Seeking the Flying Sword Path

Vol 20 Chapter 16: Pangu Bloodline

Qin Yun put away the other eight golden silk threads with a jade bottle, and there was only one golden silk thread suspended in front of him. Qin Yun observed carefully that the heavenly situation was 'the mystery of the operation of all heavenly things.' Since Qin Yun had mastered it, Sancai Avenue can also be seen as false and true for other Avenues.

Although the "natural secret pattern" in this golden silk thread is extremely mysterious, Qin Yun still barely sees it, for example, there is the mystery of Sancai Avenue.

"It's amazing."

"With this kind of blood, the blood's ancestors, the flesh is really powerful and terrible. It should be a heavenly state of cultivation of the flesh." Qin Yun was amazed. The three ancestors, Buddha, and demon ancestor, including the son-in-law and mother-in-law, all It is not the heavenly state of cultivation of the flesh.

The sanctification of the flesh is notoriously difficult to cultivate.

The flesh of a heavenly state is sanctified ... Qin Yun admires it.

"The giant may have left his hometown and entered the tide of time and space, planted in the fate of the mysterious strongman." Qin Yun secretly said that it would be useless to come from afar, there is no way to enter the time and space of the tide, and he did not even want revenge. Method.

"The blood is obviously originated from another world." Qin Yun secretly said, "the secret pattern still contains various avenues."

"Obviously the avenue ... exists in chaos, but also in other worlds."

Some trails may be different.

For example, there are some special rules in the Dark Abyss, and some of the big sins will even become the darlings of the Dark Abyss. But under the Three Realms rule, these great sins are to be suppressed.

And these unique rules in the Three Realms, such as merit, sin! This is the rule of heaven in the Three Realms. In the chaos, those merits and sins are useless.

And the avenue ...

It exists in the chaos, like the congenital treasure bred in the chaos. Once it is successfully conceived, it contains a perfect road. This boulevard in chaos applies not only to the Three Realms, but also to Chaos, to space-time tides, and even to the Realm. It is just that the practice system of the other world may be different.

There are also many practice systems in the Three Realms, such as Taoism, Buddhism, Magic Tao, Wumen, and so on. The sword immortal veins and the Fuxu veins also have their own characteristics.

It is also normal for the alien world to produce their own practice system in a unique world.

But the ultimate avenue is connected.

"Stones from other mountains can attack jade." The more Qin Yun looked at this secret pattern, the more he felt that it was a treasure house, and the composition of the secret pattern was also something Qin Yun had never seen.

"Not much enlightenment in a short time, but long-term enlightenment." Qin Yun took out another jade bottle and put away the golden silk thread.

Yi Xiao started to speak at this time and laughed: "Brother Yun, just now you looked at this blood power, but after watching it for a long time, it will be helpful to your practice?"

"It's a great help." Qin Yun nodded. "Just need to get involved."


Yi Xiao couldn't help but immediately said, "Yun Brother, the merit you get is still missing from the success of Virtue, what are you going to do next?"

Now that it has accumulated to 90%, even if the power of the blood veins is sacrificed, it is only 90%.

Seemingly bad.

But it's a little worse ... I'm afraid I need to kill two or three other avenue perfectionists.

"There is no other way but to go to time and space again." Qin Yun said.

Yi Xiao appeared worried.

"But not now." Qin Yun laughed. "Don't worry, you do n’t lack much merit now. Just go to the tide of time and space once more to make up! I'm going to learn about this bloodline first, and understand the mystery, to improve my Kendo. The stronger I am, the greater the tide of travel to space and time. "

"I feel ..."

Qin Yun looked at the jade bottle in his hand. "The power of this bloodline will help my smoke and rain array."

"When are you going?" Yi Xiao asked.

"Last millennium." Qin Yundao said that it would be more than two thousand years to dive in first. It would be enough to stay in the last millennium, and then he said again, "Xiao Xiao, the power of this bloodline is extraordinary. I have to see Master first. . "

Yi Xiao also nodded and watched Qin Yun break through.


Biyu Palace, the main hall.

Lingbao Daozu sat there with his knees crossed, watching the disciples who came in.

"Master," Qin Yun saluted respectfully, "the disciples have something to offer."

"Oh?" Lingbao Daozu was surprised and smiled. "It seems that you have gained something from this time and space."


Qin Yun nodded and didn't say much. He turned over and took out a jade bottle. The jade bottle flew to Lingbao Daozu, "Master, please see."

Lingbao Daozu didn't care, how knowledgeable he was, not to mention that Sanqing teamed up to break through the tides of time and space and killed many powerful men in the other world. That is, after it became a heavenly state, it did not enter the space-time tide again.

"Well." A golden silk thread flew out of the jade bottle.

Lingbao Taozu looked indifferently, and his face changed.

"This is ..." Lingbao Daozu looked carefully, solemnly.

"The power of the blood of the strong body of the heavenly realm." Lingbao Tao murmured, his eyes were bright, and he showed his joy. He looked at Qin Yunlian and asked, "How did you get it?

Qin Yun respectfully said: "Master Yun, this time we travel to the tide of time and space to deal with the alien giant using a sledgehammer on a suspended mountain."

"Is he?" Lingbao Daozu nodded slightly, the Three Realms also made some investigations into the tides of space-time, and also learned that some of the strong men who were entangled in the space-time tides. Although it was found out, the strong men in the Three Realms also knew very well that those strong men in other realms who were swaying brightly and enthusiastically were definitely full of confidence.

Therefore, most of the information is superficial.

Such as Qin Yun, this time, the gap between intelligence and facts is very large.

"This time I joined forces with Ji Shou and Jumang, but found that the real owner of the suspended mountain was a stranger who claimed to be fate." Qin Yun said, "The fate of the stranger in power, controlled three The fifteen avenues rounded up the physical body of the powerful men, and at the same time manipulated this large group of strangers to besiege. The giant using the sledgehammer was just one of the thirty-fifth being controlled. "

"Controlling so many avenues is complete?" Lingbao Daozu was also a little surprised. "I am afraid that many avenues in his hometown have been enslaved by him. It is very unlikely that more than thirty people will be arrested in the tide of time and space."

"Some should be from his hometown." Qin Yun also nodded in agreement. "The thirty-five people under his control, except for one who has a half-bodied road strength, are all normal roads, except for a few. The means are special enough, and most of them are mediocre. They are placed at the bottom of the Three Realms, which is why the disciples' smoke and rain array can stop them from besieging. After killing the three, they escaped by chance. "

Lingbao Taozu nodded: "This blood power comes from the three you killed?"

"Well, it's the alien giant who uses a sledgehammer." Qin Yun said, "When the giant's physical body was sacrificed to the Three Realms, it was quite difficult to destroy his physical body. When he destroyed it, he found this strand hidden in his body. The power of blood. "

Lingbao Tao found out: "So it is."

"Tuer, you are really lucky. You can also find the power of the blood of the strong heaven and earth in the tide of time and space." Lingbao Taozu smiled and looked at Qin Yun. , But no such gain. "

"It's also a fluke." Qin Yun said, indeed with some luck, and the corpses of the other two powerful aliens did not find anything special.

"It is really difficult to become a sacred body of the body, but also a heavenly state." Lingbao Taozu said, "I only know that Pangu has reached this level. Pangu has no children. He is a chaotic Qinglian. She was born to open up the Three Realms, and she gave her life to open up the Three Realms. "

"I have also collected the power of his remaining blood." Lingbao Taozu laughed. "All parties have also learned and practiced, such as eight or nine Xuan Gong, Twelve Dutian and other methods, all from the blood of Pangu. See in the power of it. "

Qin Yun knew it.

"Now you have discovered the power of the bloodstream of the heavenly strong man who has a physical vein. As long as it draws on the power of the blood of Pangu, it will be very helpful for the teacher." Lingbao Taozu said, "For the teacher and other heavenly states They are also pondering the practice of the physical body. After all, in the future, chaos and physical methods will be very important. "

Qin Yun nodded, but he was a Sanxian and the body of the Yuanshen, so it was not suitable for physical training.

But the mystery can be enlightened, and used to integrate into his sword.

"You dedicate it to me ~ ~ This strand of Pangu blood will give it to you." Lingbao Taozu laughed.

"Yes." Qin Yun did not refuse, and respectfully accepted.

Lingbao Tao's ancestor asked: "You remember, the power of Pangu bloodline is better at power! And the power of the bloodstream of the power of this alien world is better at physical defense. The two directions are different, and it ’s raining on you. As far as the formation is concerned, the power of the Pangu bloodline is enlightened, which may be helpful for you to kill the enemy. And the power of the bloodline of the powerful alien world might be enlightened, which may be helpful to your protection method of the smoke and rain array. "

Qin Yun said: "The disciples have also seen it and found it helpful to the Yanyu array."

"Now your most important thing is to cross the robbery, so the main force of the blood of this alien world is the main source of enlightenment! When you pass the Sanxian robbery in the future, learn more about the power of the Pangu blood. As a sword fairy ... ... your means of killing the enemy must also be enhanced. "Lingbao Taozu said.

"The disciples understand." Qin Yun respectfully responded.

"Go." Lingbao Daozu nodded and waited for Qin Yun to leave before he took out the strength of the golden silk thread and carefully realized it.


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