Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 300: 299 different worlds, the history of what-if (two-in-one

Chapter 300 299. Different worlds, the history of what if (two chapters in one)

Wang Feng couldn't help but be stunned when he saw Lei Jun's arm stabbing into his chest like a big gun.

The opponent's physical life force was far stronger than he expected.

What was even more unexpected was that he could barely understand the existence of Zi Lei, but Xuan Lei was extremely unfamiliar to him.

 The purple and black twin thunders combined their yin and yang, erupting with a power that far exceeded expectations.

Wang Feng opened his mouth to say something.

 But Lei Jun's figure began to expand again.

 However, in their world, the Tianshi Mansion has long since perished, and even the Taoist Fulu Sect has not fallen.

Lei Jun learned about the situation in Yuhang during this period through conversations with Abbot Miaoxin.

There are many in-laws between the Fang people in Jingxiang and the Chu people in Suzhou.

 After a great war, the world was turned upside down and the Qianjiang River almost flowed backwards.

 But Tianlong Temple was gone after all.

 Even if the other person is so young.

 On the one hand, he wants to suppress the tsunami below.

Both brothers and brothers were groaning.

However, when the two parties were meeting, Chu Kun followed the etiquette of a Taoist monk and an elder from Longhu Mountain.

 Spirituality can be used not only for Confucian practitioners, but also for practitioners of other legal systems.

If he had not come to Longhu Mountain to enter Taoism and practice, he would naturally have stayed in Suzhou to continue studying, join the clan and become a Confucian monk.

The name of the dynasty finally established by the alien race was also taken from the chapters and sentences of the Central Plains Wenhua Dazai Qianyuan, and was finally named the Daqian Dynasty.

 Only the core piece has been preserved.


 While all the heroes are competing for the throne, another hero emerges.

No matter what the true intentions of both parties are, calling their companions to come at this moment is the same action.

 In the relevant historical records of the Ming Dynasty, after the demise of the Later Zhou Dynasty, the people who replaced it were called the Daliang Dynasty.

The yin-yang thunder dragons hovering around his body flew downwards, and the two dragons entered the sea.

 This Taoist holy land finally became history in the human world where Wang Feng and others lived.

Chu Kun's eyes flashed and he looked at his senior brother Lei Jun.

 Fang Yuean is as good as he is.

 However, the Liang Dynasty was later overthrown by the alien races that emerged from the northern border.

 The violent thunder, under the control of Lei Jun at this moment, changes in strength and softness at will, from masculine and sharp to quiet and soft.

Lei Jun said slowly: "But after that..."

In addition to not having the outdoor scene of the divine court, the magical power that just burst out in an instant probably has the power of the third level of the eighth heaven... Monk Faming was secretly stunned.

 It is a coincidence that Chu Taoyuan's nickname was Mr. Yangchao. It was the elder of the Chu family who came to fight for the Li family privately during the war between Li and Li in the Tianshi Prefecture. He was good friends with Li Song.

Such a scene appeared in the eyes of onlookers, and everyone was stunned.

 In addition to being difficult to judge and full of doubts at the beginning, with the changes in various historical events, many things are destined to be different. People who once existed here may have never been born over there.

Fang Yue regarded this indifferently.

 Fang Yue and Abbot Miaoxin both nodded lightly.

 Because the former emperor Zhang Qilong and Zhang Wantong were brothers and sisters, they are still the fourth generation of the Zhangtang clan.

 There were also blood descendants after that, and even under the Ming Dynasty, there were still talents emerging, but they no longer had the prestige of famous families in the past.

 They were headed by three people.

 Instead, he looked in the direction of Changjie Island.

For example, in the history that Wang Feng and others are familiar with, there were no dynasties such as the Sui Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty.

 Wang Feng, a great scholar of Neo-Confucianism in the eighth heaven, was actually shot to death on the spot by Lei Jun.

 It is not exactly the same as the Tang Dynasty in terms of time, but it was founded a few hundred years later than the Tang Dynasty. There were other dynasties before that.

 It was after the collapse of the Daqian Dynasty that the Ming Dynasty was established.

When the senior official named Su was severely wounded by Lei Jun, Lei Jun's men spared some strength and did not kill him on the spot.

The twin thunders of Yin and Yang seemed to turn into a vast sea of ​​thunder at this moment, and then merged with the real Daqing Bay ocean below.

The Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram rotates quietly, calming the turbulent sea water in Daqing Bay below, and eliminating a tsunami invisible.

 It died very early, earlier than the founding of the Zhou Dynasty opposite the Tang Dynasty.



With this movement, Lei Jun smashed into Wang Feng's chest and the arm that had not been withdrawn, and then burst out with strong light. Thunder and stars intertwined, completely exploding Wang Feng's body from the inside!

It also completely cut off the vitality of this eighth-level Confucian scholar.

 But the problem came after the collapse of the Han Dynasty.

 Later, Abbot Miaoxin returned with monk Faming and other disciples of Tianlong Temple.

Lei Jun remained calm and used his own magic power to cover it up and then collect it. Even Abbot Miaoxin didn't know what was going on.

 After repeatedly confirming this point, Lei Jun, Chu Kun, Fang Yue, Abbot Miaoxin, Monk Faming and others couldn't help but look at each other.

 What if there is?

 It is not beyond their expectations to say that Lei Jun can defeat Wang Feng.

 As time goes by, although the topography is very different, after all, the two sides have different human worlds, different worlds, different histories, and different people living today.

At this moment, facing Lei Jun and Chu Kun, his attitude was calm, calm and polite.

 Only Lei Jun looked normal.

 In other words, it once existed, but was seriously lost later.

Lei Jun and Abbot Miaoxin chatted with him for a while, and then gradually came up with some information.

  Lei Jun: "Principal Taoist brothers are meeting at the right time, and layman Ye has given me the award."

Abbot Miaoxin, on the other hand, captured the Tianli monk named Su and interrogated him, and obtained some information that interested Lei Jun and Abbot Miaoxin.

 For example, nine heavens and ten earths.

The real key lies here in Mingzhou. Thanks to Elder Lei being here, he defeated his dangerous plan. Ye Mou admires it. "

As for the Jingxiang Fang clan in that world, they declined during the changes of the Zhou Dynasty and the subsequent Daliang Dynasty.

 The historical records circulated in the Ming Dynasty are also quite different from this.

“In the world of the Ming Dynasty, although the Taoist Fulu Sect still existed, there was no Tianshi Mansion anymore…” Lei Jun and Chu Kun looked at each other.

The bright moonlight was blown away by Lei Jun, but a bright moon appeared on the sea, and at the source of the moonlight below, a strong light began to shine.

Comparatively speaking, it is stronger than the Tianshi Mansion in that the Buddhist vow lineage is not as declining as the Taoist Fulu sect, and other new representative sects have risen.

Vaguely, Lei Jun noticed that there seemed to be some kind of spiritual object shining brightly at the core of the previous ritual in the sea water below. It might be the third-grade opportunity mentioned in the lottery earlier.

 To Chu Kun, Chu Taoyuan, Ye Yi and others were very calm and talked and laughed as usual.

 Time and space seem to be bifurcated, but run parallel.

Even in places such as Tianshi Mansion, Tianlong Temple and Jingxiang Fang Clan, the records are not detailed.

 The Han Dynasty was also a dynasty that had dominated the country for many years in history, and there had been many Han emperors with great talents and strategies.

 The contemporary abbot of Tianlong Temple and Master Miaoxin.

In that world, less than two thousand years after the fall of the Han Dynasty, the Tianshi Mansion declined.

 The elder of the Ye clan in Qingzhou, Ye Yi.

 After successfully cutting open the opponent's shell, there was an old and tired body that matched Wang Feng's current age.

At that time, of course, this "demon" will not be able to get good results, and those of them who are subordinates will inevitably be scolded by the superiors in the future.

 He looked down at the sea below.

Although he has some little secrets of his own, his achievements and life experiences may still be completely different from now. He can make some guesses about the general direction, but it is difficult to guess the specific details and final results.

Lei Jun dispersed the many auras and talismans that were like a galaxy, forming the image of Doumu Star God, and paid a Taoist bow to Abbot Miaoxin in return.

 The final result is close to a lose-lose situation.

 Both sides have great scholars from the Nine Heavens participating in the battle.

Chu Kun did not answer, but nodded slightly, already understanding Lei Jun's intention.

The ceremony presided over by Wang Fengzheng was not mainly used for fighting, and it had not yet been officially completed. It could only be broken by Lei Jun with one blow.

Lei Jun and Wang Feng were of the same level and would not be controlled by the superiority and inferiority of the Neo-Confucian scholars. However, due to the fate of each other, their actual combat effectiveness could not be judged by common sense.

Whether Abbot Miaoxin can capture or kill Wang Feng remains aside for the time being.

It was also called the Later Zhou Dynasty by later generations of the Ming Dynasty.

 The reason why he has strength that is beyond the normal average level is due to the fate of the country and the laws of Taoism.

Chu Taoyuan, Ye Yao and others stood aside, all thinking the same thing:

"Abbot Miaoxin, Elder Lei, Master Faming, Taoist Master Chu." Fang Yue met with Lei Jun and others.

However, overall, it is still a beautiful and natural foundation.

Lei Jun didn't know what the fourth-grade opportunity was there. He had no regrets about missing it and no intention of further exploration.

"There are no historical documents from the Tianli side to consult, so it is difficult to make a conclusion. However, it can be known from the mouths of those Tianli monks that the historical process of the two sides was still roughly the same by the end of the Han Dynasty."

However, if Lei Jun wants to use this treasure as he wishes, he still needs to put some more thought into refining it.

But the Tianshi Dao and the Longhushan Ancestral Court eventually turned against each other, forming a dispute between the North and the South Tianshi Dao.

 The group of people had different expressions and were worried.

 The inheritance of the Taoist Fulu sect is no longer a big trend.

 Especially suitable for Confucianism and Taoism.

Brothers Lei Jun and Chu Kun looked at each other in shock and were speechless for a while.

It was during the confluence of civil and military affairs during the reign of Da Qian in the previous dynasty that Confucianism gradually improved and changed. Finally, it was no longer easily restrained by the martial arts of Da Qian, and it became increasingly perfect thereafter.

Abbot Miaoxin: "It's really good that several donors have come. The current information is still too little. I think we should further confirm it."

Abbot Miaoxin and Monk Faming did not have any intention of taking pleasure in others' misfortune.

 Regardless of Lei Jun's current level of cultivation, in fact, his powerful fighting skills can already play a decisive role in a famous holy land and lead the group.

However, Chu Xiuyuan and Ye Yan jointly managed to secure Yuhang, pushing the invading Tianli monks back into the sea.

 I really saw it with my own eyes after Tianli and Tang Dynasty connected and met Xu Yuanzhen and Lei Jun.

I just don’t know if there are two selves of the same person in the divided time, space and world?

Although Daqing Bay is less populated because it is not convenient for ships to dock.

 At the end of the Han Dynasty, the world took an inexplicable turn.

 Monk Faming and the monks of Tianlong Temple began to fight back.

 There is actually another world in this world, which was also a huge shock to Wang Feng and others at first.

  Later, it is said that it was only through the incarnation of the three-day high-achieving elders in the Tianshi Mansion that the continuation of the Taoist system could be maintained.

Purple and black interweave in the sea to create a huge Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram.

But the direction where Lei Jun's eyes were looking was not towards the void portal connecting Heavenly Law and the Tang Dynasty's human world.

 When other people came to the Mingzhou area and learned about the general situation, their moods were extremely rich.

However, when facing another person, the smile on Chu Taoyuan's face became much lighter.

 But as his eyes were deep in the sky and the earth was in full swing, the scene of someone approaching from behind quietly appeared in his field of vision.

 The first sprouts of Neo-Confucianism originated from Daliang.

"Fortunately, Taoist Master Lei came here and calmed down a disaster." Abbot Miaoxin had already heard about what happened from Fa Ming and other disciples.

There is also Chu Taoyuan, an elder of the Chu family in Suzhou.

 Seeing Lei Jun's expression as usual, his eyes were looking towards the East China Sea.

However, Lei Jun still decisively used his own magic power to stop the surging sea water below, preventing it from raging.


However, with the change of dynasties, Beitian Master Tao also quickly disappeared.

 Its name is the Great Zhou Dynasty.

 But this is Lei Jun’s personal sense.

 Lei Jun and Abbot Miaoxin all agreed.

 It was later that other monks came to help.

"How could such a thing happen..." A Chu scribe took a deep breath and quickly regained his composure.

The abbot of Tianlong Temple also came here.

 From the Qin and Han dynasties to the present day, it has been a long time and the sea has changed greatly. It is unknown how many changes have taken place and how many people have been buried.

 Until recently, the spiritual energy of the world and the world has surged and flourished again.

The alien race established its country through martial arts, and the true meaning of martial arts was wild, primitive, and overbearing. It had extremely strong suppression and destructive power against Confucian practitioners. It was equally powerful against other Taoist monks, and finally succeeded in sweeping the world.

 They and Abbot Miaoxin did not return to Yuhang.

 The spiritual energy gathered within it vibrates on a large scale, causing the surrounding seawater to ripple.

 Lei Jun himself was thoughtful.

So who created the world that leads to the other side of Nagajie Island?

 What is the situation with the Lone Eagle Khanate?

 “Senior brother…” Chu Kun quietly transmitted the message.

 At that time, horses were riding on the country, and culture was swept away.


 A group of Tianli monks immediately fled in all directions.

 At that time, there may have been greater changes in the world.

His previous three major Dharma Elephant powers were integrated into one, and concentrated on his own punch, like a shooting star, destroying the opponent's blessings of mountains and rivers, and his body shape no longer maintained the original tallness of the Dou Mu Star God Dharma Elephant.

The spiritual object that emits "moonlight" is actually an inkstone.

 But if we look at the time, it was an era when the spiritual energy of the human world was low, and the nine heavens and ten earth were cut off from contact with the human world...

 Because in the Ming Dynasty, Tianlong Temple is already history...

There are traitors in the court who want to disrupt the plans of Mr. Song Ge and others, attract enemies, and even kill Wang Butang. We need to return as soon as possible, report to Mr. Ge, and beware of hidden arrows in the court... This is what one group of people thought.

But Lei Jun actually forcibly killed Wang Feng head-on, leaving the opponent with no chance to escape. This is really shocking.

Although the monk surnamed Su showed an attitude of preferring death to surrender and willing to die for his country, he had a high self-esteem and was not strict in his tone.

Chu Kun also gave him a Taoist memorial ceremony.

 The moonlight flows through it, like ink in an inkstone, but it is white and cold.

 Lei Jun understood clearly.

 The Ming Dynasty existed in the human world, and the historical changes after that were completely different from what Lei Jun, Fang Yue, Abbot Miaoxin and others knew.

 So Lei Jun was not polite just now.

Through the words of the people in Tianli, Lei Jun and Chu Kun were able to know that in the history of the other side of the world, there was also a Tianshi Mansion.

This Wang Butang is very old.

 But towards Fang Yue, they had a different attitude.

Monk Faming speculated that Wang Feng, who was originally only at the first level of the Eighth Heaven, should be treated at least as a monk on the second level of the Eighth Heaven in actual combat.

In all directions, east and west, cool and bright white light flashed, and the light condensed into a circle on the periphery, like a full moon.

 The one who comes is of extraordinary strength.

But the work of the Neo-Confucian monk is not indestructible.

The plan was generally successful. Wang Fenggong was defeated and died at the hands of thieves. However, our identities were also exposed. Mr. Song Ge from the Wu Party and others will definitely try to counterattack. We need to return as soon as possible and report the details to Yuan Ge. Old man, please let him decide... Another group of people thinks so.

If you don't come to Daqing Bay, Abbot Miaoxin will come to ruin Wang Feng's good deeds.

He is now highly skilled in cultivation, with high understanding and vision. Without looking carefully, most of the details of Yue Mingyan can be seen at a glance.

Wang Feng was certainly careless just now. He didn't expect Lei Jun to explode so quickly and violently. He was caught off guard. With one wrong move, he lost the whole game and didn't even have a chance to escape.

But even so, Elder Lei from the Tianshi Mansion was really too powerful to be able to kill Wang Feng in just a few encounters.

Although there were monks from Tianlong Temple watching beside him, he used all three Dharma elements to attack enemies at the same time, and his attack ability was extremely high.

Other Tianli monks in the distance were originally thinking that Wang Butang was presiding over the ceremony in person and was interrupted midway. They didn't know how to get angry.

Not only the elders of other Holy Land sects, but also those who are in charge of a Holy Land portal, they also need to pay attention to Lei Jun at this moment.

Of course, there are no ifs in life.

 The ritual collapsed, and the gathered spiritual energy rolled back, even causing a tsunami.

In the eyes of the Ming Dynasty, the once domineering and tyrannical cavalry may still exist, but the Daqian Dynasty has become history.

Wang Feng died, and the sacrificial ceremony he presided over was interrupted, but the condensed spiritual energy and mana have not completely dissipated.

While he admired Lei Jun's strength in his heart, he also further clarified a point.

According to seniority and kinship, although there is not much age difference, Chu Kun needs to call Fang Yue his cousin.

 But some existences are always unique.

 Sacrificial vessels used to constitute and maintain rituals were basically destroyed as a result.

In order to prevent the other party from coming back, the leader of the Ye clan and the elder of Chu State in Yuhang intend to attack together through Yuhang and Mingzhou to block the delusions of the people in the natural law from the source.

Lei Jun fights quickly, and without the blessing and protection of luck, for him, Wang Feng is not as good as Wei Qiyue of the Taoist Kingdom in the world.

"My Buddha is compassionate." After Abbot Miaoxin arrived, he clasped his palms together and chanted the name of the Buddha. He looked at Lei Jun first.

 Lei Jun put the Yue Ming Inkstone away.

Wang Feng is well-read and well versed in ancient and modern times. He can also recognize Lei Jun's Nine-Heaven Lei Zu Dharma Elephant and Dou Mu Star God Dharma Elephant, but he has only seen a few written descriptions in ancient books.

This treasure is also somewhat contaminated by some Neo-Confucian monk Wang Feng's understanding of the meaning of the classics.

 After the remaining Neo-Confucian monks came to their senses, they evacuated one after another.

Ye Yao, the most outstanding young lady of the young generation of the Qingzhou Ye clan, has always been known as the "Goddess of Heaven" together with Ye Cheng.

 All kinds of magical powers in Neo-Confucianism often require time to accumulate before they become more and more powerful.

 The ritual was cut off from the control of Wang Feng, creating a situation of collapse.

At this moment, the magic power was released again, and under the twinkling stars, the huge figure of the Star God appeared again, standing in the mid-air like a **** descending from heaven.

 Finally, a big fish was caught successfully.

Lei Jun returned the courtesy: "Fang Jijiu, long time no see, farewell and well."

 At the end of the Han Dynasty, for unknown reasons, the Tianshi Mansion lost the Ten Thousand Fa Sect Altar and the Three Treasures of the Tianshi.

The inkstone is pure white, like jade.

Furthermore, the physical body of Confucian Neo-Confucian monks is not only inferior to that of Confucian magicians, but also inferior to that of Confucian Confucian classics monks. Among all Taoist traditions, on average, Neo-Confucian monks are all relatively weak in body.

On the way, Lei Jun and others exchanged and compared various information from Yuhang and Mingzhou.

Such a movement is so comfortable, the rigidity is free, and the thunder of the world to the rigidity is a means of softness to quiet, and the monk Fuming monk and others are seen, and they admire it.

It was not only to catch Wang Feng off guard, but also to test the "hardness" of the Neo-Confucian monk's luck.

 For the purpose of development, some capable people from Tianshi Mansion crossed north to the north and established a new foundation, which was called Tianshi Dao.

Ye Yi looked at Lei Jun, suddenly feeling a little regretful, but also a little lucky.

But this time, he used three major Dharma elephants to attack and kill Wang Feng quickly, which made everyone have to increase their assessment of his strength.

However, in the process of stabilizing the country, civil and military forces gradually merged.

The waves suddenly surged in Daqing Bay, as if a violent tsunami was about to be set off offshore.

In the previous battle at Longhu Mountain, Lei Jun used the Celestial Master's Sword to turn the Yin and Yang Twin Thunders to fight against Fu Dongsen and Hong Jie. Combined with the return of the Celestial Master's Seal to Longhu Mountain, Lei Jun finally transformed into Yang Lei Dragon and Yin Lei. Chu Taoyuan, Ye Yao and others were mentally prepared for the two great Dharma elephants: dragon.

At the mouth of the Qianjiang River in Yuhang, a larger battle broke out than at Daqing Bay in Mingzhou.

 After the two parties saw the ceremony, they began to go to sea together.

Having already obtained the Yueming Inkstone from Daqingwan, Mingzhou, I don’t have time to travel this time, so there is no need to be greedy for more.

 There is no rush right now. You can wait until you are free later to explore in detail.

 Fang Yue also looks the same. After the ceremony, the man who originally came to Jianye to preside over the establishment of the third academy, but came to help due to unexpected changes in the East China Sea, offered wine and said: "The man of heaven intends to destabilize the earth's veins of the Tang Dynasty and guide the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to enter. According to the law of heaven, such plundering behavior is absolutely unacceptable. It was only because of the masters of Tianshi Mansion and Tianlong Temple who stopped it that it did not lead to a catastrophic disaster.

The two sides did not bother to talk much and were busy with their own business. Lei Jun continued to suppress Daqingwan, while Abbot Miaoxin led his disciples to hunt down the Tianli monks.

 Another example is... Tianshi Mansion.

 The biggest difference between the two sides is that the length of history on the Ming side is more than 2,400 years longer than that on the Tang side.

 At this time, Lei Jun brought his junior brother Chu Kun to meet him formally.

 Then the giant fell, causing turmoil in the world for many years.

 But at least the king's sacrifices will definitely not be able to continue.

Lei Jun recognized him as Fang Yue, a seventh-level scholar from the Fang clan in Jingxiang.

 Lei Jun did not look back.

Or it should be said that precisely because the other party has achieved such an achievement at such a young age, Abbot Miaoxin needs to be cautious in dealing with him.

 The world of the Ming Dynasty seemed to be another direction of the world and history.

In addition to the Xuanxiao Immortal Thunder, which has always been silent and quiet, even the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, which is known for its masculinity and fierceness, has become gentle and restrained at this time.

The principles of heaven are the same as those of the Tang Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty.

However, facing Lei Jun, a smile appeared on Ye Yi's face again:

“All kinds of clues indicate that before the battle in Yuhang, the people in Tianli had the intention to hide it from heaven and cross the sea, and used the battle in Yuhang to deceive others and attract our attention.

On the other side, the waves in Daqing Bay gradually calmed down, and Lei Jun suppressed the aftermath of the collapse of the ritual.

 Lei Jun stayed where he was.

 Before the Tang Dynasty, there was the Sui Dynasty and so on.

It’s a pity that it was so long ago that the person involved could not live to this day. However, things in the Ming Dynasty changed and there were many chaos in the world. There are also few records, and many of the things that are circulated are almost myths and legends.

 In their inherent understanding, Tianshi Mansion has long been a historical term.

Beitian Shidao claimed to have eliminated the pseudo-laws of Longhu Mountain and incorporated more Confucian classics and literature. At that time, it cooperated with famous Confucian families and imperial families to successfully overwhelm Nantian Shidao.

 But then Wang Feng himself, a great scholar of the eighth level of Tianxue, was defeated so quickly?

 Buddhist monks attach great importance to spiritual practice, and Monk Faming has a firm mind. However, facing the official authority of the Neo-Confucian scholar at the eighth level of heaven, he still feels mentally unstable and restricted at every turn.

When the opponent was seriously injured, it was extremely difficult to escape even if he wanted to, and he was captured by Abbot Miaoxin on the spot.

As far as Lei Jun knows, the aura of heaven and earth in this area gradually became thinner in the last years of the Han Dynasty.

 After Lei Jun collected the inkstone, a name naturally came to his mind.

 Ye Yi, Ye Yao and others also looked at him calmly.

Fang came first, and more people will arrive later. "

 The former’s country title is derived from a sentence from Dazai Qianyuan, while the latter comes from the same article and is derived from a chapter from Ming Dynasty’s Zishi.

 After the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Confucian Neo-Confucianism was reestablished as Wenhua Zhengshuo.

The classics at that time were seriously lost, and looking back now they are in chaos.

On the other hand, the existence of the second group of Tianli monks who were spying secretly was revealed. Let these few people be put back alive and let the two factions of the so-called Ming Dynasty play with themselves.

To be precise, it is the Three Treasures of the Heavenly Master and the Ten Thousand Dharma Altar.

 The group of visitors met with Lei Jun and others.

One of the scribes looked about forty years old, calm, steady, and well-mannered.

Who would have thought that in just a blink of an eye, Wang Butang would be gone? !

Not to mention the Tianli monks, even Fa Ming and other monks from Tianlong Temple were stunned when they saw this.

 According to the comparison of years and months, according to the history known to Wang Feng and others, at this time, another dynasty should have ruled the world.

The broken world that the portal there leads to is, according to Xu Yuanzhen, newly formed.

Lei Jun remained calm and responded secretly, but instead of answering he asked: "Junior brother, if you had not come to Longhu Mountain and entered the gate of our sect, what kind of life would you have had?"

 He and Chu Tao looked at each other far away and had the same thought at the same time:

The Yin and Yang Twin Dragons and the Thunderous Nine Heavens are certainly powerful, but the Yin Thunder Dragon is Lei Jun’s personal creation after all, and there is still a lot to be perfected. Even so, Lei Jun is already so strong. If he were to cultivate a dragon-tiger combined attack, I’m afraid Even more difficult to control, but fortunately, when manpower is exhausted...

 (End of this chapter)

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