Seized by the System

Chapter 297: Who has such a great ability

The sea breeze is extremely night, cold and lonely.

Fang Ning stared at the sea, puzzled, the tide became stronger, the moon was close, and the observatory did not give early warning, which was obviously abnormal.

He looked around subconsciously, waiting for the dragon carp to come back and pass the time.

In the dark night, far away in the west, under a mountain peak, there can be seen a block of ice walls with obvious artificial traces, piled up neatly, layered on top of each other, like a great wall on ice.

From the cracks in the ice wall, Fang Ning can now occasionally see one or two fat and black and white objects moving with his super vision.

He was curious and took a closer look. It turned out to be a group of fat penguins, but he couldn't tell which breed.

Fang Ning thought about it and asked Old George, "Do you work here, do you often encounter penguins?"

Old George was stunned. Although he did n’t understand the meaning of Dongfang Lighthouse, he replied happily: “Yes, I often encounter them when I work nearby. They are just like my grandsons. They play, and I have taught them a lot.

"Actually, the nuclear changes were what they told me a few months ago, and I started to observe the records."

Fang Ning nodded, then said: "So, what did you teach them to do the ice wall under the western mountain?"

Old George turned his head and then exclaimed: "Sir, your eyes are so good. It was a group of emperor penguin tribes, seven kilometers away from us. I can't see anything.

"Yes, those ice walls I taught them to make ♀ a group of stupid guys without hands. I wanted to teach them to be Inuit igloos.

"But they played around for a few months, but they only learned how to cut ice bricks from the ice layer with their sharp and strong beaks after the mutation, and then build them into ice walls, and they can't build a delicate igloo. It takes time for them to master this complicated building technology.

"However, this is also a hundred times stronger than the previous windshield on their own body, and should be able to save a lot of fat consumption. I think this winter, those male penguins who are hatching eggs can be the first to have a comfortable winter. "

Fang Ning praised and admired it. If animals have opened their minds, many huge problems in survival can be easily solved by learning a little from humans.

He has watched some documentaries. One of the major obstacles for Antarctic penguins to survive is the harsh and cold climate, which greatly reduces the survival rate of livestock and goose.

Fortunately, this kind of cold also prevents most predators from appearing, and only a few natural enemies exist.

Fang Ning nodded and then said: "It seems that we have to ask the locals again to gather more clues."

In fact, he was just too bored to wait for something new to see.

You have to know that here is Antarctica, there is no wireless signal, you ca n’t get to the Internet

Then he ordered the black dog to stay here, waiting for the dragon carp to come back.

Then he took the old George and the three of Robert, sitting on the flying sword, and instantly came to the ice wall.

After looking down from above, Fang Ning was even more amazed.

It turned out that the ice wall was stacked on top of each other. There were three layers inside and outside, one layer taller than the other, leaning against the foot of the mountain. Like a city wall, a large area was tightly enclosed.

Only two openings are left, it seems that one is the entrance and the other is the exit.

Inside the ice wall, fat penguins crowded densely.

They do nothing, just stand blankly and occasionally yell at each other.

As old George said, the wind screamed outside, and after the ice wall, there was much wind.

This large group of emperor penguins are about one meter tall, all fat and fat, streamlined, black and white.

When they saw the appearance of the three people, they did not panic, they just stayed in place, screaming "twitter", and did not know what to say.

After a while, the tallest and fattest penguin squeezed out of the penguin group.

It came to an open area, looked up at the three people, and finally said to old George: "Oh, it is our dear old George, what do you want to teach us when you come here?"

What surprised Fang Ning is that this penguin actually speaks English, but the tone is very strange.

Well, yes, maybe old George is too old to learn Chinese, which is different from Robert. The three people used to talk in English.

Old George briefed the fat penguin on the knightly armor and the questions they wanted to ask.

After listening, the fat penguin posed, and then its eyes turned: "Oh, do you want to ask about nuclear enlargement? In fact, it ’s OK to tell you, but this time, you have to teach us a kind of practice skill Law, I know there are many of you humans. "

After listening to the old George, he was very helpless: "Hi, Mike, you were not so greedy before. I have taught you how to build a house. After you learn, you can avoid the skua, **** cold wind in the house, even Your old rival fur seal.

"You shouldn't be too incisive like this. After all, the things I want to ask are of little value to you, just things that you just mentioned."

Old George is not stupid. He is a researcher with a very high IQ. Naturally, he knows a suitable method for penguin cultivation. How long does it take to study it?

Now the crisis is imminent, how can they have that time?

Mike the penguin leader said: "It may not be of any value to us, but it should be very important to you. I have often seen you run to the beach recently, braving the night and the cold wind. Is it because the core becomes bigger again Flood your house built by the sea? "

Old George sighed helplessly and turned his head to look at the valiant armor.

Xia Kejia said: "You bird, want to learn human cultivation skills, what will you do after learning?"

The penguin leader Mike turned his head to look east, his eyes showing a fierce look: "I want to kill all the **** fur seals in the east"

At this time, another fat penguin interjected: "That group of fur seals ate the first wife of Mike. After the leader opened his mind, he remembered this and always wanted to get revenge, but he couldn't beat them."

The penguin leader Mike heard the words and suddenly screamed loudly, full of hatred.

Fang Ning shuddered, and the uninspired biome also had revenge, but it was impossible to have such a powerful purpose and plan.

From this simple conversation with the leader of the penguin, it is known that the other party has complete thinking ability and self-awareness, which makes him sincerely attach a new pressure.

Is the earth big? Great.

But in front of a biological population with strong fertility, it is very small.

Now two different biological groups, obviously in places where humans do n’t pay much attention, will have a **** conflict to decide the winner

One of the recipes for these predators, the fur seal, is the penguin.

Before penguins were not self-conscious, they almost never ran away, often waiting to be eaten blankly, only waiting for the meat eaters to be full.

It is different now. Like humans, they want to take the initiative to eliminate their natural enemies.

The uncle of the system suddenly said: "That group of fur seals should do this kind of damaging thing, it's really killing! I have a penguin cultivation method here, which can be passed on to the five birds."

Fang Ning said silently, "Uncle, don't put our human morality on these animals. The hunting behavior between them is a natural law.

"On the contrary, if this penguin learns human skills, it will definitely kill the fur seals first, then seals and walruses, and finally dominate the Antarctic biosphere, breeding wildly, causing ecological chaos."

Fang Ning is very clear that humans who have had a long experience of ruling the earth already know that it is necessary to maintain an ecological balance and maintain the natural environment.

Although it is not enough, this concept has become an unshakable consensus.

But these newly born intelligent races are probably still dreaming of eliminating aliens and monopolizing the earth.

Just like in the modern human period, there is no sense of protecting wild animals.

I do n’t know how many species will be extinct, and I do n’t start to change my practice until I am taught by blood.

Now even an emperor penguin that is a cute thing in the eyes of humans has such a killing intention, not to mention other more aggressive species.

After they grow up, they will definitely massacre other hostile species and upset the earth.

How can Fang Ning not feel the new pressure?

When the system heard this, the tone was honest: "What can I do if I don't understand?"

Fang Ning had no idea for a moment.

In a few moments, Mike, the penguin leader, seemed impatient, and he urged: "Do you teach or not? These days, the core is getting bigger and bigger.

"We don't know how those cores got bigger, but we know when it started getting bigger ♀ a little bit, we haven't told Old George yet."

Old George touched his head and said helplessly: "Mike, you have learned to speak in less than half a year, and you have become more cunning than humans, and you know to hide the most important information. I kindly teach you to build a house, but you are still Deceive me."

Mike proudly said: "This is all learned from you humans, you use fake penguins to disguise our kind, deceive us, collect our change information, thinking I will not know?"

Its voice hasn't fallen yet ~ ~ and I saw a tall figure covering its sight.

Robert grabbed the smug emperor penguin, grabbed his own neck, and said coldly: "I am smart and ungrateful. There are only two ulcers. One is to explain immediately, and the other is to send you to see your first wife."

"Let go, let go, we need peace," Emperor Penguin Mike shouted quickly, and then said in a panic, "I said, I said, the nuclear enlargement was from this time last year." No, there should be another delay Moon. By the way, that is, after the star fell from the sky, then we found that the nucleus of the high tide is gradually increasing every day. "

Fang Ning was shocked when he heard this, a lightning flashed across his mind.

"Who has such a great ability to violate the laws of nature and push the moon?"

Fang Ning, a detective, suddenly recalled what Robert had just said.

He said right now: "Let it go, I already know who did the good work, let's go."

Robert immediately let go, and the old man, George, glared fiercely at Mike hiding deep in the penguins, and quickly followed.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't expect even a penguin to learn so cunningly." Old George explained.

"Oh, these guys who have just learned to speak, such moral ideas as Eng Tuobao, they have not yet learned, and only use the most primitive means to be effective." Robert is like doing a trivial thing, not at all Jugong means.

Fang Ning secretly agreed that professional things must be done by professional people. Others may find it very simple to worry about themselves.

This Robert is a former agent of SBI. For him, getting some confession is really a basic course.

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