Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 299: 298 Shuangyong goes to sea, thundering for nine days! (10,000 words big

Chapter 299 298. Two dragons go out to sea, thundering for nine days! (10,000-word chapter)

“So, I’ll help you, the two Taoists.” Chu Xiuyuan said.

Lei Jun also said to Shangguan Ning: "The disciple originally planned to go to the sea to find and contact the senior sister, but the current situation has changed and the overall situation is more important, so he had to go to Mingzhou first.

However, the family teacher and the head senior sister are very concerned about the loss of news about the eldest sister, and want to ask the fifth uncle to search for her on their behalf. "

Shangguan Ning nodded: "Okay, I'll leave this land to you, nephew Chongyun."

 Xu Yuanzhen’s importance to today’s Tianshi Mansion is undoubted.

She suddenly disappeared and lost contact, so everyone in the Tianshi Mansion should pay attention to her.

 What's more, regarding the current situation in the East China Sea, Xu Yuanzhen's stay and whereabouts are also top priority.

Chu Xiuyuan has no objection to this arrangement. He only hopes that when there is news from the Tianshi Mansion, he will also inform the court.

The three people from Tianshi Mansion responded, said goodbye to Chu Xiuyuan and left.

Chu Xiuyuan watched the backs of Lei Jun and the others, silently.

 “Chu Chongguang…”

Shangguan Ning: "Well, I can save it."

Although the information available to the Chu people was incomplete because Chu Kun was in the Tianshi Mansion and lived in seclusion, they had never forgotten such a typical representative of a plant that had flowers blooming inside the wall and fragrance outside the wall.

 If Master Chu Kun comes into contact with the Chu people, let him go.

Although the relationship between the Chu people in Suzhou and the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain is not as close as in the past, they will not be open enemies at present.

 At the same time, do not interfere or obstruct.

After pondering for a moment, the old man smiled slightly: "Yuan Mobai is a thoughtful person, but it's too early to tell who will place the important responsibility on that child."

Since the immediate relatives of Chu and Kun moved away from their ancestral land in Suzhou and spread their branches elsewhere, Chu Xiuyuan, Chu Zhe, Chu Peng and other senior Chu people basically understood his attitude.

However, the Chu people did not plan to do anything.

 After the three people from Tianshi Mansion left Yuhang, Lei Jun said quietly.

As an elder, Shangguan Ning also respected his opinions.

 It's just that Chu Xiu pays more attention to Longhu Mountain now than before.

Chu Xiuyuan could see that it contained recognition and trust from many aspects.

 In fact, Chu Xiuyuan himself was very optimistic about Lei Jun.

Lei Jun stayed at the seaside, carefully inspecting the flow of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, experiencing natural changes, and summarizing the rules.

 It can be seen that everyone in the Tianshi Mansion has high hopes for him.

Suzhou has always paid attention to Chu Kun, a disciple of the Chu clan who has shown extraordinary talent in the Taoist Holy Land, and has not neglected it for more than 20 years now.

 After arriving, for the time being, only the waves were undulating, and no trace of the Tianli monk was seen.

 After a few moments, deep in his eyes, there was a light shining from the heavenly and earthly penetrating dharma.


Lei Jun Lei Chongyun, not only has extraordinary talent in cultivating Taoism, he is also calm and decisive. He is indeed a pillar of talent.

As for Chu Kun, who came to Yuhang with Lei Jun and now left together, Chu Xiu saw that he was in a calm mood.

Lei Jun was neither impatient nor impatient, and simply said to Chu Kun: "Although there is relevant news, it seems that no one in heaven has approached Mingzhou on a large scale. I am patrolling around Mingzhou. Junior brother, you might as well go visit your relatives first, and Arrange for them to go further inland."

Lei Jun walked along the coastline, approaching the Daqing Bay area without haste or speed.

Brothers Lei Jun and Chu Kun, after bidding farewell to their uncle Shangguan Ning, headed to the Mingzhou seaside together.

"Don't worry, fifth uncle. There is news about the senior sister. She is not seriously injured, but she was away from Tianli due to other matters."

Seeing that the situation was calm for the time being, he did not refuse, thanked Lei Jun and left, expecting to return soon.

Whether it is Lei Jun, Yuan Mobai, Shangguan Ning or others, they will never take the initiative to ask the contemporary Celestial Master Tang Xiaotang to abdicate.

 That’s it for others.

Although it seemed that he put private matters first before public affairs, Chu Kun knew that given the current gap in cultivation between their senior brothers, if a strong enemy really came to attack the situation, it would still depend on his senior brother Lei Jun. The main purpose of his trip was to resettle his relatives and follow Lei Jun. Jun has a lot of experience and helps Lei Jun.

 Attention, but not interference.

If we consider that Shangguan Ning was born in the Tang Dynasty imperial family and is inextricably linked to the clan, the meaning becomes even more profound.

He is polite but talks little, but his physical strength and prestige have been gradually developed.

If Chu Kun takes the initiative to seek assistance from the Suzhou family, then he will support it.

Lei Jun: "However, her current whereabouts are uncertain, and she may not be able to return to the Tang Dynasty in a short time. We still need to be cautious when acting on the East China Sea."

At the same time, Lei Jun raised his hand.

Shangguan Ning nodded slightly when he heard the words: "That's good."

 This is the strict instruction of Chu Xiuyuan himself.

 Thereupon, many light spots flew out and fell in all directions, taking care of both sea and land.

That is not just because of the gap in strength between the two sides.

But if Tang Xiaotang retires from the position of Heavenly Master, either voluntarily or unexpectedly, the successor will most likely be the tall young man just now.

Each point of light is a heaven-sighting, earth-hearing talisman made by Lei Jun himself.

 After doing all this, Lei Jun's perception of the outside world has been further enhanced.

 You can have a panoramic view of many scenes inside and outside the bay, as if you are right in front of your eyes.

Lei Jun nodded slightly, walked with his hands behind his back, and walked on other coasts around Daqing Bay.

 Time keeps passing.

 There are no activities of Tianli monks in the entire Mingzhou area, not to mention the Daqing Bay area.

 On the Yuhang side, there was some movement first.

The latest news Lei Jun received was that a large number of Tianli monks rushed out of the void portal and counterattacked on the eastern coast of the Tang Dynasty.

 There are many people with high cultivation among them.

 Outside Yuhang, a war broke out.

 Especially in the area around the mouth of the Qianjiang River, the fighting was particularly fierce.

However, fortunately, the Tang Dynasty can still stabilize its position.

Ye Yan, the head of two famous families in Qingzhou and Suzhou, joined forces with Chu Xiuyuan and successfully blocked the invading enemy at the mouth of the Qianjiang River.

There is now a battlefield between the great scholars in the realm of Nine Levels and the World.

The rest dare not approach easily, otherwise they will inevitably be affected.

 The remaining monks of the Tang Dynasty, led by other masters of the previous three days, started a fierce battle with the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

“The winning lottery mentioned in Yuhang Qianjiang Prefecture said that the wind was high and the waves were fast, and it was thrilling. Now it seems that it has come true, but I don’t know what the fourth-grade opportunity is.”

Lei Jun received the news from Yuhang in Mingzhou and took no action for the time being.

Although he was curious about the fourth-grade opportunity, Lei Jun had no intention of changing his mind and rushing there again.

 He stayed in the Daqing Bay area and waited quietly.

 Just as time passed, there was no movement here.

Even Chu Kun came with news that he was on his way back and was rushing back to join Lei Jun.

After visiting his relatives, he persuaded his relatives to stay away for the time being. Chu Kun no longer worried about the remaining matters and returned directly to Daqing Bay to join his senior brother Lei Jun who was staying there.

 He doesn’t have to worry about missing out on the show.

 Because in the past few days, there has been some movement in Mingzhou.

Monk Tianli really showed up in the Daqing Bay area.

 They did not land directly ashore, but stayed in the bay and began to plan something.

 Lei Jun did not show up immediately, observing the other party with great interest.

 Some of the visitors were dressed as scribes, while others looked like they were wearing official uniforms, but they were different from the imperial uniforms of the Tang Dynasty.

The scene in front of me corresponds to the various rumors about heavenly principles earlier.

 There, Confucian practitioners have an overwhelming advantage regardless of the base size or the number of experts.

Although there are practitioners from other Taoist traditions, their numbers and level are insignificant.

The group of Tianli monks who appeared in the waters of Daqing Bay looked up from a distance, as if they were observing the pulsation of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Daqing Bay area.

 Are we going to prepare a large-scale ceremony? Lei Jun watched and observed.

 It seems that they are just people who come to observe, not the real people in charge.

So, should the third-grade chance of winning the lottery belong to this group of Tianli monks or to humans?

Lei Jun gradually figured it out.

 He had secretly plowed the Daqing Bay area several times before, but found nothing.

From this point of view, chance does not originate from nature, but comes from man-made factors.

In the sea, there is no longer light. Instead, it is almost invisible, and it is approaching the Tianli monks quietly.

Although the sea was very rough, Lei Jun could still hear the other party's conversation clearly.

“The spiritual energy veins here are different from those in Tianli, but there are still traces to follow. Report to Wang Butang immediately.” The middle-aged official who led the group ordered.

Someone beside him quickly agreed, then unfolded the paper in the air and started writing.

Lei Jun is now quite familiar with the Confucian concept of seeing words as faces, and can see that the other party's method is derived from seeing words as faces, but it is different.

 Lei Jun would describe it as more organized and efficient, but also more rigid.

He did not block the other party's message, but secretly studied it carefully.

 After that, other Tianli monks arrived one after another.

However, it seems that there is no so-called Wangbu Hall among them. The visitors dispersed and were still checking the flow of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in this area.

“It was previously unimaginable that there is still another human being, but the history here seems to be different from what is recorded in the history books.” Someone said softly.

A person next to him said: "Yes, but this place is really unethical. Warriors are causing chaos in the country, Buddhism and Taoism are rampant in obscene worship, and scholars are even more disgraceful and misinterpret the meaning of saints' scriptures."

“The spirit of heavenly principles is still strong in recent years, but it is gradually declining. Now it is connected with the human world. It is really a blessing from heaven, and it is in line with my destiny.”

The middle-aged official headed by the leader ordered: "First gather and guide the human Qi in this area to be consistent with the natural principles, so that they can comply with the heavens and the people."

 The group of people agreed one after another.

 What the other party said made Lei Jun look at him with suspicion.

First of all, he was surprised by the loudness of the other party's tone. For a moment, he thought that when he received the summons from senior sister Xu Yuanzhen, he was missing some words, which led to some misunderstandings?

 Secondly, is it because the spiritual energy of heaven is declining?

 The Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are blessed by nature.

 It is the ten relatively vicious places. Although there may be disasters all over the place, overall it is still a place with rich energy.

From the perspective of being suitable for human monks to practice, Jiutian is even better.

 Tianli or Guizang is one of the nine heavens.

So, is it true that all nine heavens and ten earths have such hidden dangers, corresponding to the surge of spiritual energy in the world today, or is it only the law of heaven that is like this?

Lei Jun did not show up immediately, so he first observed the movements of these Tianli monks.

 Some of them finally landed ashore and began to enter the inland area.

Chu Kun was rushing to join Lei Jun, but on the way, he happened to encounter several scribes of heavenly principles.

Although Chu Kun was wearing a crimson robe of a Taoist priest instead of the purple robe like Lei Jun and Xu Yuanzhen, the look of the Tianshi Mansion monks' similar attire still made the expressions of the Tianli scribes change after seeing him.

 “What a thief!” Those scribes didn’t say much and started attacking directly.

Unlike the traditional Confucian classics monks who mostly wore swords, most of these scribes from Tianli held pens.

As they wrote in the air, a large number of ink characters appeared in the air.

These words and sentences are all full and elegant in shape, neatly arranged in mid-air, and neatly contrasted.

Then, the ink characters that formed the complete sentence flew through the air together and fell toward Chu Kun like the sky and the earth.

 Come, junior brother, say, thank you, senior sister... Lei Jun is not surprised at all.

 He felt that the moral conception contained in these words was exactly the same as those words provided by Zhenxing Tuyao in the earlier universe of heavenly books.

Does Confucianism practice legal system...

Lei Jun occasionally thought that he had heard some rumors related to Neo-Confucianism when he was on Blue Star before traveling through time. There were many legends and many refutations.

 What is inside, he has limited knowledge and cannot comment.

 But Lei Jun already understood some general characteristics of the Neo-Confucian monks in this monastic world.

The monks of the Tang Dynasty have been fighting against these Tianli monks for many days and have accumulated a lot of experience.

Through the information received from Shangguan Ning and others, Lei Jun knew that this ink character was the most common and basic practical combat method used by Tianli monks, or Confucian Neo-Confucian monks, which is called the character system.

 From the beginning of the font, it is strictly uniform, whether it is daily writing or current writing with pen and ink.

Chu Kun's reaction was also not slow. He swayed and disappeared on the spot, avoiding the patches of ink characters.

 He quickly approached the Confucian Neo-Confucian monks from Tianli.

 The opponent's shot tends to be in the mid-range.

Chu Kun immediately sought to get close to him.

 There is a flash of spiritual light on his body, which is outlined into a talisman.

With the talisman flashing and Chu Kun's starlight protecting his body, the whole person seemed to be taller and more majestic than before.

 At the same time, the sound of strong wind howling sounded all around.

In terms of physical talent, Chu Kun is not as good as his master Yuan Mobai, his senior brother Lei Jun, or his nephew Zhuo Baojie.

But he still chose the God Talisman and the Wind Riding Talisman as his natural spells.

With Yuan Mobai's teachings, Chu Kun's physical life skills are still outstanding among the disciples of the Tianshi Mansion of his generation.

 After he has completed three days of cultivation, the three skills of his life have been sublimated.

Chukun’s divine talisman was sublimated into a fighting talisman.

  It is both a battle of skills and a battle of stars.

Although he is not as direct and violent as Lei Jun and Yuan Mobai, Chu Kun is surrounded by stars at this moment, his figure is swollen, his energy and blood are surging, and his appearance looks more like a small Dou Mu Star God Dharma Image.

 His Wind Riding Talisman was sublimated into the Heavenly Wind Talisman.

At this moment, the wind was howling, and the battle was about to begin. Chu Kun's speed and strength increased significantly, and he rushed in front of a Tianli cultivator in the blink of an eye.

The ink words and sentences floating in front of the monk Tianli quickly gathered together to form an existence similar to a frame grid, which not only hindered Chu Kun, but also tried to imprison and restrict Chu Kun.

 This method is called Ge Zhi, and it is also an important method used by Neo-Confucian monks to confront enemies in actual combat.

Chu Kun came too quickly. Although his opponent had set up a block, Chu Kun had an extra ghost cudgel in his hand. He broke up the pen and ink that had not yet been completely stabilized, and then hit his opponent squarely with the cudgel.

The Neo-Confucian monk suddenly groaned, his body swayed and he was about to fall over.

However, the patterns and sentences of other Neo-Confucian monks combined that person's writing and ink to face the enemy as a whole without being affected.

A large number of pen and ink are combined together, the format is close to the formation, the formation is completed, or the rules are completed, Chu Kun suddenly feels bound.

 The so-called Zhiyi... Lei Jun looked thoughtful when he saw this.

 If Zhiyi is successful, the enemy trapped in it, unless his strength is too much beyond that of Zhiyi, must solve the problem according to the rules written by Zhiyi, otherwise he will be restrained everywhere.

Chukun did not rush towards his opponent blindly when he moved his steps.

His every step is meticulous.

 After a series of steps, stars lit up around them, rising and falling.

It is the Ta Gang Step Fighting that was directly passed down from the Tianshi Mansion, and it is also Chu Kun's first skill.

With the blessing of Ta Gang Bu Dou, Chu Kun's other spells were used, and his performance in all aspects improved.

This allowed Chu Kun to immediately use force to break through the restraints set up by the Neo-Confucian monks on the opposite side, break out of the opponent's shackles, and break out of the formation that was about to be formed by pen and ink.

However, as soon as he rushed forward, his opponent's writing and ink immediately changed.

“He who is treasonous and unethical must be punished!”

With the changes in the ink words and sentences, at this moment, the pen was as sharp as a knife, slashing towards Chu Kun.

 When brothers Lei Jun and Chu Kun saw this, their eyes flashed.

 These blades are sharp and cut off Chu Kun's inspiration to communicate with the nature of heaven and earth as a Taoist Fu Lu sect monk, thus rendering Chu Kun's personal protective talismans such as the Doujiang Talisman and the Golden Pass Talisman ineffective.

Although the smell is unpleasant, it is mysterious.

 Chu Kun remained calm in times of danger.

 He has been informed by Lei Jun that his senior brother is nearby.

However, the current situation is not to the point where Lei Jun has to take action, Chu Kun can take care of it himself.

 Knowing that Lei Jun was on the side, in addition to making sure that there was someone to support him, the most important thing for Chu Kun was that since Lei Jun did not move, he knew that there were no other strong enemies nearby.

 Accordingly, when dealing with the Tianli monks in front of him, he can relax a little.


Those Tianli monks who controlled the distance and used ink characters and ink knives to attack Chu Kun from afar suddenly saw a blur in front of them!

Countless flames, thunder, and strong winds suddenly burst out together!

The boundless sea of ​​fire talisman, the wind and fire city talisman, the thunder talisman, the five thunder dharma talisman... and even the Yin five thunder dharma talisman created by Lei Jun.

Many high-level spiritual talismans inherited from Tianshi Mansion appeared at the same time like an exhibition.

 And each of them is numerous.

 In an instant, dozens or hundreds of high-level spiritual talismans flashed together, generating terrifying power.

Not to mention that the etiquette system of those Tianli monks could not completely cut off and restrict Chu Kun's access to heaven and earth, but it completely cut off the connection between Chu Kun and the nature of heaven and earth. Only with the power of Chu Kun's many high-level spiritual talismans, Still, a storm of destruction was woven within a radius of several hundred meters in an instant.

 A group of Tianli monks were completely stunned.

Is this a method that the Taoist priests of the Zhongsantian Fulu Sect can have?

The monks of the Talisman Sect in the middle three days are not like those in the lower three days who can only use one talisman at a time, but there is still a certain limit on the number of multiple talisman spells that can be cast at the same time.

The red-robed Taoist priest in front of me, who looked young, took action, which was too exaggerated.

How many Fu Lu Sect monks of the same realm can cast spells on his own?

Although high-level spiritual talismans such as the Five Thunders Zhengfa Talisman, the Thunderous Thunder Talisman, and the Sea of ​​Fire Talisman are not Chu Kun's natal talismans, he has already reached the sixth level of Heavenly Dao Seal realm, and any talisman is at least top-grade.

Such a large number of high-level talismans are cast together, and they even cooperate with each other. At worst, they will not collide with each other and interfere with each other.

Chukun does not just throw out each high-level spiritual talisman, but controls it individually to a certain extent.

 So many spiritual talismans exploded together, burning out almost all the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth, forming a vacuum area.

 At the same time, this coast was almost burned to a white ground.

Although the ink characters and ink knives of those Tianli monks were stubborn, they could no longer resist Chu Kun, and they were all swept away by the explosive thunder and fire storm.

And those Tianli monks were also knocked down in pieces.

 In the storm of thunder and fire, only Chu Kun's figure was looming.

Around its body, hundreds of stars rise and fall, like a Milky Way surrounding it, the stars gradually turn from shining to dim.

Lei Jun looked on with a smile from afar.    That is Chu Kun's natal magic.

After three days of cultivation, Chu Kun's first skill, the God Fighting Talisman, was sublimated into the Fighting General Talisman, and his second destiny skill, the Wind Riding Talisman, was sublimated into the Heavenly Wind Talisman.

And his self-created third natal art, the Star Talisman, was sublimated into the Galaxy Talisman.

With his own special physique as the basis, and then using the Galaxy Talisman, Chu Kun can use multiple spiritual talismans to attack at the same time.

The power of a single talisman cannot be far different from that of other disciples of the Tianshi Mansion in the same realm, but when the number increases, it is a completely different matter.

Of course, under normal circumstances, Chu Kun would not be able to cast so many high-level talismans at once.

 This performance was achieved only after the Tugang Budou has been running for a period of time and continuously blessed.

Lei Jun made a similar attempt when he created his own serial flame talisman when he was in the lower three-day realm.

It's just that after reaching the realm of the middle three days and the upper three days, he dabbled more in other magical powers.

 While we usually communicate and discuss with each other, Chu Kun and I have done a lot of research together, and we are both inspired by each other.

At this moment, seeing Chu Kun take action to defeat the enemy, Lei Jun felt happy for him.


 Junior brother, you have betrayed the tradition of our branch!

There are the Fighting General Talisman and the Tianfeng Talisman. It seems that Chu Kun is also practicing the life skills of the physical body. His true face is actually a fort magician.

 Although the attack distance is not particularly far, the attack range and the intensity of firepower within the unit space are simply inhumane.

Well, it’s also inhumane.

Chukun’s explosion this time consumed an exaggerated amount of talisman-making materials and his own mana.

However, Taoist Master Chu Chongguang was present at this moment, calm and composed, but he held a red gem directly in his mouth with a slightly indistinct expression.

 The jade flashes with a warm brilliance, quickly helping Chu Kun replenish the mana and energy consumed by Jiju.

 The consumption is large and the harvest is greater.

The smoke gradually dissipated in front of his eyes, and except for Chu Kun, no one was standing there.

 There are even some Neo-Confucian monks who are also at the sixth level of heaven.

Only the most powerful middle-aged official, who is still alive, is struggling to get up from the ground.

It's just that at this moment, his face is gray and stained with blood, and he has no official dignity at all.

 “The evil way, the evil way…” The middle-aged official was so angry that he was shaking all over.

But before he could finish his words, a roaring tiger and a roaring wind suddenly came from behind him.

 Just behind him, a wind tiger appeared.

Chukun’s first and second methods of destiny seem to be quite orthodox. They are the most popular methods chosen by the three-day monks in the Tianshi Mansion, such as the step fighting and the dragon and tiger twin spirits.

At this moment, Fenghu took the opponent's back, while Yunlong stayed around Chu Kun himself, who was recovering his mana.

But when the middle-aged official resisted Feng Hu, he realized that something was not serious.

Around Chu Kun's Fenghu body, there were several stars surrounding him, rising and falling.

 Then, several more high-level spiritual talismans exploded together.

Monk Li did not say a word this time, and was completely engulfed by the thunder and fire.


Lei Jun's admiration sounded in Chu Kun's ears.

 “It makes me laugh, senior brother, I’m almost hollowed out.” Chu Kun spat out the ruby ​​​​in his mouth. The jade had no luster, but he no longer lacked mana.

Lei Junze continued: "Others are coming."

Chu Kun exploded violently and quickly wiped out the enemy.

At the same time, the movement of his spells was also very loud, which was earth-shattering.

 Other Tianli monks scattered around the bay were all shocked.

In addition, there are others who are also attracted.

But he is the descendant of Tianlong Temple, one of the four holy places of Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty.

The leader is a monk who looks to be in his thirties or forties. His name is Faming. In recent years, Tianlong Temple has made breakthroughs to the seventh heaven of Buddhism and the realm of Dharma.

Faming and other monks from Tianlong Temple arrived at the scene, together with Chu Kun, which made the Tianli monks who came to support tense up.

"...Master Chu?" Fa Ming was a little surprised, but he didn't say much. He just said hello to Chu Kun and started to prepare to capture these Tianli monks.

The Dharma form cultivated in the seventh heaven realm of Fa Ming is a white elephant as huge as a mountain.

The ground shook when the white elephant trampled on it, making it difficult for those Tianli monks to resist.

With the monks from Tianlong Temple present, Chu Kun did not sit back and watch the show, but he regained his composure and began to half-stroke, becoming a Fulu sect monk who focused on physical life skills.

However, the situation of the war quickly changed.

In the distance, on the sea of ​​Daqing Bay, there were people wearing high-grade official uniforms of the Ming Dynasty, coming with some other Tianli monks.

The senior official turned blue with anger: "How did the news leak out?"

Lei Junzheng guessed that this person was Wang Butang mentioned by those before, but he heard other Tianli monks in front of him call him "Master Su".

The high-ranking official surnamed Su shouted angrily: "How dare you not obey the law, you bold demon monk?"

His official authority was very high, but even if he didn't see any movement, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth seemed to stagnate, and then invisible shackles appeared automatically, and Monk Fa Ming was the first to be shackled to the public.

Monk Faming fought with the white elephant made by his own vows and Dharma, but the white elephant was shackled on the spot.

 When the middle-aged monk saw this, his expression was solemn, but not panicked.

 He has been to the East China Sea for a while, and this is not the first time he has dealt with these Tianli monks, so he is mentally prepared for their methods.

 But there is undoubtedly a strong enemy in front of us.

Monk Faming's white elephant image possesses great strength and is constantly struggling.

 The invisible shackles of the high-ranking official named Su were shaken.

 But as time goes by, the power of the invisible shackles becomes stronger and stronger.

 Lei Jun looked on, thoughtfully.

 Confucian Neo-Confucian monks in Tianli, one of the methods of spiritual achievement, is called Zuzhi.

 Specifically speaking, the biggest characteristic of external fighting is that the longer a certain magical power lasts, the stronger its effectiveness becomes, and it becomes more and more difficult to shake as it is continuously superimposed.

Lei Jun has heard of this before.

 His concern at the moment was on another side.

Although Monk Faming is not as amazing and talented as Wang Guiyuan, Future Maitreya, and Abbot Yuanmi of Dakong Temple, his strength is not weak in the same realm.

 Compared to elders from the same sect, Elder Miaoyi is no less generous.

 But at this moment, facing this high-ranking official named Su, he was restrained immediately and became more and more at a disadvantage.

 Is this senior official named Su far more powerful than his peers?

Judging from Lei Jun’s vision and understanding, it is yes and no.

It is true that the opponent's strength is not weak, but under normal circumstances it should be about the same as Fa Ming.

 But now he is overpowering Monk Faming.

If Lei Jun is not mistaken, this is due to differences in legal systems.

 Confucian Neo-Confucianism under the Ming Dynasty outweighed the Buddhist teachings under the Tang Dynasty.

 This tradition is like a barrier that restricts the inheritance of other major traditions.

On the one hand, it is because of its own uniqueness, and on the other hand, it is probably because of the rumors that these Neo-Confucian monks share the same burdens with the king, share the same concerns with the country, and carry the fate of the country... Lei Jun was thoughtful.

 But the three-day Neo-Confucian monks who had just fought against Chu Kun did not show any obvious advantage in this regard.

Looking at it again, Lei Jun looked slightly weird.

 The Neo-Confucian monks who were fighting against the monks of Tianlong Temple and Chu Kun were all of high and low levels of cultivation.

The only three -day Confucianism, the senior official surnamed Su, who was lucky, had obvious advantages in the same realm of Fuming in the same realm.

The three-day Neo-Confucian monks who were fighting with Chu Kun and others appeared to be relatively normal and did not benefit significantly.

 As for the few young Confucian scholars who are only three days old, their average level seems to be significantly weaker than that of other Taoist monks at the same level.


 Lei Jun was unusually dumb.

 You...are you going to break the historical convention of the spiritual world, endure hardship when you are young, and become more popular and powerful as you get older?

Thinking again that the other party's other major method of practice is the up and down rule called Gangchang, which is difficult to violate, Lei Jun couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

He didn't have time to think about it, and his heart moved slightly. He noticed that there were others hiding in the distance, peeking at the battle between the Neo-Confucian monks and the monks of Tianlong Temple.

Lei Jun's eyes were filled with the heaven-clear and the earth-clear Dharma, quietly flowing.

 Then, the figures of several people came into view.

Those are also several monks who practice Confucian Neo-Confucianism.

Although they all wear regular clothes, the official voice they have developed is very obvious and cannot be concealed.

 They looked at the warring parties from a distance.

One of them whispered: "Master Futai is so predictable that those monks have indeed come here. However, the leader has only cultivated to the seventh level of heaven. I am afraid that he will not be able to stop Wang Butang and Master Su's arrangements."

The leader, a middle-aged man, said: "I hope these monks can recruit more masters, so as to break the sacrificial ceremony where the sun and the moon shine together and the sea gathers energy."

One person beside him hesitated: "Master Futai, the circulation of the spiritual energy of heaven is indeed likely to gradually begin to decline in the future. Although Wang Butang's move is reckless, if it can be done, it will really benefit our Ming Dynasty..."

Master Futai turned his head slowly and showed no expression.

Although he didn’t scold harshly, he immediately started to sweat like raindrops as soon as he opened his mouth to persuade the man.

Others next to him said: "It is difficult to determine what the future of Tianli will be, but if the Wu Party of Song Gelao and Wang Butang gains power, it will lead to chaos in the court and shake the country!"

The person opposite was sweating profusely and bowed to Mr. Futai: "I made a mistake, I hope you will forgive me!"

Master Futai turned his head again and said calmly: "There is nothing wrong with caring about your family and country, but many things cannot be taken at face value."

 The other side is like earth color: "The lower official knows his mistake."

Lei Jun watched this scene quietly.

 Well, it’s just like what the senior sister said.

 The people and things in this heavenly law have their own unique features, but they are annoying.

Lei Jun's eyes turned to the distant sea of ​​Daqing Bay.

There, someone else approached.

 Some people stopped at the bay.

 Some people are close to the coast.

Among those who landed ashore, the leader was also a high-ranking Ming official with seventh-level cultivation.

 “Brother Dufeng!” He greeted the senior official named Su from afar.

Senior official surnamed Su: "Brother Mingquan, is the minister here?"

  The latter responded: "Master Butang has started preparations in the open sea."

Senior official surnamed Su: "I'm ashamed, please help Brother Mingquan. Let's take down these monster monks as soon as possible!"

 Two seventh-level Neo-Confucian scholars attacked together. Monk Faming was even more unable to resist and could only resist.

The senior official named Su said: "Take them all and don't let the news leak out again."

The Neo-Confucian scholar Yu Laiyuan continued to suppress the monk Fa Ming. The senior official named Su freed up his hands and began to sweep away the others present.

 He seemed not to have noticed Chu Kun, a Taoist disciple, before.

 But now when he takes action, the first target will be Chu Kun!

 Monk Fa Ming, who was of the same level, was in every possible way unfavorable to this enemy.

 Chu Kun, who was at a lower level at this moment, felt even more intensely.

He seemed to see a faint halo covering the other person's body. In the halo, there were undulating scenes of mountains and rivers, but they were intertwined into an ink color.

 With this ink cover, if a monk with a lower level than the high-ranking official named Su tries to attack him, the effect will be greatly reduced.

However, Chu Kun could not just sit back and wait for death.

 His third method of birth has begun to be prepared.

 His name is the Star Shifting Talisman.

It is not a method of powerful attack, but Lulv helped Chu Kun avoid danger.

Although he is about to be exposed to outsiders now, it is obviously better to avoid the immediate disaster first.

However, before the stars around Chu Kun lit up, brighter stars shone in the distance.

As if the Milky Way was rewinding, and as the stars circulated, a tall Dharma statue appeared next to Chu Kun without any warning.

 Then he punched the senior official named Su and flew him away.

 The scene fell silent for a moment.

Everyone who was still fighting for life and death looked at the sudden appearance of the huge Taoist dharma image in shock and confusion.

Elder Lei of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain...Monk Faming was originally suppressed, but he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

 “Senior brother.” Chu Kun was calm.

 Lei Jun, who transformed into the Dharma Elephant of Dou Mu Star God, turned his head, and the two brothers nodded to each other.

Just now there were no monks from Tianlong Temple watching, so Lei Jun was left to Chu Kun to clean the battlefield by himself.

 At the moment, he will not force his junior brother to expose his true identity to outsiders.

What’s more, sensing the changes in the bay in the distance, Lei Jun concluded that the opportunity was ripe for him to wait in Daqing Bay.

Sure enough, after Lei Jun from the eighth heaven suddenly appeared, white light suddenly flashed in the distant sea.

 Like the bright moon rising over the sea.

 But it is daytime now.

Then the bright moon in the sea seems to be like the sun in the sky, forming an image of the sun and the moon shining together.

A tall, majestic old man wearing a second-grade official uniform of the Ming Dynasty appeared in the bright moon.

He was a great scholar of Neo-Confucianism who had reached the eighth level of heaven.

Lei Jun looked up and down and confirmed that the other party was performing some kind of special ritual.

He felt strange when he looked at it, but he could see that it roughly acted on the veins. It was the aura of heaven and earth that gathered and guided the human world here. It was connected to other places, presumably the other side of heaven.

Wang Feng, who was respectfully called Wangbutang by his subordinates, looked directly at Lei Jun: "A Taoist in the realm of the eighth heaven should know the number of the sky, and even more so, if you act against heaven, you will be punished."

 “How many days did you go to other people’s places to rob?”

Lei Jun: "Is this the way people over there talk?"

 He shook his head and said no more.

At the same time as he opened his mouth, the Five Thunder Dharma of Xuan Xiao also condensed. Under the black Xuan Lei, a huge black dragon poked its head out of it and let out a silent roar.

Xuanxiao Lei Zu Dharma Elephant!

The first time the black dragon appeared, it first defeated the seventh-level Confucian scholar who suppressed Monk Faming.

 Then, he rushed to the other side, toward the few Neo-Confucian monks who were peeping secretly.

The face of the man known as Futai changed, and he was forced to show up, revealing that he was also a Neo-Confucian practitioner in the seventh heaven realm.

At the same time Lei Jun made his move, Wang Fengmei in the sea stirred: "How dare you, demon!"

 At the same time as he spoke, there was a majestic aura mixed with thick ink, turning into shackles and falling towards Lei Jun.

Lei Jun transformed into the Ming Star God, and with the blessings of Lingguan Lu, Tianxing Lu and Huanxing Dou, he completely ignored the invisible shackles, went directly to the sea, and rushed towards Wang Feng.

Wang Feng saw the black thunder dragon pulling out the people hiding in the dark, and his face darkened: "Gu Lang, you are here too..."

It’s a pity that he can’t bother to pursue those people who are also from the Ming Dynasty.

 Lei Jun's strength exceeded his expectations.

But Wang Feng was not panicked and immediately shouted again: "How dare you, demon!"

This shout seemed to penetrate the void directly and hit Lei Jun's soul.

It is a great magical power among Neo-Confucian monks, and its name is rational desire.

 Preserve the laws of heaven and destroy human desires.

 Cut your opponent’s thoughts and mood swings directly.

 But today, Lei Jun no longer needs to rely on the Celestial Master's Seal to defend against his opponent's attacks on the soul.

 His soul directly exploded with a thunder.

 Then, the purple Nine Heavens Divine Thunder also appeared.

  As the Lei Fatian calligraphy urn rotates, the purple thunder interweaves into a huge Yang Lei dragon.

The Dharma Elephant of the Nine Heavens Thunder Patriarch!

The purple thunder dragon entwined around Lei Jun's Life Star God, boosting Lei Jun's Life Star God to strike like lightning, blasting through the bright moon where Wang Feng was!

 Eighth Heavenly Talisman Sect Taoist priest, three major Dharma images?

Wang Feng was horrified. He didn't expect that his luck with mountains and rivers could not suppress the Taoist priest at all.

His jet black forms a grid, protecting himself first.

 But Lei Jun’s black Yin Thunder Dragon flew back again.

The black and purple yin and yang dragons were spinning and intertwining at the same time at this moment, and then gathered in front of Lei Jun.

Although it is not a combination of dragon and tiger, it shows another kind of harmony between yin and yang.

 Ssangyong goes to sea.

 Thunder shook the heavens!

The purple and black intertwined light beams swept out wildly, hitting Wang Feng's black grid, and then completely shattered it!

 Wang Feng has a stronger and deeper aura than his subordinates, carrying more luck.

However, the purple and black twin dragons around Lei Jun's body did not disperse, and flew back to Lei Jun in a circle, intertwining with his tall Life Star God.

  Dharma image of Doumu Star God!

The Dharma Elephant of the Nine Heavens Thunder Patriarch!

Xuanxiao Lei Zu Dharma Elephant!

Three major Dharma images came out together, and their power was unified, hitting Wang Feng himself in the middle, completely breaking up the halo that enveloped his body, and making a hole in his chest.

 Hit his fist through Wang Feng’s body and exposed it from behind!

 (End of this chapter)

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