Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 278: 277 Second-grade opportunity, the foundation of the divine court (two-in-one

Chapter 278 277. Second-grade opportunity, the foundation of the divine court (two-in-one chapter)

The monks who have reached the seventh level of the Heavenly Elixir Realm of the Taoist Weapon Refining Sect have completely shed their mortal bodies. For example, Zheng Dongying’s current physical appearance is the result of the transformation of her own immortal soul.

 Being decapitated does not necessarily mean death.

But whether it was her head that flew into the air or her body that stayed in place, they could no longer maintain this moment. Instead, they seemed to be unable to withstand some kind of force and disintegrated and exploded from within.

As it drifted away, there was a faint sound of thunder and fire, exploding and burning Zheng Dongying’s fairy soul.

 Suffering from this subsequent impact, his immortal soul was no longer able to be maintained, and was wiped out on the spot, and his soul was scattered.

On the contrary, the sword light that flew out had a vague appearance of separation in mid-air.

 The quality of the projectiles is unquestionable.

Lei Jun: "Sister, do you sound a little disappointed?"

Although Chen Donglou is missing, at this distance, he can fly out and strike at him at any time with his sword.

 Inside the mountain, Lei Jun ignored Jiang Yu and Guo Ling outside for the time being.

“It’s also not easy for you to contact Fu Dongsen.”

The Dao Kingdom in the human world has far-reaching implications. The master uncle of our sect and the junior masters and mentors are all concerned about this matter. I wonder if you can invite Elder Chen to come to our Chunyang Palace to discuss related matters? "

 He came out of the mountain and did not leave immediately. He looked towards the south.

Although Guo Ling was not the target, he couldn't help but feel chilled at this moment and did not dare to act rashly.

Compared to concentrating on saving up and then releasing the sword, Lei Jun's sword seemed light on his face just now, and his accuracy at close range was not a problem, but the power had not yet reached its peak.

After Lei Jun left Beiguang Mountain, he did not remove Chen Donglou's disguise and only hid his body.

 With one addition and one subtraction, the elder Chunyang Gongrong slipped away.

Therefore, Wang Xuan ignored his own weakness, straightened his expression, and asked directly: "Uncle Lu, how are you doing, Master Master? Where are Rong Guangchen and Gu Han?"

Lei Jun himself is claiming to be the successor of the Ancient Talisman Sect in the Dark Side Universe of the Book of Heaven.

For monks in this monastic world, after they have passed the plateau age and entered the decline period or what can be called middle-aged and old age, there is almost no possibility of improving their realm. They are lucky to work hard to maintain their status and not regress until they enter the final stage of twilight. It would be difficult to maintain the state, and it would be doomed to take big steps backward or even fall off a cliff.

But for the Taoist kingdoms in the world, Rong Guangchen’s experience is a good example of his own experience, attracting people to further explore the secrets of the Celestial Palace.

 “He has returned to youth again.” Xu Yuanzhen’s voice was no longer listless at this moment, but showed a bit of smile.

Rong Guangchen "returned to youth" in front of everyone and came out of Chunyang Palace.

 The palace of the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

 Similar thoughts, he did not express them aloud, and turned to look at Jiang Yu.

The strong wind dissipated, and a ray of Nascent Soul brilliance suddenly appeared from it.

Her voice sounded a little regretful at this time: "I admit, I made a mistake this time."

“Sister, do you think the Heavenly Palace has completely become history?” Lei Jun asked: “Are there any people who were in the fairyland still alive?”

Xu Yuanzhen: "Well, it's a bit..."

Lei Jun, who looked like Chen Donglou, looked disgusted. He picked and picked, and finally selected a flying sword. He flicked it with his finger: "Follow them, what are you doing?"

 He still looked like Chen Donglou, and his target was again set on the Eight Sceneries in the middle of the mountain.

 Lv Jinduan watched "Chen Donglou" disappear and shook his head slightly.

 It’s more like being separated by something in the middle.

As for saying that there is almost no possibility of further progress in the middle and old age, it is because there have been a handful of special cases in history.

With this treasure, even if the Feijian Chuanxin of Zheng Dongying, Liu Dongzhuo and others were robbed from the outside world, it would be difficult to find the whereabouts of Fu Dongsen based on it.

Lei Jun: "Perhaps only Rong Guangchen was exposed this time, but Master Huang is still hiding it very deeply."

Guo Ling's face turned black, but he really didn't move rashly.

 Lv Jinduan was shocked, but his expression remained calm: "...Uncle Rong?"

As a monk of the Fulu Sect, Taoist Master Lei is not familiar with the sword-controlling skills of the Weapon Refining Sect.

  The Queen’s brows spread out and she pondered quietly.

“The mastermind behind similar stories may be the one who looks more conspicuous, but he may not be the one. Senior sister, you don’t need to pay too much attention.” Lei Junyan said.

 It is of limited help to his current cultivation on the road to heaven.

 In addition, he also reported the names of two more elders of Chunyang Palace in the seventh heaven realm.

To a certain extent, Jiang Yu, a fellow disciple, is the nemesis of Taoist Danding sect monks like Guo Ling.

As the news spread, the already uneasy Tang Dynasty became even more turbulent.

Seven rays of sword light flowed around, pulling the Gangfeng to reunite, and were finally compressed together, as if condensed into a ball of light.

 In this case, he didn't know who to trust.

 After all, what he used this time was not a sword pill, but the magic flying sword that Chen Donglou used throughout the world.

 But on a completely different path.

 After a moment, Lei Jun regained his free thoughts.

Rong Guangchen is the senior elder in Chunyang Palace, even a generation higher than Huang Xuanpu, Lu Jinduan and Guan Jingdu.

 Essentially, this is an upgraded version of Yuanci Jianwan, except that the sword pill is replaced by a flying sword.

 For Bajingfeng to play its role, he must first lay a solid foundation and make preparations for his own cultivation.

 Once raw, twice ripe.

Wang Xuan was stunned when he saw the Shushan Taoist priest in linen clothes in front of him: "You...Chen Donglou? Are you not dead?"

"Chen Donglou" stood proudly in the mountains. The famous Seven-Star Sword was splitting and rejoining around Chen Donglou's body, suspended in mid-air. The sword's light was so sharp that not only did Guo Ling dare not move rashly, but even Jiang Yu was afraid for a moment. Stay where you are.

Did you expect that you were staring at Huang Xuanpu, the headmaster of Chunyang Palace? Lei Jun immediately guessed what the other party was thinking.

 First of all, Rong Guangchen made her a little unmotivated.

  But it is enough.

 The Queen sat calmly at the table and reviewed the memorial.

Lei Jun did not expand it again, but just silently understood the Tao Yun in it.

 Seeing "Chen Donglou", the old Taoist priest also had a strange look on his face.

 The flying sword was flicked by him, and the sword's light circulated, but its main purpose was not to attack.

But when he has completely perfected his practice in the realm of Tongtian, made all preparations, and started to attack the disaster in the chasm between the seventh and eighth heavens, these eight scenery and winds can play a huge role and help him.

 In the literal sense, there are only a handful of them, and each one has left its name in history. The legend is no less than that of the unparalleled geniuses of Aoxiao in ancient and modern times. They are extremely rare and do not have universal reference significance.


If you calculate it this way, doesn’t it mean that the Heavenly Palace is still there? "

 The old capital Chang'an.

Lei Jun waved again, and some of the objects left by Zheng Dongying floated in front of him.

Xu Yuanzhen's voice sounded a little erratic: "Well, I know it too."

Lu Jinduan took a deep breath, and then said: "Brother, the head master is in the palace. You and Jiang Yu, go back with me."

At this time, Jiang Yu had frozen Guo Ling with black pure Yinxuan ice and looked towards the south.

Guo Lingdu has just paid it back. The matter between Wang Xuan and Rong Guangchen is not trivial. Seeing "Chen Donglou" say this, Lu Jinduan stopped talking. He took a deep breath and said, "If our sect has any news about Fu Dongsen and others, , or you can inform your friends. Correspondingly, if Chen Daoyou has news about Gu Han and the others..."

He has undergone special training, using the main sword as an attack, and the auxiliary sword with a little dark side effect of the Book of Heaven.

 In any case, it is a good thing that this king is not a member of the human world or an enemy.

 Xu Yuanzhen: "That's not necessarily true. It's possible that Rong Guangchen took advantage of the loophole."

He was able to practice the three major Dharma images at the same time in the seventh heaven. To a certain extent, he used the Liangyi Immortal Body to block the gaps in the Tao Yun, and then he blocked the gaps in the Liangyi Immortal Body.

 The situation has been clear in the previous direct confrontation.

 There are of course problems.

 After hearing Xiao Xueting’s report, the Queen frowned slightly.

 For Lei Jun, it is a perfect treasure.

Even if Xu Yuanzhen tells him now that Huang Xuanpu is no longer the original, he will not be particularly surprised.

After the Kaiyang sword light flew out, the other six swords were hanging in the air, splitting and reuniting. The sword intent flowed and surged, covering up Lei Jun's two Liangyi Tianyuan Falu, which were used to condense the power of magnetism.

While Jiang Yu was contacting Chunyang Palace, black black ice appeared around his body and spread towards Guo Ling: "Give up the useless resistance, you can't leave anymore."

 This is a rare opportunity, but it only serves those who are well prepared.

It seems to be divided into two, but also seems to merge into one, one bright and one dark, like two stars coexisting.

 So this cannon was fired with full speed and destructive power, but Lei Jun could not control the flying sword as flexibly as the real Chen Donglou or Wang Dongchu, Zheng Dongying and others, like using his arms and fingers.

"Chen Donglou" said: "If you have news about Fu Dongsen and others, just inform Xiaoding directly. As for Gu Han and others, let's talk about it later."

 In a one-on-one situation without other helpers, it is difficult to fight and even run away.

 I just hope that something unexpected happens here and Rong Guangchen is not alarmed, causing him to suddenly break out and hurt others. "

 After ending the call with Xu Yuanzhen, Lei Jun thought for a moment.

What's more, there is another arrangement at the Xinhuang Tianzong Altar in Xueling, Western Sichuan.

"Chen Donglou" stood with his hands behind his hands: "I heard that Chunyang Palace has recently accepted a disciple of Pure Yin Immortal Body. Is it you?"

At the side was Jiang Yu. Although she was arguing with Zheng Dongying just now, she also had doubts about the reappearance of Chen Donglou, who had disappeared for many years.

 But the Seven Star Sword left by Chen Donglou was a set of seven.

What’s more, there is also a powerful enemy like Jiang Yu.

But it doesn't matter for the moment, Kaiyang's sword is nailed to the ground as a warning, so that Jiang Yu and Guo Ling don't dare to act rashly.

  Lei Jun mused: "When relevant news comes out, you can see other people's reactions."

  But he has his own metamagnetic "swordsmanship".


 After saying that, he flicked the sword light again. The sword light flickered, disappeared on the spot, and immediately flew into the distance.

Hong Jie, the Supreme Elder of the Shushan sect, who was of the same generation and similar in age, did not have such good luck.

 Because of his previous destruction, the Eight Sceneries no longer looked as coherent as before.

However, among his peers, Rong Guangchen was not particularly early in his career, so his current age has not yet reached the twilight stage of a three-day monk over 600 years old, but he is already in the middle-aged and elderly stage beyond 400 years old.

This is not because the Tao Yun is deficient, but rather because of the miraculous fate and the great development of the 49, leaving one of them unused.

 This kind of people are often called old trees sprouting new sprouts.

 As the brilliance circulated, it barely gathered into a human shape, but it looked as blurry as water waves and unstable.

"have no idea."

  二a Zero Two: Five Eight Seven: b Zero c: d Seven a Two: Five a Seven b: Three Nine Four Seven: Be Four: Six ddd

With that said, he walked away.

  It was also him who took the blame for Gu Han during the Guanlong Demon Rebellion.

There, Lu Jinduan's figure appeared, rushing towards this direction.

 Under normal circumstances, the traces left behind by the condensed power of magnetism and the flying sword flying out after attacking the opponent may give clues to the opponent if someone carefully examines it.

But it doesn’t matter.

The Kaiyang sword inserted in the distance like a boundary monument rose automatically, flew back to "Chen Donglou", merged with other sword lights, and then disappeared.

 So strictly speaking, the Seven Star Sword currently has eight flying swords in total, not seven.

Nü Guan had calmed down at this time. When facing "Chen Donglou", she was neither humble nor arrogant, giving a Taoist look.

Lei Jun frowned slightly after hearing this.

After Kaiyang's sword light killed Zheng Dongying, it continued to fly forward, passing Jiang Yu and Guo Ling behind, and landed on the ground, cutting the mountain ridge from the center. The sword light was nailed to the ground and filled with cold air, like a boundary monument. Stopping.

 A little adds up to a lot.

But I don’t know if the lie will come true this time...

 At this time, Jiang Yu, like Zheng Dongying and Guo Ling, was shocked.

 It is the sixth sword among the Seven Star Sword, the Kaiyang Sword.

After looking for a relatively stable and secluded place, Lei Jun stopped and then tried to contact senior sister Xu Yuanzhen.

 “Actually, that’s fine too.”

Taiyi Xiantian Tower, which absorbs stars and changes the moon, and moves the void, is indeed worthy of its reputation... Lei Jun nodded secretly.

It is a pity that his Nascent Soul was too weak after a long period of wear and tear, and not only failed to break out of the siege and imprisonment of the Bajingfeng, but even because Lei Jun left earlier, the Bajingfeng had a tendency to gradually re-close.

"Chen Donglou" said: "There is no need to say more polite words. The eight scenery here is good, I will take it. As for the internal affairs of your Chunyang Palace, you can handle it yourself. I have already said that the return of Shushan In Shushan, those who are pure Yang return to Chunyang.”

 After saying that, he turned around and entered the mountain again.

 As more and more similar clues and experiences become available, quantitative changes will eventually lead to qualitative changes.

Xiao Xueting, who was wearing light armor and not worthy of a weapon, came to the audience at this time.

 “Elder Chen’s face was very polite to Jiang Yu in Chunyang Palace.”

 Xu Yuanzhen answered simply: "However, I am very interested."

Although there are still some mistakes, the overall effect is good... Lei Jun nodded secretly.

“Good thing, no wonder it is said that even if there may be some subsequent entanglement of cause and effect, a lucky draw will still be drawn.”

 Many thoughts diverged in my mind, and then converged again.

 Lei Jun understood clearly after hearing this.

Xiao Xueting stood aside quietly, waiting for orders.

Even if you want to work hard, it is difficult.

However, when Xu Yuanzhen mentioned Rong Guangchen, he used the term "returning old to youth?"

“He received the talisman edict from others, which probably originated from the so-called Heavenly Palace.” Xu Yuanzhen said: “In other words, he has a legal position in that Heavenly Palace.”

 This gentleman, like Gu Han, was the best among the Mesozoic masters of Chunyang Palace before, and he can be regarded as a representative figure.

Lei Jun: "Yes..."

Lei Jun: "So, he is temporarily not subject to age restrictions and can regain his peak state in his prime? Or even a higher level of cultivation?

 Judging from the information currently available, Rong Guangchen’s situation should be a special case.

 Lei Jun’s research and attainments in this area are different from others in the world.

“Where did you hear these miscellaneous things?” Xu Yuanzhen asked: “Those stories you told Xiaotang before?”

Xu Yuanzhen: "This trip is not without any gains. There is something interesting about Rong Guangchen."

 Because in a sense, this cultivation strength no longer comes from himself, but from receiving the Tiangong Talisman?

 For the Taoist monks of the seventh level of the Alchemy Cauldron, although these eight landscapes are important treasures, they still have a limit.

Wang Xuan sighed: "As far as I'm concerned, the situation won't be worse if it doesn't take more than this moment.

 “Rong Guangchen.” Lei Jun and Xu Yuanzhen checked the information.

When this sword was first made, it was a pair, one master and one auxiliary. The sword light was bright and dark, and could be separated or combined.

But Rong Guangchen’s situation this time is a bit special.

 Similar to people and things, the threat in the dark is far greater than in the open.

 He took out a ball of light.

However, strictly speaking, it is distant water, or water at medium and short distances.

Although the external defense of Danding monk's golden elixir was strong, Guo Ling knew that if he was hit by the power of the sword just now, his situation would be no better than that of Zheng Dongying, and he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

To a certain extent, he even trusted Chen Donglou of the Shushan sect, who had no children but always advocated freedom and ease, more than his own sect.

"Chen Donglou" said suddenly: "Fu Dongsen, you are a good Taoist sect and don't work hard. Instead, you hope that the Heavenly Palace will give you the urn. If you hope to restore the ancient times, how can you carry on the past and open up the future?

Shushan has lost all its face to you!

I asked you to come to see me and you don’t come, so don’t blame me for being rude. I will kill one of your people and chop two of them to death. "

Wang Xuan said solemnly: "I was first attacked by Gu Han and lost my body in a double attack with the big demon. Then Yuan Ying escaped and met Rong Guangchen. I thought I could ask him to uphold justice, but unexpectedly he was actually the mastermind. As a result, He suppressed Nascent Soul and imprisoned him here."

The spiritual connection between you and him does not break off as the distance becomes farther.

As soon as there was a leak in this "cage", Wang Xuan, who was suppressed inside, immediately launched an attack, hoping to escape from it.

  As a second-grade opportunity mentioned in the middle and upper lot, this spiritual object deserves its name.

 "Chen Donglou" said: "Master leads me in, and cultivation depends on the individual."

Lei Jun paid attention secretly and noticed that the sword light disappeared into the void.

 Finally, the special wind wall composed of eight scenery winds finally collapsed.

 His eyes turned to scan Jiang Yu and Guo Ling.

With the influence of the immortal purple light, he imitated Chen Donglou's tone and sent a sword letter to Fu Dongsen, but Lei Jun ignored him.

“Elder Chen said that juniors should practice hard day and night and dare not slack off.”

He is not as gifted as Kang Ming or as lucky as Chen Yi, and he is the inheritor of both traditions at the same time.

However, for Rong Guangchen personally, whether this is a pie in the sky or a trap in the sky, I am afraid we have to wait and see the follow-up, and it is too early to say at the moment.

At such a close distance, the light of Kaiyang's sword has stopped. At this time, Lei Jun wants to recall the flying sword slowly, and it is very easy. Of course, he is doing the whole show and is not in a hurry for the moment.

 The reason why Lei Jun chose the Kaiyang Sword was because of its dual-star characteristics.

Lei Jun waved his hand, and the Seven-Star Sword launched a combined attack, and immediately started cutting against the Eight Scenery Winds again.

 At this distance, it is difficult for him to dodge or escape.

 Lei Jun nodded slightly.

 This craft is something that Taoist Lei is quite familiar with.

For the seventh-level monks of the Taoist Fulu Sect, the Bajingfeng is the boat that helps the monks survive the disasters in the chasm between the seventh and eighth heavens, and at the same time helps build the eighth-level divine court.

 Then Rong Guangchen received the Tiangong Fu Zhao and his strength exceeded expectations.

 Anyway, the Sunset Red Alliance...

After listening to Jiang Yu roughly describe what she saw and heard, Lu Jinduan looked at Wang Xuan again: "I can roughly understand the worries in your heart. Right and wrong, we will find out this time. But before that, Wang Xuan, I’m going to wrong you for a while longer.”

As he spoke, he looked at Lei Jun, who looked like Chen Donglou, and said, "Fellow Daoist Chen, I haven't seen you for many years. How are you doing?"

"Chen Donglou" said nonchalantly: "Shushan is Shushan, and Chunyang is Chunyang. You should clean up your own affairs first before talking about anything else."

Lu Jinduan was even more surprised when he saw Wang Xuan's Nascent Soul floating out of the mountain. "Uncle Lu..." Wang Xuan looked at the other person for a moment, then sighed after a while.

Lv Jinduan nodded, and then said to Jiang Yu: "Keep an eye on Guo Ling."

The sword light flew in separate directions, erasing any traces of the magnetism that might have caused suspicion on the spot. However, the sword light was too fast, so neither Jiang Yu nor Guo Ling could find it.

Lei Jun looked at his newly harvested Eight Sceneries and nodded.

As for Wang Xuan’s life, death and thoughts, it remains a mystery to this day.

The human form looks like a middle-aged Taoist priest, who is exactly the former Zhuque elder of Chunyang Palace in Lei Jun’s impression, Wang Xuan.

 In other words, he does not know how to handle a sword conventionally.

But now he couldn't see through Lei Jun's disguise either. He was just shocked when Chen Donglou reappeared: "You're not dead?"

It was not until later that the affairs of Feng Yi, Gu Han and others were exposed, and the affairs of the world and the country gradually became apparent, did part of the truth come to light.

It's the Shushan sect's Flying Sword Chuan Shu.

Jiang Yu glanced at Guo Ling beside him, who was neither advancing nor retreating, and said: "This person, I hope Elder Chen can temporarily spare his life, and allow the junior to take him back to Chunyang Palace for interrogation.

Although it is a strong wind, it seems to be condensed and formed at this moment.

Jiang Yu’s magical powers are extremely good at catching people alive.

 Jiang Yu: "Yes, great uncle."

 But under the current situation, he has no more choices, and it is difficult for him to have a worse outcome.

 After a while, she asked Xiao Xueting: "How is Chunhui and Meng Shaojie doing? Have you contacted the monk who calls himself the Ancient Talisman Sect again?"

It is the interweaving of eight scenery and winds.

 Now that he has gathered the power of magnetism, it is almost at his fingertips.

 “What if not?”

"Chen Donglou" put away the light ball and magic sword: "On your side, you only have this breath left, so save it."

Although he took away the Kaiyang Sword and disappeared, Guo Ling still did not dare to act rashly for a while.

 He and Chen Donglou had met face to face more than once in the past. Although they were not good friends, they were far more familiar with Chen Donglou than Guo Ling and Jiang Yu.

On the one hand, he was shocked that Chen Donglou really reappeared in the world, and on the other hand, he was also awe-inspiring because of the power of the sword just now.

“Has Rong Guangchen received the imperial edict?”

 He was in a happy mood, but soon calmed down.

Lei Jun waved his hand again before these strong winds started to cause mischief.

Jiang Yu: "The younger generation is not advanced in learning, please ask Elder Chen for guidance."

  Xiao Xueting: “Not during this period.”

The Queen nodded: "Give Meng Shaojie the Twenty-Eight Rhymes of the Stars and order him to pass it on."

 (End of this chapter)

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