host here.

 I just don’t know what tasks the other party will assign to him after helping him this time?

Kang Ming temporarily separated his mind from the pale universe, and then carefully examined the changes in his soul and the golden elixir that suddenly appeared in his body.

The earth-shattering battle in the distance temporarily interrupted Kang Ming's thoughts.

He looked towards the direction of Qingshi Island and saw that it had basically sunk and was covered by sea water, and his heart sank.

 Has the ancestral altar been destroyed?

  Kang Ming tried to make amulets.

  It turned out that the high-level spiritual talisman could no longer be drawn.

 The basic talismans can still be drawn, but they are starting to struggle.

This is because the Wanfa Zongtan in the Longhu Mountain Ancestral Court has been silently influencing the assimilation of the Huangtian Zongtan over the years. Huangtian Taoist disciples need to make frequent sacrifices to prevent the Huangtian Zongtan from being assimilated.

There is a trace of induction between the two sides. Although it is not enough for the Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion to determine the specific location of the Huangtian Zongtan, as soon as the Huangtian Zongtan is destroyed, there will be a reaction on the Longhu Mountain side.

Although Tianshi Tang Xiaotang is currently in seclusion, Yuan Mobai and others immediately opened the Ten Thousand Fa Sect Altar and sealed the talisman scriptures of Huang Tiandao disciples from a distance.

Kang Ming and other three-day monks will no longer be able to draw high-level spiritual talismans immediately.

As for the monks of the next three days, they will not be able to draw basic talismans immediately.

As time continues to pass and the impact of the Wanfa Zongtan sealing deepens, Kang Ming will soon become unable to draw even basic talismans.

 Is it possible that if I practice the path of improvement by myself, I will still be cut off?

 …Well, it is the cultivation path of the Fulu Sect.

 As for the Danding Sect...Kang Ming frowned slightly.


In the distance among the steaming clouds and mist, there seems to be a Yinhuo tiger, which was smashed into the sea by a life star god.

Kang Ming watched silently.

The aura and artistic conception of the Yin Fire Tiger, especially the large number of golden and red hurricanes around the green giant tiger, made Kang Ming feel familiar.

 He guessed it was Qi Shuo, a senior member of the same sect and a high-ranking elder.

Seeing Qi Shuo's defeat, Kang Ming didn't feel the slightest bit sad.

Although Wen Zhaoqian's memory is only partial, through these memories, Kang Ming already knows that Qi Shuo is related to these Danding sect monks, but he is not sure whether Qi Shuo is still the original him.

 So Kang Ming only felt happy when he saw Qi Shuo die.

However, Kang Ming felt complicated again after seeing Lei Jun disperse the Ming Star God and his original appearance reappeared.

Although he is quite powerful, due to his personality, he had previously concentrated on cultivating and running the branch, and rarely directly participated in the fight with the Tianshi Mansion. Personally speaking, he did not have much grievances with the Tianshi Mansion.

  But to be honest, Kang Ming doesn't have a good impression of Tianshi Mansion at present.

 Due to the environment in which he grew up, in this regard, he has similar thinking to some of Huang Tiandao's monks.

The current monks with foreign surnames in the Tianshi Mansion are all those who collaborated with the Li family in the past. The previous decisive battle with the Li family was just a dog-eat-dog internal conflict.

Although the Li family has become history now, the Tianshi Mansion will probably have a second or even a third Li family in the future.

The so-called new Celestial Master Tang Xiaotang is neither married nor has children at the moment, but who knows what the future will hold?

If she gets married in the future and has children and descendants, even if Tang Xiaotang has no intention of doing so, what about her spouse and descendants?

 Where are the other top masters in the Tianshi Mansion, such as Xu Yuanzhen and Lei Jun?

 After the Li family, will there be the Tang or Lei family?

But it is a pity that such Tianshi Mansion is full of talents, and new generations of masters are emerging one after another, but his own Huang Tiandao has brought trouble to Xiao Qiang. This makes Kang Ming, who is determined, look at the powerful Lei Jun at this moment, and can't help but feel powerless in his heart.

"Rebirth... is so difficult." Kang Ming sighed lightly, but his eyes quickly regained their determination.

Although the situation is dangerous, at least he will not change his family because of it.

The ancestral altar has been destroyed, Kang Ming did not stay any longer and left directly.

 Taiping Taoist and Zhao Zongjie’s current situation is unknown.

Huang Tiandao is in the interior, and they have many branches scattered in various places.

 These are the foundation of Huang Tiandao.

 Now that Fu Jing is being suppressed, there will be chaos and everyone will be in danger.

After Kang Ming regained his composure, he thought silently for a moment before leaving the sea and trying to return to land as soon as possible before making subsequent plans.


 Shangguan Sheng noticed Qi Shuo's appearance, so he turned around to look for Qi Shuo and happened to meet Lei Jun.

Chu Yu and the elder Miaoyi of Tianlong Temple concentrated on chasing Zhou Peng who was in the eighth heaven realm.

There was movement on Jiufang Island. After knowing that Xu Yuanzhen had succeeded, Chu Yu and the others could put aside their worries and pursue Zhou Peng.

Chu Yu alone put a lot of pressure on Zhou Peng, and with Elder Miaoyi by his side, his room for escape became smaller and smaller.

Just when Zhou Peng was about to be completely surrounded, suddenly a stream of light flew towards him from the distance, revealing his sharp edge.

Although Elder Miaoyi was surprised, the green lion transformed by Buddha's light stood in front of him in time to help him parry.

However, the flowing light was extremely sharp, and the full force blow that had been accumulated for a long time was even unable to withstand the green lion transformed by the Buddha's light, and was chopped on the spot.

 Elder Miaoyi immediately stepped aside. Zhou Peng took this opportunity to break out and received an arrow from Chu Yu. Yuanying trembled in mid-air, but still insisted on flying into the distance.

"Shushan Flying Sword?" Chu Yu's eyes flashed when he saw this.

After the sword light struck, the speed slowed down slightly. It could be seen that the sword edge was cold under the white light.

 After the blow, the flying sword spun in mid-air and then slashed towards Chu Yu, trying to stop Chu Yu from pursuing Zhou Peng's corner.

Chu Yu remained calm, his eyes were filled with a bright light, and his gaze seemed to condense into a bunch, extending into the distance. She bent her bow and set an arrow, and the Confucian divine shot gathered energy into a sharp point, and the stream of light flickered.

With the sound of the bowstring, three streams of light flew out at the same time!

The Chu family in Suzhou learned secret skills and asked three questions across the sea!

 An arrow shot in mid-air, hit the flying sword, and shot it down on the spot.

 Chasing Zhou Peng, who was fleeing far away, with an arrow.

 The third arrow galloped further away, pointing directly in the direction of the source of the flying sword!

On the sea in the distance, there is a man who looks like a young man. He is dressed in linen and dressed as a Shushan Taoist priest. Although he looks young, his eyes are full of vicissitudes of life.

When he saw the flashing arrows speeding towards him, his expression suddenly changed, and he quickly summoned his own magic weapon, the Flying Sword, to resist.

 The sword and arrow collided in mid-air, erupting into a dazzling stream of light.

The Taoist priest from Shushan shook his body.

  The Taoist weapon-refining sect monk who has reached his level has completely lost his original mortal body and is no longer the flesh and blood body he once was.

The appearance at this moment matches his own youth, which is the result of the transformation of his soul.

At this time, under the vibration, the body shape was twisted and undulating like water, and it was almost difficult to maintain the human shape. After shaking a few times, it solidified again.

The Taoist priest from Shushan steadied himself, turned around and walked away.

 “Liu Dongzhuo? Is that you?” Chu Yu’s voice came from afar, and the sound shook all directions.

That Taoist priest was obviously a Taoist weapon-refining monk of the same generation as Ji Dongquan, He Dongxing and others. Although he looked young in appearance, he was actually an old man from Shushan who had been famous for many years.

  Precisely, former elder.

 Because according to the official statement, Elder Liu died in the civil strife in Shushan more than ten years ago!

 But now, he is still alive and well.

Furthermore, as a monk of the Taoist Refining Sect, he helped Zhou Peng, a Taoist monk of the Danding Sect, in the war against Huang Tiandao of the Taoist Fulu Sect.

It is rare to see a family with three sects united and united to help each other...if only the identities of the three families were not so embarrassing.

If possible, Liu Dongzhuo would not want to reveal his whereabouts like this, and would still face masters like Chu Yu.

His cultivation level is in the seventh heaven, and if he has time to carefully prepare and save, he can even make Elder Miaoyi of the same level carefully parry with a sword in the air without using his natal magic weapon or magic weapon.

But against Chu Yu in the eighth level, ordinary magic weapons were not enough to fight, and he lost the ambush advantage he had prepared for. Chu Yu fired three arrows in unison. Not only was the magic sword shot down on the spot, it could also threaten Liu Dongzhuo in the distance. myself.

Facing Chu Yu’s arrow, Liu Dongzhuo did not dare to raise his hand. He had to use his own magic weapon to barely hold the arrow. Even so, the magic sword was still trembling in mid-air.

An arrow touched the opponent's natal magic weapon. Even though it was far away and invisible to the naked eye, Chu Yu still successfully determined the identity of the opponent. He was the elder of Shushan who was supposed to be dead.

“There was indeed something fishy about the civil war between the Shushan sect…” Although Chu Yu was a little surprised, he successfully confirmed some of the speculations she and the Tang court’s imperial family had made.

  But there are more questions.

Earlier, it was speculated that the people from the Taoist Weapon Refining Sect who assisted the Tianshi Mansion in attacking Jiangzhou and Jinzhou were Shushan masters who faked their own deaths and hid in seclusion.

 But now, Liu Dongzhuo is helping Zhou Peng, who is related to Huang Tiandao.

 Is it Liu Dongzhuo’s personal behavior or their collective action?

But having said that, the Chunyang Palace traitor Zhou Peng and others were occupying the magpie's nest on Huang Tiandao's side, seizing Huang Tiandao's disciples for their own purposes. It does not seem to be a very harmonious move.

“I’m still chasing Zhou Peng, please tell Master Shangguan and the Taoist Master of Tianshi Mansion about this matter.” Chu Yu and Elder Miaoyi greeted Zhou Peng and continued to chase Zhou Peng.

Although Liu Dongzhuo's matter is of concern, in comparison, Zhou Peng is the bigger fish.

Chu Yu could pick up and put down, but she and Elder Miaoyi were not responsible for tracking Zhou Peng and Liu Dongzhuo separately, so as to prevent Elder Miaoyi from being alone when there were other masters on the other side to support them.

"Amitabha, donor, please pay attention." Elder Miaoyi also felt that the situation was strange and unpredictable, and hurriedly informed Shangguan Sheng, Lei Jun and others.

 "Liu Dongzhuo..." Lei Jun couldn't help but ponder after hearing the news.

At that time, during the civil strife in Shushan, he was in Bashu, but he avoided it and stayed out of it.

Looking back now, the water on this matter is deeper than originally thought.

 Shangguan Sheng was equally surprised, but he quickly calmed down and asked Elder Miaoyi to come and join them as soon as possible.

Then he looked at Lei Jun and said slowly: "Master Lei, let's not rush to a conclusion on this matter to avoid wrongdoing a good person. Later, after His Majesty's judgment, we can ask all the Taoist priests in Shushan what do you think?"

Lei Jun: "General Shangguan is a veteran in planning for the country. There is nothing wrong with me, but I should be in the Ming Dynasty."

 Shangguan Sheng: "This is natural."

 Elder Miaoyi arrived. The three of them gathered together and watched as the officers and soldiers of the Shence Army cleaned up the last few Huangtian Taoist disciples in this sea area.

After dealing with Qingshi Island, the group headed towards Jiufang Island.

Arrived near Jiufang Island, I was shocked to see that the islands here have also become history. For a time, I only saw vast expanse of blue waves and turbulent waves. Where can I see the islands?

Only some remaining rocks on the seabed below the sea surface can make it clear that there was once a large island protruding above the sea.

 At this time, Lei Jun finally got in touch with Xu Yuanzhen.

“Liu Dongzhuo of Shushan Sect, Zhou Peng and Wen Zhaoqian of Chunyang Palace, and Gu Han?” Xu Yuanzhen said: “But, Qi Shuo is still Qi Shuo?”

Lei Jun: "That's right."

Xu Yuanzhen: “Taiping Taoist has also been replaced.”

Lei Jun had some guesses in his mind, and now one of his guesses was confirmed: "It seems that someone took advantage of him while he was recovering from his injuries."

Xu Yuanzhen took action personally, and it would be useless even if the opponent guarded Huang Tianzong altar.

The "Taiping Taoist" was also extremely decisive. Regardless of whether he regretted the hard-to-obtain Huang Tiandao, he did not hesitate in his actions, directly triggering the sacrifice of Huang Tianzong altar itself and destroying it. A one-time burn.

 In this two-pronged approach to gain time, the "Taoist of Taiping" flew out of his Nascent Soul and quickly fled far away.

When Xu Yuanzhen blew up the Huang Tianzong altar, he also blew up the Taiping Taoist body that was burning him.

As a result, the Huangtian Zongtan, which had been suspended overseas for two hundred years and supported Huang Tiandao in establishing a new branch, also became history.

Xu Yuanzhen, who destroyed it, didn't take it to heart very much, and spoke casually:

"The matters on land should be left to the Tang Dynasty's imperial family first. I will check the Xibei goods of this Taiping Taoist who took the body."

Since we have already gone to sea on this trip, I will stop by the so-called Changjie Island later. You can do whatever you want. "

Lei Jun: "I'll go back to the mainland to see if Kang Ming can play more roles."

"Yeah." Xu Yuanzhen said casually: "I collected some things on Jiufang Island. They are pretty good, but I don't need them myself. If you are interested, I will leave them here in a place in the sea and you can come and pick them up. "

Lei Jun became interested: "Oh? Thank you, senior sister."

 This should be the third-grade opportunity mentioned in the second sign, right?

He followed the direction pointed by Xu Yuanzhen and headed southwest, further into the ocean.

 Then find a truly deserted island.

Lei Jun searched the island, but found it more difficult to find Zhubo Cave than before. He could only sigh that the senior sister was as good at hiding things as she was at finding them.

 After he eliminated the mana restriction left by Xu Yuanzhen, the first thing he heard was the faint sound of dragon roaring in his ears.

 As soon as it entered the eye, there was actually a patch of grass.

However, it is different from the ordinary whisker-shaped coir grass. The roots left by Xu Yuanzhen are unusually thick, like angry dragons.

 Gathered together, a hazy rain and mist automatically rose above it.

 There seemed to be dragon-shaped lights and shadows wandering in the rain and mist, and there were bursts of deep dragon roars, as if a real dragon was entrenched in it.

  【Dragon-shaped coir】

Lei Jun looked at the extremely spiritual creature, which looked like a real dragon, and felt enlightened.

 It is indeed a very rare treasure of heaven and earth.

According to Huang Tiandao's original wealth and activity space, it is impossible to obtain such a large number of dragon-shaped raincaps, but it is extremely difficult. I don't know who will fund it.

 It is stored in the ancestral altar, which is of course safe and secretive in theory, but now it is all donated to Taoist Xu and Taoist Lei.

Lei Jun looked at the dragon-shaped coop carefully for a while, and several ideas flashed through his mind.

The current time is not right, and some ideas require the cooperation of other spiritual beings.

So Lei Jun quickly restrained his divergent thinking and put away these dragon-shaped raincaps.

 He left the island and began to turn back inland.

 Lei Jun returned to the inland and chatted with his master Yuan Mobai about the trip.

Even if the Tianshi Mansion does not mention it, the Tang Dynasty emperor will publicize what happened between Zhou Peng and others and Huang Tiandao.

Except for Yuan Mobai and Xu Yuanzhen, Lei Jun did not mention much about Kang Ming's experience to Chu Yu, Shangguan Sheng and others, let alone the relevant contents of some of Wen Zhaoqian's memories.

And the news that spread out from the Tang Dynasty imperial family did not describe how miserable Huang Tian's Taoist disciples were, and how desperate Zhou Peng and others were.

 The government mentioned similar things, focusing on Qi Shuo.

 The reason lies in the fact that Huang Tiandao's few high-level officials colluded with Zhou Peng and others to provide convenience for these outsiders, and together they harmed Huang Tiandao's Hua Guduo.

 The image of the dignified Huang Tiandao elder has turned into a human trafficker, and he specializes in cutting Huang Tiandao's own leeks.

 When the news spread, chaos was inevitable for Huangtian Taoist disciples everywhere who were hiding in the dark.

 In a sense, the Tang imperial family did not wrongly accuse Qi Shuo.

 Regardless of his original purpose and future plans, what he is doing is destined to not be brought to the table. Once exposed, the consequences will be known to one's knees.

Qi Shuo himself also knew that the inevitable price of being discovered was the only way to bear it.

 It’s just that Qi Shuo couldn’t figure it out until his death. Everything was going smoothly and silently, but in the blink of an eye, something went wrong.

 The Huang Tiandao disciples, who were already in panic because of the destruction of their sect, were completely in chaos. They were full of doubts about each other and the high-ranking monks of Huang Tiandao.

With this chaos, other matters could not be taken into consideration. Huang Tian Taoist disciples, who were already thin in number, could no longer hide themselves, and their identities were exposed one after another.

 More and more people began to choose to surrender to the government.

The government then started harvesting in a relaxed and happy manner, which was rarely so relaxed.

Both "Taiping Taoist" and Qi Shuo died, leaving Huang Tiandao with only one high-profile elder, Zhao Zongjie.

 But because of Zhou Peng and others, even if Zhao Zongjie stood up at this moment, he would not be able to rally people's hearts again.

 A group of dragons has a leader, but there is something worse than nothing.

Huang Tiandao is almost like a plate of loose sand.

Master and disciple Lei Jun were also sad when talking about this incident.

"Pay attention to the Heavenly Master's robe. No matter how slim the hope is, once it succeeds, it may be possible to reverse their situation." Yuan Mo Bai said.

Lei Jun: "Master, don't worry, I'm keeping an eye on you."

"Is that Gu Han over there at Chunyang Palace?" Yuan Mobai asked: "Can you confirm that Brother Wang Xuandao is not with us?"

Lei Jun: "As far as Wen Zhaoqian knows, Wang Daozhang was not with them and was framed as a scapegoat by them. However, Wen Zhaoqian was not sure whether Wang Xuan was dead at that time."

It’s just that three or four years have passed since the Guanlong Demon Rebellion, and Wang Xuan has not appeared and there is no news.

If he was really wronged and was still alive, even if he sacrificed others to save his life, he should show up now.

 If he was captured and imprisoned, Zhou Peng, Wen Zhaoqian and others had no clue.

“While Zhou Peng, Wang Jingfang and others were out, they colluded with Gu Han, Wen Zhaoqian and others who were still in Chunyang Palace.”

Lei Junyan said: "The Shushan sect Liu Dongzhuo and others faked their own death, not just to leave Shushan, but also for a purpose. From this point of view, there may be people who stayed with them in the Shushan sect."

Yuan Mobai: "As a teacher, I am willing to believe in Taoist brothers He and Ji, but there is a lot of weirdness in this matter."

Lei Jun: "We might as well see if there is any recent progress on Kang Ming's side."

Yuan Mobai: "By the way, congratulations to Chongyun for getting such a treasure as Yi Zhuan Qian Kun Qi this time. Although there is no precedent, I think the time is ripe."

Lei Jun: "Thank you for your good words from Master."

 Considering Kang Ming's side, Lei Jun was not in a hurry to return to the mountain.

 He found a quiet and secluded place outside the mountain and began to harmonize the Yi Zhuan Qian Kun Qi.

As Yuan Mobai said, this is a treasure of heaven and earth that is superior to the five elements of creation, Yuan Qi, dragon-shaped coir and other spiritual objects. It is rare in the world and makes people wonder where Zhou Peng and the others got it.

This treasure seems to have been born when the heaven and earth were first born, so it has the magical effect of reversing yin and yang and easily changing the universe.

Zhou Peng, Wen Zhaoqian and others used this treasure to mediate and reduce the difficulty of spiritual practice after seizing the body. From this, we can understand its value.

 No wonder Wen Zhaoqian had the idea of ​​​​shooting the bow without turning back, and could not bear to waste it.

At this moment, Lei Jun took a deep breath and absorbed most of the Yi Zhuan Qian Kun Qi in the cauldron into his body.

The balance of movement and stillness, which he had already refined into his flesh and blood, was suddenly revealed at this moment, echoing the Qi of Yi Zhuan Qian Kun.

The Book of Heaven·Three, rarely flutters and shines brightly.

On the Zhenyi Altar, the Nine Abyss True Fire on the first floor and the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder on the third floor flipped at the same time.

All these are numerous.

 Now everyone is mobilized.

 All of this is centered and dominated by Lei Jun's own yin and yang holy body, which transforms into two mana powers, one black and one white, which are constantly circulating.

  Yin and Yang, heaven and earth, heaven and earth, movement and stillness, light and darkness...

 All the relative and mutually reinforcing principles and artistic conceptions in the world evolve and merge here one by one.

 Until a certain moment.

Lei Jun's two magic powers gathered above his head, turning into a light and shadow that looked like a Tai Chi diagram, constantly rotating, and the original black and white gradually disappeared, turning into bright and dark brilliance that alternately flickered one after another.

 Then, the Tai Chi diagram landed on Lei Jun's forehead and was submerged in it.

 Lei Jun's whole body began to flash with a faint light.

I don’t know when, the brilliance disappeared and everything was restrained.

But Lei Jun could clearly feel that he had undergone earth-shaking changes.

 Just like when he first achieved the Qianlong Spirit Body and the Yin-Yang Holy Body.

 His basic qualifications have been completely transformed again today, reaching a new level.

 The level of the immortal body!

 Liangyi Immortal Body.

PS: 8k2 chapters


 (End of this chapter)

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