Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 296: 295 Elder Lei spoke with great force (10,000-character words)

Chapter 296 Chapter 295. Elder Lei speaks with great force (10,000-word chapter)

The Three Treasures of the Heavenly Master finally all returned to the gate of Longhu Mountain, and Lei Jun was also very happy at this moment.

 Stop, stop, you can’t celebrate early at halftime... Lei Jun calmed down.

 The current situation in the earth line is complicated, and it is not a place to stay for a long time.

 We will talk about everything after returning to Longhu Mountain.

Where Lei Jun was thinking, the nine-color robe on his body peeled off and began to turn into flowing light, which he restrained.

During this process, Lei Jun discovered that there were still streaks of golden light on the Celestial Master's robe, like light and mist, still wrapped around the Celestial Master's robe.

 He was curious about the reason, but he suppressed it for the time being.

 The Liangyi Immortal Body comes into play, and as the mana flows, a Liangyi Taiji Diagram appears that is transparent and flashes a faint light.

 The map turned around and converged the Heavenly Master's robe and the faint light entangled in it.

When Monk Faqing was leaving, Lei Jun gave a Taoist greeting: "Master, go slowly. I hope we can meet again by fate."

 The eminent monk of the Sumeru Vajra tribe who was looking for someone whispered the name of the Buddha in a low voice.

Master Renzhu is already quite familiar with Nanminglihuo, who was born.

 When he secretly returned to the Tianshi Mansion safely, both Yuan Mobai and Monk Faqing breathed a sigh of relief.

He had just fought against Hong Jie not long ago, and he immediately recognized that the opponent's natal magic weapon, Yan Jing Leng, was working wonders.

The area around this area should be the area that the Yushu people had informed him about before.

Then, the Liangyi Taiji Diagram appeared silently above his head.

 Fu Dongsen?

 Gu Han?

 Or who else?

Master Renzhu shook his head slightly and continued to search.

The other person nodded with a smile, and the sound of the Buddha singing Zen floated away from the mountain.

If the man on the rain tree was alert, he would have a chance to escape. It would be difficult for Hong Jie to kill him on the spot.

 His eyes glanced left and right, wary, and his eyes were solemn.

  Something may have happened to the people on the rain tree.

Lei Jun: “This really couldn’t be better.”

 But Master Renzhu still had an ominous sign in his heart.

 But there was still no one on the rain tree.

 Yuan Mobai and Lei Jun, master and apprentice, expressed their thanks verbally.

 Until, other people come to this area.

But if it is true as what the people in the rain tree said, and Hong Jie has other backup from the human world, then the outcome is hard to say.

“Taoist Master Lei has returned, and the poor monk can say goodbye.” Monk Faqing first put his palms together as a salute.

 The power coming out of it is mysterious and has signs of triggering the Ten Thousand Dharma Sect Altar.

 Then the shape of Liangyi disappeared in mid-air.

Master Renzhu’s gaze fell on the roaring torrent of earth energy in front of him.

 But she had already been injured first.

Although communication in the leyline is inconvenient, there is often a loss of news, and it is normal to be disconnected for a while.

I tried to contact the people in the rain tree again, but there was no news.

 In terms of cultivation strength, Hong Jie is naturally above the others in Yushu.

As for the current situation in the North Branch of Longhu Mountain underground, he has no plans to join in the fun.

Even though she is wearing the robe of a heavenly master, Hong Jie is more interested in protecting herself.


 But after searching, Master Renzhu found neither the Yushu Master, nor Hong Jie, nor the Tianshi Robe.

Yuan Mobai looked as usual, with a warm smile, and nodded: "As you said, Chongyun, we can meet again if we are destined."

With no harvest for a long time, his ominous premonition was confirmed.

 The Master Renzhu, who looked like a middle-aged monk and had a majestic appearance, appeared.

The people on the rain tree are really in danger...

Lei Jun watched the golden Buddha's light disappear from the sky, then turned to look at his master.

 In the dim underground, only the torrent of spiritual energy that surges and roars like a long river continues to surge.

Lei Jun's figure also disappeared.

Lei Junze has quietly returned north and returned to Longhu Mountain.

Master Renzhu expanded the search scope.

 Finally, somewhere in the earth's veins, traces of the power of the Taoist magic weapon were found.

Yuan Mobai's eyes lit up and he had already fixed the Wanfa Sect Altar so that it would not change for the time being.

 Then he saw nine-colored brilliance flashing in the Liangyi Taiji diagram.

 “Chongyun?” Yuan Mobai looked at Lei Jun.

Lei Jun: "The three treasures of the Heavenly Master have all returned to the mountain now. The ancestors of all generations are here. Our disciples finally have an explanation."

Yuan Mobai didn't say anything when he heard the words.

The warm smile on his face faded a bit, and his expression rarely seemed a little emotional, as he looked at the nine-color brilliance in trance.

 After a while, Yuan Mobai came back to his senses, looked at Lei Jun again, and said slowly: "Chongyun, you did a good job."

Lei Jun: "The treasure has a spirit and is tied to Longhu Mountain. Due to the turmoil in the ancestral court of the mountain gate, he returned to the mountain to protect the Dharma. It was just a coincidence and I really don't dare to take credit."

He took out the Celestial Master's robe and temporarily suppressed the release of the spiritual power in it, so only the master and the disciple who were currently in the altar could see it.

Although the Celestial Master's robe has returned, Lei Jun decided to keep the news secret for the time being and only a few people know about it.

 On the one hand, it is to keep a few more trump cards for the Tianshi Mansion in case of emergencies.

On the other hand, Hong Jie and Renjian Daoguo have already taken the blame, so we might as well ask them to continue taking the blame for a while.

“There is another matter, Master, please refer to it for details.” Lei Jun said.

Yuan Mobai's attention has fallen on the faint golden glow wrapping around the Heavenly Master's robe.

 He frowned slightly, stared for a while, and then waved.

 Mana is everywhere, trying to peel off those golden glows.

 Jin Hui was affected by this and finally changed, suddenly changing from gold to black.

There is a vague sense of darkness and death in it.

 This is its true nature.

 Previously, it was because it was entangled with the Celestial Master's robe, and the Celestial Master's robe temporarily suppressed its aura, which made it appear golden on the outside.

Lei Jun felt the meaning and artistic conception, and his eyes suddenly condensed.

The two masters and disciples raised their eyes and looked at each other, saying in unison:

 “…Yellow Spring?”

Although they have not personally come into contact with Huangquan, as high-gong elders who were born in the Taoist Holy Land, the master and the disciples invariably thought of Huangquan, one of the legendary Nine Heavens and Ten Earths recorded in Taoist classics.

 Most of the ten places are dangerous, and some of them involve the secrets of life and death.

 Huangquan, which is related to Taoism, is one of them, and is also called Wujian of Buddhism.

 It’s just that Huangquan has disappeared without a trace for many years.

I didn’t expect that the Heavenly Master’s robe had been lost previously, and it was somehow related to it.

Compared to Kunlun and Penglai in the Nine Heavens, Huangquan in the Ten Lands has more dangerous and ominous meanings.

Yuan Mobai thought for a moment and then said: "For the time being, we will only do the stripping, and then seal it. Later, we will slowly figure it out, but don't act rashly."

 The human world has undergone great changes, and the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have returned one after another, with good and bad fortunes mixed together.

Yuan Mobai did not expect Huangquan to bring any benefits or blessings to Longhu Mountain.

 The reason why he stayed was to be on guard.

 Since it is a warning, knowing yourself and the other side is the basis.

Lei Jun also had the same view on this, so he did not use the power of the dark side of the Book of Heaven to erase the strange aura that turned from gold to dark. Instead, he joined forces with Yuan Mobai to slowly peel it off.

 Then the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and the Nine Abyss True Fire appeared beside him, manifesting the form of a dragon and a tiger.

This dragon and tiger shape is not currently used for attack, but is integrated and intertwined into a purple-green dragon and tiger magic pot, and then the black air currents are sealed in it.

 After settling the matter, Lei Jun took out the strange talisman he obtained after killing Hong Jie and roughly told how he met Gu Han, Hong Jie and the people in Yushu.

 “This talisman is similar to the one of Rong Guangchen.”

Yuan Mobai nodded slightly: "It seems that they all received it from Huang Xuanpu, and it was also because of Fu Zhao that Rong Guangchen and Hong Jie were able to regain the strength and style they had at their peak in the past, but in fact, they were no longer themselves. strength."

Lei Jun: "Yes."

Rong Guangchen and Hong Jie are not aware of this.

 But since they have made this choice, only they themselves know whether it is warm or cold, just like when people drink water.

 Rong and Hong are now dead, and Fu Zhao is in Lei Jun's hands.

He was determined to try to figure out the mystery and see if it was possible, so as to further confirm Huang Xuanpu's whereabouts.

"This jade medal was originally in Taiyi Xiantian Pagoda. It was probably prepared by Huang Xuanpu and Fu Dongsen in order to move the Wanfa Sect Altar. It is undoubtedly from the ancient Fulu Sect."

Yuan Mobai handed over to Lei Jun the jade medals scattered when Taiyi Xiantian Tower was blown away, and the incomplete and strange talisman edict left after killing Rong Guangchen:

“For the next period of time as a teacher, I need to preside over the Ten Thousand Dharma Sect Altar and stabilize the mountainous terrain. I will leave all these to you to figure out and study.”

Lei Jun: "Yes, Master."

 After receiving the jade medal, he was so blessed that a name came to his mind:

 【Gao Tian Yuzhang】

Lei Jun was thoughtful as he contemplated the vast artistic conception.

The mystery is as vast and majestic as the sky is high, and it is like a vault covering the earth.

It’s no wonder that Xian Xian was able to coordinate with the Taiyi Xiantian Pagoda and Qingxiao Mansion, and mediate from them to appease the Ten Thousand Fa Sect Altar, thus striving to use these two magic weapons to take away the Ten Thousand Years Foundation of the Tianshi Mansion.

However, the connection with the so-called Heavenly Palace is relatively weak.

 As for other functions...wait a moment.

Lei Jun thought about the Great Zhou Tianyu he had refined.

Dazhou Tianyu is currently used more to control the many heavenly sight and earth listening talismans and the thousand-mile transmission talismans scattered outside.

However, it is still a bit rough.

The lift-off height is also somewhat insufficient, making it easy to be discovered by monks with higher cultivation levels.

 Especially those with strong insight and perception.

 But if you combine it with the Gaotian Jade Chapter again, you may have the opportunity to reach a higher level and strive to achieve greater effectiveness... Lei Jun nodded slightly while thinking.

 Strictly speaking, the losses suffered by Tianshi Mansion during this trip were not light.

In order to kill the opponent as much as possible and prevent the opponent from escaping, this trip by Lei Jun and others was equivalent to an inside operation, letting the opponent go into the mountain.

 Let’s not mention the surrounding mountainous areas for the moment. Even the main peak of Longhu Mountain was swept away by the war because the mountain guarding formation was broken.

 Especially Taiyi Xiantian Tower and Qingxiao Mansion caused huge commotion.

 Fortunately, because we were one step ahead of our opponents in preparation, there were few casualties.

 But Shanmen will definitely need a large-scale reconstruction next.

 Fortunately, the results were fruitful.

Qianye Butterfly King, Rong Guangchen and others just returned their belongings.

When Taiyi Xiantian Pagoda and Qingxiao Mansion were shaken off, a large number of things were scattered and left behind, which have been collected by Guangchen, Hong Jie, Fu Dongsen and others for many years, involving many families in the world.

These treasures of heaven and earth, Tianshi Mansion will keep them for future needs in rebuilding the mountain gate.

 Shushan Sect and Chunyang Palace would not have any objections to this.

This war will not only completely solve the threat of the Taoist country in the world, but also severely damage it.

 Tianshi Mansion is under the greatest pressure and should make up for it afterwards.

What's more, being able to get back the Beiming Divine Spear is the Shushan Sect's biggest gain.

Just like the biggest gain from this battle in Tianshi Mansion is actually the return of Tianshi Robe.

As for Taiyi Xiantian Pagoda and Qingxiao Mansion, although they failed to recover it, Shushan Sect also has hope.

As for Chunyang Palace, what they are more worried about next are their own internal problems.

For Lei Jun personally, in addition to Gao Tian Yuzhang, another big gain is the Dumu Heart Essence obtained after killing Qianye Butterfly Queen.

With a dragon-shaped coop, eight scenic views, and the newly acquired single-tree core, Lei Jun had some ideas in his mind and could start to put them into practice.

 However, there is no rush yet.

 The urgent work at present is, first of all, the reconstruction of the mountain and the mansion.

Yuan Mobai used the Wanfa Zongtan to generally stabilize the ground below, and finally was able to get out and go to the forbidden area of ​​ancestral mausoleum in Houshan with Lei Jun.

There, they met Yao Yuan.

"Huang Xuanpu?" Yao Yuan asked with emotion.

Yuan Mobai nodded lightly: "Exactly."

He added: "The person who came into contact with you earlier, senior brother, is undoubtedly Huang Xuanpu himself. However, the person who quietly sneaked into our sect's gate during the Jiangzhou War may be the Qianye Butterfly King who came under Huang Xuanpu's order. Or Feng Yi pretending to be a Taiping Taoist."

Although he was lying, Huang Xuanpu himself was indeed still in the north at the time.

The ancestral land of the Lin clan in Youzhou was conquered by Xu Yuanzhen, and Huang Xuanpu did arrive nearby to confront Ye Moquan.

 After the Battle of Jiangzhou, Yuan Mobai mentioned this matter and felt that the mysterious man who came to Longhu Mountain again seemed different from the one who attacked Li Qingfeng and Li Hongyu earlier.

 I didn’t know why at the time, but now I think about it, it was because of Huang Xuanpu’s substitute.

 “That’s what I think.”

Yao Yuan nodded.

He said with some emotion: "Although Huang Xuanpu escaped, as of now, I feel that a piece of my heart has gone away."

Yuan Mobai: "Since the heart disease has gone away, senior brother might as well come out."

Yao Yuan shook his head: "To get rid of the heart disease, we must abide by the rules of the family."

Yuan Mobai: "Fifth Senior Sister, Senior Nephew Yuan Zhen, and Senior Nephew Jingzhen may not be able to return to the mountain in a short period of time. I need to use the Ten Thousand Fa Sect Altar to stabilize the ground. The leader must also beware of Huang Xuanpu's comeback. Who is currently in charge of the mansion? It’s scarce, so it’s hard to put all the burden on Chongyun’s shoulders? Senior brother, in special times, the reconstruction of the sect is the most important thing.”

Yao Yuan pondered: "I am shamelessly going out for a while, and then I will come back here after everything is safe in the house."

Lei Jun and Yuan Mobai could tell that the other party was not being polite, so they didn't force it.

Since Yao Yuan agreed to the promise, he stepped into the role immediately and began to coordinate with other elders and disciples in the mansion who had taken refuge in the back mountain, and returned to the main peak one after another.

Although he came to Houshan to guard the mausoleum and think about his mistakes, the specific reasons were not disclosed, and he did not take any deprivation.

Most people in the house are unaware. Although there are many speculations, the situation at this moment is special and everyone still listens to the arrangements of Gao Gong elder Yao Yuan.

Watching Yao Yuan leave, Lei Jun turned to look at Yuan Mobai: "Master, after passing this heart barrier, will the fourth uncle try to reach the eighth heaven realm?"

Yuan Mobai: "It depends on himself, but I hope he can succeed."

Lei Jun nodded slightly.

 The master and the disciple immediately entered the forbidden area of ​​the ancestral mausoleum in Houshan alone.

Although the news is not made public, Master Lei Jun and his disciples still burn incense and pray to heaven at this moment to warn the ancestors of all generations that the robe of the Heavenly Master has finally returned to the mountain.

After leaving the ancestral mausoleum, Yuan Mobai went to Wanfa Zongtan, while Lei Jun went to join Yao Yuan.

 Yao Yuan knew that not only Yuan Mobai but also Shangguan Ning also intended to cultivate Lei Jun in this area.

 From his heart, he is also optimistic that Lei Jun can become the next mainstay of the house, at least one of the mainstays.

 The two presided over the reconstruction of Tianshi Mansion, while Zuo Li, Du Yu, young elders such as Ke Sicheng and Chu Kun assisted from the side.

 Other ordained disciples and transfer disciples obeyed the order and took action together.

"The medicine garden has also been affected. There are fewer people and more things at present. You are responsible for taking care of a large area here." Luo Haoran looked at his apprentice Qin Caiwei.

Qin Caiwei looked straight: "Master, please feel free to hand it over to your disciple!"

Luo Haoran nodded and said warmly: "If you have anything to do, you can find me or someone else. There is no need to force me."

After he left, Qin Caiwei and several disciples immediately began to reorganize the medicine garden that was affected by the war.

 Each of them is responsible for a large area and each is busy.

 Qin Caiwei showed a hard but comfortable smile after successfully rescuing an almost withered spiritual flower.

She raised her head and looked around the mountains: "This trip was really a big battle. Fortunately, our faction won."

The girl moved to another bush of spiritual plants and said, "Well, I was really scared at that time. Fortunately, our sect was indeed prepared."

On the other side, after Elder Chu Kunchu finished busying himself, he came to return his orders to his fellow disciple Gao Gong Elder Lei Jun.

As Luo Haoran said, there are currently few people and many things in the mansion, so Lei Jun immediately has another errand to give to Chu Kun: "Third Junior Brother, the stone platform where the cloud carriage is parked is damaged. I leave it to you to prepare for the reconstruction. First. Order the disciples to take stock."

Chukun took it solemnly: "Senior brother, don't worry, I will make arrangements right away."

Lei Jun glanced at him: "What?"

The two of them were familiar with each other, and Chu Kun did not hide it in front of him, and said with emotion: "Seeing you, senior brothers, defending against the enemy in the front mountain, I can't help but feel a little excited. It's a pity that my current cultivation level is not good, so I can only do my part after the war." Mental strength.”

Although he has a somewhat lazy temperament, he has been a disciple for a long time and has feelings for the sect.

 Lei Jun: “There will be a chance.”

 He looked to the side: "Really, there will be a chance."

Chu Kun followed Lei Jun's gaze.

There, a destined person is coming.

Wearing a dark red Taoist priest's robe, he looks like a young man, has a slim figure and a gentle demeanor. He is his senior brother Wang Guiyuan.

 After the brothers greeted each other, Lei Jun's eyes fell on Wang Guiyuan's head.

 He is tall and can easily see people's heads, and his eyes are direct and undisguised.

 Wang Guiyuan looked as usual.

Chu Kun was thoughtful, his eyes thought-provoking: "Senior Brother, I finally understand why you don't need treasures such as fairy essence seeds and Chentai star chips."

Lei Jun nodded and said nothing, just stretched out his finger and made a bare gesture.

Wang Guiyuan's expression suddenly changed, and he smiled bitterly and said: "You two!"

Chu Kun waved his hand: "I'll be busy with the matters at Yunche Shitai first, and we'll talk later."

Wang Guiyuan sighed. Lei Jun looked at his senior brother calmly.

Wang Guiyuan coughed dryly: "Can't we just be the same as before?"

 Lei Jun: “I don’t feel any different from before.”

Wang Guiyuan smiled when he heard this and said, "Me too."

Lei Jun: "There is one thing, senior brother. The mighty Tianlong who is famous all over the world in Tianlong Temple will probably be renamed the Mighty Celestial Insect when he comes to you."

Wang Guiyuan stared at him, angry and funny: "You have such a bad mouth!"

The two junior brothers laughed, and Wang Guiyuan sighed again at the end: "Second junior brother, practicing Taoism has always been full of internal and external obstacles. If you don't act cautiously and make a mistake, the consequences will be unpredictable."

He met Lei Jun's gaze and said calmly: "Especially some things that seem like opportunities may contain great disasters."

Lei Jun asked softly: "Wu Jian?"

 He thought of the secret rosary he had obtained earlier.

 “Well, Wu Jian.”

Wang Guiyuan answered calmly at this moment: "I once thought it was a chance, but it turned out to be a bad fate. Under the endless burden, it was a nightmare every moment."

When he first heard Lei Jun and others mention the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, he advised his two junior brothers to be vigilant. This was a heartfelt statement and a true experience.

There is no need for Lei Jun to ask any more questions, he continued: "With Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's absence, Wujian has become a very dangerous place. Disasters are everywhere, and if any one of them flows into the human world, it will be a huge disaster.

 Longhu Mountain has been robbed several times before, and I was really in a dilemma because I didn’t want to help.

. "

Wang Guiyuan looked up at the sky: "My sin, my sin, for a few moments, I really thought about everyone going to **** together. What makes me hesitate is that even if the situation is critical, Master is not happy to see that scene."

Lei Jun asked softly: "If the Tianshi Sword had not fallen into the hands of the young senior sister during the battle between Li and Wai that day, but had been taken by Li Zhengxuan..."

That is undoubtedly the most critical winner in the battle between Li and Wai.

Wang Guiyuan nodded: "Fortunately, you don't have to go to that step."

He smiled bitterly again: "After years of hard training, I have somewhat changed my mind at that time. If Junior Sister Tang can wait a little longer, I can help out with my seventh-level cultivation. But indeed, if she can wait, she will not She did."

Lei Jun: "Well, after that, the first time I saw you come out of the mountain was for Master Fashan of Tianlong Temple?"

 At that time, monk Fashan of Tianlong Temple went to the capital academy, but was attacked and killed by monk Jitong of Dakong Temple.

  Later, Monk Jitong was subdued by the powerful Tianlong of Tianlong Temple, and his body was not found.

 Everyone thought it was Elder Miao Kong of Tianlong Temple who took action.

However, Lei Jun heard Mu Yao and Yue Yao talk about this matter in his early years in the Tianshu Universe, so it may not have been the fault of Elder Miao Kong.

Things have changed a lot now, but we finally have a clear answer.

"I have gone out before for other things, but that time it was really for Junior Brother Fa Shan."

Wang Guiyuan showed a rare look of sadness on his face: "The four elements of a monk are empty, but I can't practice. Some things cannot be broken after all, and I don't want to break them."

Lei Jun: "I have no intention of delving into your personal privacy, senior brother, but I have a few Taoist questions that I would like to ask."

Wang Guiyuan smiled: "It's natural for us brothers and sisters to discuss Taoism."

Lei Jun: "The secret rosary I found in the Southern Wilderness before came from Wujian. The Dharma in it can help senior brother eliminate the threat posed by Wujian again?"

Wang Guiyuan nodded: "After being warmed up over the years, I have gradually been able to use the methods of the Eighth Heaven, but it is indeed thanks to the blessing of the secret rosary that I have been able to use the perfection of the fourth level of the Eighth Heaven recently.

But if you can avoid taking action, it’s better not to take action as much as possible, otherwise there will still be risks after all! "

Lei Jun nodded slightly.

  During the Battle of Jiangzhou.

 Xu Yuanzhen, Lei Jun, Tang Xiaotang, Tianshi Yin and Tianshi Sword are not here.

Yuan Mobai still dared to test the identity of the mysterious man. In addition to presiding over the Ten Thousand Fa Sect Altar, another important factor he relied on was that Wang Guiyuan's physical condition had further improved at that time.

The mysterious man didn't know what Wang Guiyuan was at that time, but he still sensed Yuan Mobai's probing intention, so he retreated.

Of course, now that I think about it, it was not Huang Xuanpu himself, but someone else who contacted Yao Yuan on his behalf.

Lei Jun was curious: "Senior brother, are you making great vows to imitate the Taoist talisman and magic of our sect with the Buddhist vows and supernatural powers, or are you talking about it?"

Wang Guiyuan: "Have you guessed it? Well, I am disturbed by the infinite, and my body and mind are half-entered into reincarnation. It has advantages and disadvantages. It exists in several lives, so I can practice different traditions."

He smiled: "As you can see, I practice in the Taoist Fulu Sect, and I really don't have much talent. Therefore, I am not pretending to refuse many of the kindnesses from you and my third junior brother, but I am really not blessed to accept them."

Lei Jun circled around him: "The talisman you use to cover yourself is quite clever."

To be honest, if it weren't for various clues that aroused his doubts, it would be difficult to see through it based on his current cultivation, understanding and eyesight.

Wang Guiyuan raised three fingers: "Master, Senior Sister, and Senior Uncle, who is the Qingfeng Heavenly Master of the previous generation, sealed the three layers of talismans to achieve this miraculous effect."

Lei Jun understood: "No wonder."

“Meeting Master was also a coincidence. Fortunately, Master took the responsibility.”

Wang Guiyuan expressed his feelings: "Although I have a bad relationship with Wujian, I have formed a good relationship with you. Every time I drink and peck, my fate is unpredictable. The more this happens, the less I dare to be careless."

Lei Jun nodded first, and then suddenly said: "Calculate the time, senior brother, your real age is older than the master, right?"

“…” Wang Guiyuan sighed with emotion, but was forced to hold back most of it by Lei Jun.

He couldn't laugh or cry: "If you say that, you are right. I am an art investment master. This is not surprising."

 The two senior brothers chatted for a while and discussed how to continue to conceal Wang Guiyuan's identity.

Lei Jun watched his senior brother leave.

 He really had no intention of digging into his friends.

In order to cooperate with the plan to kill the masters of the Taoist country in the world, Wang Guiyuan also took action decisively.

Although this senior brother is really an onion.

 The simplest question:

Although Monk Faqing is troubled by Wujiang, he is so self-disciplined and restrained that he does not allow Wujiang to harm the world.

Then why did he fake death and leave Tianlong Temple and be reborn as Wang Guiyuan today?

Lei Jun was curious, but didn't ask much.

The Tianshi Mansion was rebuilt and the affairs were complicated. As a high-ranking elder, Lei Jun needed to preside over it together with Yao Yuan and Yuan Mobai.

 As time went by, Tang Xiaotang, Xiao Xueting, Zhang Dongyuan, Zhang Junhai and others finally returned one after another.

 Lei Jun, Yuan Mobai and others finally let go.

 Zhang Dongyuan still failed to find Qingxiao Mansion after all.

This greatest treasure of Shushan has drifted away with the earth and disappeared without a trace.

 I don’t know how much time and energy it will take to find it.

 Fortunately, the Beiming Divine Spear was recovered by Zhang Dongyuan, which is a great joy for the Shushan sect.

Tang Xiaotang, Xiao Xueting and Zhang Junhai failed to retrieve Taiyi Xiantian Tower.

Hindered by Huang Xuanpu, they also lost Fu Dongsen's whereabouts.

It is currently unknown whether the other party can recover the Taiyi Xiantian Tower, but everyone is wary.

“Hong Jie and Gu Han, I don’t know what’s going on right now.” Zhang Dongyuan frowned: “In addition to Master Jiasheng of the Sumeru Vajra Division, there is actually a master in the ninth heaven realm!”

  Xiao Xueting: "We have reported the relevant information to His Majesty."

Lei Jun: "There is one thing. In this battle, the human Taoist country can be regarded as using all its elites and going all out, but until the end of the battle, none of the sect's heavenly master's robes were seen..."

 Xiao Xueting, Zhang Dongyuan, and Zhang Junhai looked at each other in shock when they heard this.

Earlier, the Taoist kingdoms of the human world were at odds with the Buddhist sects of the Western Regions. They both claimed that the other side had obtained the robes of the Celestial Master from the Celestial Master's Mansion, and even killed and injured their own disciples.

 Because of their public stance and channels for speaking out, Buddhists in the Western Regions have a louder voice.

Most people believe that the Heavenly Master's robe fell into the hands of the human Taoist state.

But as Lei Jun said, in this battle at Longhu Mountain, not only Huang Xuanpu himself went into battle shirtless, but as a result, even the Taiyi Xiantian Tower, Qingxiao Mansion and Beiming Divine Spear of the Taoist Kingdom in the world flew away, but they still did not see the sky. The shadow of the master's robe.

This makes people have to think about the original confrontation, who was the one who took the blame.

"With the current situation, I would like to ask Master Lei to be calm and calm." Changshan King Zhang Junhai said, "We will also report this matter to Your Majesty."

  Not as gentle as Yuan Mobai, not as willful as Tang Xiaotang.

Lei Jun's tone was calm and calm, neither fast nor slow, but his words were loud and meaningful.

 As his reputation grew and his cultivation deepened, Zhang Junhai felt a little pressure.

It's just that the Tang Dynasty is now facing internal and external troubles. Although this trip can be said to have destroyed the world, it still cannot be ignored.

Especially now that the northwest is experiencing border troubles due to the so-called Lone Eagle Khanate.

 Not only the Western Region Buddhism, but also the Chunyang Palace must be handled with caution.

Thinking of Chunyang Palace, Zhang Junhai shook his head slightly in his heart.

 Huang Xuanpu.

Did this veteran play any role in the serious injury of the late emperor Zhang Qilong?

 No wonder His Majesty is now very distant from Huang Xuanpu and Chunyang Palace.

  Some people even talked privately before that the Queen did not take enough care of Huang Laozhen and Chunyang Palace, and that her close relatives were far from virtuous, which was chilling and was actually the work of a foolish king.

 But now that I think about it, maybe His Majesty had some doubts at that time...

"The current situation is turbulent, so we should work together to help the country." Lei Jun said: "Pindao just hopes to find out the matter. After all, the Heavenly Master's robe is the most precious treasure of our sect. It is living outside. The whole government of our sect , all hope that the magic weapon can return to the mountain as soon as possible."

 Zhang Junhai: “This is natural.”

The two sides negotiated for a while, and then Xiao Xueting, Zhang Dongyuan, and Zhang Junhai took their leave one after another.

Lei Jun and others in Tianshi Mansion also maintained close contact with Shangguan Ning, Zhang Jingzhen and others outside.

As time goes by, a lot of information about the battle between Longhu Mountain and the Dao Kingdom in the World gradually spread to all directions, causing the world to be shocked again.


 In Chang'an City, Zhang Jingzhen, who is here as the representative of the Tianshi Mansion, is waiting for the Holy Spirit with several people.

One of them, a young scholar who looked about thirty years old, said slowly: "Rong Guangchen, Wei Qiyue and other traitors, as well as the great demon Qianye Butterfly King, have been beheaded together. It is a joy and congratulations."

Zhang Jingzhen nodded: "Thank you, layman Fang, for your concern. This battle has put an end to a major source of trouble in the Tang Dynasty, which is a matter of great joy to the whole world."

She looked at the young scholar and said, "Pindao has been passed down by the disciples. Junior Brother Fang is very good. He asked Pindao to greet layman Fang on his behalf."

Young scholar: "Master Fang is very interested."

His name is Fang Zhu, and he is the eldest son of Fang Huan, the eldest son of the Fang clan.

 At the same time, he is also the biological brother of Fang Jian, a disciple of Tianshi Mansion.

This time he came north to Guanzhong with his uncle, Fang Jingsheng, the leader of the Fang clan in Jingxiang.

 Zhang Jingzhen calmly looked at Suoyang, the young abbot of Vajra Temple aside.

“As for the whereabouts of the Celestial Master’s robe, I sincerely ask all eminent monks to help me.”

Zhang Jingzhen’s tone and tone were gentle: “Everyone in our sect is deeply grateful.”

Suo Yang's treasure-like appearance was solemn, with a solemn expression: "Please rest assured, Taoist masters of the Tianshi Mansion, Hong Jie and others from the Taoist country in the human world are crazy and murderous, and do many evil things. My Buddhist disciples have also suffered greatly from them. These evil heretics must be surrendered." ."

Having said this, Suo Yang lamented in his heart.

On this trip to Longhu Mountain, the Buddhists in the Western Regions didn't even join in the fun. They just stood aside and watched the fun, but ended up vomiting blood.

 The master of the eighth heaven, Yushu, died.

 It also exposed Master Renzhu’s nine-level cultivation.

Now we still have to take the blame for the Taoist country in the world.

Suoyang was feeling depressed, and the other two people walking from a distance were also in a bad mood.

When Fang Zhu saw them, he apologized to Zhang Jingzhen and Suoyang and went forward to greet them.

One of the people who came was none other than the current leader of the Fang clan in Jingxiang, Fang Jingsheng.

The other person is Ye Jiong, the top figure of the Ye clan in Qingzhou and the general of the Shence Army of the Tang Dynasty.

Several of them had just temporarily retreated from the northern front line and returned to Chang'an to face the Holy Spirit.

The outposts of the Lone Eagle Khanate were frustrated and did not dare to be as aggressive as before, but there were signs of increasing troops.

On the other hand, the Tang Dynasty had to slow down its actions to avoid chaos due to the sudden changes in the Chunyang Palace caused by the Tao Kingdom in the World.

 Fang Jingsheng and Ye Jiong walked side by side after meeting the saint.

 They compared it through various channels and gradually pieced together the general course of the battle at Longhu Mountain.

 Many things are unexpected.

 Chianyaba Butterfly King died.

Rong Guangchen died.

Wei Qiyue died.

 Taiyi Xiantian Tower and Qingxiao Mansion were captured.

Hong Jie was injured and the Shushan faction recaptured the Beiming Divine Spear.

 Fu Dongsen was injured.

 Gu Han was injured.

 After a great battle, Huang Xuanpu was on the verge of being beaten into a bare emperor.

 Such a result is even more surprising than Huang Xuanpu being the leader of the Tao Kingdom in the world.

 The source of the surprise lies in...

 "Tang Xiaotang, Yuan Mobai, Lei Jun."

Ye Jiong said softly: "Although I don't know what happened in Tang Xiaotang's Shenting exterior scene, but what is known is that Tang Xiaotang and Yuan Mobai are both stronger than Rong Guangchen and Hong Jie, and Lei Jun is better than Wei Qi Yue, Gu Han."

Fang Jingsheng: "Tang Xiaotang versus Qianye Butterfly King, Yuan Mobai versus Rong Guangchen, Lei Jun versus Wei Qiyue, the key to breaking the game so quickly may lie in Lei Jun, who is at the lowest level."

 Winning with an advantage and winning quickly and killing the opponent are completely different things.

"More likely, it's the Tianshi Seal." Fang Jingsheng put his hands behind his hands and walked: "The Tianshi Seal has returned to Longhu Mountain. If not, Huang Xuanpu and Fu Dongsen would not have been thrown away from Taiyi Xiantian Tower and Qingxiao Mansion."

 “Tianshi Seal…”

Ye Jiong looked into the distance: "When did you return to Longhu Mountain? Who found it and how did you find it?"


On the other side, Shangguan Ning, as the representative of Tianshi Mansion in Yuhang and Donghai, also received various news from Shanmen.

Chu Xiuyuan, the old leader of the Chu tribe in Suzhou and Abbot Miaoxin of Tianlong Temple who were with her, congratulated her together.

 “Congratulations on the return of your Heavenly Master Seal.” The old man of the Chu tribe said with a smile.

Tianshi Seal is of extraordinary significance.

  It is not only a valuable treasure to protect the Dharma, but also contains the complete scripture of the Three Caves and Three Realms.

The return of the Tianshi Seal to Longhu Mountain means that the long-lost Lei Fatian calligraphy urn is once again in the possession of the Tianshi Mansion.

At the same time, with the Tianshi Seal and the Zhenyi Dharma Altar, even if Longhu Mountain is really destroyed and the Wanfa Sect Altar is destroyed, they will not lose their foundation.

Chu Xiuyuan: "Congratulations to your sect for having another great genius of the same generation, Taoist Master Lei, after Taoist Xu and Tianshi Tang.

Hong Jie and Fu Dongsen are both monks who have achieved the eighth level of heaven. They hold the Beiming Divine Spear, and Dao Chang Lei fights with them without losing the slightest advantage.

 Later, Wei Qiyue, who was on the second level of the eighth heaven, was killed. This single battle shocked the world. "

Shangguan Ning: "The Taoist country in the world has left endless disasters, endangering all parties. I would also like to ask the Chu people and the eminent monks of Tianlong Temple to help eliminate them together."

“Of course.” Chu Xiuyuan smiled.

Abbot Miaoxin of Tianlong Temple also responded.

 He thought of Faqing in his heart.

 Previously, Elder Miaoyi had rushed to Longhu Mountain in Xinzhou, hoping to find out what happened with Faqing.

 The dispute over the gateway to heavenly principles in the East China Sea is currently becoming more intense.

Chu Xiuyuan and Abbot Miaoxin rested briefly, then left Yuhang and returned to the sea outside Mingzhou.

 Chu Yu is also here.

However, Chu Xiuyuan did not go to see his little daughter immediately. Instead, he first met Ye Yan, the leader of the Qingzhou Ye Clan who had withdrawn from the Tianli Void Portal.

Both Chu Xiuyuan and Ye Yan, this time they both had personal contact with the people and places of heaven.

On the one hand, it is to express its stance to the Tang Dynasty imperial family, and on the other hand, it is to grasp the specific facts of heaven.

 “Chi Yuan is back.” Chu Xiuyuan asked without being too polite: “How do you feel?”

Ye Yan: "It's really rare to see someone called a dynasty outside the human world, and it can really gather a part of the destiny of mountains and rivers."

Having had more contact with Tianli, Datang gradually gained some information on the other side.

 The results, quite a bit of information, are surprising.

 For example, among the laws of heaven, there is also a dynasty.

 But this is actually not the norm in this world.

 The destiny of the country is condensed by mountains and rivers. To be able to be called an emperor rather than a king requires extremely vast mountains, rivers and people.

The treasure that was once one of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths may now contain countless rare treasures and rich spiritual energy.

 However, the area, scale and population are destined to be incomparable to a real human world.

 In this case, there is no basis for condensing the national destiny of a great dynasty.

 Dan is a man of heavenly principles and claims to be a subject of the imperial dynasty.

 The name of their dynasty was the Ming Dynasty.

No matter Chu Yu, Shangguan Ning, Ye Yan, or Chu Xiuyuan, they had never heard of such a dynasty.

However, this dynasty really condensed part of the country's destiny, but it was lacking.

 Generally speaking, this often means that there is a shortage of mountains and rivers, but it does not mean that there is no qualification to be emperor.

 The previous foundation is still there. But not complete.

“I haven’t come into contact with the so-called Emperor Ming.” Ye Yan continued: “But I found another strange thing.”

He looked at Chu Xiuyuan: "The so-called national destiny of the Ming Dynasty is closely related to the literati and Confucian scholars."

  Not one or two scholars, or a child of the royal family who practices Confucian inheritance.

Rather, all scholars, as a whole, unexpectedly bear the destiny of mountains, rivers and countries according to the laws of nature.

 Similar situation, but very different from that of the Tang Dynasty.

After hearing this, Chu Xiuyuan raised his snow-white eyebrows:

 “The Holy Emperor will rule from the top of his head?”

 (End of this chapter)

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