Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 268: 267 Three Dharma Symbols, one cannon and three shots (two in one

Chapter 268 267. Three major Dharma images, one cannon and three shots (two-in-one chapter)

 “It is finished…”

Lei Jun took a long breath.

 Liangyi Immortal Body.

 There have been precedents in history, and their owners have left a mark in the history books.

This Immortal Body is not only suitable for Taoist Fulu Sect practice.

Movement and stillness, cold and heat, universe, light and darkness, spring and autumn, and many other principles can all be described in general terms by yin and yang, but when each goes deeper, there are subtle and subtle principles.

These are all principles of two rituals.

Those who possess the Immortal Body do not understand all the principles of Liangyi instantly.

 But it has all kinds of possibilities, just waiting for the owner to explore.

 Therefore, martial arts, Confucianism, Taoism, and even witchcraft and Buddhism can all be started quickly. Compared with other practitioners, it can even be said to be a smooth journey.

Lei Jun has a wide range of interests and hobbies, and is interested in understanding and researching all aspects of Taoism.

 But as far as his own practice is concerned, he has no intention of being distracted.

Well, perhaps it can be said that in this regard, Taoist Lei is somewhat like the red flag within the wall that does not fall, but the colorful flags that flutter outside the wall...

Taoist Fu Lu sect’s practice continues to deepen and he is constantly having new fun, which makes him forget to leave.

Lei Jun silently circulated his own magic power, with him as the center, and light began to flow from this moment.

 Mana is not like the previous yin and yang that are intertwined but distinct, but present a balanced and even trend.

But wherever Lei Jun’s thoughts move, yin and yang change according to his heart.

 This characteristic was already reflected after he was promoted to the Yin-Yang Holy Body, and now it is even further.

Lei Jun's eyes flickered slightly at this time, and mysterious talismans condensed in the air.

The talisman's brilliance is mysterious and inexplicable. It is neither dazzling nor dark, but bursts of thunder can be heard from it.

As Lei Jun's thoughts moved, the talisman unfolded further, revealing the appearance of the Five Elements and Five Thunder Talisman Array.

 But there is no distinction between yin and yang.

 Or to be precise, Yin and Yang have been completely integrated into one, and it is no longer the combination of the Yin Five Elements and Five Thunder Talisman Array and the Yang Five Elements and Five Thunder Talisman Array.

 As a result, while the power of thunder method has greatly increased, the changes have also become richer.

If the Yang Thunder Dragon is cultivated, the Yin Thunder Dragon can coexist... Lei Jun understands clearly.

 Generally speaking, monks from the Fulu Sect in the seventh heaven realm only practice one kind of magical power.

There are very few people, especially Tang Xiaotang, who, besides cultivating the Yin Fire Tiger, can also cultivate another type of Yang Fire Tiger, which is based on her pure Yang Immortal Body.

 The Pure Yang True Fire is originally developed based on the Pure Yang Immortal Body.

To a certain extent, it can be understood that Tang Xiaotang’s own heavenly cultivation carries the Yin Fire Tiger, while the Pure Yang Immortal Body carries the Yang Fire Tiger.

Pure Yang Immortal Body helped Tang Xiaotang generate Pure Yang True Fire and Pure Yang Immortal Thunder.

But on the other hand, her second dharma image when she was in the seventh heaven realm could only be either the Yang Fire Tiger or the Yang Thunder Dragon.

Lei Jun's Liangyi Immortal Body is not as extreme as Tang Xiaotang's Pure Yang Immortal Body, and is more in the middle.

The Liangyi Immortal Body cannot help Lei Jun generate additional special powers like Pure Yang True Fire or Pure Yang Immortal Thunder.

 But as long as Lei Jun is willing, he can more freely choose another magical image when he is in the seventh heaven realm.

 And, if there is one, there are two.

No matter what method Lei Jun practices in the future, it will be easy to cultivate the corresponding power and artistic conception, and get twice the result with half the effort.

Especially since he already has the foundation of Yin Thunder in the Xuanxiao Five Thunder Method, now that he practices the orthodox Yang Thunder method, he can hope to achieve Yang Thunder Dragon and Yin Thunder Dragon at the same time.

 In the current seventh heaven realm.

 When he has already cultivated into the Life Star God.

 In other words, he has the opportunity to turn one into three.

To a certain extent, this is a coincidence. Even Lei Jun himself, if he breaks through to the eighth heaven one day in the future, it will be difficult to replicate the same path as today.

Assuming that he chose to practice the Yang Thunder Dragon as his first magical power, he can still successfully cultivate the Yin Thunder Dragon in the seventh heaven today, but he will not be able to continue to practice the Life Star God in the current state.

 But now, he has this chance to make three shots.

Lei Jun restrained his magic power and looked at himself silently, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

To be honest, when he first broke through to the Seventh Heaven, he chose to practice the Ming Gong Ren Calligraphy Ket instead of the Lei Fa Tian Calligraphy Ket. The main reason was that the situation at that time was special, and a battle with the Lin Clan was imminent, and he urgently needed to improve his personal strength.

By coincidence, junior brother Chu Kun presented Chen Fei Star Chips, which can speed up the cultivation of the Life Star God, so Lei Jun didn't hesitate and chose it directly.

 At that time, although I had some expectations for my promotion to the Liangyi Immortal Body, local conditions would not be the main consideration.

 After all, Lei Jun doesn’t know when or in what month he will be able to improve his core qualifications again, so he can’t just delay his normal practice.

 Now that I have the opportunity to shoot three times, it can be said that the fate is like this, which is very fortunate.

Lei Jun's figure appeared in the cave of Zhenyi Dharma Altar.

He came to the third floor of Zhenyi Dharma Altar and silently meditated on God.

The Lei Fatian calligraphy urn with flashing purple thunder and electric snakes slithering around emerged in the void.

The thunder light reflected Lei Jun's face into a purple color.

Lei Jun's face was calm, and behind his body, there was a black Xuanxiao Five Thunder Dharma Ru, facing away from the purple Lei Fatian Calligraphy Ruan.

 With Lei Jun as the center, Tai Chi graphics gradually reappeared.

The Taichi diagram is currently neither black nor white, with only bright or dim light flashing alternately and continuously rising and falling at this moment.

The Xuanxiao Five Thunder Ribbon is a new invention created by Lei Jun in recent years. Although as Lei Jun improves his cultivation and ponders day and night, the Ribbon has become more and more sophisticated, but for now, it is still inferior to the Lei Fatian Calligraphy Ribbon. .

But at this moment, the two thunder methods of Yin and Yang are far away from each other, and Xuanxiao's five thunder methods begin to improve further.

Lei Jun himself is at the center of Liangyi, and his understanding of the principles of heaven and earth has been further expanded.

Today, he finally has a deeper understanding of that third page of the Heavenly Book, and has the feeling that he has understood it thoroughly.

 The two rituals of creation are interchanged, and the heaven, earth, and universe are undergoing changes.

How grand and beautiful it is.

 Lei Jun closed his eyes and silently adjusted his breath to concentrate on his concentration.

 In addition to the black yin thunder around his body, purple yang thunder also began to appear at this moment.

Although it is only the beginning before he can become Yang Lei Dragon and Nine Heavens Thunder Patriarch, Lei Jun has already started to get started quickly.

 After the practice came to an end for the time being, Lei Jun, who was sitting cross-legged on the third floor of Zhenyi Dharma Altar, opened his eyes.

 He smiled, raised a hand, and flicked his fingers.

Then I saw purple thunder and lightning bursting out from it and streaking through the air, causing a large number of shining and shining Tao Yun Rune patterns to appear on the void-like inner wall of the altar.

 Senior sister, I can fully appreciate your happiness now... Lei Jun sighed leisurely.

It is not only an advantage in practicing magic and magical powers, but also has an advantage in daily practice and improving the realm of cultivation.

Lei Jun had just silently adjusted his breathing and meditated, and he clearly felt that the foundation of his own cultivation was a little stronger.

 It seems as if we are taking a step forward on the current road to heaven.

 It is difficult to reach the sky, and it is far away.

 It is a long and arduous journey to truly reach "above the sky".

Lei Jun could clearly feel that he was still far away from reaching the realm of the Eighth Heavenly Heavenly Court.

But after Gen Gu improved from the Holy Body to the Immortal Body, he could clearly feel that it was faster and easier for him to walk on this road to the sky.

 This is good.

Lei Jun nodded with satisfaction.

As long as he can continue to move forward on this path of spiritual practice with faster speed and steadier steps, Lei Jun will be happy.

As for whether they can reach the eighth level of heaven before the age of fifty like Tang Xiaotang, Xu Yuanzhen, Yuan Mi, Li Tianqing, Xiao Xueting, etc., just try your best and follow the fate.

 After all, fifty years old is the golden window period for monks in the second and third heavens, not those in the third heaven.

Lei Jun is more open-minded about this aspect.

 After all, I started on the path of spiritual practice relatively late, and I only officially entered the Tianshi Mansion when I was twenty years old.

 As long as you have your own practice goals, you don’t have to compete with others all the time.

If there is any sense of urgency, it is not based on age or comparison with others.

 But the current situation in the world is changing constantly. The higher your own cultivation level, the more you can deal with it calmly.

It is true that Lei Jun has the ability to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune.

 However, past experience has proven that as one’s own strength improves, the environment will naturally improve.

  What used to be a dangerous and unlucky fortune may now be just a fair fortune, or even become a good fortune.

To a certain extent, this is another form of turning disaster into good fortune.

Lei Jun sat peacefully in the Zhenyi Dharma Altar and continued to practice meditation.

Midway through, Senior Sister Xu Yuanzhen sent back a message:

 “Chased that Xibei guy to death.”

Lei Jun heard that the other party's tone seemed not quite right.

 Xu Yuanzhen’s voice was really not excited: “It’s Feng Yi.”

Lei Jun’s first reaction when he heard this name was...

 He is a "dead man".

This name is not unfamiliar to him.

  Previously, he was also an elder of the Chunyang Palace, the holy land of the Taoist Danding Sect, and was at the eighth level of Heavenly Infant Transformation.

In addition to the Guanlong Demon Rebellion in recent years, which severely damaged the vitality of Chunyang Palace, Chunyang Palace had already suffered a big loss during the Western Region Demon Rebellion that directly led to the death of the previous Tang Emperor Zhang Qilong from serious injuries.

In addition to the injury of the old master Huang Xuanpu, other masters in the palace were also killed and injured.

 The heaviest casualty at that time was the death of the previous generation White Tiger Elder Feng Yi who had reached the third level of infant transformation.

 After Feng Yi's death, Guan Jing took over his position and became the current White Tiger Elder of Chunyang Palace.

 At the beginning, many people from the Tang Dynasty to the imperial family expressed condolences for this incident.

Even people from Tianshi Mansion went to express their condolences.

However...did the other people in that demon chaos really die at the hands of the big demon's minions? Not to mention, Feng Yi didn't die?

 He did not die not because he survived, but because he had other motives.

 From this aspect, he is the elder of Gu Han, Wen Zhaoqian and others.


Xu Yuanzhen: "He is not the guy who hides his head and shows his tail."

Lei Jun nodded slightly, knowing why Xu Yuanzhen was not excited.

“Is there any further movement on your side on the mainland?” Xu Yuanzhen asked.

 Lei Jun: "Not yet, the imperial court is in a state of bustle after getting rid of the rebellion."

Xu Yuanzhen: "Then you should get busy first. I will look around in the East China Sea. Later, I will go to Changjie Island to have a look. If there is any big movement on the land, let me know."

 Lei Jun promised.

 After ending the contact with Xu Yuanzhen, later in the evening, news came from the ancestral court of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain:

 “Zhou Peng died.”

Chu Yu pursued Zhou Peng relentlessly and did not give him a chance to escape.

Soon other experts from the Tang Dynasty imperial family came to surround him, and finally completely surrounded the former Chunyang Palace elder who had just been promoted to the eighth heaven.

But he failed to capture him alive, and Zhou Peng was eventually killed.

 Master Yuan Mobai introduced the situation: "Unfortunately, we couldn't find Gu Han and the others."

Lei Jun: "There was no further contact from Gu Han or anyone else on Kang Ming's side."

Yuan Mobai: "The imperial court is still continuing to investigate. Chunyang Palace in Zhongnan Mountain has received news that Taoist monks from Yuexiling left Guanzhong to assist in the investigation."

Chunyang Palace is now in ruins and waiting to be renovated. The situation is no better than that of the Youzhou Lin Clan and Jinzhou Ye Clan.

Yue Xiling, as the elder of Xinke Xuanwu, is also troubled by many things.

 It’s just that the news coming from overseas this time is too shocking.

 Zhou Peng, Wang Jingfang and others were openly traitors before and could be ignored.

Although Zhou Peng's breakthrough to the eighth heaven realm is enough to indicate that there are deep-seated problems, everyone is somewhat mentally prepared.

 But Feng Yi and Gu Han exceeded many people's expectations.

So except for Yue Xiling who left Guanzhong and rushed to see Chu Yu and others, the other people who stayed in Chunyang Palace immediately took action and began to investigate the past events.

“Master, where is Shushan?” Lei Jun asked.

Yuan Mobai: "The imperial court has not informed Shushan yet, but I believe that Brother Zhang Dongyuan has already taken action."

Zhang Dongyuan is an elder of the Shushan sect of the same generation as Fu Dongsen, He Dongxing, Ji Dongquan and others.

 At the same time, he was also from the Zhang Tang clan.

In addition to the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, there were also people from the Tang Dynasty imperial family who went to the other two Daodaomen holy places to practice.

Zhang Dongyuan's cultivation in the eighth level of the Taoist Weapon Refining Sect was the most powerful representative of the Tang Dynasty imperial family in the Taoist sect, and he also played an important role within the Shushan Sect.

The Shushan sect has changed its previous closed attitude and has communicated more with the outside world in recent years. This is partly because of the famous families, but also because of the secret efforts of the imperial court. Zhang Dongyuan is one of the representatives.

But apart from that, he has a good temperament, is fair in dealing with things, and has high cultivation ability, so he is quite popular within the Shushan sect.

When the demons in Guanlong were in chaos, experts from the Shushan sect went north to aid Guanzhong. It was Zhang Dongyuan who led the team, and even brought the Qingming Sword, one of the six treasures of Shushan, to kill demons and eliminate demons. It was one of the main forces of the human monks to fight against the great demons.

 After the demon chaos in Guanlong was generally subsided, Zhang Dongyuan did not stay long. After meeting the Queen, he immediately returned to Shushan with the Qingming Sword.

Previously, regarding the Battle of Jiangzhou and the Battle of Jinzhou, mysterious masters who may have come from the Taoist Weapon Refining Sect helped the Tianshi Mansion, which aroused the attention of the Tang Dynasty imperial family, and Zhang Dongyuan continued to investigate in the Shushan Sect.

It's just that neither Zhang Dongyuan nor anyone else in the court expected that Liu Dongzhuo would help Huang Tiandao instead of the Tianshi Mansion during the suppression of the rebellion.

 Things were more complicated than expected. Naturally, the Tang Dynasty imperial family wanted to understand the situation through Zhang Dongyuan first.

"Currently, there is no more news..." Yuan Mobai was talking and suddenly paused.

His tone became a little weird: "This is..."

It is quite rare for his master to look like this. Lei Jun's eyes narrowed: "Master?"

“Chongyun, wait a moment, we’ll talk about it later, there’s something strange in Wanfa Zongtan.” After Yuan Mobai finished speaking, he hurriedly ended the interrogation.

Lei Jun frowned slightly, but soon relaxed, calmed down, and waited patiently.

Shanmen Ancestral Court and Yuan Mobai have not heard from me for a long time. Lei Jun pondered for a moment and paid attention to the situation on Kang Ming's side.

"What's going on? Could it be that the ancestral altar was not destroyed?"

Kang Ming was even more surprised.

 He suddenly discovered that the Talisman Scripture that he had originally suppressed had regained its vitality.

As time went by, the suppression of Wanfa Zongtan from a distance became more and more obvious. He could no longer draw not only high-level spiritual talismans, but even basic spiritual talismans.

But now, as he burns incense and prays to heaven, his communication with nature, heaven and earth, has gradually been restored, and no one is blocking him through the air anymore.

Kang Ming tried it out and found that the basic talisman can be redrawn.

  But there are still some obstacles to high-level spiritual talismans.

  To be precise, his broken urn and saucer failed to function.

 “Do I need to be taught again?” After Kang Ming was stunned, he gradually understood.

 The original Huangtian Zongtan of his family has indeed been destroyed.

 At the moment, it is Huang Tiandao who is establishing the new ancestral altar!

The new ancestral altar will protect Huang Tiandao monks from the wind and rain and once again isolate the influence of the Wanfa ancestral altar in the Longhu Mountain Ancestral Court.

However, Kang Ming needs to go to the new ancestral altar to bless and repair his own urn, which to a certain extent is equivalent to conferring the urn again.

In this way, he can pick up the advanced Talisman Scripture again.

Is this good?

Of course that’s good!


How did you do it?

Kang Ming's face darkened: "Uncle Zhao...Zhao Zongjie."

 According to the current statement of the court, Taiping Taoist and Qi Shuo have both died.

If there is anyone else who can re-establish the ancestral altar for Huang Tiandao, then only Zhao Zongjie, the last high-profile elder, is left.

 It’s just that, let’s not talk about how difficult it is to build a new ancestral altar, and how many natural resources and treasures are needed to support it. Zhao Zongjie himself has to give it all.

But, Zhao Zongjie is actually willing?

Kang Ming’s face was gloomy and uncertain.

Previously, there was a vague trend of division and opposition within Huang Tiandao. It was not until the head of Taiping Dao came out again that it came to an end.

And Kang Ming is the leader of Zhao Zongjie's faction.

 But now, because of this, Kang Ming has many doubts about Zhao Zongjie.

 I happily went to Qingshi Island overseas, thinking that I could quietly cultivate and hit the seventh heaven realm.

 In the end, he was almost taken over by a master from the Danding Sect.

The person who is most likely to betray him may not be his opponent Qi Shuo, but it is Zhao Zongjie who takes care of him.

But now, when Huang Tiandao is in turmoil, Zhao Zongjie actually donated himself to rebuild the ancestral altar?

Kang Ming shook his head and put his troubled mood behind him.

 What he has to consider now is, what should he do next?


Kang Ming was surprised, and Lei Jun was equally surprised.

 Later, Master Yuan Mobai finally called again:

“Huang Tiandao re-established another ancestral altar, so the Wanfa ancestral altar moved accordingly.”

Yuan Mobai's tone was also suspicious: "The imperial court also got wind of it, and it is said that it was Zhao Zongjie who did it."

 Lei Jun: "Whether Zhao Zongjie was not himself before, he is now."

 Yuan Mobai: "Yes."

  The outside world has started to change.

 Huang Tiandao's people's hearts began to stabilize again.

  The chaos in Huang Tiandao caused everyone to panic. The fundamental reason was that everyone could feel that their Talisman Sutra was blocked by the Longhu Mountain Ancestral Court Wanfa Zongtan, and they all knew that their Huangtian Zongtan was destroyed.

 This point is the basis of everything.

On this basis, the news came that Taoist Taiping had been seized and that Qi Shuo had secretly communicated with the Danding Sect, which completely threw Taoist disciples Huang Tian into chaos and made the subsequent rumors even more lethal.

 Otherwise, Huang Tiandao's environment has been difficult for so many years. The people who can persist until now, even if they don't have a blood feud with the Tianshi Mansion, are relatively tenacious and even stubborn like Kang Ming.

 The ancestral altar was destroyed, the foundation was lost, and the possibility of moving forward in spiritual practice was cut off.

At this time, coupled with the rumors that several high-level masters had problems, Taoist disciple Huang Tian felt desperate.

 But now, Zhao Zongjie donated himself and re-erected the Huangtian Zongtan, and everything immediately changed.

Compared to the rumors, it is true that the Talisman Scripture has been blocked before and will be unblocked now.

 The minds of Huang Tian Taoist disciples immediately calmed down.

 Even, some rumors have begun to circulate that Qi Shuo was actually wronged and Taiping Taoist was not taken away from him either. Both of them died fighting to protect the overseas sect altar.

Although this ending was quite tragic, it somewhat added a sense of heroism and made the remaining Huang Tiandao disciples feel like soldiers.

With limited strength, it was naturally impossible for them to launch a counterattack and overthrow the Tang Dynasty imperial family and Tianshi Mansion.

But the court's current process of wiping out the remnants of Huang Tiandao suddenly became no longer so smooth.

On the one hand, Huang Tian Taoist disciples could make new talismans; on the other hand, they had hope in their hearts and no longer despaired, and began to escape and lurk with all their strength.

 The number of surrenders decreased significantly.

These people are bent on hiding in the dark, and it is never easy to find them one by one.

“Master, disciple, remember that the establishment of the Huangtian Zongtan requires the high-gong elder to volunteer?” Lei Jun asked.

Yuan Mobai: "This is exactly what Weishi and others are confused about."

Most of Huang Tian's Taoist disciples didn't know, but Master and Disciple Lei Jun and others knew it very well.

 Taiping Taoist people were really taken away from their homes.

 Qi Shuo also secretly helped Gu Han, Feng Yi, Zhou Peng and others.

If they want to attack people like Kang Ming, who have long been the core of Huang Tiandao's middle level and can even be said to have entered the top ranks, they cannot bypass Zhao Zongjie.

 It doesn’t matter whether Zhao Zongjie is the same as Taiping Taoist or Qi Shuo, he is definitely not completely unaware.

So now, Zhao Zongjie has donated himself completely?

Even if Zhao Zongjie is still Zhao Zongjie, even if he is willing to give up his ego for Huang Tiandao, is he not worried that after donating himself, Huang Tiandao will not be a monk for three days, but will be rubbed by people in the Alchemy Sect?

It’s true that Feng Yi and Zhou Peng have both thrown themselves into the street, and at least Gu Han from the eighth level is still there.

 Perhaps Zhao Zongjie only knows about the existence of Feng Yi and Zhou Peng but not the others?

 The possibility still seems unlikely... Lei Jun shook his head slightly.

"Even if Zhao Zongjie is willing, it doesn't mean that he can transform into a sect with just a thought." Yuan Mobai also had the same doubt.

In his early years, Huang Tiandao, the founder of Shansu Lao, transformed into a sect. He was assisted by a large number of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and he emptied most of the wealth that Huang Tiandao brought with him when he left the Tianshi Mansion.

"It seems that they have been prepared for a long time." Lei Jun said: "It is true that Huang Tian Zongtan is aging, but there should still be some years before he is completely dead. If he is prepared so early, it seems that Gu Han and Zhou Peng have also made some efforts."

Yuan Mobai: "Their goal is to master Huang Tiandao, rather than treating all the people in Huang Tiandao as bodies to be reborn."

Therefore, people still consider that if the original Huangtian Zongtan becomes old, they will consider building a new one.

 The question is, who is willing to donate themselves?

“Zhao Zongjie may have been controlled by them and used it as one of the reserve materials for the new ancestral altar.”

Lei Jun took a long breath: "It's just a voluntary step... The Nascent Soul cultivator sent by Dan Ding sent him to seize his body. Can you make decisions on his behalf?"

Yuan Mobai: "As far as I know, unless the Nascent Soul monk of the Danding Sect is willing to sacrifice his own Nascent Soul, this decision cannot be made.

However, there are many wonders and wonders in the vast world, and I cannot say that this is the case. There may be some wonderful methods and special cases that we are not aware of. "

 Lei Jun: “There should also be many restrictions.”

 Otherwise, it is more likely that someone is eyeing the high-functioning elders of the Tianshi Mansion, seeking to seize their bodies through calculations without intention, and then using them as materials.

 Although it is also difficult.

Now it seems that the selection of Zhao Zongjie is more like Zhao Zongjie who is special and can make an exception.

  Unfortunately, Master Lei Jun and his disciples have no way of knowing the truth inside.

 What they can be sure of is that although Zhao Zongjie is dead, within Huang Tiandao, he can be regarded as a **** on a par with his predecessors, the founders.

 Don't worry about being active or passive, at this moment, his reputation is enough to surpass Yu Qingling and Taiping Taoist, and he can turn the tide from collapse.

Sure enough, news soon came.

Yu Shao, Zhao Zongjie's closed disciple, inherited various legacies of his mentor, including his reputation, and more importantly, inherited the new sect of Huang Tiandao. Although he did not directly become the new head of Huang Tiandao, he rose up strongly and gained prestige in Huang Tiandao. Directly superior to Kang Ming, Chen Ziyang, Han Wuyou and others.

According to the latest captured Huangtian Taoist disciple by the imperial court, due to the current tight situation, Yu Shao will not open a new ancestral altar for the time being, but will try to re-consecrate Huangtian Taoist disciples who meet the standards later.

 Due to historical reasons and environmental reasons, the Huangtian Zongtan altar can be separated from the sky, which is a very mature method for them.

 When the news came out, Huang Tiandao reunited people's hearts.

With the new Zongtan, Yu Shao, Chen Ziyang, Han Wuyou and others have the opportunity to launch an attack on the Three Heavens.

 After taking a breather, Huang Tiandao still hopes to make a comeback.

“Kang Ming, will you go to see Yu Shao?”

When Master and Disciple Lei Jun talked about this matter, Yuan Mobai asked: "His situation is a bit special after all."

 The conditions of Chen Ziyang and Han Wuyou are still unknown to Lei Jun and others.

 But Kang Ming had already gone through Wen Zhaoqian's calamity.

Because of Lei Jun, Kang Ming escaped a disaster, which was barely a blessing in disguise.

 But now Yu Shao and the new Huangtian Zongtan may still be related to Gu Han and others.

Kang Ming's departure would be equivalent to throwing himself into a trap.

 No one knew that Lei Jun saved Kang Ming.

If Kang Ming inherited all of Wen Zhaoqian's memories, then he could pretend to be Wen Zhaoqian and sneak in instead.

Ke Kangming only inherited part of Wen Zhaoqian's memory, so he jumped in rashly, and the secret might be exposed at any time.

However, if Kang Ming does not go, unless Kang Ming surrenders to the Tianshi Mansion, it will cut off the possibility of the Fu Lu Sect to continue practicing.

Of course, he now has the foundation of the Danding Sect’s inheritance.

Lei Jun will not force him to do anything in this regard.

 How to decide is up to Kang Ming himself.

 And Kang Ming’s choice is…

 Try to get in touch with Yu Shao!

He is usually cautious, but he prefers to fight hard when making important decisions, which allows him to decide the path to take in the future.

He was unwilling to leave Huang Tiandao, where he had stayed for decades, and he was unwilling to let Huang Tiandao fall into the control of those Danding sect monks.

 Having both the ambition for power and the belief in sect inheritance.

 Without the Zongtan, he was unable to compete with Yu Shao for popular support.

 At present, the only option is to bow to the opponent first.

 The rest will be discussed later.

Kang Ming finally succeeded in establishing contact with Yu Shao.

What Yu Shao said sounded quite normal, and he had great faith in Kang Ming. However, he mentioned that the current environment was unfavorable and that he needed Senior Brother Kang to be patient for the time being. Later, when the limelight has passed, he would invite Senior Brother Kang to come to the ancestral altar for a reunion. Senior Brother Kang has cultivated for the past three days, and the sect has a new high-level master.

Since Kang Ming made the decision, he felt calm and naturally patient.

However, after finishing the conversation with Yu Shao, he fell into deep thought.

 First I looked at the shadow of the dark side of the heavenly book, and then at the silent pale universe.

Then Kang Ming looked inside his body again, looking at the golden elixir that had now become one with him.

The Fulu Sect's cultivation was temporarily unable to progress, but Kang Ming did not stop his cultivation and let time pass by in vain.

Every day during this period of hiding, he never stopped.

Wen Zhaoqian's Yuanying fragments and golden elixir are perfectly integrated with Kang Ming, so Kang Ming can do things that others cannot do, and get the essence of Wen Zhaoqian's lifelong practice.

 It also allowed him to advance on the path of the Danding sect of Taoism.

Kangming closed his eyes, sat cross-legged, and began to practice quietly.

 At this moment, he was not thinking like a monk from the Fulu Sect.

Rather, the soul left the body and surfaced directly from the body, suddenly manifesting the form of Yang Shen.


Lei Jun is outside Kang Ming's retreat at the moment.

 After learning from his master Yuan Mobai that the Huang Tiandao sect was newly established, Lei Jun immediately set off and rushed to Kang Ming's side.

Kang Ming searched for a way to contact Yu Shao.

Lei Jun watched quietly.

Kang Ming contacted Yu Shao. He could only communicate with Yu Shao using the Qianli Telephone Note, but it was difficult to know Yu Shao's current location.

Yu Shao didn't see him, so he waited patiently.

 But Lei Jun is different.

 A monk from the Fulu Sect.

 The level of cultivation is lower than that of Lei.

 If the environment is not particularly complicated, then basically as long as he can contact the person, he will know where the other person is, and at least he can delineate a rough area first.


"Western Sichuan?" Deep in Lei Jun's eyes, the mysterious heaven and earth were shining brightly at this moment.

Between his eyes and between his brows, there was a vague aura, projecting into the distance.

Lei Jun raised his hand again, and this line of spiritual light fell on his Xuanxu Mirror.

Without reflection or refraction, the tiny rays of light directly penetrated the precious mirror between the virtual and the real, and then projected further into the distance.

Lei Jun nodded slightly and immediately set off for the land in western Sichuan.

The land of Western Sichuan is located to the west of Bashu, bordering the snow-covered plateau, with undulating mountains, among which there are many snow-capped mountains, so it is rarely populated and is not as densely populated as Bashu in eastern Sichuan.

 To a certain extent, it is a buffer zone between the human race and the demon race.

The big monsters on the snowy plateau have been less close to western Sichuan in recent years. They fight more with the big monsters in the southern wilderness and rarely set foot in the human world.

Shushan sect has monks who come to inspect this area from time to time, but they are not as frequent as those in Bashu.

Lei Jun arrived at the place. After searching around, his eyes brightened and he approached a snow-capped mountain.

PS: 8k chapters


 (End of this chapter)

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