Chapter 277 276. One Sword Owl Head (two chapters in one)

Lei Jun looked at the three fortunes and felt surprised in his heart, but his face remained calm: "Zhongnan Mountain? Senior Sister is going to Chunyang Palace?"

Xu Yuanzhen said casually: "Well, let's go and take a look. I've recently learned some new things. Let's go and have a look."

Lei Jun muttered: "Sister, you are suspicious..."

 Xu Yuanzhen: "It's too early to say whether there are still people from the human world in Chunyang Palace. I just want to go over and have a look this time."

From this point of view, among the three fortunes, winning one of them means going to Chunyang Palace in Zhongnan Mountain with the senior sister... Lei Jun pondered in his mind.

The meaning of a flat draw does not necessarily mean that the trip will be completely uneventful and nothing will happen.

 But he has his own way.

Although he is not as fast as a strong martial artist, his movements and movements have huge destructive power, and the defense of both the body and the soul is extremely amazing. In an instant, the surrounding mountains and rivers were shattered, as if experiencing a huge earthquake.

 Suddenly, he saw a Taoist priest dressed in sackcloth coming out of a cave at the foot of the mountain.

 It's just that these strong winds do not leak out, but surround themselves and keep rotating, as if forming an independent small world.

 The octagonal world transformed by the Eight Views has not yet been completely disintegrated and still exists, so those trapped in it cannot escape for the time being.

The remaining seventh-level high-achieving elders of Chunyang Palace are now working hard to stabilize the current situation of Chunyang Palace under the auspices of Rong Guangchen, Guan Jing and others.

Jiang Yu: "I have never seen Zhengshuo hiding his head and tail from the sun. Even if Taoist Chen Donglou invited Taoist Fu for a while, Taoist Fu never responded."

 But Guo Ling's pure yang true fire cannot withstand Jiang Yu's pure yin black ice!

 The question is which one wins the lottery.

That was a young monk who looked to be around twenty years old at most. He was born with a majestic appearance, his face was like a crown of jade, and he was very handsome.

 According to past experience, after reaching the seventh heaven, the speed of progress of the abbot of Vajra Temple is no longer so shocking.

Comparing to the identity of the other party, the "Uncle Rongshi" mentioned in his words was pointed at the current senior senior citizen of Chunyang Palace, Qinglong Elder Rong Guangchen!

However, at that time, he was in the state of traveling far away from the body through the transformation of Yuanying, but now he has merged with the physical body and arrived in person.

Under the invasion of black ice, the former Chunyang Palace elder slowed down his movements, and it seemed that he could only get beaten.

Hearing this, Tang Xiaotang was a little moved: "Oh? What's the good news?"

However, the main function of similar methods is to achieve quick results, allowing people to quickly reach the three-day level.

Guo Ling and Zheng Dongying did not rush in at the moment, but only blocked the entrance to the mountain.

One group has a relatively large number of people, wearing monks' robes, but their style is very different from that of Buddhist disciples in the Middle Kingdom. They are from the Vajra lineage of the Western Regions.

 For a moment, Lei Jun had the urge to hold his forehead.

 The visitors were roughly divided into two groups.

 What the future holds for Suoyang is still unknown.

Zheng Dongying said: "We are Shushan Zhengshuo."

Chun Yang Palace has always deeply regretted missing Tang Xiaotang.

 But the next time he looked at Jiang Yu, his eyes became more solemn.

 At this time, they met on a narrow road. No one had manifested the form of Nascent Soul, and they were all directly fighting each other.

Jiang Yu's fierce offensive finally slowed down, and he moved to avoid the thin sword light.

 But just like the conflict between water and fire, when the water is strong, it can extinguish the fire, but when the fire is strong, the situation is completely opposite.

Having said that, Lei Jun did not walk down the mountain as struttingly as Xu Yuanzhen.

Zheng Dongying's face darkened: "Who knows whether Chen Donglou is real or fake? As far as I know, Chen Donglou has died long ago, and he was just a fake fabricated by the Tang Dynasty emperor!

What's more, even if he is true, so what? What the head brother, family master, and uncle Hong did was a great achievement, but it was just a temporary setback. How can it be compared to Chen Donglou? "

Lei Jun took a few more steps to take a look, and was surprised to find that the barrier surrounded by the strong wind was not a pure circle, but looked like an octagon.

Jiang Yu’s introduction can, to a certain extent, make up for their shortcomings.

Her sword intention is in the same vein as Wei Qiyue's, taking a feminine and agile approach, but not lacking in power, the sword light is condensed and concentrated.

 But without going deep into the earth's veins, it will be difficult to discover more in a short period of time.

After careful observation, he found that except for some changes in Beiguang Mountain, the rest of Zhongnan Mountain seemed to be peaceful.

Zheng Dongying smiled and said: "His life seems to have been very eventful, but if we really look into it carefully, he has accomplished nothing."

 Suddenly, his heart moved slightly.

That group of people did not come from the direction of Chunyang Palace, but the opposite, from north to south.

 The voice seemed unfamiliar to Lei Jun.

The Xuanxu Mirror's mirror light flips, and the dark side sheds a subtle light, further hiding itself and Lei Jun.

Shushan sword cultivator's sword attack after preparing his momentum told Jiang Yu to be on guard.

There, surprisingly, another person came looking for him.

 Due to the mass killings and evil atmosphere, the environment of the ancestral court of Chunyang Palace Mountain Gate was quite bad.

 Especially when Chunyang Palace itself is currently in poor condition.

Another monk from the Western Regions who has cultivated to the seventh level of heaven. He looks about thirty years old on the outside, but is actually younger. His expression is calm and steady, and his eyes are deep. His name is Suoyang, and he is the abbot of the Vajra Temple.

Originally, the Vajra Temple was isolated in the Western Region, and Suoyang, as the abbot, had to support the portal.

Lei Jun gradually figured it out, and stopped digging deeper on his own, instead waiting patiently.

 He looks younger than Suoyang, but his real age is much older than his appearance.

 It’s just that Suoyang and Vajra Temple have also become part of the Sumeru Vajra Department.

However, Lei Jun restrained his magic power and voice, and seemed to be integrated with Beiguang Mountain, making it difficult for Master Sangjie and Lu Jinduan to notice.

In Lei Jun's field of vision, two Taoist priests, a man and a woman, first appeared.

Later, after the demon chaos subsided and the big demon retreated, the people in Chunyang Palace left Chang'an and were able to return to the ancestral home of Shanmen.

Handling a sword like a true master of the Taoist Weapon Refining Sect, Lei Jun, a monk of the Fulu Sect, cannot do it.

  Occasionally catching the other party's omissions, it is still difficult to take advantage of it. The only way is to slowly accumulate until every drop of water breaks through.

The previous Qinglong Elder died in the Guanlong Demon Rebellion. Now the new Qinglong Elder Rong Guangchen is actually an old man. He is the senior citizen of Chunyang Palace who is even more senior than the leader Huang Xuanpu. He has been practicing in seclusion before. The Guanlong Demon Rebellion The vitality of the harem was severely damaged, so he came back to take charge of the situation.

 At the time of the demon rebellion in Guanlong, Chunyang Palace suffered heavy casualties.

That side is in the direction of the gate of Chunyang Palace on the main peak of Zhongnan Mountain.

While Lei Jun was thinking in his mind, his hand kept moving, and the edge of the Seven-Star Sword continued to cut and decompose the eight sceneries in front of him.

 Completely restoring the old appearance is destined to be a long process, but everyone in Chunyang Palace has not stopped their efforts in this regard.

 The Buddhist community in the Western Regions has been active and proactive in recent years.

 But the light of her sword continued to condense, becoming more and more intense.

Compared to Lei Jun, Xu Yuanzhen acted more casually, stopping and stopping along the way and taking his time to Guanlong.'s the Sumeru Vajra Master who was beaten by Tang Xiaotang.

 Under normal circumstances, when Taoist Alchemy monks at the same level fight among themselves, it is difficult to determine the winner in a short period of time.

If the Taoist Danding sect monks did not release the Yang Shen and Nascent Soul from their bodies, the lineage of Buddhist mudra would even have some advantages in terms of perception.

Judging from this sentence, it should be that after some changes on the Zhongnan Mountain side, there will be a chain reaction on the Beiguang Mountain side.

  …No, that’s not right. It’s not so much that they are old-hearted, but rather that maybe it’s because they are getting older that they make this last ditch effort?

Senior sister said that she had refined something, and this time she came to Zhongnan Mountain to visit Chunyang Palace to try her luck.

Stirred by the power of Yuan Magnetic, the Seven-Star Sword immediately began to pierce into the strong wind.

After the demon chaos subsided, except for the master Huang Laozhen, there were only four eighth-level monks left in the palace, so the positions of the four elders were exactly one carrot and one pit.

Guo Ling and Zheng Dongying still wanted to talk, but Jiang Yu had no intention of saying more to them.

 But because of what happened to Xu Yuanzhen, the secret was finally exposed here in Beiguang Mountain...

The two are dressed in different attires. The man is dressed as a monk from the Chunyang Palace, while the woman is dressed as a monk from the Shushan School.

 Therefore, under the auspices and leadership of these sect elders, Chunyang Palace disciples can continuously purify the dilapidated Shanmen Ancestral Court step by step, circulate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and gradually restore the old view.

 In the depths of his pupils, the Heavenly and Earthly Principle of Dharma once again flashed with brilliance.

 This is because he knew in advance what might happen in the Beiguang Mountain area and searched specifically for it, so he found some clues.

But this monk, who looks the youngest in appearance, is actually the one with the highest cultivation level among the monks who traveled to the Western Regions. The Buddhist mudra lineage inherits the cultivation level of the eighth heaven.

"!" Zheng Dongying was shocked when she saw this. She never thought that the Chen Donglou she just mentioned was actually in the heart of the mountain?

Lü Jinduan, Jiang Yu and others from Chunyang Palace picked up the Buddhist monks from the Western Regions and passed through Beiguang Mountain and continued southward to Chunyang Palace.

At present, even the master Huang Laozhen has returned to the mountain gate. Although Chunyang Palace has not yet returned to its former beautiful appearance, all kinds of evil spirits and evil atmosphere have been basically eliminated.

However, not long after they left, Lei Jun felt that there seemed to be violent turmoil in Beiguang Mountain. The ups and downs of the spiritual energy of the earth's veins actually made the entire Beiguang Mountain seem to be shaken.

This is the pure Yang true fire cultivated under the inheritance of Chunyang Palace Taoism.

 Lei Jun: "Looking forward to your results, little senior sister."

 As if completely ignoring the distance, he passed between the two people in an instant.

 Pure yang true fire can compete with pure yin black ice.

The action is light and seems to be just to ward off flies.

A monk with a seventh-level heavenly cultivation who looks very old. He is clearly Master Longjia, the elder of the Vajra Temple in the Western Regions who got a clue about the Celestial Master's Seal and went to try his luck near Longhu Mountain.

The force of the wind is quite strong, enough to crush all kinds of magic weapons. Fortunately, magic weapons of this level like the Seven Star Sword can still hold up.

Lei Jun waited for a moment, and suddenly the Heavenly and Earthly Principle of Law appeared in his eyes, flashing with light.

 And more than a handful.

 The rich sword light did not form an earth-shattering force.

"Then I'll teach you." The Taoist priest didn't make a sneak attack. After seeing Zheng Dongying turn around, he nodded and waved to her.

 But he had a guess in his mind:

He didn’t listen specifically, but still heard fragments of the conversation between the group of people opposite.

Even though he knew that this was a secret method passed down by successive abbots of the Vajra Temple, it was extremely special and only one person from each generation could succeed, Lei Jun still admired it and felt that there are all kinds of wonders in the world.

 Inside, knowing people, faces but not hearts.

The newly promoted beauty of the Chunyang Palace was shrouded in cold air at this moment, and black ice was produced, which kept freezing Guo Ling and protecting herself.

 It’s unfamiliar because the pure Yang True Fire here is still different from Tang Xiaotang’s Pure Yang True Fire. The two sides come from completely different cultivation methods.

 As mentioned before, Xu Yuanzhen and he went their separate ways and did not travel together.

Lei Jun has met Tang Xiaotang countless times.

The senior monks in the Vajra Temple suffered heavy casualties, but young Suoyang finally returned to the temple safely.

The details of the changes here are not clear, but when Jiang Yu arrived, he first saw Elder Guo, who was rumored to have died, and Zheng Dongying, who was condemned as a rebel by the Tang Dynasty imperial family.

Although it was the first time for Lei Jun to meet him in person, his reputation was quite impressive.

Soon, he discovered that the rocks were cracking in a valley in Beiguang Mountain.

Lei Jun went deep down from the cracked rock.

Lei Jun is relatively unfamiliar with this area, so he came here early to familiarize himself with the environment.

Lei Jun approached the wall, and suddenly his heart moved slightly, and a name automatically appeared in his mind:

 【Eight Scenery】

It was the woman who was born with a pure Yin immortal body, but ended up entering the Chunyang Palace. She was undoubtedly the most outstanding rising star of the younger generation of the Chunyang Palace after Yuexiling. She had successfully formed a Nascent Soul at a young age and reached the supreme level. Three days of cultivation level.

 The reason why he was able to avoid Lei Jun's own spiritual sense and the Xuanxu Mirror's detection before was precisely because of those weird Gang Feng.

 After leaving the ancestral court of Longhu Mountain, Lei Jun walked northwest, crossed the river, and headed for the land of Guanlong.

Lei Jun silently collected his whereabouts and did not specifically look at the group of people with his eyes.

Beiguang Mountain is located in the northernmost part of the Zhongnan Mountains. It is relatively remote and not an outstandingly beautiful landform.

There are two people leading the team from Chunyang Palace, one man and one woman. One looks relatively old and the other is very young.

  Gangfeng forms eight walls, sealing an independent small world.

Comparatively older, but with a youthful face and fair hair, Chunyang Gong Su Lao is Lu Jinduan, who has met Lei Jun several times.

 One hundred six. Two hundred and forty-seven. One hundred and ninety-two. Two hundred and forty-one

Lei Jun even bypassed the Chunyang Palace near the main peak of Zhongnan Mountain and continued heading north.

She likes to be active rather than quiet, but she can still maintain her calmness and temperament through her spiritual practice.

Guo Ling frowned: "I only know that this is an important place, and I was ordered to come here for inspection, but..."

Zheng Dongying didn’t need to judge whether this was a trick, or a voice sounded behind her:

“Wei Qiyue only taught you how to control your mouth, but not how to control your sword?”

Even if it is a Taoist holy land like Chunyang Palace, after the great demon wreaked havoc, the Shanmen Ancestral Court cannot maintain its former splendor.

His heart moved slightly, and he noticed that many people were approaching, including many high-level monks.

This firelight made Lei Jun feel familiar and strange at the same time.

Before entering the heart of the mountain, the Heavenly Vision and Earthly Listening Talisman that stayed outside as a warning had quietly taken effect in the dark, alerting Lei Jun that someone else was approaching.

Whether it is the Taoist Danding sect or the Buddhist mudra lineage, both the spirit and the body are equally important in practice, and they are quite unique in spiritual perception.

After a brief walk around, I didn't find any clues.

 The function here is really a cage.

He not only concealed himself and left quietly, he also left his heavenly sight and earth listening talisman on the mountain, and asked his senior brother Wang Guiyuan and third junior brother Chu Kun to transfer it on their behalf, so as to create the illusion that he was still on the mountain.

 Second-grade opportunities are relatively rare... Lei Jun thought for a while and quickly made up his mind.

 With the help of pure Yang true fire, he can withstand the freezing seal of his opponent's pure Yin black ice.

 Especially Buddhism in the Western Regions.

 In the heart of the mountain, there seems to be another world hidden.

Even Zheng Dongying, whose flying sword was already hanging in the air, did not immediately help Guo Ling.

 I say familiar because this is the pure yang true fire.

 Because Guo Ling was almost unable to hold on any longer.

However, as soon as Jiang Yu retreated, Guo Ling immediately regained his composure, and the pure yang true fire in his body immediately melted the black ice.

 The reason why the lottery was drawn is presumably because there is no risk, no loss, and no special gain.

If you continue to accumulate like this, you will soon have a shocking sword.

Guo Ling took a deep breath, and a bright and warm platinum flame ignited on his body.

 Out of the two of them, Lei Jun even arrived at Guanlong first.

Lei Jun waved the Xiyang flag, making himself seem to be one with the mountains.

Just looking at the speed of Jiang Yu's cultivation progress, we can know that although it sounds a bit dark humor for the Pure Yin Immortal Body to enter the Chunyang Palace, the inheritance of the Chunyang Palace has its own uniqueness and has never buried Jiang Yu.

 But now, Sumeru has returned, and Vajra masters have set foot in the world, making Buddhism in the Western Region a place that no one dares to despise.

Whether he loves talents or has other agendas, Rong Guangchen has kept Wang Xuan's Nascent Soul imprisoned in Beiguang Mountain for so long without being exposed.

 But a sword light suddenly flashed.

Zheng Dongying’s two sword-like magic weapons struck the black ice, but were completely unable to break through its defense.

Zheng Dongying turned around suddenly.

 But through the wisps of firelight shining through the wind wall and feeling the meaning, Lei Jun could vaguely hear a person speaking:

"Uncle Rongshi, there is no need to say more. Don't tell me that I have no interest in your so-called human kingdom. I am only interested in Gu Han's rebellious behavior of colluding with the demon clan to mess up our mountain gate. I will never associate with you and others, regardless of the relationship. How long have I been saying this, you don’t have to continue wasting your efforts, just give everyone a break!"

 In fact, they all secretly pay attention to the three holy places of Taoism.

Both of them looked solemn, Zheng Dongying asked: "Where is this place?"

 Xu Yuanzhen was fine with this: "Okay, it's up to you."

On the other side, the three monks of the Three Heavenly Heavens, headed by the successors of Buddhism in the Western Regions, are also not unknown people, and Lei Jun recognizes them all.

Although he was curious, he had a clear goal. He did not approach Chang'an, the old capital of the Tang Dynasty, but went directly to Zhongnan Mountain.

 Right next to him, there was an eminent Buddhist monk from Xumi.

Jiang Yu was unmoved: "Although Elder Hong, Elder Wei and Master Fu are all on your side, Shushan has officially comforted the ancestors of all generations and kicked you out of the gate."

 Some things may have happened, but because I was traveling with Xu Yuanzhen, the problems were put to rest.

The former Xuanwu Elder Gu Han has now been basically judged as a member of the Taoist Kingdom in the human world. He was also the culprit of the original Guanlong Demon Rebellion and the destruction of Chunyang Palace. His successor was Yuexi Ling, who had newly broken through to the eighth heaven after the demon chaos subsided.

 The two sides did not agree with each other and immediately fought together.

Lei Jun himself has used the Yin Xing changes of his own Heavenly Elements to conceal his figure since he had not left the ancestral court of the mountain gate, and used the Xuanxu Mirror to further conceal his appearance.

However, with the "cutting" action of the Seven Star Sword, after the octagonal world composed of eight scenery and winds was no longer stable, other spirituality and magic power suddenly emerged from inside.

The physical strength of the monks of the Danding Sect is even more vividly displayed when they are fighting against each other.

Zheng Dongying on the side turned her head to the other side.

 Because the defenses of both sides are too amazing.

However, when it comes to the specific speed of cultivation progress itself, compared to Tang Xiaotang and Jiang Yu, who have pure yang and pure yin physiques that take extreme routes, it is slightly less rapid.

 At the end of the day, the clouds break in the south, and the wind rises in the north...

 There were no obvious injuries on his body.

 The mana coming out of it was so bright and intense that it actually formed strands of fire in the air, with a color between white and gold.

However, his life experience was more special than that of many previous abbots of Vajra Temple.

However, the current time was not right, and it was not the time to study it carefully, so Lei Jun gathered his thoughts, and while guarding his surroundings, he considered how to cut this mighty wind that looked like a body.

She could rely on her physical toughness to resist, but just looking at the gossamer-like sword light, she knew that if she continued to struggle for a while, she would be entangled, which would be detrimental to the follow-up.

However, when the other party has not shown any obvious hostility, Chunyang Palace will naturally not lose etiquette.

There is a lot of mystery in the spirituality of Gangfeng... Lei Jun's current understanding is very high, which is rare in the world. When he comes into contact with Gangfeng, thoughts immediately appear in his mind. He only feels that this wonderful spiritual thing, with his current cultivation level, is possible. The place of confirmation.

  Master Sangye.

 The speed is so fast that it is comparable to Tang Xiaotang.

While Zheng Dongying watched Jiang Yu and warned him to contact helpers, he still tried to describe Jiang Yu's grand blueprint and wonderful prospects, and persuade Jiang Yu to also fall in love with the Taoist country on earth.

Lei Jun immediately started searching in Beiguang Mountain.

 She looked behind Zheng Dongying.

Lei Jun's Liangyi Immortal Body has the wonderful feature of carrying multiple mysteries at the same time, and its practice is balanced, and can be used in all aspects.

 But a layer of black ice suddenly appeared on the surface of the body.

 These two people are no strangers to Lei Jun.

It is estimated that the commotion was caused by senior sister Xu Yuanzhen after she went to Chunyang Palace.

 Opportunities and harvests should also be found there.

"Senior Sister, I will also go to Zhongnan Mountain to have a look." Lei Junyan said: "You go your way, and I will go mine. We will divide our troops into two groups and keep in touch."

Just as he was about to enter the mountain, his expression suddenly changed.

 Lei Jun, who was already hiding his figure, immediately restrained his magic aura even more.

Elder Baihu is still Guan Jing and is now the backbone of Chunyang Palace. The reconstruction of the Shanmen Ancestral Court is under his auspices.

Tang Xiaotang thought for a moment after hearing this: "Well, you guys are really good at picking the right time. It's a critical moment for me to develop the Tianhuang True Fire Talisman and the Shenxiao Immortal Thunder Talisman."

A thin line of sword light flew out. It seemed weak, but it was actually tough. It was not frozen by the black black ice, but instead cut through the black black ice.

Even if you know a lot about Jiang Yu, you can only experience it personally when you have a real fight with him.

 Tools, he has ready-made sharp tools at hand.

Lei Jun looked south.

The former Zhuque elder Wang Xuan disappeared, and the new one is Lu Jinduan.

When he was young, he was confirmed as the new generation abbot of Kongang Temple. He was welcomed back to the temple by experts from Kongang Temple. On the way, he was intercepted by Bailian Sect and Dakong Temple.

With a flash of purple light, Lei Jun's figure merged with the purple light of Chen Donglou's immortal species in Shushan Mountain. When his whole body transformed into Chen Donglou's appearance, seven flying swords floated around his body.

Unless absolutely necessary, Chunyang Palace does not want to move the mountain gate like Bodhi Temple.

And the female crown prince of the Shushan sect is none other than Wei Qiyue’s personal disciple and former Shushan sect elder Zheng Dongying.

 The former is Guo Ling, the former elder of Chunyang Palace whom Lei Jun once met outside the Xinhuang Tianzong Altar in the Snow Mountains of Western Sichuan.

It is Jiang Yu from Chunyang Palace.

Rather than saying it is a separate world, Lei Jun feels that this place seems more like a cage.

Senior Sister, what kind of commotion is happening at Chunyang Palace?

Lei Jun was curious.

 This made everyone in Chunyang Palace quite helpless.

However, this small world built entirely by Gangfeng is not stable.

 Lv Jinduan, the elder of the Vermillion Bird who was in the eighth heaven realm, personally came to greet him, which was considered as giving Master Sangjie face.

Shocked by the sudden change in Beiguang Mountain, Lu Jinduan continued to entertain the guests while she came over to check on the situation.

 His surname is Jiang and his given name is Yu.

 In appearance, there seems to be nothing to be beaten about.

 Generally speaking, it sounds like Master Sangye, Suo Yang and Master Long Jia and their party have just returned from the desert in northern Xinjiang and want to visit Chunyang Palace.

 Okay, Hong Jie from Shushan, Rong Guangchen from Chunyang Palace, this is an alliance of the elderly!

 I just don’t know what level Jiang Yu’s understanding is... Lei Jun couldn’t help but guess.

Wang Xuan?

Then, he discovered that there was actually a large amount of strong wind inside the mountain.

The strong wind turns into a wall, which looks like an air current and a solid body. It looks quite strange, but it contains rich spirituality and mystery.

Guo Ling and Jiang Yu are both monks in the seventh heaven realm of the Taoist Danding Sect, and they generally know each other's basics.

Jiang Yu was about to say anything when his eyes suddenly flashed.

He also lived up to expectations and succeeded in achieving the ultimate three-day cultivation level in a very short period of time.

Just before Zheng Dongying's own flying sword magic weapon continued to accumulate sword power, she had to activate two natal magic weapons to help Guo Ling rescue the siege.

One thing they are better than the original Bodhi Temple is that although the sect suffered heavy losses, there are still many masters left.

 In order to avoid exposing his whereabouts, Lei Jun is not taking much action at the moment, and is more visiting places while hiding his figure.

One of the magic swords was even frozen on the spot by black ice, making it difficult to retrieve it.

After receiving the news, Chunyang Palace sent Lu Jinduan, Jiang Yu and others out of the mountain gate to meet the guests some distance away.

Lei Jun: "I don't know yet. Let's go see Huang Tiandao's ancestral altar and try our luck on the way."

When Zheng Dongying saw this, she said "Hey", and the natal magic weapon, the Silk Sword, which was waiting for her at the side, finally flew out.

 The change between the chicken head and the cow's head is like a person knowing whether drinking water is cold or warm. Only Suo Yang's feelings and thoughts are known to him.

 She actually encountered it.

 The other team had a smaller number of people and wore Taoist robes that were black on the outside and white on the inside, exactly what the heirs of Chunyang Palace wore.

  Previously, during the Guanlong Demon Rebellion, the mountain gate of Chunyang Palace was broken down, and the survivors retreated into Chang'an City to hold on.

 Looking at the direction, we are coming from the north of the river.

Lei Jun just felt a little strange in his heart, which seemed to be due to something strange in the direction of the spiritual energy of the mountainous area.

Zheng Dongying's silk sword turned into a strand, and before she had time to block it in front of her, the light of the sword had already passed by her neck.

 A big head flew directly into the air!

 (End of this chapter)

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