Chapter 301 Chapter 300. Movie King Brothers (two chapters in one)

Although many thoughts were running through their minds, both Ye Yi and Ye Yao from Qingzhou and Chu Taoyuan from Suzhou all had similar views at this time.

 Lei Jun and Tianshi Mansion may be a big trouble in the future.

 But now in the East China Sea, do not conflict with it.

Although Chu Xiuyuan and Ye Yan are also here, the current attitudes of the Chu people in Suzhou and the Ye people in Qingzhou are also aimed at Tianli and the so-called people in the Ming Dynasty.

 It is certainly good to rest with the country, share the burdens with the king, and have the fortune of the country be blessed with mountains and rivers.

But that means that the cultural heritage cannot be limited to a few places and tribes, but spreads widely throughout the world, and then the entire group is responsible for the destiny. For the current famous families in the Tang Dynasty, this has both advantages and disadvantages, and it cannot be decided at the moment. Decide.

What's more, although the so-called Neo-Confucianism and the Confucian classics passed down by the Tang Dynasty family are from the same source, they are quite different.

  Quite a number of Confucian monks in the Tang Dynasty currently look at the Tianli monks, and their attitude is similar to that of the orthodox Buddhism towards the White Lotus Sect or even the Dakong Temple.

Under such circumstances, neither the Chu people in Suzhou nor the Ye people in Qingzhou have any plans to change their previous plans to repair relations with the Tang imperial family.

In this case, Lei Jun is very powerful, and it is the Ming monks on Tianli’s side who should have a headache.

The northwest side is also currently trying to seal the void "gateway" between the Xiaoguan Mountains.

 Fang Yue.

When everyone met, the focus of discussion at the moment was still on the principles of heaven.

As he spoke, he looked at the monks of Tianlong Temple such as Abbot Miaoxin and Monk Faming: "This knowledge seems to incorporate a lot of the mysteries of Buddhism. It arises from the heart, and the thought of seeing one's nature is obvious?"

"Calculated in terms of years and months, the history of Pseudo-Ming is over two thousand years longer." Ye Yao said slowly.

"I sincerely comply with your Majesty's will." Ye Yi, Chu Taoyuan and others did not object to this. Ye Yan and Chu Xiuyuan both had similar judgments.

Although due to the overall situation, several major aristocratic families did not take too drastic actions on the surface, many aristocratic family members and even clan elders deeply hated Xiao Chunhui, Fang Yue and others.

on the other hand…

Fang Yue: "Although we don't have many encounters, Neo-Confucianism has its own uniqueness, but..."

After gathering information from all parties, although many things are still unclear, everyone has gradually drawn a vague outline of the laws of heaven.

There is no other reason. Even though Chu Kun and others were enemies of their own families, they did not involve themselves in the collection of scriptures and meanings of various ethnic groups such as the Chu people in Suzhou and the Ye people in Jinzhou.

 Why is there such a shocking change?

 The distortion of time and space is more complicated than everyone originally expected.

 The two sides currently have the same enemy and can cooperate.

Ye Yan, Chu Xiuyuan, Chu Yu and others discussed and came up with a solution.

 Tong Tianshi Mansion, naturally there will be no extraneous problems during this period of time.

It happened to be a period when the spiritual energy of the world and the world was low and the connection with the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths was severed.

And Fang Yue was a Confucian monk like Xiao Hang and Xiao Chunhui from Longwai.

It must be said that it is a bit regretful that Xu Yuanzhen suddenly ran away again for no reason, catching others by surprise.

 Several major aristocratic families with a long history share the same holy land, but they currently have no clue.

 Because of Xu Yuanzhen, the Tianshi Mansion has also participated in the war with Tianli on the East China Sea.

“The so-called history that is falsely stated, the ancient records are very similar to those of our Tang Dynasty. There are occasional omissions and differences, mostly due to the long history.”

He shook his head: "Your Majesty has a decree to expel the Tianli monks first, and try to seal the door between Tianli and the human world, so as to restore peace to our Eastern Territory of the Tang Dynasty. Later, we will slowly figure out related matters."

Different from Chu Kun of the Tianshi Mansion, Ye Dongming of the Shushan Sect, and even Chu Yu and others who are now the Queen's confidants.

Abbot Miaoxin pondered for a moment, nodded slightly, and then said: "But compared with the practice of my Buddhist disciples, there are still many differences."

 Because of this, everyone is extra vigilant and their hearts are slightly heavy.

 He raised his head slightly: "If we can sort out the derivation and changes from the beginning, it may be more conducive to knowing ourselves and the enemy."

Although Fang Yue did not bring half a piece of paper with him when he went to Beijing, the fact that he was teaching in the academy meant that the collections of the Fang clan in Jingxiang were outflowed.

Ye Yi pondered: "But since the overthrow of the former Han dynasty, many era names and events have begun to differ between the two sides..."

 The current time corresponding to both parties is not synchronized.

It’s just that it is not easy to artificially temporarily close the void door between heaven and earth.

 But towards another person, their attitude is different.

 The attitude of the major families towards Fang Yue is much sharper.

So they went to the front line in person to put pressure on the top experts of the Ming Dynasty in Tianli.

 The Tang Dynasty is now facing frequent border troubles, and the imperial court does not want to be attacked from both sides.

Chu Taoyuan: "Over there, in addition to the so-called pseudo-study of regulating qi, there used to be a legacy of barbaric martial arts."

Although this Taoist Master Lei is not as powerful as Xu Yuanzhen, his behavior is finally much more reliable than Xu Yuanzhen... Ye Yi, Chu Taoyuan and others thought at the same time.

Since then, the world seems to have taken a different direction.

Thousands of years have passed by now, and the two sides have become increasingly distant and completely different.

Fang Yue: "What the abbot said is that in that world, Neo-Confucianism passed through the Liang, Qian, and Ming dynasties to the present day. It has been more than a thousand years since the beginning. Especially the changes between these three dynasties, you can imagine the turmoil and complexity. This knowledge Itself, I believe it is constantly improving and changing.”

Abbot Miaoxin, Lei Jun, Ye Yi and others split up and rushed to different sea areas around the void portal to arrange rituals and rituals.

At that time, they will work together to form a joint force, which will destabilize the aura of heaven and earth in a large area around them, thereby temporarily cutting off the passage from heaven to the human world.

 As a monk in the eighth heaven realm, Lei Jun is responsible for leading the team all the way.

With him, in addition to his fellow disciple Chu Kun, there were also monks Fang Yue and Fa Ming, as well as other monks in the three-day realm.

Lei Jun and his party left Mingzhou and went to sea, riding the waves all the way.

 The portal to the void that connects heaven and earth is not far from the land and is located offshore.

 Lei Jun and others soon arrived at the scheduled location.

Since the host of the relevant sacrificial rituals was Chu Xiuyuan, a great scholar from the Nine Heavens of the Tang Dynasty, Confucian sacrificial rituals were also adopted at various branch points.

 Fang Yue is in charge of Lei Jun's journey.

 He soon arranged the ceremony in the sea.

Lei Jun watched quietly from the side. The combination of literary talent and awe-inspiring aura condensed into a precious light that soared into the sky, went straight into the clouds, and penetrated to the bottom of the sea, causing the aura of heaven and earth to change together.

However, at this moment, his heart moved slightly and he turned his head to look to the other side.

 In the distance, when the sea and the sky meet, another air column stretching across the sky and the earth can be vaguely seen, also rising into the sky and standing on the sea.

 It's just that the pillar of air is black.

It goes without saying that the Tianli monks were in tit-for-tat confrontation with the Tang monks, and they also deployed various means in the sea area around the Void Portal.

The black air column and the white light column are far apart, but they echo each other far away.

 Even, they began to lean toward each other.

While the two sides are confronting each other, their qi forces are also pulling each other.

Lei Jun looked around, the heaven-opening and earth-penetrating Dharma urn quietly flowing in his eyes, and he could vaguely see the treasure light pillars erected by the monks of the Tang Dynasty in the distance. At the same time, there were more than one black air pillars erected in many places.

Although there are many differences between the Confucian inheritance of the Tang Dynasty and the Confucian Neo-Confucianism of the Ming Dynasty, there are also many similarities.

We all work together around the void portal from heaven to the human world, each with their own purpose, but they all rely on the surge of heaven and earth spiritual energy in the East China Sea area in front of them, so the points selected are similar, and many are close to or even overlap.

 The mutual interference between the two sides makes the aura of heaven and earth in this sea area become complicated, with various turbulences often intertwining, making the already affected nature of heaven and earth even more chaotic.

With the confrontation between the black energy and the white light that penetrated the sky and the earth, a stalemate was reached in a short time, and no one could overwhelm the other for a while.

 However, there is no doubt that similar scenes did not meet Datang’s expectations.

 They came here to "close the door". Under the current situation, it is natural that they cannot achieve their original strategic goals.

What's more, everyone now knows that the longer the delay is, the various legal principles and rituals of the Neo-Confucian monks will become more stable and powerful.

 If this continues, it will only be more beneficial to the natural principles.

 So around the black pillar of air and the white pillar of light, fierce battles began to break out in various places on the sea.

Lei Jun nodded slightly to Chu Kun, Fang Yue, Monk Faming and others, indicating to them to guard their own pure white light that penetrated the sky and the earth.

Lei Jun himself walked towards the black pillar of air.

Lei Jun, who didn't wait to get closer, carefully observed the air column thoughtfully, had some ideas in his mind.

 He gathered his thoughts first, and then approached the black air column.

As expected, there was a Tianli monk still standing nearby, and he quickly stepped forward to stop Lei Jun.

But those who live here can reach the highest level of cultivation, the seventh heaven realm.

Although his strength is good, it is undoubtedly far behind the current Lei Jun.

 Lei Jun captured them without any effort.

At the back, other Tianli monks approached from other directions and from the outside, and also attacked the white treasure light where Chu Kun and Fang Yue were.

However, Lei Jun did not respond.

Chu Kun and Fang Yue can handle it themselves.

 Among those who came were great Confucian scholars who had reached the realm of the seventh heaven.

Like the scribe named Su, a senior official of the Ming Dynasty who has reached the realm of the three highest realms has the blessing of luck and can have the upper hand against the monk Faming who has reached the same realm.


“Thirty thousand miles of river flows eastward into the sea, and five thousand miles of mountains reach the sky.” Fang Yue spoke calmly, with a clear voice and a calm tone.

But the sea suddenly became rippled, and the mighty river seemed to appear out of thin air, hanging in the sky, and then crashed down.

Once the long river is formed, it instantly gathers all the auras of heaven and earth in a large area around it into its own river water, thus forming a terrifying river of auras that even monks, not to mention mortals, are afraid of.

Under the impact of the river water, the infinite power seems to be boundless, overwhelming the opponent as if it is as hard as iron and as solid as the thick ink of the city.

The monks of the Tang Dynasty now have more and more dealings with the monks of Tianli, and there are precedents such as Lei Jun. Therefore, no matter who it is, the monks of the Tang Dynasty will not take action against the Neo-Confucian monks of Tianli. If they do, they will attack with all their strength. Seeking a quick victory.

Fang Yue seemed to be a quiet person, but he was a Confucian chanter and when he opened his mouth, he stabbed a Confucian student of the same level in the Seventh Level of Heavenly Confucianism to the bottom of the sea on the spot.

Such strength made brothers Lei Jun and Chu Kun look at him with suspicion.

 Lei Jun watched it with great interest.

Fang Yue became famous at a young age and has been famous all over the world for many years.

 In addition to his rapid progress in cultivation, his fighting skills also far exceed those of his peers.

 It's just that he rarely fights with others, so only a small amount of news spreads.

Lei Jun watched Fang Yue chanting verses with his own eyes many years ago.

Seeing it again after a long time made him nod his head.

In Lei Jun's view, what Fang Yue did or said just now is worthy of praise is not that the river transformed by spiritual energy is vast and majestic, but that Fang Yue can still perform very fine and accurate control under the surging water. .

Although the water was strong, it not only did not harm Chu Kun and others nearby, it also did not affect the pure white light that was rising into the sky and mobilizing the aura of heaven and earth.

The long river is surging and rushing. In addition to attacking the enemy, it can even be used in multiple ways, picking up Monk Fa Ming, Chu Kun and others.

With the help of the water force, Chu Kun, Monk Faming and others made it even more difficult to resist.

 After Fang Yue speaks a word, the water will be generated according to his wishes, and he can hurt the enemy by himself, and he can also cooperate with his companions.

 The fineness and length of it impressed Lei Jun even more than the vastness of the water.

The other Tianli cultivators on the opposite side saw that Fang Yue was so powerful, and they quickly took action together, hitting numerous ink characters like a meteor shower.

But the aura condensed in Fang Yue's previous chapter and sentence did not just reveal a huge river of aura.

 Continuous mountain peaks stand up, towering into the clouds, hanging above the sea.

Countless mountain peaks are arranged side by side like an indestructible wall fortress, blocking all the ink characters that are like meteors in the sky.

Lei Jun looked from a distance and saw that the mountain peaks looked like real ones, with ink characters hitting them, and the earth and rocks continuously cracked and rolled down.

 But the mountain itself stands majestic and does not waver at all.

Facing the Neo-Confucian monks, in a three-day battle, the Tang monks had an overwhelming advantage.

 In a battle at the middle three-day level, if both sides are at the same level, they are generally evenly matched.

 As for the three-day competition, the Tianli cultivators began to gain the upper hand.

The monks of the Tang Dynasty took risks to attack, but it was easy for them to get involved.

 Ke Fang Yue can do both offense and defense with one move.

The mountains that towered into the clouds could not be shaken by the opponent's ink strokes, but they were immediately controlled by Fang Yue himself. The ground shook and mountains trembled, and large peaks fell over on their own initiative.

The terrifying rocks seemed to fall from the sky, knocking down all the Neo-Confucian monks who were approaching, and pressing hard towards the seabed.

 Be more prepared for Fang Yue's opponents. With the methods of Zhiyi, Zuzhi, Gangchang and other methods becoming more and more effective over time, this battle may still be suspenseful.

 But now he was directly crushed on the spot.

Fang Yue's face was expressionless.

Although he can surpass the Seventh Heavenly Confucian Confucian at the same level, in terms of average level, a Neolithic monk blessed by luck is better than most Seventh Heavenly Confucian Confucianism of the same lineage of Confucian chanting.

 Although they appear to be strict and rigid, Neo-Confucianism monks have extraordinary insights.

 Fang Yue now understands the relevant situation after having many contacts.

 In terms of Confucian practice, in terms of the general realm, no matter which lineage of Taoism, the first level of heaven is generally called enlightenment, and the practice process is even similar.

The names of the second heaven are mostly the same, collectively called nourishing qi.

 But the specific practice process in the second heaven begins to differ.

 Therefore, it is customary to sometimes call the second level of the Confucian classics the realm of self-cultivation.

 It is said that chanting the second level of one lineage is the realm of entering rhyme.

  It is called the second level of Shen She Yi lineage as the realm of Yin Gong.

 Similar sayings have been around since ancient times.

 Confucian monks on the side of Tianli are no exception in this regard.

It’s just that in addition to the first level of enlightenment, which everyone has the same name, the second level of spiritual practice of Neo-Confucianism monks is often called the realm of regulating qi.

This is one of the most basic and core foundations of the lineage of Neo-Confucianism monks' practice.

 Li and Qi are in harmony, Li is the body and Qi is the function.

 Principle is the root of everything, and it is the origin of all things. And a major method for Neo-Confucian monks is also called Liqi.

In actual combat methods, its function is mainly reflected in quickly understanding some of the opponent's secrets and applying them to one's own use, and deriving various qi regulations.

 This is also one of the natal skills that almost every Neo-Confucian monk has mastered in the second heaven.

 As their cultivation improves, they will also be sublimated and derived when they reach the middle three-day and upper-three-day stages.

 Lei Jun’s views in this regard are similar to Fang Yue’s.

Although he had many reservations about the world's Neo-Confucian practices, he was still interested in some of their unique features.

Lei Jun looked back at Chu Kun and Fang Yue. His men were not slow in their movements. The purple Yang Lei and the black Yin Lei appeared together, merging into the shape of the Liang Yi Tai Chi diagram, suppressing the black energy rising into the sky from the sea. .

While the black energy is stubborn, it changes after being attacked, extending into the shape of a shackles and cage, and in turn shrouding Lei Jun.

This Neo-Confucian ritual has a strong self-defense effect. When external forces attempt to interrupt the ritual, they will immediately start to fight back.

What interests Lei Jun is that the core of this ritual is clearly a Tai Chi diagram.

However, Tai Chi does not contain Taoist Dharma, but is completely derived from Confucian culture.

 Lei Jun was not particularly surprised by this.

 In ancient times, Confucian chanting, Taoist talisman school and even Wumen divine dance had similarities, and it is not surprising that there are some common elements between them.

 Just as each developed independently, they gradually developed a complete system, and similar situations became relatively rare.

  But it has not been cut off yet.

 The shape of Tai Chi is one of them, which can be seen in both Taoist and Confucian traditions.

 It’s just that in the current practice world of the Tang Dynasty, it is more common in Taoism.

Although there are some on the Confucian side, they are relatively few.

 At present, in the Ming Dynasty’s spiritual practice world, as the mainstream Confucian Neo-Confucian legal system, the form of Tai Chi, according to Lei Jun, has a very important position.

Of course, Lei Jun cannot be troubled by this ritual at the moment.

 He can either break it with force, or he can use his own magic power combined with the power of the dark side of the Heavenly Book to erase this Confucian Neo-Confucian ritual.

 But after carefully observing each other's rituals before and after, Lei Jun had other ideas in mind.

Hence, he only used his own magic power to condense the purple and black Liangyi Tai Chi to fight against the opponent's Tai Chi shape made of thick ink.

 The two sides refused to give in to each other.

 Lei Jun's knowledge of the sea has undergone some changes.

 It is as if ink stains appear on the soul.

 The ink marks are not dirty, but they are stubborn.

Through the dark ink stains, Lei Jun seemed to have something else in his vision.

It was a world that was unfamiliar to him, but its aura was the same as ink stains, and it was very similar to the Dharma aggregates related to Confucian Neo-Confucian monks.

Although he has never been there, it does not affect Lei Jun's guess that it is where Tianli in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is now, and where it once was.

The other party's sacrifice was affected by luck, and it further affected the luck in the laws of nature.

In this way, a huge force was formed to block Datang's move to "close the door".

But as Lei Jun used Tai Chi against Tai Chi, constantly reversing the changes, this ritual began to become unstable.

The black air rising into the sky is no longer concentrated and spreads out in all directions.

There is no one to preside over this academic ceremony, but by virtue of its entanglement with the laws of nature, it seems to be endowed with its own strength and thoughts, and then launches a desperate counterattack against Lei Jun.

After a large amount of thick ink-like black energy dispersed, it continuously blessed the cage and shackles, becoming part of them, and in turn restrained Lei Jun.

 Lei Jun did not dodge.

Nor did he take action to destroy it.

On his face, he looked like he was struggling to resist. In addition to the yin and yang twin thunder dragons, even the starlight of the Life Star God lit up.

But inside, after Dao Zhang Lei broke through the black air from the ceremony, he started paddling.

  After Tai Chi suppressed Tai Chi, Lei Jun transformed into the Life Star God and attacked the outer black cage, but was still trapped and locked in it.

 The accumulation of black rituals one after another is like turning into chains one after another, wrapping the black cage from the outside. With continuous accumulation and superposition, it gradually becomes airtight.

 So much so that Lei Jun's whole figure seemed to be locked in a complete black box.

Chu Kun saw it from a distance, a look of surprise flashed across his eyes, and he soon realized something.

 But there was a look of shock on his face: “Senior brother!”

 Fang Yue and monk Faming were equally shocked when they saw this.

Several people hurried over, but fortunately, Lei Jun's voice came out from the "black box":

"Pindao is fine at the moment. Please rest assured, Junior Brother Chu and a few fellow Taoists. It's just that the other party's ritual aroused the power of heaven and transferred the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Although Pindao tried his best to break it, the fate backfired and it took a long time to fight with him. Confrontation."

Although Taoist Master Lei looked like he had sacrificed his life heroically, his tone was calm and calm, not panicked.

 Affected by his calmness, others are no longer impatient.

 Just Lei Jun’s voice came from the black box, gradually getting smaller and lighter:

"Pindao can protect himself from any serious problems. After the backlash of the laws of nature and luck is resolved, this blockade can be eliminated. Junior Brother Chu and everyone should not think about Pindao. We should focus on the overall situation and safeguard our sacrifices. Then I can rest assured that I can resolve the current calamity..."

 As he spoke, his voice curled up and gradually faded away.

 The "black box" as a whole became quiet, no longer making any sound, and it was silent, as if it had become one with the reef on the seabed.

Its size is huge, and from a distance, it looks like a small dark city under the sea.

Monk Faming clasped his palms together and said, "Elder Lei is so noble and upright. I deeply admire the poor monks and brothers. I will do my best to protect the rituals and rituals here. Please don't worry, Elder Lei."

Fang Yue gave it a try and found that the nature of this "black city" was similar to the Taoist ritual of turning against Tiangang.

If outsiders approach and contact rashly, they may be involved and be suppressed.

 At least, Fang Yue's current personal strength cannot help Lei Jun solve and "get out of trouble" from the outside.

With a solemn expression, he bowed to Black City and said, "Elder Lei, please rest assured that Fang will do his best."

Chu Kun looked at the "black city" with a hint of worry and concern deep in his eyes.

 In fact, he was murmuring in his heart.

Although this second senior brother of his is not an onion like his eldest brother, his skills are so high that even Chu Kun dare not say that he knows everything.

 But based on what he already knew, it was impossible for the senior brother to be trapped by the ritual in front of him.

 A moment of carelessness caused the horse to stumble?

 …It’s a liar.

 When no one noticed, Taoist Master Lei had already come out.

 There is only an empty city left in place.

 At the moment, his body is shrouded under his newly refined magic weapon Taiqing Eight Views.

The whole person seems to be completely integrated with the nature of heaven and earth, disappearing in form.

Fang Yue is a talented person with extraordinary strength. He practices Confucian chanting and chanting lineage, pays attention to spiritual cultivation, and his perception is sharper than most monks in the same realm.

But with his current mental perception, he could not find that Lei Jun was nearby after leaving the "black city".

Because of the relationship with the Tang Dynasty imperial family, Taoist Lei came out in an upright and upright manner.

 When you go to the East China Sea, you often come into contact with people, and your whereabouts are also clear.

 There are some things that only the authorities know, and only those who are in the middle of the situation can truly grasp the situation.

But on the other hand, other things can only be seen by those who are on the lookout, and you can see the truth more clearly by stepping out of the outside world.

 For Lei Jun, now is a good opportunity to change from light to dark.

 Everyone has seen it.

Elder Lei of the Tianshi Mansion sacrificed himself for the public good and took extraordinary risks to suppress the sacrifice of the people in Tianli. In the end, he and the sacrifice fell into a stalemate, and he could not escape in a short time.

 If something happens after this, it's none of my business...

Only Chu Kun was informed by Lei Jun after Lei Jun came out.

Chao Daochang’s view on this is...

Second senior brother, you did a great job!

 But not beautiful enough.

The only flaw is that he, Taoist Master Chu, was not brought with him from light to dark.

Taoist Master Chu remains in the open and needs to cooperate with Director Lei from other directions.

But before that, Chu Kun had to be busy with other things.

There are other Tianli monks who are approaching this ritual, intending to destroy the Sky-Climbing Treasure Light set up by Fang Yue and others.

Chukun, Fang Yue, Monk Faming and others focused on the light rising into the sky to fight the invading enemy first.

 After Lei Jun came out, he did not leave immediately. Instead, he observed from the side to confirm that Chu Kun and others were fine.

His figure stood aside, as if he no longer existed in this world.

The attackers were quite strong, and Chu Kun, Fang Yue and others responded calmly.

Just as the fierce battle between the two sides was raging, Chu Kun suddenly felt something in his heart.

 It seems as if someone is pointing something sharply at me from a distance...

 Confucian marksman?

 In Tianli, Neo-Confucianism monks are the mainstream, but not all of them. There are still people from other Taoist traditions.

The Confucian Shenshe lineage is the one with the largest number of elective students among the rest of the community.

At this moment, Fang Yue’s voice sounded in Chu Kun’s ears:

 "The flying mirror under the moon, the clouds forming the sea tower."

Before he finished speaking, an arrow flashed in the distance, and in an instant it was already galloping towards Chu Kun.

The moonlight suddenly shone down at this moment, and a precious mirror seemed to fall from the sky, protecting Chu Kun in time and blocking the sharp arrows.

The treasured mirror was not shattered. Instead, the mirror's light flashed and swallowed up the arrow.

The next moment, an identical sharp arrow flew out of the mirror light and struck back in the direction it came from.

The other party was not expecting it, and he immediately let out a muffled groan.

At the same time, the Confucian scholar nearby took advantage of the situation to attack Fang Yue.

 In with with with with with intent with with intent to withholding from him on the sea.

Monk Faming's white elephant was as huge as a mountain, but not slow. At this time, it rushed towards the sharpshooter in the distance.

 After a great battle, Fang Yue and others successfully kept the sky-high treasure light achieved by their own rituals.

In terms of natural law, no more manpower can be dispatched to attack at the same time.

Battlefields are blooming all over the place, and the battles against Chongxiao Baoguang and Black Qi have started in many places, and the two sides are at war with each other at this moment.

  But there are also places where the precious light rising into the sky is annihilated.

 “Fang goes over there, sets up a ritual ceremony again, and continues to shine the precious light into the sky.”

Fang Yue watched a pure white light dissipate in the distance, and turned to look at Chu Kun and Monk Faming: "Master, could you please sit here to protect the Dharma, and ask Master Chu to contact other free experts to help Elder Lei get out of the mountain as soon as possible?"

 Due to the intertwining of many sacrifices and the gathering and pulling of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the spiritual energy in the sea area around the Void Portal has become chaotic.

 Affected by this, long-distance communication methods are currently difficult to work.

 So we can only rely on people for help.

Chu Kun looked solemn and did not agree immediately. Instead, he looked at the white light pillar that penetrated the sky and the earth:

"As my senior brother said, the current overall situation is of paramount importance, and we have already ignored the slight danger to our safety. I hope to help my senior brother out of trouble as soon as possible, but if this delays the ritual ceremony here, it will go against my senior brother's original intention..."

Monk Faming clasped his palms together and said, "Taoist Master Chu is very aware of the righteousness, but if we can help Elder Lei out of trouble as soon as possible and practice at Elder Lei's level, then this ceremony can be done with peace of mind!"

Chu Kun pondered for a moment, then gave a Taoist greeting to Monk Fang Yue and Fa Ming, and said with emotion: "In that case, Master Lao is here."

 Fang Yue also said goodbye to Chu Kun and Monk Faming.

 He turned around and left, flying towards the distant sea area where a treasure light rising into the sky disappeared.

 Chu Kun also left.

 But not to ask for help.

In fact, he has the talisman refined by Lei Jun himself. Even in the current chaotic spiritual environment, he still has the opportunity to make long-distance communication to a certain extent, but the message that can be transmitted may not be so clear and complete.

Even if we can contact him, it’s impossible for Taoist Master Chu to do that.

 Second senior brother is totally fine, please ask for help.

If you really recruit people, the "black city" may be destroyed in advance.

In that case, the situation may be a little embarrassing.

 In such a chaotic scene, it is not surprising that no one can be found to help.

 At any rate, Master Chu must have tried his best to find him.

 But if you still can’t find it, then there’s nothing you can do.

 Even Taoist Master Chu encountered some kind of "accident" and therefore "missed" for a period of time. It is also very possible.

“Keep in touch regularly and pay attention to safety.” The two brothers greeted each other.

Lei Jun waited for a while, but when he saw that the Heavenly Law sent out another manpower to disrupt the ritual guarded by Monk Faming, he nodded slightly and prepared to leave.

 He planned to hide his whereabouts and get closer to the void portal where heaven leads to the human world.

But at this moment, the ball of light suddenly flashed in Lei Jun’s mind, and words appeared:

   【The ink shadows of the morning light are like the abyss or the sea, and the sun shines with divine light, which is auspicious. 】

 Following this, there are three more fortunes:

  【Sign up and go southeast, there is a chance to get a third-grade opportunity. There will be a little wind and waves but no danger, no worries, good luck! 】

  【Winning the lottery, traveling eastward, there is a chance to get a fourth-grade chance, but the waves are ups and downs, and the subsequent entanglements of cause and effect should be dealt with cautiously and calmly. 】

  【Win the lottery, go in a direction other than the east and southeast, or stay where you are, no extra gain or loss, flat. 】

Lei Jun was happy at first, and signed a new one.

 After feeling happy, he looked toward the southeast, thoughtfully.

 That side is the direction Fang Yue left.

 (End of this chapter)

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