Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 20 Chapter 15: Bloodline?

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Jian Guang was fierce, all with murderous power. When he entered the corpses of the nine strong men, he began to completely destroy and annihilate.


The corpse disintegrated and disappeared, completely dissipated, and everything returned to heaven and earth.

Suddenly, a large amount of merit came suddenly and suddenly, the merit was strong, as if a layer of golden light shrouded Qin Yun, Yi Xiao on the side also looked forward to watching, while Qin Yun obtained the merit, he did not hesitate to transfer to the smoke and rain sword.

"We are all living beings in the Three Realms." Qin Yun said, "It was the Three Realms that gave birth to us, even the heaven and earth aura that we spent on spiritual practice, including rice and fish, all originated from the Three Realms. After death, strength also returned to the Three Realms. And However, these strong men from the outside world come from the outside world. After their corpses are annihilated, they are absorbed by the Three Realms, but they are an extra gain, so they will have great merits. "

"Since the Communist Party has not broken Zhoushan, the foundations of the Three Realms will be severely damaged. If the foundation is successful, I am afraid that I will not pay much attention to this sacrificing." Qin Yun said as he discovered that the advent of merit had ceased.

After all, annihilation is a blink of an eye, and this merit comes quickly.

"This is a strong man in a avenue of a different level. How many merits does the sacrifice have?" Yi Xiao asked.

Qin Yun transferred all his merits to the Yanyu Sword, his frown slightly: "It's equivalent to killing one or two ancestors."

Less than expected.

"So few?" Yi Xiao couldn't help but said, "This is a strong man at a high level."

"The avenue to kill the strong in the Three Realms may be meritorious and sinful," said Qin Yun thoughtfully. "The Three Realms are constantly absorbing the chaotic power of the outside world, so sacrifices to the Three Realms are generally not important. It should be A special force in life can benefit the Three Realms. I heard that if the enemy is caught alive in the Three Realms and then beheaded, the merits will be much greater. It is estimated that the sacrifice of the gods is more beneficial. "

"After all, the sacrifice of the corpse can only get some benefits." Qin Yun couldn't help it.

This time, I fought against the mysterious existence 'Fate'.

Even if it is really alive, ‘fate’ has the idea of ​​giving up the three avatars, and the three avatars will become corpses.

"Try again next time," Yi Xiaolian said.


With a wave of Qin Yun, another body was lying on the ground.

The black robe human-shaped mist corpse now shows the true appearance, with blue-black skin. While watching his corpse, he can see a vast virtual sea of ​​gods.

"go with."

Qin Yun once again released the sword light of Yanyu Sword, and began to annihilate the body.

Another corpse of another strong man was annihilated.

Qin Yun looked at this scene and suddenly hesitated.

He also understood that the bodies of the three strong men from the outside world that they had gotten a long time ago were dead, and even if they were not dead, they were still living like a cricket.

The corpse annihilated, returned to the Three Realms, and merit came.


The advent of merit stopped, and Qin Yun frowned slightly, because the merit obtained by the sacrificial body of the black robe human form was slightly less than before.

"How?" Yi Xiao asked.

Qin Yun, while transferring his merits to Yanyu Sword, said: "It's the same as before, but the last body is special. He has a strong physical body and strong vitality."

He waved.

Boom ~~~~

The giant's corpse is the most huge. Fortunately, Lei Xiaoshan has arrayed here, and even the space is distorted before it can hold the giant's corpse.

"This corpse is really big." Yi Xiao looked at the huge corpse of the giant with a shock, and she looked like a small girl in front of the corpse.

"His physical strength is still above the mosquitoes." Qin Yun laughed. "I joined with Jumang and Xun Shu, and I couldn't kill him when I caught him alive. Of course ... now he has Dead, it would be easier for him to destroy the body. "

Alive, with the power of the elemental gods controlling the physical body, the physical defense can also be stronger.

As soon as the Yuan God was dispersed, the flesh was also weak.

"The merits of sacrificing this physical body should be much greater." Qin Yun moved with a wave of sword light, and Jian Guang drilled into the body along the giant's nostril and began to destroy.

嗤嗤嗤 ~~~~

Everywhere in the giant's body was extremely tough, and Yanyu Jianguang couldn't cut it.

"Dead, the flesh has weakened, but to destroy it, you still have to use your fate sword." Qin Yun sighed and released Yanyu Sword, and Yan Yujian slammed directly, cutting the giant's skin directly, drilling into its body and starting to destroy .

It's just that the destruction is slow.

"The corpse is too big, and the vitality is too strong." Qin Yun said with a smile, "To be completely destroyed, I'm afraid it will take tea."

"A dead corpse, with your brother Yun Yun's strength, must have tea time?" Yi Xiao praised.

"It is very strong, and its vitality is no less than that of the wooden gods. The physical strength is almost comparable to the innate top spiritual treasure. It is only after death that it is expected to be destroyed." Qin Yun laughed. "He was the first to fight with us, a Enemies that can hardly be killed are also estimated to test our bottom line. "

Qin Yun also understood the mysterious idea of ​​'fate'.

First send an unbeatable ...

Find out who is coming.

If the enemy is strong? Then run away!

If you are sure, immediately choose the three avatars that restrain the enemy from the many avatars and kill them.

They just fought with Qin Yun and obviously misjudged Qin Yun's strength and suffered some losses.


Qin Yun looked at the giant corpse in front of him, and his face suddenly changed. In the blood of the giant corpse, Qin Yun loomed through the smoke and rain sword to see a ray of golden light penetrating the coil, which ray of gold was high and should be a higher level of power.

"What happened?" Yi Xiao asked.

"There is a very special power in his body," Qin Yun whispered, "I am destroying his corpse, but this special power is entangled deep in the blood of the corpse and still resists my destruction instinctively."

"Special power?" Yi Xiao wondered.

"I'll take this special power out first." Qin Yunyan Yu Jianguang chased the power wrapped in the giant's body, and every time he took part, he sent out Jianguang and wrapped it.

咻咻 咻 ~~~~

Daodao Jianguang wrapped in a special power, flying out of the giant's body.

It was strands of twisted golden silk.

With the continuous removal of these golden silk threads, the giant's corpse also became more fragile and destroyed faster. Originally, it was estimated that it would take a tea effort, but after the strength of the ten golden silk threads was taken out, his body was only a breathing effort It completely annihilated the return to heaven and earth. There are also constant merits.

"What kind of power is this?" Qin Yun carefully looked at the ten golden wires twisting in front of him.

The Three Realms descended on great merit and finally stopped.


Qin Yun directly tried to destroy one of the strands of golden silk thread. This golden silk thread was full of vitality, but at this moment, it was still destroyed by the smoke and rain sword.

"Brother Yun, what are you doing now?" Yi Xiao asked.

"Ninety-five percent, there is still a lot of merit and treasure." Qin Yun said, "If you sacrifice the remaining nine strands of power, you should be able to reach ninety-seven."

Yi Xiao was surprised: "This mysterious power ~ ~ can I get so many merits with sacrifices?"


Qin Yun watched the power of the golden silk thread carefully. Under his gaze, the golden silk thread was magnified ten million times, and turned into an extremely huge golden secret pattern. The golden secret pattern faintly formed a vast giant, even if far away. Seeing him, Qin Yun felt depressed. That was the face of Master, and they felt very differently to the son-in-law.

The mighty giant should also be in the state of heaven, but the physical body is overwhelming.

This golden secret pattern is the natural secret pattern of blood veins.

Qin Yun whispered softly: "If I read correctly, this should be bloodline power."

"The giant should be a stronger bloodline descendant."

"His physical form is related to his practice, but also to his blood." Qin Yun looked carefully.


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