Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 276: 275 One stillness and one movement, a natural opportunity (two-in-one

Chapter 276 275. One moment of silence and one moment of movement, a perfect opportunity (two-in-one chapter)

 “Pure Yang Dharma Realm?”

 Xu Yuanzhen has been in the mountains recently, busy refining something by himself.

 Hearing Tang Xiaotang’s clamor after coming out of confinement, she had no choice but to say: “Okay, give it a try.”

Lei Jun watched the battle with interest.

The eighth level of Taoist Fulu School is called the realm of Shenting. There are four scenes of Shenting. From low to high, they are the inner scene, the middle scene, the outer scene and the upper scene. It can also be called the first to fourth levels of Shenting.

If the realm of the seventh heaven is a road connecting man and heaven, then successfully crossing the catastrophe between the seventh and eighth heavens can be regarded as truly ascending to the sky.

 This was the case even when her master Li Qingfeng was still alive.

Tang Tianshi was quite interested in these ceremonies earlier, and he always felt that his face was brightened.

After a while, Tang Xiaotang's figure disappeared. She came back to her senses, glanced around, noticed Lei Jun who was still beside her, and couldn't help curling her lips: "Don't open your mouth with that poisonous mouth of yours."

 At the same time, Zhang Mu and others are also optimistic about Taoist Lei’s future.

I believe that Wei Qiyue was really here for this matter at that time.

However, as winter turned to spring, the senior sister Xu Yuanzhen, who had rarely stayed in the mountains for a while, became quiet and thoughtful again.

With continuous accumulation and development in the future, even if the Pure Yang Thunder Dragon and Pure Yang Fire Tiger cultivated by latecomers are not as powerful as the Pure Yang Immortal Body cultivators, it will still be a new and smooth path.

Kang Ming seized Shewen Zhaoqian and fused the opponent's Yuanying remnant soul and the remaining golden elixir, but it cannot be said that he became a Yuanying monk.

Chu Kun then smiled and said: "Now that you have been granted the gift, you can enter the cave of Shangqing Lei Mansion. I will give you a cushion first, so that you will not go in and go on a killing spree to completely devastate the cave."

 Shangguan Ning and Zhang Jingzhen, who were both present at the same time, nodded slightly.

Lei Jun said calmly: "It's difficult. If you just practice step by step like now, there's not much hope."

If he had been upgraded from the Yin Yang Holy Body to the Liang Yi Immortal Body earlier, there would have been a chance.

Lei Jun nodded, took the cauldron, which had been kept properly warmed before, and now handed it to Tang Xiaotang.

The Tang Dynasty imperial family naturally hoped that their descendants would join them.

The contemporary Celestial Master Tang Xiaotang has also shown no signs of accepting disciples.

Lei Jun: "According to the information obtained by Elder Chen of Shushan, Ziwei Sword is indeed in the Earth Sea where the people of Jiuli are active. However, after so many years, whether this is still the case needs further verification.

 Accordingly, the difficulty in this aspect will naturally be more difficult than that of Lei Jun.

 The current Pure Yang Talisman is the preliminary result.

Looking at Tianshi Tang and Elder Lei at the ceremony, and at Gungun, who will participate in the ceremony this year, many guests were in ups and downs.

She seemed to suddenly notice something, and looked at Lei Jun with some suspicion:

The golden exterior of the divine court gradually converged, and finally disappeared, leaving only Tang Xiaotang with golden eyebrows and hair.

 It’s just that Yuantian Mother Crystal is very scarce.

Xu Yuanzhen’s exterior scene of the Divine Courtyard is called the Deep Sky in the End.

Lei Jun smiled, waved his hand for the eldest disciple to leave, and then looked at Chu Kun: "Is something wrong?"

“I was too excited to pay attention when I first came out of seclusion, but now you seem to have changed a bit compared to before?”

Lei Jun took a look and understood: "Pure Yang Talisman?"

She had been in seclusion for a long time and had no contact with the outside world. Now she chatted with Lei Jun. When Lei Jun mentioned all the changes in recent years, she couldn't help but widen her eyes: "I missed a lot of good shows!"

 After opening it, the treasure inside shone with a faint light, like a crystal.

 In that world, golden thunder and lightning intertwined with blazing flames.

Lei Jun was just seeing her off, but the ball of light in his mind suddenly flashed, and words began to appear:

 At present, Lei Jun is passing on the third volume of "Zhengfa Zhenyi Dao Jing" to his apprentice, just like his master Yuan Mobai did in the past.

According to the long-established rules of the Taoist sect, Tang Xiaotang and Lei Jun should actually belong to her sect, but in the end they both joined other students.

Master Lei Jun and his apprentice did not pay much attention to what King Xun'an thought.

Zhuo Baojie’s face is full of humane seriousness, and he studies Taoism seriously from his master Lei Jun.

On the opposite side, the dark world closed in again, and finally turned into a black thundercloud, supporting Xu Yuanzhen from below.

Lei Jun pointed his fingers in the air.

 After the ceremony, Shangguan Ning entertained the guests who were still on the mountain.

Chukun: "What do you mean by the government?"

 Next, he continued to practice steadily at his own pace, without thinking about going out to try his luck.

 So if other people want to try to understand and learn her own method, it will be extremely difficult.

Lei Jun: "There is still a little left. Is there any need, senior sister?"

 The breath is warm and moist, and there is a strong return to the innate, and the Tao accumulation of the mother of all things is hidden deep in it.

 “The eldest disciple of Taoist Master Lei has also been conferred with a nun this year.” The king of Xun’an, Zhang Mu, who spoke, had a majestic and calm demeanor, as if he was well-educated in Confucianism, but he was a member of the clan.

Although it cannot be completely released, when fighting with the enemy, the mid-ground of the Divine Court can protect itself and provide defense for the Fulu Sect monks, but there are not many clues from the appearance.

Lei Jun retracted his hand angrily: "You brat, you have virtue."

Tang Xiaotang had no interface, seemed to have some inspiration, and remained silent in thought.

 Because Lei Jun's talisman is not derived from a special bone constitution like hers.

 Lei Jun: "Senior sister, you have been alive for nearly forty years, and I have only been alive for two years."

Lei Jun nodded: "Yes."

Tang Xiaotang's Tianhuang Pure Yang Magic Ribbon and Shenxiao Pure Yang Magic Ribbon were all created after she had reached the highest level of cultivation for three days.

If the exterior view of the Divine Court is further completed, the inner universe will grow again and be completely revealed to the outside. In appearance, it will also form a small world independent of heaven and earth.

 “I’ll go for a walk around Zhongnan Mountain.” She said casually.

The two Tai Chi figures complemented each other, and Tang Xiaotang nodded repeatedly.

Lei Jun suddenly remembered something and asked Chu Kun opposite.

Regardless of whether Lei Jun takes over the position of Tianshi after Tang Xiaotang, Taoist Lei will definitely be one of the mainstays of Tianshi Mansion for hundreds of years unless there is any big accident.

 Although the guests attending the ceremony could not see her, she was still the focus of discussion.

“I just want to remind senior sister that the date of the new enshrinement ceremony is approaching.”

Lei Jun recalled the many classics he had read while on duty at the Imperial Book Pavilion: "Yuantian Mother Crystal?"

 All light and heat are moving away, leaving only boundless loneliness and deep cold.

Just like the monks of the Fulu Sect built the Tao Palace in the fifth heaven, they built the Divine Court in the eighth heaven.

Lei Jun: "I have a chance to enter the Shangqing Lei Mansion Cave by myself."

However, in addition to having a natural talent, Tang Xiaotang also has a high level of understanding.

Although there are still many immature aspects, many principles and artistic conceptions in this world are transformed by the monk's own magical power, and they also change with his mind. When the monk is in it, as if he is in the main position, every move and gesture has great power.

With the help of this Yuantian Mother Crystal to practice, the Danding monks who have already cultivated the Tao Fetus in the Sixth Heaven will have greater hope of taking the crucial step of conceiving a baby.

 He mentioned the matter of the re-completed Tiangong Zhang list.

Zhuo Baojie's small eyes kept darting around, but his face was serious and he took it politely: "I thank my uncle for giving me the treasure."

Lei Jun thanked Chu Kun and accepted the Yuantian Mother Crystal, but he did not pass the treasure to Kang Ming immediately.

Tang Xiaotang said casually: "I'm a little curious. I haven't directly experienced the secrets of the six treasures of Shushan, but I don't have the intention to look for them. If you find them in the future, let me have a look."

The smile on her face suddenly became a bit mysterious: "Besides, I am not without any luck. If there is no light in the east, there will be light in the west. Senior sister thinks that her understanding will naturally be at ease? Let's wait and see!"

One pure gold and one darkness, one fiery and one lonely, the edges of the two small worlds touched in mid-air, and then began to squeeze each other.

Zhuo Baojie: "It all depends on Master's past teachings. Disciples will not dare to forget them in the future and must practice them quietly."

However, in the absence of interior space to accommodate and support, although Lei Jun and Tang Xiaotang have the appearance of two dragons and two tigers standing side by side in their daily practice, in actual combat they can only maintain one Dharma image at the same time.

 What he took out was a brocade box.

Although the government is short of manpower, it is not as tense as it was in previous years.

Lei Jun's tone was a little erratic: "A hug..."

Having said that, based on Lei Jun’s understanding of him, Chu Kun’s tone sounded like he was willing to take over the burden.

Zhuo Baojie: "Disciples must obey the instructions of the senior brother who leads the team. They will never run around or cause trouble to the master."

She clicked her tongue: "When I was in Jinzhou, I met Wei Qiyue once, and I said that I felt that the people in Shushan had something wrong. It turned out that she was here, but her thoughts were not obvious at that time. I can’t say that she really has a ghost.”

In recent years, while practicing cultivation, Tang Xiaotang has also been simplifying the complex and working backwards on his own magical powers. He hopes to leave a line of inheritance for his master and contribute to the collection of the Fulu Sect of Tianshi Mansion.

The half-gold and half-black sphere stirred in mid-air for a long time, and then began to gradually separate.

To a certain extent, every exterior scene of the divine court is unique.

 The two senior fellow apprentices had a few words about this, but Lei Jun didn't pay much attention to it.

 At the end, there was a huge half-gold and half-black ball left in Lei Jun's field of vision. Gold and black each occupied half, and they were constantly stirring and refusing to give in to each other.

The monks who are in the third-level exterior realm of the Eighth Heavenly Court of the Fulu Sect, when they open their own divine court exterior, it is equivalent to the first-level outer world.

 The Ceremony of Ceremony once again only serves as the supervising master.

And now Tang Xiaotang’s exterior scene of the Divine Courtyard is named Chunyang Dharma Realm by herself.

"I'm willing to give it a try, but there are still some aspects that I haven't considered thoroughly." Chu Kun didn't hide it from Lei Jun: "Let me think about it carefully."

Tang Xiaotang's thoughts jumped, and he changed the topic as he walked, muttering as he walked: "In addition to Fu Dongsen, Hong Jie, Wei Qiyue and Wang Dongchu are all the same. Shushan is really..."

 The other three subjects discussed together with Xu Yuanzhen are Tang Xiaotang and Lei Jun, as well as Lei Jun's only direct disciple, Zhuo Baojie.

Tang Xiaotang just took the tripod and saw the Yi Zhuan Qian Kun Qi inside, and nodded slightly: "This is indeed a good spiritual object." After the two chatted for a few more words, Tang Xiaotang returned to the Tianshi Palace. On the one hand, she wanted to summarize Let’s take a look at the gains from the previous discussion with Xu Yuanzhen, and on the other hand, make preparations to host the New Year’s Ceremony and the Ceremony of Ceremony later.

Lei Jun: "Let nature take its course for this kind of thing."

In terms of actual fighting methods, the most obvious manifestation is to use the inner universe or inner scene to accommodate more than one Dharma statue, and to erect two Dharma statues at the same time to face the enemy.

This does not mean that others can easily cultivate Tang Xiaotang's Pure Yang Thunder Dragon and Pure Yang Fire Tiger.

 But at least, there is a possible path.

 It is difficult to find it in Chunyang Palace, let alone the outside world.

However, Chu Kun is currently in the stage of rapid improvement. If he wants to devote himself to hard work, there is nothing wrong.

Lei Jun took the Pure Yang Talisman from Tang Xiaotang's hand, savored its secrets, and nodded repeatedly: "There are many wonderful things, many wonderful things."

She was fighting with Xu Yuanzhen at this moment. Lei Jun looked on and saw that with Tang Xiaotang as the center, a large area of ​​pure gold light spread out, occupying a huge area, as if forming a completely pure gold world.

 If we continue, I believe that high-level spiritual talismans are not far away.

 At first glance, it may not look like a mountain, but it contains spirituality, which is actually very strong.

 Lei Jun, Zhang Jingzhen and other elders assisted.


Xu Yuanzhen also did not mock Tang Xiaotang, but nodded slightly: "It's a little rough at the beginning, which is acceptable, but the important thing is that it's very spiritual."

Chu Kun took out another thing: "This time I went out for training, I didn't bring anything particularly good back to my senior brother. However, I remembered that my senior brother had some arrangements elsewhere. I wonder if this can come in handy?"

  【At the end of the day, the clouds break in the south, and the wind rises in the north. It is still and then moving, and it is a natural opportunity. 】

Lei Jun: "I missed the ceremony of conferring the urn, and I'm still a little worried about you."

When Tang Xiaotang mentioned this matter, Lei Jun's guess was that Shushan was concerned about the masters of the Waidan sect who secretly helped the Tianshi Mansion when they were concerned about the battle to destroy the Lin clan's ancestral land in Jiangzhou.

"I accept your good advice." Lei Jun said with a smile: "For this kind of thing, just let it happen and do your best."

What’s more, there are still disasters waiting in the chasm between the seventh and eighth heavens.

Lei Jun looked at the other person thoughtfully after hearing this.

 Chu Kun thought for a moment and then said: "Brother, let me think about it for a few more days."

For the monks of the Taoist Fulu Sect, although this treasure is also a rare spiritual object, it is rare and has limited use.

It's just that she was deep in thought and did not show any obvious hostility towards Tang Xiaotang at that time, so Tang Xiaotang's reaction was not clear.

Lei Jun: "It has passed the grant."

 His lineage of inheritance will definitely be a vital line of inheritance for the people of Tianshi Mansion.

Tang Xiaotang is no longer excited or depressed, and his expression is rare and calm.

 Zhang Mu sighed and said nothing.

 The confrontation was fierce but quiet.

Shangguan Ning said: "It's not appropriate to worry about this matter, just let it take its course."

Although it is still a basic talisman, it has made a good start.

 For Lei Jun, this is indeed not that rare.

Tang Xiaotang said: "Uncle Yuan may be of more use in the future. I will not refine it, but I will observe and figure it out for a while."

 Zhang Mu exhaled softly: "That's it..."

With this Yuantian Mother Crystal, his own qualifications and Wen Zhaoqian’s legacy, this step is quite simple.

 The current population of Tianshi Mansion is still very thin, especially in the middle level.

One day, when the monks further reach the realm of the Daoist Nine Heavens and the Mahayana, the scenery in the divine court will be transformed into the Mahayana Taoism, and the power in all aspects will be further improved, which is said to be that the supernatural power is close to the Tao.

 With the current Tianshi Mansion, and possibly even the current top master of the Taoist sect of the Tang Dynasty, Xu Yuanzhen, as famous as her strength is her temperament and style.

Xu Yuanzhen did not disturb the other party, waved her hand, and returned to her cave, as if she was going to continue working on her previous work of refining spiritual objects.

She once brought two people back to Longhu Mountain, who are now two other famous young masters in Tianshi Mansion, Tang Xiaotang and Lei Jun.

Tang Xiaotang and Lei Jun are like this, let alone others.

Tang Xiaotang puffed up his cheeks: "...I remember it."

 He stands on the threshold between Tao Fei and Nascent Soul, and he still needs to work hard to cross this step.

But for Kang Ming, who has inheritance from both the Fulu Sect and the Danding Sect, it is an extremely important natural and earthly treasure.

Chukun muttered: "Senior brother has always had auspicious stars, and he is a person with great luck. I believe it will not be a problem for you, and I will help him pay attention to it in the past few years."

Lei Jun handed the paper: "Wipe your mouth first."

However, Zhang Mu couldn't help but be speechless when he thought of the chubby little Taoist priest who had changed into a crimson robe at the ceremony.

 There is always an objective gap between the cultivation realms of the two sides.

Unlike his Xuanxiao Five Thunder Talisman, it started from the basic spiritual talisman Five Thunder Talisman and slowly rose up step by step.

It's not that Lei Jun wants to use the Yuantian Mother Crystal to take advantage of Kang Ming or get something from the other party, but that Lei Jun is thinking about when is the more appropriate time.

Because the monks’ own understanding of the principles of heaven and earth is adhered to, even for eighth-level monks who practice the same Taoism, the appearance of the divine court may be more or less different.

 The thundercloud expanded and became larger, suddenly like a black glacier floating in the air but frozen.

 Lei Jun: "It's just an opportunity at the moment. Whether it can be successful depends on other opportunities in the future."

 When the scene of the divine court is reached, the monks create their own small world, which is considered to be initially mature.

 But as time passed, she began to find it troublesome.

The master of transmission of this year's engraving ceremony, and also the main host of the ceremony, is Shangguan Ning.

Tang Xiaotang looked at it with great interest, and a Tai Chi diagram immediately appeared behind him, half transparent and half pure gold.

The crystal glowed softly, but the aura coming from it made Lei Jun's eyes light up.

 To use another Dharma image, it needs to be scattered and reunited, or changed.

 He took out a spiritual fruit and handed it to Zhuo Baojie.

Tang Xiaotang is most concerned about Lei Jun's recent improvement of his own bones: "Is it really the Liangyi Immortal Body?"

The other party has cultivated to the realm of the fifth heaven, and the conditions are up to standard.

“By the way, have you considered accepting the office of elder?”

 I was promoted just two years ago, and now that I am over forty-six, the time I have left is more stressful.

"Chen Donglou has really fallen?" Tang Xiaotang asked Lei Jun again: "Is the Ziwei Sword in the Earth Sea?"

Tang Xiaotang was very interested and circled Lei Jun twice: "Tell me in detail, tell me in detail."

 After completing the inner scene of the divine court, there will no longer be similar restrictions.

 Lei Jun did not hide this from her and gave her more explanations.

Lei Jun spread his hands: "If you want to retreat again, it won't be too late after hosting the ceremony."

Lei Jun: "Senior Uncle Shangguan and Senior Sister Zhang would like you to receive some relevant experience. Young Senior Sister and Master are welcome."

 The two small worlds, one gold and one black, are separated and confront each other again.

 But to the Taoist Alchemy Sect monks, it is an extremely important spiritual object, even more important than the immortal species!

I have also been busy with my own cultivation in the past two years, and I plan to wait until I have the opportunity to find out more in the future. As for whether I can find the Ziwei Sword, I will try my luck. If you are interested, little senior sister, I will pass on the sword marks to you. "

Zhuo Baojie said solemnly: "Uncle Master, I don't think I have the guts to say anything."

Zhuo Baojie: "Hey, thank you Master... Oops!"

She raised her hand, flicked her fingers, and revealed a piece of talisman paper between her index and middle fingers: "In addition to continuing to improve the four scenes of the Divine Courtyard, my main focus is on this aspect."

 And then flew out three fortune-telling channels:

  【If you win the lottery and go to Beiguang Mountain outside Zhongnan Mountain, you will have a chance to get a second-grade chance, but there may be bumps in the wind and waves, and the subsequent cause and effect will be entangled, which is auspicious. 】

The monks of the Fulu Sect take understanding and communicating with nature as their way of practice, and constantly deepen their communication and understanding with the nature of the universe. The Divine Courtyard is a concrete manifestation and structural reconstruction of the monks' understanding of the nature of the universe.

 The foundation lies in her own pure Yang immortal body.

Chu Kun remembered something and said with a smile: "By the way, senior brother, many people are now guessing whether you can reach the eighth level before you are fifty."

 The only person who set a precedent is Lei Jun.

Chu Kun nodded slightly: "It's the Yuantian Mother Crystal."

Just as he was talking, Chu Kun walked into the yard.

  It corresponds to the nature of the innate spiritual mother.

Zhuo Baojie did not correct his master's title this time, but said with a serious face: "Master, please give me your instructions."

 Xu Yuanzhen never accepted disciples.

Just as Xu Yuanzhen said, even if she had the intention to control it, there are some roads that she has walked but Tang Xiaotang has not, and the invisible difference is real.

Her golden eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she was looking ahead, as if she was thinking.

Tang Xiaotang heard that it was hoped that people's understanding could be improved from quietness to naturalness, and his eyes suddenly lit up: "Oh? I'll go and have a look later."

 As the middle scene of the divine court is completed to a higher level, the inner universe continues to grow, and the outer universe has begun to resonate and influence each other.

Tang Xiaotang smiled and said: "There is no such thing as luck. If it really belongs to you or someone else, then that's okay. Who knows that I won't have other opportunities in the future?"

“Try your luck. Even though you are unlucky, I still have to try.”

The four scenes of Shenting, the third level of exterior scenery, continue to advance, and you can get the best scenery.

For example, the exterior scene of the divine court of the previous generation Celestial Master Li Qingfeng was called the Dragon and Tiger Taoist Palace.

Chu Kun sighed: "It took a little longer than expected."

 She looked at Lei Jun in front of her with emotion: "I admit, you are indeed very lucky."

Lei Jun and Tang Xiaotang have special physical constitutions. They can rely on their physical strength to establish more than one Dharma image in advance when they reach the realm of heaven.

Of course, this does not affect her sense of existence at all.

 In the beginning, it was only in one's own body, so it was called the inner scene. To a certain extent, it could also be called the inner universe.

At the end, a Tai Chi diagram appeared behind him, with two parts alternating, half bright and half dark.

Deep inside the black thundercloud, it seems that it has transformed into the boundless, deep and lonely deep space of the universe.

A certain little bear held his head in his hands, and his straight expression was instantly gone, leaving only an embarrassed smile.

 Zhang Jingzhen said calmly: "Junior Brother Lei has no plans to recruit another disciple for the time being."

Compared to the outdoor scenery of the Divine Court, the upper scenery of the Divine Court is not only more stable and wider, but also more proactive in actual combat methods. While having both offense and defense, you can also try to forcibly capture the enemy into your own Divine Court scenery.

But it was only when the huge black cloud like a glacier came into contact with Tang Xiaotang's Pure Yang Dharma Realm that it changed again.

Tang Xiaotang seemed to suddenly remember something at this time: "By the way, you mentioned before that you got the Yi Zhuan Qian Kun Qi, do you still have any left?"

 Lei Jun: "Of course it doesn't matter, you can take control of this matter yourself."

Just as Lei Jun was appointed as an elder when he was in the fifth heaven realm.

 Lei Jun nodded slightly.

 On the opposite side, black thunderclouds reappeared around Xu Yuanzhen.

  To be precise, it is one of the focuses.

By then, there will be several more powerful spiritual talismans in the Talisman Scripture of Tianshi Mansion.

 It’s a pity that as Shangguan Ning and Zhang Jingzhen said, for such things, we can only let nature take its course.

Xu Yuanzhen, as usual, rarely participated in similar occasions.

  【Won the lottery and went to Chunyang Palace in Zhongnan Mountain for a trip, no extra gain or loss, flat. 】

  【Winning the lottery, staying in Longhu Mountain, no extra gain or loss, flat. 】

 (End of this chapter)

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