Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 297: The second of 296 Daoji magic weapons, the eight treasures of Taiqing Dynasty (two

Chapter 297 296. The second Daoji magic weapon, the eight treasures of Taiqing (two-in-one chapter)

Chu Xiuyuan heard Ye Yan describe the situation in Tianli, and his expression became more serious: "What's the context there?"

Ye Yan: "The spirit of culture is consistent with the mountains and rivers, and the cultural context also flows to all directions. It seems scattered, but in fact it is unified."

Chu Xiuyuan nodded slightly.

 As expected.

The so-called scholars of the Ming Dynasty were responsible for the fate of the mountains and rivers. In contrast, the spirit of culture was also compatible with the mountains and rivers.

Without further questioning, Chu Xiuyuan understood that there might also be families with heirs to Confucian classics, poetry, and calligraphy, but they were different from the Tang aristocratic families.

 The scholars under the Ming Dynasty were, to a certain extent, a collective that shared weal and woe.

It is true that each family has its own ups and downs, but those facing the emperor and the emperor are always a whole group.

This whole body that shares the fate of mountains and rivers with the emperor and the Tao of Heaven does not fall on a few people or families, or even strictly speaking, it does not fall on specific Confucian practitioners.

Ye Yan: “The more times this happens, the more cautious we need to be.”

 A system that had never appeared before in the history of the Tang Dynasty.

The true meaning of martial arts is exactly the same as the artistic conception of barbaric martial arts that tramples on the country and humiliates gentleness!

 Have the Confucian monks in Tianli had any contact with them before?

Ye Yan and Chu Xiuyuan looked at each other: "Etiquette."

He looked to the west and inland and said softly: "Your Highness, the Crown Prince, has survived the disaster between the sixth and seventh heavens."

Chu Xiuyuan: "The Lone Eagle barbarians in the northwest have invaded the territory, and your majesty is in charge of Chang'an to deal with it. The mountains and rivers are unstable, and it is really necessary for your majesty to share the worries of your majesty."

 It is almost impossible for the following to overcome the superior and the weak to defeat the strong.

Chu Xiuyuan turned and looked to the northwest: "Well, not bad..."

 “How is the integration of the spirit of culture and the destiny of the country and the country manifested?” Chu Xiuyuan withdrew his gaze and asked Ye Yan again.

Ye Yan has been digesting it for a while, so his current mood is relatively calm: "Returning to Tibet has become a natural law, but where do the people come from?"


 …In Tianli, this new study has even replaced the classics to a certain extent.


But there is something very noteworthy about the new Confucianism.

Due to the incomplete destiny of the country, the average level of scholars in the Ming Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty did not differ much in the actual combat methods under the same realm.

"I haven't seen you for thousands of years, and the changes are really unexpected." Chu Xiuyuan's mood has calmed down, and a calm smile appears on his face again: "The tide of the times is coming one after another, and I don't know if this old man's bones can still survive. Can’t stand it.”

 Fortunately, Datang has been experiencing constant border troubles in recent years.

 The suppression of low-level monks by high-level monks is far more obvious than in other orthodox traditions.

Chu Xiuyuan pondered.

Although the way of emperors and emperors improves rapidly, and Confucian practice can also be accumulated over time, some time is necessary to move from one great realm to the next.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is concerned about the country and the people. His Majesty is willing to share his worries. He studies diligently and makes continuous progress. Naturally, no one can say anything.

Chu Xiuyuan shook his head gently: "In the past, our ancestors once set foot in Tibet, but in the end the world changed drastically, and the relevant history was lost. I don't know what happened now. It is shameful to say that over the years, our clan has also made great efforts. I searched for it and hid it, but I didn’t expect it to become what it is today.”

According to the common saying in the monastic community, this is a brand new Confucian tradition that is independent of classics, divine shooting, and chanting.

Ye Yan: "I think there may be some connection between the literary talent and wild martial arts artistic conception associated with Xu Yuanzhen of the Tianshi Mansion, and the current laws of heaven."

Ye Yan already knew some of the information before he came back, so there is no need to ask more questions here.

Ye Yan nodded slightly, but then said: "However, there are still doubts."

Ye Yan: "After all, the laws of nature are not real in the human world. It is bizarre to be able to bring about the destiny of the dynasty, and the scope is limited after all. Therefore, although the performance of the Confucian monks in practical combat methods is extraordinary, compared with me, the scholars of the Tang Dynasty, there is still a gap. limited."

 Both of them were outstanding Confucian monks in the Tang Dynasty. Although they did not necessarily agree with the Confucian monks in Tianli, they had a preliminary understanding of each other's situation after contacting them.

 But it is already very mature, unique and of its own.

 To a certain extent, the etiquette of the other party, together with the imperial family, including the emperor, officials and gentry, formed a large and complete system.

The high-level scholars of Tianli also have a more significant level advantage over the low-level monks of other Taoist traditions in the Tang Dynasty.

 There is no doubt that it is self-study.

 As far as Prince Zhang Hui is concerned, it will not work if he improves too quickly, and it will not work if he improves too slowly.

 Distinct between upper and lower.

Chu Xiuyuan: "After the original spirit of civilization was trampled by the barbaric martial arts, we learned from the pain and made improvements and improvements, so it became the new way of learning in Tianli?"

 This point is not even just within the new Confucianism.

If you save too much and endure too much, the situation will change rapidly. When the need arises, you will not be able to achieve success in one go.

Even though Chu Xiu was used to the wind and waves, he looked serious at this time.

“The key is the next step.” Chu Xiuyuan murmured to himself.


 The news coming from the northwest inland is that most of the people in the so-called Lone Eagle Khanate are warriors.

Dijing, Luoyang.

 Inside the East Palace.

 Prince Zhang Hui returned from the Provincial Political Affairs Hall under his family.

 There were already people waiting for him in the side hall.

 Two young scholars, one surnamed Ye and the other surnamed Chu.

 Seeing Zhang Hui, they all saluted.

Prince Zhang Hui waved his hand: "Both of you, please be more casual."

 He smiled at one of the young men and said, "I learned a lot from my father-in-law today about some political matters."

The young man smiled warmly and said: "Your Highness is serious. My father often said that it is the great fortune of the Tang Dynasty to have you taking care of His Majesty's worries."

 His name is Chu Fu.

He is the eldest son and grandson of Chu Xiuyuan, the old leader of the Chu tribe in Suzhou. He is outstanding among the third generation talents of the Chu tribe.

His father is the eldest son of Chu Xiuyuan, who is now the official secretary of Chu Lin in the Tang Dynasty.

Due to the Queen's decree, a large number of affairs in the imperial court are now concentrated in the Provincial Government Affairs Hall. Therefore, the powers of Zhongshu Ling and Shangshu's left and right servants have been eroded.

Although Chu Lin was also appointed to participate in the political affairs Pingzhang, his authority was not as good as before.

But he didn’t express anything on the surface, it was still the same as before.

Only Chu Fu, the son of Chu Lin, came from Suzhou and became the official official of the East Palace.

Another young Confucian scholar surnamed Ye who is sitting in the side hall with Chu Fu waiting for the crown prince Zhang Hui is Zhang Hui's cousin, Ye Song from the Ye tribe in Qingzhou.

"Being in the imperial family, I can only do my best."

Prince Zhang Hui greeted the two of them to sit down: "How about the old man of Chu and my grandpa in the east?"

Chu Fu replied: "There is no major chaos at present."

 Zhang Hui nodded: "It's hard work for Mr. Chu and my grandpa to run around."

Ye Song: "There is also no big movement in Jiuli in the south. Next, we will mainly focus on the northwest side, and then the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain and the Human World Dao Kingdom in the south."

 Zhang Hui sighed after hearing this: "I talked about Longhu Mountain with my cousin before. This place is really beautiful in Tao Yun, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

 Neither Ye Song nor Chu Fu objected.

The battle of Tianshi Mansion's Taoist country was unexpected by most people.

 Xu Yuanzhen is not here.

The Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain still severely damaged the Taoist country on earth!

Although Xiao Xueting, Zhang Dongyuan, Zhang Junhai and others rushed to help, and monk Faqing reappeared beyond everyone's expectations, the results of the Tianshi Mansion were still too shocking.

 Previously, the outside world's expectation was that the Tianshi Mansion would at best safeguard the ancestral palace of Longhu Mountain and make the world's Dao Kingdom return without success.

How is the result? Huang Xuanpu revealed his identity and went into battle in person. Not only did he fail to capture Longhu Mountain, but the country on earth was about to collapse.

“I don’t know when Tianshi Yin will return to Longhu Mountain.” Chu Fu shook his head.

Ye Song: "It should not be earlier than the Battle of Jinzhou. It may be caused by the subsequent sudden changes in Shushan and Nanhuang, which caused changes in the earth's veins."

“Let’s not mention people outside the Tianshi Mansion. Within the Tianshi Mansion, Tang Tianshi, Elder Yuan, and the Tianshi Sword are all very powerful. It is understandable that they are strong, but they are all on the surface.”

 Zhang Hui: "The main variable is that there is one person in one seal. Needless to say, the Tianshi Seal, Elder Lei..."

He looked at Ye Song and sighed with a smile: "Do you still remember what we talked about?"

Ye Song: "His Royal Highness knows things like a god, Lei Jun is just like his master Yuan Mobai, he is a blockbuster."

Zhang Hui shook his head with a smile: "Cousin, don't put gold in my face. Although I had some guesses, I still underestimated Taoist Master Lei. He is not only dedicated to hard training, but also to the actual fighting method. He is called a genius of his generation."

Ye Song was silent for a moment, and then sighed: "This person is hiding his secrets. If it weren't for the massive attack on the mountain by the Dao Kingdom in the world, we really wouldn't be able to reveal his true abilities. Now we know that his strength is indeed beyond expectations."

Chu Fu: "It is naturally good for the Heavenly Master's Mansion to compete with the Tao Kingdom on Earth. The so-called decline of the Tao Kingdom on Earth is even more joyful."

Ye Song: "It would be good if the Dao Kingdom in the human world were defeated. It's a pity that although the gate of Tianshi Mansion was damaged, only a few people were lost. In the future..."

Zhang Hui smiled slightly: "Now the Tang Dynasty has more troubles on its borders. It is a good thing to have such capable people to help the country."

When Chu Fu and Ye Song heard this, they also looked at each other and smiled.

 Xu Yuanzhen is still in Tianli.

It would be best for Tianshi Mansion to fight another battle with the Ming Dynasty.

 Then, the Lone Eagle Khanate.

 Sumi Vajra Division.

Jiuli in the Southern Wilderness.

 Those who are able should work harder.

I just don’t know. Taoist priests are covered in iron. How many pounds of nails can they hammer?

“By the way, where is that...Meng Shaojie Meng Qingyan?” Chu Fu suddenly remembered something.

Zhang Hui thought for a while: "I'm still in Luoyang, at the Academy. I've been studying behind closed doors. I haven't seen him for a while."

 Chu Fu: "Your Majesty also had high hopes for him, but it's a pity..."

Zhang Hui smiled: "I can't force him to study. I hope he will enlighten one day and be able to accumulate a lot."

Ye Song: "There are other people who are decorating the appearance of His Highness, so there is no need to keep him."


Meng Shaojie, who was talked about by Chu Fu and others, was indeed studying behind closed doors in Luoyang Academy at the moment.

 After Xiao Chunhui resigned from the post of offering wine in the academy, he focused his energy mainly on the political affairs hall.

 Occasionally, I would go back to the academy to ask about Meng Shaojie's homework.

During this period, because Fang Yue went south to build a third academy in Jianye, Xiao Chunhui returned to the academy in Luoyang more frequently.

It happened that Meng Shaojie gained more and more from reading, and he asked Xiao Chunhui for advice on many questions.

After Xiao Chunhui answered one by one, he praised:

“Qing Yan has already established himself as a successful family man, and there are a few places where I am almost defeated by you.

At present, the border trouble in the northwest is urgent, and His Majesty is busy dealing with it. After the border trouble subsides, Qingyan can make preparations and go to Chang'an to receive direct instruction from His Majesty. "

Meng Shaojie said hurriedly: "Sir, you are so complimentary. The student still has many shortcomings. I would like to ask you to supervise me."

As his studies gradually got on the right track, and he made rapid progress due to his accumulation of Confucianism, Meng Shaojie's vision and knowledge became wider and wider.

 Because of this, he felt more and more that this elegant man in front of him, who had never shown off anything before him, was actually as deep as the sea.

"Sir, last time I heard you talk about Guizang, or Tianli, on the other side of the East China Sea, the scholars among them are also practicing a new discipline?" Meng Shaojie remembered something and asked curiously.

Xiao Chunhui nodded: "Yes, but some of the details have yet to be confirmed, but it is undoubtedly the fourth school of Confucianism."

Meng Shaojie felt a little yearning when he heard this.

 It is not that he yearns for a new theory of heaven.

Rather, I yearn for the knowledge there to be truly outstanding and open a new chapter for Confucianism.

 Unlike him, although it has initially achieved scale, there are still many immature aspects.

 Therefore, Xiao Chunhui called the New Theory of Heavenly Principles a unique fourth branch of Taoism besides Confucian classics, divine shooting, and chanting, but Meng Shaojie still needed to work hard.

“You don’t need to think too much. The new learning of Tianli has been perfected and accumulated over many years and generations.” Xiao Chunhui smiled and said: “If you don’t accumulate small steps, you can’t reach a thousand miles.”

Meng Shaojie looked straight: "Yes, sir, the students will be taught."

 Then, he suddenly remembered something else: "Sir, did the Tianshi Mansion repel the invasion of the human Taoist kingdom?"

Xiao Chunhui: "To be precise, it's not just about repelling them, it's about defeating the human kingdom."

He has read the report on the relevant information and now told Meng Shaojie about it in general.

 “Master Lei, you are indeed very powerful!” Meng Shaojie was filled with admiration after hearing this.

Xiao Chunhui also smiled: "Everyone in the world underestimates Taoist Master Lei. I must admit that I was no exception before. Now that I have seen the genius, I am really impressed."

It should be said that the whole trip to Tianshi Mansion was quite surprising.

 Quietly retrieve the Tianshi Seal.

Tang Xiaotang, Yuan Mobai, and Lei Jun successfully killed the two monsters, Qianye Butterfly King, Rong Guangchen, and Wei Qiyue.

Even if the Celestial Master did not expect it, the result is still surprising.

 Xiao Chunhui heard his sister Xiao Xueting tell the details of what he saw.

Xiao Xueting has not witnessed the events in Chunyang Dharma Realm with her own eyes.

 But she saw that there were two unexpected treasures in Longhu Mountain: a whisk and an ancient mirror.

 Although it is a consumable treasure, it has endless uses.

It is speculated that the complete death of Qianye Butterfly King is related to the whisk.

Xiao Xueting inquired about it afterwards and learned that it was Xu Yuanzhen who had left it.

From this point of view, everyone knows that Xu Yuanzhen is stunning, but they may also underestimate her.

Of course, the one with the biggest contrast is Taoist Priest Lei Junlei... Xiao Chunhui thought to himself.

“I really didn’t expect that Huang Lao...Huang Xuanpu of Chunyang Palace would actually be the emperor of the Tao Kingdom in the human world.”

Meng Shaojie suddenly remembered something: "Sir, you said that over there in Jidu..."

On the other side of the Dark Side Universe of the Book of Heaven, the other party is interested in the inheritance of the Ancient Talisman Sect.

 I really don’t know what the specific relationship is with the human world, whether it is an enemy or a friend.

  Nowadays, the vitality of the human world and the country is greatly damaged, and the truth of some things is gradually coming to light.

 But the dark side of the universe in the Book of Heaven seems to have not been found yet.

Meng Shaojie’s latest incarnation, Jidu, went there and was instructed to continue searching for things related to the ancient Fulu Sect.

"Qingyan, everything can be as usual." Xiao Chunhui said thoughtfully: "Let's wait and see."

Meng Shaojie responded quickly: "Yes, sir."


 Longhu Mountain, in the Tianshi Mansion.

Lei Jun is also studying his own Dark Side Universe of the Book of Heaven at the moment.

Because, in the pale universe, there is a new huge "ink mark" in the starry sky dotted with ink stains.     Besides Luohu and Jidu, there is the third dark light.

This is the change that occurred after Lei Jun's own cultivation level was promoted to the eighth heaven realm, and the universe on the dark side of the Book of Heaven was reborn.

Remembering that when I had just cultivated the Seventh Heaven, there were many new Jidus outside of Luohu, so it is very likely that a new dark light was born only when my cultivation level was a higher level.

“Well, let’s call it Yuebo.” Lei Jun nodded slightly.

 Then, he divided the shadow of the moon and quietly sent it into the earth's veins to spread.

As for whose hands it will fall into in the end, Lei Jun will not interfere.

 As the same saying goes, wait patiently for the right person.

 After sending Yue Bo away, Lei Jun quietly returned to the mountain as if nothing had happened.

In the mansion, the fourth uncle Yao Yuan is greeting guests.

 Lei Jun has dealt with the newcomers.

He is the elder Miaoyi of Tianlong Temple in Suzhou.

Due to the natural laws of the East China Sea, a large number of masters from Tianlong Temple are currently going to participate in the war. Even the abbot, Master Miaoxin, has left the temple and gone to the East China Sea.

 But Elder Miaoyi still went westward and came all the way to Longhu Mountain.

 The purpose is naturally to inquire about monk Faqing.

 “You need to ask Junior Brother Yuan for specific details.”

Yao Yuan also didn’t know the specific situation of monk Faqing, so he ordered his disciples to invite Yuan Mobai.

Lei Jun arrived one step ahead, and Elder Miaoyi congratulated him again, praising the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain for defeating the Tao Kingdom in the human world.

Then, without being too polite, he directly inquired about Faqing.

 “To be honest, what happened to Master Faqing came as a surprise even to Pindao.”

Lei Jun said seriously: "Master Faqing helped our sect, and everyone in the government was grateful, but before that, I didn't know that Master Faqing was still alive.

 My teacher was an old friend of Master Faqing, and I was often saddened by his untimely death. This trip was also deeply unexpected.

Pindao’s masters and disciples and others initially thought that Master Faqing had been living in deep cultivation in your sect and that this trip represented your sect’s aid.

 But later, Master Faqing came and left in a hurry. No one in the sect knew where he was going, and they are still confused at the moment. "

Since Fa Qing... is wrong, cross it out. Since Senior Brother Wang Guiyuan himself wants to keep it secret, Lei Jun will not dismantle him.

 Wang Guiyuan can make up his own mind as to where to go.

 Yuan Mobai came back later and said something similar.

 He only mentioned that he was grateful to Monk Faqing, and also asked about previous doubts, but Monk Faqing did not answer them, and it seemed that there was something unspeakable.

Yuan Mobai didn't think much of himself. Apart from thanking the other party for his timely help, he didn't want to inquire more.

“Master Nephew Faqing, are you staring at the Dao Kingdom in the world, or at Huang Xuanpu and others?” Elder Miaoyi seemed to be asking, but also seemed to be talking to himself.

 After all, the timing of Monk Faqing's appearance was quite coincidental.

“Pindao was also deeply surprised by this, but Master Faqing left in a hurry, so it was inconvenient for Pindao to ask more questions.”

Yuan Mobai looked sincere and spoke apologetically: "I wanted to retain Master Faqing. On the one hand, I expressed my gratitude to my sect. On the other hand, I also thought about the eminent monks of your sect. I thought I would like to meet him again. Unfortunately, I could not succeed. I feel ashamed." To all the masters of Tianlong Temple."

Elder Miaoyi said: "Master Yuan Taoist words are serious, but a poor monk really doesn't dare to take them seriously."

 He sat there for a while and found nothing, so he said goodbye and left.

 Elder Miaoyi is not the only one who has doubts.

 In fact, many people in the outside world are speculating on the relationship between monk Faqing and Tianshi Mansion.

 At the same time, we are also speculating on the current relationship between monk Faqing and Tianlong Temple.

"Why is he suffering?" Tang Tianshi was a little frustrated that he had misjudged Wang Guiyuan.

Lei Jun: "Maybe Senior Brother has other thoughts."

Tang Xiaotang snorted.

But her temper came and went just as quickly, and she soon stopped puffing out her cheeks.

On the other hand, his eyes were moving, as if he was thinking about something.

As soon as Lei Jun saw her appearance, he knew what she was thinking: "Senior brother is different from senior sister. He will definitely not fight with you. If you really push him, he will either run away or lie down on the ground."

Hearing this, Tang Xiaotang was immediately disappointed and let out a "bang" sound.

 She turned to look at Lei Jun: "You should work harder and work harder."

Tang Xiaotang had a rough idea of ​​Lei Jun's cultivation strength before this battle.

 After all, they often communicate and try to figure out magic and magical powers.

However, Tang Xiaotang will not miss the current Lei Jun as much as he misses Xu Yuanzhen and Wang Guiyuan.

 The reason is simply that Lei Jun's current cultivation level is lower than hers.

 But she is quite looking forward to Lei Jun's continued improvement.

I’m especially curious about what the exterior scenes of Lei Jun’s Divine Court look like.

“Don’t be in a hurry when it comes to cultivation, just let nature take its own course.” Lei Jun said.

Tang Xiaotang: “I prefer to sing loudly and make rapid progress!”

She suddenly remembered something: "By the way, let me take a look at the Heavenly Master's robe."

Although the news about the Celestial Master's robe continues to be kept secret for now, Lei Jun will never hide it from the current Celestial Master Tang Xiaotang.

Although Tang Tianshi was a little regretful that the Three Treasures of the Tianshi were finally complete and she couldn't take them out together to dazzle others, she didn't force it.

 His people have never paid much attention to magic weapons and instruments.

 The main interest in the Three Treasures of the Heavenly Master lies in the appearance of them to attract attention.

Honestly speaking, Tang Tianshi was actually more interested in the Tianshi Sword.

At present, she got the Heavenly Master's robe from Lei Jun, and she used it to carefully observe the dragon and tiger dharma basket formed by the dharma aggregates in it.

Looking at the Celestial Master's robe directly is much better than looking at the illusory dragon and tiger magic urn formed by Lei Jun's previous nine lights in the cave.

Tianshifu covers the classic inheritance of Tianshifu from the Three Cave and Three Realms Sutra to the complete "Zhengfa Zhenyi Dao Sutra" and a complete set of Talisman Sutra.

Tang Xiaotang is no stranger to these things now.

 But in addition to its protective power, it is the most comprehensive treasure of the Taoist scriptures among the three treasures of the Celestial Master.

 After years of accumulation, all the complete and profound Taoist essences are most profoundly reflected in the Celestial Master's robe, and there are also many related details.

 The higher the understanding and talent, the more inspiration you will get from watching.

Lei Jun and Tang Xiaotang looked at the Celestial Master's robe and compared it with their original Taoist inheritance, and both gained new insights.

This incident made Tang Xiaotang restrain his temper and stay on the mountain.

 The mountain gate currently needs to be re-stabilized, so Lei Jun has no plans to leave the mountain at the moment.

 Fortunately, there is no big news on Tianli's side, so there is no need to worry about anything unexpected happening to senior sister Xu Yuanzhen.

Communication is relatively inconvenient and messages are often not delivered in time, but the connection is not completely disconnected after all.

 News about Tianli came one after another, which made Lei Jun understand what Xu Yuanzhen originally said was the "interesting but annoying" Confucian inheritance.


Is the so-called Ming Dynasty limited to the laws of heaven?

Lei Jun couldn't help but think of the Shattered World that he entered through the void portal on the top of Dahei Mountain.

 After being reminded by Xu Yuanzhen, Lei Jun deliberately went to Zhongzhou, the land of the current Tang Dynasty.

 In terms of topography, the two sides are almost the same.

The land of Zhongzhou in the Tang Dynasty was naturally not dug away by anyone, but it was still there.

 But where did that foreign land of void and shattered heaven and earth come from?

 The people in Tianli call themselves the Ming Dynasty.

Lei Jun thought about it and came up with a guess:

  Could it be that there is another world that belongs to the Ming Dynasty?

Where was the broken world leading to the void portal on the top of Dahei Mountain torn off from?

There were many doubts and few clues. After thinking about it for a moment, Lei Jun gradually retracted his unrestrained thoughts.

When more information related to heavenly principles comes back, perhaps some conjectures can be verified.

 He focused more on his current situation in Longhu Mountain.

After a great war, although the human kingdom was severely defeated, the gate of Longhu Mountain was also shaken.

 It is not said that everything is in ruins, but the reconstruction work is complicated.

While Tianshi Mansion was busy rebuilding its own home, the outside world was not peaceful.

In addition to the ongoing conflict with Tianli in the East China Sea, there is also another war starting in the northwest between the Tang Dynasty and the Lone Eagle Khanate.

However, the war in the northwest did not affect the Tang imperial family's reward and condolences to Longhu Mountain.

 Destroy the Dao Kingdom in the human world and save the Tang Dynasty from a major disaster in a short period of time.

Although Huang Xuanpu is still there, for Datang, the identity of the other party is clearly disclosed, which is also a gain.

As for Chunyang Palace, the Tang Dynasty imperial family was still slowly making plans.

There is no need to say more about the Tianshi Mansion. Xiao Xueting and others went back to resume their duties. Later, Zhang Mu, King of Xun'an, as the official representative, went to Longhu Mountain to express condolences to the Tianshi Mansion.

 According to precedent, if someone has made great contributions to the country, the Tang Dynasty imperial family will also give rewards to people in the Taoist sect.

  But there is a small problem.

Among those currently alive, there is only one person who has been officially named Chunyang Xianzheng Dharma Protector.

 But that person is the former head of Chunyang Palace, Huang Xuanpu, who is missing now.

 The name Huang Laozhen comes from this.

 But now this is simply black history.

With a low profile, the bans of Lei Jun and others had to be put aside for the time being and quietly put down without anyone mentioning them.

 Lei Jun and others didn't care much about this.

 In order to express compensation, the imperial court gave more generous treasures.

  With the spiritual objects previously seized from Fu Dongsen and Rong Guangchen, plus the condolences from the Tang Dynasty imperial family, there is no problem in rebuilding Longhu Mountain, and there is more than enough.

 Among the treasures given by the Tang court as consolation, the most eye-catching ones are four in total.

The sky turns to fairy dust.

Nine Yang Sacred Tree.

 The earth and sea are full of gold.

 The sky is filled with gold.

 The four great treasures correspond to Xu Yuanzhen, Tang Xiaotang, Yuan Mobai and Lei Jun to a certain extent.

According to Zhang Mu, it was a treasure that the Queen personally inspected and decided on after supervising the war in the northwest.

After everyone in the Tianshi Mansion expressed their gratitude, Tang Tianshi first took away the Nine Sun Sacred Tree without any courtesy.

“General Shangguan and the others went deep into the black mist of Jiuli last time, and it seems they gained quite a lot.”

Yuan Mobai looked at the golden earth and sea and sighed: "Your Majesty is really thoughtful about such a rare treasure."

Wang Guiyuan sighed: "I'm afraid there is no such thing as pie in the sky. The imperial court has spent a lot of money on the family over the past few years."

  internal and external troubles, continuous turmoil, and continuous use of troops.

 For the dynasties in this world of spiritual practice, sometimes money is also what matters.

 It's just that this money is not that money.

  Refining spells, elixirs, medicines, healing, improving practice, arranging rituals, repairing stronghold formations, and subsequent rewards, rewards, and even bribery.

 Everything is “money”.

The imperial family of the Tang Dynasty had enough wealth, but in recent years, especially in the past few years, it is not an exaggeration to say that spending "money" is like running water.

“If Master Faqing is willing to show up, you may be able to help me with this,” Lei Jun said.

Wang Guiyuan waved his hand: "That's not necessary, I can't bear it, I can't bear it."

Lei Jun: "Speaking of which, senior brother, why did you decide on such a title in the first place?"

 Wang Guiyuan: “What’s the problem?”

Lei Jun: "It sounds like being in heat."

Wang Guiyuan: "...Please enunciate clearly and accurately."

 After the brothers joked a few words with each other, they each reinvested their energy in the task of rebuilding the mountain gate.

 As time went by, the ancestral court of the Tianshi Mansion Mountain Gate finally regained its appearance.

It's just like the previous wars.

 Due to the vibration and change of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, just like the Ganoderma lucidum platform, some things will undergo huge changes.

Lei Jun and others could only make fine adjustments, but overall they still maintained the beauty of Longhu Mountain.

When the reconstruction of Shanmen finally comes to an end, Lei Jun can spend more time and energy on his own affairs.

In addition to daily practice, Lei Jun's next focus is on the issue of refining magic weapons.

 He first offered sacrifices to his own Shangqing Yuchen Immortal Bamboo again.

The green bamboo stick flashing purple and gold is still at seven knots.

And as Lei Jun's own cultivation realm has been promoted to the eighth level, his Shangqing Yuchen Immortal Bamboo once again has an opportunity to improve.

Although it is not like the Taoist weapon refining sect where they share the same fate and magic weapon, the connection between this bamboo stick and Lei Jun is also very close.

Lei Jun then combined heavenly thunder and earthly fire to refine this treasure.

 Over time, the seven-section bamboo stick finally increased to eight sections.

After Lei Jun warmed and cultivated the Shangqing Yuchen Immortal Bamboo for a period of time, he turned to study the second magic weapon he had refined.

 In terms of raw materials, as he had planned previously, he used dragon-shaped raincaps, eight landscapes, and the core of a single tree newly obtained from the Chiba Butterfly King as the main materials, and combined with other auxiliary materials.

However, Lei Jun did not use the Shenxiaoliujin he had just obtained from the Tang Dynasty imperial family, but considered making plans later.

So under Lei Jun's control, the dragon-shaped raincaps turned into dragon shadows, circling and flying in the air.

 The eight sceneries, which seem to be solid, have been re-expanded, but are still condensed.

 The core of Dumu's heart was decomposed by Lei Jun's magic power and turned into a mist like an illusory stream of light.

One of the talents of Qianye Butterfly King is to hide and hide, to cover up and camouflage itself.

Lei Jun was full of patience, and with the help of Jiuyuan True Fire, he calmly integrated the dragon-shaped coop, the eight scenery winds, and the light mist transformed from the core of the single tree into one.

 Gradually forming a coir raincoat.

Different from the Yuchen Immortal Bamboo of the Shangqing Dynasty, this magic weapon is more in line with the Taiqing lineage because of the eight sceneries and some auxiliary materials of heaven, materials and earth treasures.

Lei Jun didn't mind this, but became interested.

 He named it the Eight Views of Taiqing.

 (End of this chapter)

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