Seized by the System

Chapter 994: Chase after victory

After discussing the issue of the distribution of credit, Fang Ning looked at the planet below without movement, and his brain hole was wide open.

Why not take advantage of it and kill it?

Why do you have to delay for half a month?

Fighters always appear and disappear at any time.

Plan your strategy and tactics in advance, and then think that you can win by executing it as it is.

The last Song monarchs who did this were lost after being beaten by the emperor.

He ran into the entertainment room and asked the two gods.

"Why are these two seniors, the ghost avatars, indented into the earth?" He asked very humbly.

As everyone knows, the two gods are very shocked at this time.

But they saw from the beginning to the end, and finally the black sword struck, so that the ghosts who once sat on their feet ate the deflated, which made them once again improve the evaluation of the Venerable Dragon.

The opponent is really the God of War!

Even if the real dragon is here, I dare not say that I can defeat the incarnation of Dali Guizun.

You should know that this blood giant, although it is called an avatar, is actually concentrating most of the other party's strength, and it is not a manifestation.

Even if the opponent is dissatisfied and the strength is suppressed, this should not be the case.

You know there is no way to take it all!

They had never imagined that the system also had a card with the attribute of blood bar, and it could transfer damage.

They did not even think of it, and there was a gluttonous existence comparable to the ancient **** beast, acting as a blood cow.

So Grim Reaper answered now, and was very polite.

"Don't be called by seniors," Heishui suddenly turned into a group of human-shaped shadows, but just couldn't see his face, and then said, "Heaven is Yang, Earth is Yin. Come to recuperate. If the God of God is not bad, then the gold, silver and bronze tribes should have been in this planet in advance, preparing to lay a shadow nest as a big camp. They will not fight unprepared battles, always Believe that the lion beats the rabbit with all his strength. "

"It turns out so." Fang Ning suddenly realized, and at the same time gave up the idea of ​​chasing.

If you go deep into the ground, it is to enter the home prepared by others, the host and guest of both sides are reversed, and the other is under the blessing of the home, and it is impossible to get an output that exceeds the upper limit of Daqing's blood bar.

"Unfortunately, I can only watch it regain its vitality." Fang Ning said to the uncle with a sorrow.

"Uh, that seems to be the case, and I don't have any idea. You know, I'm always not good at fighting underground." The uncle also said depressed.

Fang Ning agrees with this. Uncle's fighting method is to use super high mechanical power, coupled with super defensive power, to carry out efficient harvesting, coupled with super god's fighting skills, it is invincible on the battlefield.

The greater the space on the battlefield, the greater the scope of its skills.

And the enemy hides in the ground, invisible, it restricts its fighting performance very much.

Fang Ning does not think this is a coincidence. It reminds him of fighting in the ghost world. I am afraid that the warrior's combat mode has been clearly understood by the three metal masks.

It's just that they never imagined the essence of the system kimchi online game, so they lost all ground, and instead made a mistake.

Despite this, Fang Ning apparently did not want to give up easily, hurting his ten fingers rather than breaking his fingers.

It is a strategic mistake to defeat only the enemy but not to death. Xiang Yu is the best counter-proof.

So he said to the uncle: "To talk about the familiarity with the planet, the three of them are definitely not as good as the difficult monks. Let's ask him again."


Not long afterwards, Xia Ke Jia found two mentors and disciples hiding in the starry sky.

Zhi Nan folded his hands together and was muttering to himself: "Originally, the poor monk thought that this time he must devote himself to serving the demon, and use the last trick to save the situation, and he must also be in the devil's mind forever, I didn't expect ..."

The black robe has a heart, because of the previous memory, he has a bad impression of the knight.

The other party has not bullied him before, of course, this is what he asked for.

However, this time, the opponent's bravery and warfare made him completely convinced.

When the battle was fierce, he had seen the master twice to use the previous ban to expel the ghost incarnation, and he was persuaded by him.

But if the knights continue to be passive, the master will soon use the ban again.

The forbidden trick, he knew in his heart that the master had used it three times.

For the first time, when the demon was dominated by the body, the dispelled **** of plague.

The second time was the manifestation of the master, expelling the demons onto the other incarnations.

The third time is to complete the strategic weapon of universal bacteria.

Only three things, this is the number of days.

If it is used again, the Master will be repulsed, and the Demon Heart will flourish again. This should be the calculation of the previous Demon Saint Wisdom, and use the Master to completely break up with the body, and then take the advantage of the fisherman.

Unexpectedly, the Knight Knight A was so good, he even counterattacked and turned a strong ghost statue into a god-level opponent, directly hitting the situation of weak escape.

This means a complete strategic victory!

Because the black robe is very clear, the strongest opponent that the upper realm can send to invade this time and space is this level!

No matter how high, it is the incarnation of the saint, and in the current situation of the saint, he will never send himself to be an avatar.

With such thoughts, when Xia Kejia came here, the black robe greeted very respectfully and came forward with a low profile.

Wisdom difficulty followed, and his hands were folded together: "The Sovereign is really brave and truly reincarnated. The poor monk congratulates the Sovereign, congratulates himself and condescends ..."

"Okay, you don't have to congratulate," said the knight with a fist. "This seat wants to ask the master. The ghost has shrunk into the underground of this star. I wonder if there is any way to force it out?"

"Sovereign is really courageous, this is to eliminate the roots ..." The black robe just complimented, and then found something wrong, quickly came round, "No, it is the evil spirit, it really is the heroic style."

"This star does have a weak point. Compared to the original earth star, this planet is not very stable. There are often volcanic eruptions. When the blood giant was born, it triggered the crust to erupt. And several places where the crust is weak The poor monk has already been marked and sealed. If you want to force the ghost to come out, just open the seal ... it ca n’t bear it underground, "Zhi Nan said very frankly," It ’s just that the whole planet The new life will be completely destroyed ... "

"Long pain is not as good as short pain. The master's compassion is very clear in this seat, but in addition to doing evil, it is also a last resort. The consequences of this matter are the responsibility of this seat." Xia Kejia said seriously.

Uncle has never been a soft-hearted master of God's horse, Fang Ning knows this very well.

On the first day, I took care of myself, and when someone came up, I killed a strong | rapist, very neatly, and didn't let the other party change his mind.

Besides, this planet is just some of the lowest single-cell life, and it is almost dead. In this case, it is impossible to expect the uncle to give up this excellent tactical opportunity.

If it is on the earth, this kind of action will definitely not work, but it can be performed on this newborn planet.

"That's all, the poor monk told the Venerable Five Sealed Lands."

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the blood giant to hide in the ground, Zhi Nan took the knightly armor to travel all over the planet.

Grand Canyon of Flames, Moon Volcano, Mirror Sea Ditch ...

All the crust is weak. Compared to the earth, Fang Ning can feel the magma underneath. It seems to be coming up at any time to evaporate the ocean and submerge the earth ...

Thinking of this, Fang Ning recalled the geographical knowledge he had learned before.

He reminded: "Uncle, you can't just destroy it."

"Why?" Uncle Dao understood.

"It doesn't matter what else. In case this magma erupts and evaporates the sea water, the planet will become dead." Fang Ning worried.

"You haven't learned physics well?" The uncle said arrogantly ~ ~ This planet has gravity, it can't run away if it turns into water vapor, and finally it will fall into rain. "

Fang Ning said with frustration: "You are talking about the normal geological cycle, according to the evolution of the earth, your idea is correct. But after this magma erupts, you are going to fight the blood giant. In the middle, it is likely to be further destroyed. Those water vapors may not necessarily escape into the cosmic space because of the aftermath of the battle. The gravity of the planets ca n’t resist the fighting influence of the god-level strongmen. "

"Uh, what do you think about doing so much? What about becoming a death star? Big deal, I will give it some more water back from somewhere else."

System prompt: (The system issued a vow of time and space to ensure that the planet underneath will not become a dead place and has been accepted by the source of time and space.)

"..." Uncle was speechless.

Fang Ning could fully imagine that the goods were in a state of dumbfounded.

"Jane is in Emperor's heart, this is the end." Fang Ning said quietly.


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