Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion

Chapter 302: 301 dragon and tiger combined attack, I know a little bit (two-in-one

Chapter 302 Chapter 301. I understand a little bit about the combination of dragon and tiger (two-in-one chapter)

In the direction Fang Yue went, is it possible that a third-grade opportunity would arise... Lei Jun thought thoughtfully.

I just don’t know if it is natural or man-made?

 I wonder if it has something to do with Fang Yue himself?

Lei Jun carefully studied the three fortune-telling rules.

 Among the two winning lots, one is a draw with absolutely no gain but no risks or consequences.

 Another point is that the fourth-grade opportunities coexist with risks and hazards, and they are generally relatively similar.

The direction is due east.

Once this move is successful, it will be difficult to get out again.

Even if their targets were each other and no one else, there was no doubt how dangerous that area was.

At the same time as he spoke, he turned his painting pen and splashed ink.

As he floated across the sea like a breeze and walked toward the southeast, the brilliance of the Dharma urn was quietly flowing in the depths of his eyes.

 Lei Jun will not miss out on Ye Yi's "good things" now.

 If you really miss this opportunity, it’s not like you gained nothing.

 Then, he headed southeast.

 Ye Yi's figure stayed where he was.

But his expression did not change: "Ye is encircling and suppressing the invading enemies of Tianli, why does Taoist Lei want to save them?"

 At least, he has a better grasp of some of the inner qualities of the young elder from Longhu Mountain.

Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion, got too close to the Queen Zhang Wantong.

He thought it was not enough, so he also raised the Xuanxu Mirror.

 This was supposed to be the next generation leader of the Jingxiang Fang clan after Fang Jingsheng.

Ye Yi, who had used the treasure inkstone to block the attack, was shocked and hurriedly got out of the way.

 Ye Yi then continued to accumulate his own literary and artistic conception, combined it with the sea map, and slowly refined it.

As a master of Confucian chanting, even in such a harsh environment, Fang Yue can still gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to a certain extent and call for wind and rain.

On the tiger's body, a magic pot made entirely of green flames was burning and glowing.

 While it is difficult for Fang Yue and others to contact the outside world, it is also difficult for the outside world to grasp their movements.

It is as if the heaven and earth have transformed into a flat picture at this moment.

Although Ye Yi installed Fang Yue with his own ritual vessel, it does not mean that he is done.

 The pen and ink are stabbed by thousands of swords.

 Not only the Jingxiang Fang clan needs to clean up their family, but other large aristocratic clans also regard it as a thorn in their side.

At the same time, outside the black sea of ​​gloomy thunder, the purple masculine divine thunder also began to condense.

 Under the roar of dragons and tigers, yin and yang are in harmony.

 Ye Yi did not show up directly, but only communicated with the other party through words as well as face-to-face contact.

Since then, the four surnames and the Six Hopes have united. Although the Ye Clan of Qingzhou did not directly confront the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, Lei Jun did not forget about them.

After a moment, Lei Jun's eyes flashed slightly and he noticed Fang Yue who had gone ahead.

 Don’t be busy right now and think about it later.

 Instead, the young man was buried completely in the sea.

Just when Ye Yi felt the warning sign and realized that the crisis was coming, a fist suddenly appeared behind him as if it had appeared out of nowhere.

 In terms of its mystery, it is inferior to Lei Jun's Nine Heavens Divine Thunder and Xuanxiao Immortal Thunder.

 Because Lei Jun had stayed in place to guard the ceremony for a while, Fang Yue went further ahead.

However, it is not the real void and shattering of heaven and earth.

The Nine Heavens Divine Thunder evolved into the Lei Fa Tian calligraphy urn, and the purple lightning that continuously traveled around condensed into a huge dragon head, which poked out from the urn.

 The Xirang Banner was temporarily lent to his junior brother Chu Kun when he had just left for action.

 The purple Yang Thunder Dragon and the black Yin Thunder Dragon also took off to the left and right.

 But it is difficult for the other party to discover Lei Jun's existence because of his probing actions.

The Xinzhou Longhu Mountain and the Jiangzhou Lin tribe have always been at odds with each other, and they are naturally very familiar with Ye Yi.

 Ye Yi's heart suddenly sank.

The middle-aged scribe was overjoyed, and then brought an unexpected news to Ye Yi.

 Ye Yi can do nothing at present.

 At this moment, between the sea and the sky, the pen and ink used the wind and clouds as the canvas to draw a large number of thunder and lightning in an instant.

The Yin and Yang Thunder Dragons flying out from left and right immediately regrouped, aiming directly at Ye Yi himself.

  But this does not affect the reality that the two sides are on different paths.

Even if Fang Yue in the painting is really a walnut, Ye Yi still has the confidence to wear it out. At best, the difference is the length of time.

On this trip, I would like to test the efficacy of Taiqing Eight Scenery Baoyu.

Fang Yue is a monk of the Confucian chanting lineage, who is good at mobilizing the aura of heaven and earth for his own use with his own literary connotations.

At this time, thunder and lightning also fell from the sky.

At first, Lei Jun was raid, and after Bao Yan escaped, Ye Yan woke up his spirit of 120,000 points to face Lei Jun.

 But in this sea area, he encountered some opponents from heaven, and a fierce battle broke out between the two sides.

Seeing the other person looking northwest for a long time and unable to move his eyes away, Lei Jun could roughly guess what this person was thinking.

 In the night, waves that look like ink and light and shadow are gently rippling around his body.

As for Lei Jun, we can look at it later and leave it to Ye Yan and Chu Xiuyuan, or Ye Yi can contact other people to help him.

With no match, Ye Yi had no choice but to find another way.

Then the void on that side of the sky and the earth seemed to shake as a whole.

 This is certainly an admirable act of kindness.

  However, the current sea situation is complicated due to the combined effect of multiple rituals, spiritual energy is disordered.

Lei Jun Jiutian Lei Zu Dharma Elephant and Xuanxiao Lei Zu Dharma Elephant appeared together, once again using the power of two dragons to go out to sea, violently tearing apart the vast expanse of blue waves transformed by Ye Yi's magical power.

At this moment, the void seems to have turned into a canvas, which is then twisted and squeezed by powerful forces, causing wrinkles.

 Dragon and tiger attack together!

 But with Ye Yi's cultivation strength, it was already too late to react.

 Ye Yi shook his head slightly.

While the sky and earth in the depths of his pupils were circulating, a looming figure in the sea ahead became clear.

As the two dragons met, his body seemed to be torn apart by the power of yin and yang.

The precious inkstone that Ye Yi cherished was smashed to pieces on the spot by this punch.

In the blink of an eye, there are vast expanse of blue waves, as if there is another ocean on top of the East China Sea.

 The next moment, the void seemed to be shattered into pieces.

 This opportunity is quite rare. To some extent, it is even rarer than the opportunity that currently traps Fang Yue.

Immediately afterwards, the black Yin Thunder Dragon poked out its head and flew out of the black sea of ​​thunder.

Since he was going to take action, Ye Yi didn't just plan to teach the other party a lesson.

It is the most orthodox magical power of the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain.

 Then I saw where the sea and the sky meet in the distance, and the void seemed to twist as a whole.

 Lei Jun's strength is even higher than Fang Yue's.

 It is the Dharma Image of the Nine Heavens Thunder Patriarch.

 But this idea was immediately overtaken by the second thought in Ye Yi’s mind:

This Lei Jun, will he not be trapped from the beginning?

Compared to the previous Tianli monk Wang Feng, Ye Yi knew more about Lei Jun and knew that Lei Jun's strength was extraordinary.

 This painting pen is constantly swaying, and one piece after another of ink is blessed on the Canghai map, causing endless changes in the Canghai map, besieging and wearing away Fang Yue and others.

Although mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small they are, the current environment is undoubtedly to lend it to Chu Kun first, so that the effectiveness and value of this magic weapon can be fully utilized.

 So at the same time as he spoke, his painting pen continued to splash ink.

 Ye Yi's face was not expressionless, but his expression was solemn and solemn.

 It goes without saying that there, the top masters of the Tang Dynasty, including Ye Yan, the leader of the Ye Clan in Qingzhou, and Chu Xiuyuan, the old leader of the Chu Clan in Suzhou, are currently confronting and competing with the top monks in Tianli.

It's a pity that Lei Jun refused to give the other party this chance.

His fellow tribesmen couldn't spot him, but within Lei Jun's field of vision, Ye Yi's movements and changes in expressions were all clearly visible.

Wang Feng had a level of cultivation at the eighth level, and was blessed with the help of luck. It was extraordinary and comparable, but he was still killed by Lei Jun on the spot.

It is true that Qingzhou Ye clan and other aristocratic families repaired and improved their relations with the Tang imperial family.

Just when Ye Yi was about to resist, he suddenly became alert again.

However, seeing that Fang Yue could still hold on for a short time, Lei Jun did not take action immediately, but first further observed the surrounding environment.

 In the painting, he is engulfed by thunder and lightning.

Although the two parties have different backgrounds, Ye Yi also appreciates Fang Yue's talent and knowledge.

 As far as Ye Yi is concerned, it’s okay if he doesn’t have a chance.

Ye Yi was frightened, but he spoke righteously on his face: "We, Qingzhou, and Longhu Mountain have never had any disputes. Even though there may have been some unpleasantness in the past, at present, we are all serving the common good, putting aside our past grudges, and uniting to fight against the law of heaven." Is there anything we can't talk about later when we're against the enemy?

With a stroke of the painting pen in his hand, it seemed as if the ink-colored Yangtze River appeared, lying between him and the sneak attacker.

 Now he is alone again...

He didn't have time to recall Canghai Tu, so he threw the painting pen in his hand towards Lei Jun.

  Naturally, he would not be thinking about how to help him, Taoist Master Lei, get out of trouble.

For Chu Kun, who is still in the sixth heaven realm and has not yet reached the three-day cultivation level, the Xiyang Flag is still a good treasure.

The purple and green light flow exploded violently, directly drowning Ye Yi!

At this moment, the first thought in Qingzhou Ye clan elder's mind was that Lei Jun had just escaped from the confinement of Jili Town.

This new generation of young geniuses from this sect are far more talented and powerful than their peers.

 This is true whether it is a dispute between Confucianism and Taoism, or a battle between power and influence.

The inkstone is an important treasure that Ye Yi carries with him, and he hangs it beside him as a warning.

Ye Yi’s spirit and attention landed again on his own map of the sea, and on Fang Yue who was involved in the painting.

But who is it?

Yuan Mobai came out of the mountains and came to the East China Sea?

 Under normal circumstances, it has exceeded the perception limit of the Fulu Sect monks on the first level of the eighth heaven.

The Confucian aura is full of aura, constantly colliding with the black mysterious thunder.

Over there, it is the direction of the void portal that connects heaven and earth to the human world, and it is also the direction Lei Jun originally planned to go.

 The real world and the illusory picture seem to merge into one at this moment.

 At that time, if the news spreads, it will undoubtedly be very detrimental to Ye Yi and the Qingzhou Ye people.

 He already valued and even admired the young talent of the new generation of Longhu Mountain.

Lei Jun himself is wearing a coir from the Eight Sceneries of the Taiqing Dynasty, and his body seems to be completely integrated with nature, disappearing between heaven and earth.

Under the cover of the Taiqing Eight Views Baoyu, Lei Jun can now observe the surroundings with the Heaven-Connecting and Earth-Penetrating Dharma Barrier, and he can be more relaxed.

Fang Yue intends to re-establish the ritual ceremony in one place and echo it in other places.

Seeing Lei Jun glance at the direction of the Canghai Map, Ye Yi couldn't help but sigh again in his heart.

 The wind and rain dissipated, as if nothing had happened here before.

 Ye Yi's eyes flashed with light.

He shouted angrily and fought back with all his strength.

As for Lei Jun, since his character hides such a side, it is possible that something similar to today will happen in the future.

 But after a period of searching, Lei Jun successfully found the other party.

At present, several famous families want to repair the relationship with the Tang Dynasty emperor's family, and they must work with the Tang Dynasty emperor's family to deal with the threat of Tianli monks.

 But Lei Jun did not use his own magical power to resist.

The Dharma Image of Jiuyuanyanzu originated from the calligraphy urn of Huofadi!

This Lei Jun actually possesses the four major Dharma images at the same time?

 But there seemed to be an invisible hand shaking the scroll.

But since there is a sign on the other side in the southeast direction, Lei Jun doesn't have to worry much at the moment and heads toward the southeast first.

 But Ye Yi himself had a chance to escape this disaster.

As the pen and ink flew across the sky, a picture of ten thousand swords emerged.

Although Lei Jun and Chu Kun both knew that because Lei Jun himself had come out and was standing by, Chu Kun would not be in danger, Fang Yue did not know.

 If the academy, Buddhism, and Taoism continue to spread out, they will be completely unstoppable.

 Perform the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram with alternating purple and green.

  The realm of governing the country in the eighth heaven of Confucian classics also has to reach the third level of the eighth heaven, and after one has the ability to navigate the heavens and the earth, there will be another watershed-like improvement in the actual fighting methods.

Lei Jun kept moving.

 Just because he is currently covering his figure with his own calligraphy and painting, it is difficult for the other party to find him.


But on this trip to the East China Sea, in order to destroy the ritual of the Neo-Confucian monks, he took extraordinary risks, resulting in being suppressed, which made people see a bit of the passion and courage hidden under his indifferent appearance. In addition to fighting against foreign enemies at the gate of his ancestral court in Longhu Mountain, would Taoist Master Xuan Xiaozi be so reckless in other matters?

From Ye Yi’s personal point of view, he never denies this.

That was a scene created by Ye Yi with his own magic power. He hid himself in the sea. His method was good, but it could not escape the eyes of Lei Jun.

Lei Jun's Heaven-Connecting-Earth-Practical Dharma Ribbon and the numerous heaven-sighting and earth-hearing talismans scattered out are also observing the surrounding situation, collecting all the big and small things in his eyes, just in case the chance of getting the fortune actually has nothing to do with Fang Yue.

The vast sea water blocked Lei Jun’s Yin Thunder Dragon.

But Ye Yi did not simply compete with the direct descendants of Longhu Mountain with his paintings of thunder and lightning.

 The momentum of the painting is appalling.

It was under this coir raincoat that Lei Jun was directly close to Ye Yi, but Ye Yi was still unable to detect it.

Ye Yi didn't see any other experts from the Tianshi Mansion around him, and realized that the Yin Fire Tiger was also an achievement of Lei Jun's magic power.

At this time, Ye Yi quietly approached again, saw the opportunity and made a sudden move, and successfully brought Fang Yue into the painting.

 After leaving, the middle-aged scribe began to try hard to contact Ye Yi, Ye Yao and others to inform them of the news.

However, when Lei Jun looked carefully at the junction of the sea and the sky in the distance, he could clearly see the intertwining of Taoist culture and the Confucianism and Mohism style.

 In this case, he can observe others more carefully and carefully, and all the scenes can be seen before his eyes.

 Ye Yi began to collect the map of the sea, focusing on the present first.

Ye Yi, who noticed it later than Lei Jun, kept splashing ink with his painting brush while looking up to the northwest.

Even if Fang Yue is defeated, there is still a possibility of escape.

 He had also been through the storm for a long time, and he quickly calmed down and looked back to the northwest.

 In the wind and clouds, there are countless dragon shadows cruising, rising and falling.

He looks like a middle-aged man, but in fact he has been famous for a long time. He is Ye Yi, the patriarch of the Ye clan in Qingzhou.

 After ending this contact, Ye Yi stared northwest and remained silent for a long time.

At that time, where will the famous families such as the Ye clan of Qingzhou and Confucianism of the Tang Dynasty go?

  Is it necessary to turn to the so-called Ming Dynasty in Tianli, where the world's context is also spread?

 The slightest repercussions may cost lives.

Fang Yue's talent and strength are extraordinary. Even with Ye Yi's cultivation level at the second level of the eighth heaven, there is no absolute certainty that he can stay in the seventh level.

 Ye Yi knew that his fellow tribesmen were looking for him.

 Then, break the painting!

The tall Mingxing God, a giant **** who seems to be cruising the universe and the Milky Way, and then in the world painted by Ye Yi, his arms are divided to the left and right with the force of splitting the heaven and the earth.

 After testing the magic weapon's hiding ability, he happened to be testing its defense at this moment.

His painting pens kept on painting, and he continued to use his pen and ink to bless the Canghai map, in order to trap and kill Fang Yue as soon as possible.

 The real world is about to break at dawn.

At this moment, all kinds of talismans all over his body flashed together and turned into stars.

Lei Jun did not respond to what Ye Yi said, but calmly glanced at the other party's ritual map.

Although he had little contact with Ye Yi, he was no stranger to him.


Lei Jun was convinced.

 He is polite, calm and steady, and has outstanding popularity and reputation both inside and outside Tianshi Mansion.

 But at this moment, Lei Jun's eyes flashed slightly.

Seeing these black thunderbolts, Ye Yi was shocked again: "You... Lei Jun?!"

 Ming Xing Shen put his palms together again in front of him.

I am a beautiful woman, but how can I become a thief? Ye Yi sighed in his heart.

 It was only because he was always vigilant and prepared protective treasures all year round that he was able to withstand Lei Jun's punch.

“What are you doing, Master Lei?”

If Mr. Ye has unintentionally offended the Taoist Priest, Mr. Ye is willing to apologize in advance and hope that the Taoist Priest will forgive him, but he should not destroy the good situation of unity in front of him. Why should he make a wedding dress for the man of justice? "

A slight delay is tantamount to drawing the other person into the picture.

 The mirror light flashed in the sky, becoming darker in an instant, and then illuminated Lei Jun's body, causing Lei Jun, who had already disappeared, to further cover up his figure.

Once he enters the Canghai Map, his communication with the nature of heaven and earth is blocked by the Canghai Map, and his hands and feet are restricted in all aspects.

 But at this moment, because Ye Yi was painting, the clouds were gathering, and the sky suddenly became dark again.

 It’s just that it’s not easy to capture Fang Yue.

Ye Yi looked to the northwest with a normal expression. He only told the other party that he would deal with it as appropriate, and ordered the other party to find an opportunity to pass the news to the clan leader Ye Yan.

Lei Jun is also the Dharma Elephant of the Nine Heavens Thunder Ancestor and the Dharma Elephant of the Jiuyuan Flame Ancestor, which means...

Just when Ye Yi was surprised, he saw black thunder and lightning roaring silently, and then turned into a black sea of ​​thunder and spread out, surrounding the sea from all directions, giving him no chance to retreat.

If possible, Ye Yi hopes that Taoist Lei can be sealed there forever.

 Not involved in the painting, the spiritual energy from all directions comes and goes as he pleases.

 "Xuan Lei... Xuan Xiao Xian Lei?"

His body is as light as the wind. He seems to be light and airy, but he moves extremely quickly.

 It is another important ritual vessel that he never leaves, named Bihai.

 Then there was a huge purple lightning dragon.

 Hethered by the stars, the Ming Star God grew taller and taller.

Just behind him, a tiger as fierce as a mountain opened its mouth and let out a low roar.

 Therefore, Ye Yi and others had turned a blind eye to Fang Yue before.

 But it is clear that he can no longer persist in the current situation.

Ye Yi had no paintings to protect him from disaster this time, and his whole body began to burn from the thunder and fire.

It is still nighttime, but dawn is coming.

Lei Jun looked calmly at the elder of the Ye clan in front of him.

Fortunately, Lei Jun looked from a distance and saw that the precious light condensed by Fang Yue Wenhua's talents had suppressed all the methods of the Neo-Confucian monks on the opposite side.

Even if you miss this opportunity today, you will not be short of opportunities in the future. The key is to be careful and seize them, and even look for opportunities to create...Ye Yi thought to himself.

The scene is magnificent, but it gives people a sense of elusiveness, making it difficult to fathom and touch.

With the help of the amount of thunder and lightning he transformed, the thunder in the sky also formed a vast sea of ​​thunder, thereby delaying the two terrifying thunder dragons, one purple and one black.

That's what he said, but Ye Yi didn't think that Lei Jun would stop because of this.

However, there is still room for further improvement.

Influenced by Ye Yi's vast expanse of blue waves, the real East China Sea below was also driven by him. The sea water rolled up and poured into the blue sea created by Ye Yi.

The scroll that swept away Fang Yue and others was the ritual vessel made by Ye Yi himself.

 The figure of the person gradually became clearer, and it was obvious that he was a middle-aged scribe about forty years old.

  Previously, Taoist Master Lei was "confessed", and Fang Yue also took great care of Taoist Master Chu Kunchu.

So now that Fang Yue is in trouble, Lei Jun doesn't mind taking advantage of him.

When Lin Che of the Jiangzhou Lin Clan disappeared, it was Qingzhou Ye Yi who entered Jiangzhou to help stabilize the situation of the Jiangzhou Lin Clan at that time.

He looked at Lei Jun's incarnation of the Dou Mu Star God's dharma image, a strange coir raincoat, which at this moment unfolded and became extremely huge, like a strong wind or a Qingyun, covering all directions.

Lei Jun smashed the opponent's treasure inkstone with one punch. At the same time, Xuanxiao's Five Thunder Dharma Ribbon also began to emerge in the black sea of ​​thunder.

 Ye Yi could no longer care about being surprised.

 A turquoise tiger made entirely of flames.

It's just that Lei Jun is not as gentle as his master Yuan Mobai after all, and is more cold and indifferent in comparison.

However, when Lei Jun was about to catch up with Fang Yue, he found that the opponent's speed was obviously slower than before.

The opponent's magical power is really powerful.

Lei Jun raised his head and looked at the sea in the southeast.

 Having such a good opportunity, he will naturally not let it go.

The middle-aged scribe had just passed by the sacrifice ceremony set up by Lei Jun, Fang Yue and others. At the same time, he also knew that Lei Jun had been temporarily suppressed for destroying the Tianli monk's ceremony.

 Another painting by Ye Yi.

 If you miss this rare opportunity...

The Dharma Elephant of Dou Mu Star God transformed by Lei Jun directly moves forward together with the Dharma Elephant of Jiutian Lei Zu and Xuanxiao Lei Zu Dharma, and rushes into Ye Yi's painting.

 Fortunately, Fang Yuexian encountered the Tianli monk, and the two sides fought fiercely.

 “…Yin Fire Tiger?!”

 Some of the consequences can only be discussed later.

The protective effect of this treasure and the effect of replenishing spiritual energy and restoring mana are not of much help to Lei Jun, who is currently at the eighth level of heaven.

Lei Jun watched this scene from the sidelines.

 Overall, good.

 It is as if the picture between the sea and the sky is broken.

Lei Jun's own strength has now gradually achieved success, and with the Heavenly Master's Seal and the Taiqing Eight Scenery Baoyu at his side, a small storm will definitely not be able to defeat him.

There were Monk Faming and others from Tianlong Temple there. This middle-aged scribe's own cultivation was not strong enough to trigger the ritual seal, so he said that he was going to find someone to help him, and then he said goodbye and left.

Stars glittered on his fist, and after hitting the inkstone, the condensed power finally exploded, manifesting infinite talismans that flowed endlessly like a galaxy.

Even if he is currently trapped, Ye Yi, who is on the second level of the eighth heaven, is not sure that he can be completely eliminated.

 The pitch-black night sky gradually began to lose its dense black color, turning towards a gloomy deep blue.

Now with the help of the paintings prepared in advance, he escaped the tyrannical attack from Lei Jun's three Dharma elephants.

Only when Lei Jun actually took action did a little murderous intention and hostility show up.

 As a result, he became an enemy.

 …No, the night is long and the dream is many, so we should try our best to solve the problem as quickly as possible.

Although he is currently under lockdown, it is not easy to take advantage of him.

 Fang Yue has not lost his ability to fight back and is constantly trying to break through the sea map.

The middle-aged scribe came in a hurry, looking a little anxious. As he hurried on, he looked around and kept writing and drawing on the scroll, hoping to contact someone.

 After a moment, Lei Jun's eyes flashed slightly, and he looked back in the direction he came from.

While the black Yin Thunder Dragon temporarily surrounded Ye Yi, the purple Yang Thunder Dragon and the green Yin Fire Tiger had already gathered together.

 While he was thinking about this, his mind suddenly trembled.

This punch did not hit Ye Yi, but hit a black inkstone.

 From the thunder and lightning transformed by Ye Yi.

Ye Yi has a painting pen in his hand, full of aura and flowing green light.

 The Star God!

Ye Yi recognized it at a glance, it was the Dharma Image of the Doumu Star God that was directly inherited from the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain.

But even so, Lei Jun's Yin Yang Thunder Dragon separated at this time, and the black Yin Thunder Dragon quickly became entangled.

Lei Jun looked at Jiansheng, and after recalling it, he remembered that this person should also be from the Ye Clan in Qingzhou.

Over there in the distance, someone is approaching.

The Tianli monk who was involved in the scroll together with him was also trying to find a way to escape in the sea map.

 In the distortion of the void, Fang Yue, who was already about to win, and the Neo-Confucian monks there disappeared on the spot.

Therefore, it was only at this moment that Ye Yi could block this sudden punch before he even thought about it.

Although Ye Yi's cultivation level is slightly higher than that of Wang Feng, he doesn't dare to be careless.

 At this time, the person himself appeared far away on the other side.

“Lei Jun of Tianshi Mansion is currently trapped?” Ye Yi asked urgently.

Even if the heaven and earth are operating to the extreme, the mana breath currently exuded by Lei Jun himself is still minimal.

As a result, the thunderous world painted by Ye Yi was torn apart and completely destroyed in an instant.

Thousands of black ink swords were so powerful that many Confucian swordsmen had the courage to strike to the death together and stabbed Lei Jun.

Moreover, although he did not have a close friendship with Fang Yue, he admired this young scholar who looked older than him but was actually a few years younger than him.

 But the Queen is always a big hurdle.

 The void around Ye Yi's body seemed to be twisted, filled with purple and black thunder and lightning.

But the body of the newcomer was surrounded by stars and rivers, and his tall body was like a **** descending from the earth, directly crushing the ink-colored Yangtze River.

 Let’s capture this person firmly first, then we can get serious.

Therefore, dragon shadows hang down from the eight landscapes of Taiqing Dynasty, and together with the strong wind, they intertwine around Lei Jun's body, forming an octagonal screen.

  Doesn’t hurt Lei Jun at all.

Ye Yi was in despair, completely engulfed by the bright light of the dragon-tiger attack.

 (End of this chapter)

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