Seized by the System

Chapter 993: Defeat


Fang Ning stood in the middle of a group of broken stones, both angry and sad.

Since being entrusted by the uncle, he has tasted such emotions for the first time!

Although these honest stone people have a very low sense of existence and will never pat their horses, it is their diligence that has overwhelmed the uncle's direction and laid a solid material foundation.

This is the case with honest people. When they give credit, they don't show up, but when they are gone, people can't be separated from them.

The loss of this large piece of medicine garden is still second. The key is that the Baishi people who have worked hard for more than four years have really died.

For a long time, he thought that Dragon Mystery is the second safest place in the system space.

It now appears that once confronted with these great powers, such space equipment is itself a weakness.

Because powerful people, some are means of destroying space!

Just like the black ripples just now, the space is broken and the space equipment cannot be completely resisted.

In fact, this Dragon God space has not been broken directly, it has proved that the system is very powerful.

He thought about it silently, and then walked to the old man.

At this time, Chong Daqing was lying on the roots of the old ginseng, and he was helplessly howling: "Old ginseng, you died so miserably, how can you not wait for me to eat you and die again! ! "

Fang Ning was originally grieved and angry. Hearing this, he had mixed tastes.

He took a long breath, stabilized his emotions, and said to the big green worm: "It is not dead yet. The object of your crying should be the stone talents who take care of it."

"Those white stones, they didn't die again, I cried what they did?" Chong Daqing said of course, "but the old man ginseng, you see it is dying, the leaves are all gone, even the body is broken into two Cut it, it's about to die. Let's stew the soup while it's fresh, so we can't eat it if we rot it ... "

Fang Ning felt happy, and then sweated again.

He was about to ask what happened to the stone man. At this time, the old man joined the roots buried in the soil and immediately pulled out a few green shoots.

Those green shoots grow quickly and become new branches, and a series of green leaves grows between the branches.

The ginseng leaves swayed violently, seeming to prove to the master firmly that he was still living well.

"Look, it's still alive and well, don't try to hit it, or turn your grief into an appetite, and hurry up and eat those meals ..." Fang Ning remembered the business despite the ups and downs, but pointed to the hill table , Signalling the big green worm to go back, and let it quickly fill up the blood.

"Ah, what a pity." Chong Daqing stepped back to the hill one by three.

The leaves of the old man ginseng waved hard at it, seemingly saying "good to go and not to send".

Fang Ning was able to catch up and asked, "You said those Baishi people weren't dead. What happened?"

"Oh, they have a characteristic of stone people, as long as the soul is not broken, they can retrieve the broken stones on their own. This is when I followed the old dad, and I specially listened to him when he accidentally talked about the world. Remember, I have to remember what ca n’t be eaten. ”Chong Daqing said again and again, while turning his grief into an appetite, and eating it hard against those dishes.

"It turns out that way," Fang Ning said quickly to the uncle. "In this case, then you don't have to worry about reinvigorating them. After the battle, you will put their souls back into the secret realm."

"That's how good I am. I'm worrying about the lack of skilled workers. No one is working for me." The uncle rejoiced.

"Fortunately, we have a system space for our base. Otherwise, if the other party comes again, we will not be able to protect these gods and spirits, they will really die," Fang Ning sighed and said, "It's just that we can't be beaten so passively now Active defense must be implemented to really delay the time. "

"Wait, I seem to see its weaknesses. There are in the system prompts." Uncle said suddenly.

Fang Ning pressed down the boiling emotion and seized the time to read the system prompt.

The system prompts: (The avatar of vigorous ghost, blood giant, launches "Howling in Space" to attack the system.

The system space suffered a little shock.

The system's portable space magic weapon-"Dragon Mystery" suffered fatal damage.

The system transfers the damage absorption to the follower Daqing.

Insect Daqing suffered 450,000 points.

The magic weapon "Dragon Mystery" survived.

The blood giant destroys the space, exposes the divinity of the realm, is rejected by the realm of time and space, and falls into a state of great weakness for 30 seconds.


When Fang Ning looked at the system prompt, the uncle had already taken advantage of this opportunity to initiate a pig!

The sword is visible, the dragon fits, the four phases are superimposed, and the teleportation puncture!

The huge mouth of the blood basin being closed was instantly pierced by the black sword, and then came out from the back of the neck!

"The curse of time and space is unstoppable!"

Above the Black Sword, there was a Divine Thought.

It seems that this guy also knows that no sound can be heard in space.

Countless blood sprayed from the neck of the giant.

Encountered by this devastation, the blood giant did not fall, but flung down, half a huge body, and reintegrated into the earth.

It retracted faster than when it crawled out, but it was similar to teleport.

"Unfortunately, it seems that I almost killed him just now." Fang Ning was very depressed when he saw this scene.

"You want to be beautiful, how could it be so easy to kill?" The uncle picked up all the blood beads in the sky, and left all the ones left, giving full play to the system characteristics of stunting home.

Fang Ning looked at the system prompt again.

(The system uses "Dragon Sword Unity" to attack the weak blood giant.

Critical blow!


Curse of time and space!

Source blessing!

The blood giant suffered 1.2 million damage.

The blood giant fled.

The system gained 440 billion points in experience.

The system defeated a deity incarnation and gained massive cross-border reputation.

The system has been favored by the origin of time and space!

Current available times: 1 time.

The time and space origin has greatly increased the favorability of the dragon race, the speed of the birth of the true dragon and **** of China is greatly accelerated, the characteristics are increased, and the qualifications are increased.

The true dragon looks good, and the favorability with the host is increased to full value. )

"I rely on, just defeat once, there are so many benefits?" Fang Ning can't set the channel.

"Of course, I did everything I could. How much was sacrificed? Is it easy?" Uncle exclaimed.

"It would be nice if I could brush more times," Fang Ning said involuntarily. "It's a pity that this is definitely impossible. The opponent is not a brainless npc, but the most savvy god-level opponent. It is desperate this time. Without success, I wo n’t take the risk next time, nor will I reveal the weaknesses I just made. "

"This is quite accurate, you can see that our cards are almost the same. I think this time, I can complete the task of two strokes of heaven. The guy didn't have ten days and a half months, and he couldn't be well wounded." Uncle fortunately said.

"Yeah, it's really not easy. The loss is so great. If you don't give the blood worm Daqing in advance, in addition to running away, it is really unthinkable." Fang Ning also has a heart.

He couldn't help thinking of several wars in human history, and the players who could laugh to the end all had a very deep background. Anyone who didn't have enough cards would have to lose in the battle, no matter how many advantages they had in the early stage.

The uncle of the system is relying on the many advantages accumulated at ordinary times, in order to seize the opportunity in time, defeat the defeat and win, and defeat an opponent who is almost impossible to defeat.

Of course, the most important thing is because of the blessings at home, just like the second German son of World War II was defeated by the old Maozi, it is not that the second German son became stupid, but the blessing at home is too strong.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said: "Fortunately, when I was in the ghost world, I let you run right away. You were not willing at that time. Now you should understand that if you don't fight at home, Guizun shot in the ghost world. Deal with us, then we are dead! "

"Uh, although I don't want to admit this, but the fact is this, I am a honest system ~ ~ Your credit is indeed great, and it is strategic." The uncle said honestly.

"Then what benefits would you give me?" Fang Ning said while taking the opportunity, he suddenly found that he had not benefited for a long time.

"Uh, look at you, learn more from those Baishi people. They work silently, dedicate hard, never ask for it, and even if they die, there is no complaint. Your state is too bad." The uncle taught.

"I rely on it, you have learned all of my set ..." Fang Ning said silently, "You think I will be fooled."

"I didn't expect you to be fooled, I just made your conscience shame a bit." Uncle sorrowfully said.

"Sorry, I'm not ashamed, the benefits are brought in." Fang Ningli was straight.

"Give you three days of vacation, whatever you do, I don't care about you." Uncle said very painfully.

"Uh, how embarrassing this is," Fang Ning said as he hurriedly agreed. "Then it's settled like this, just because I have some personal affairs to deal with."


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