Seized by the System

Chapter 298: Can't eat fish anymore

When Fang Ning took the two to the glacier coast where the black dogs were stationed, the dragon carp had returned to the fish tank to wait.

When he saw that the knight was coming, the dragon carp immediately jumped up and invited the call out loudly: "Master, I have figured out what happened ♀ things, in the upper realm, I am common"

"Oh !!" In addition to the knight-shadow being expressionless, old George and Robert are both surprised and happy at the same time.

Especially old George, who immediately ran forward with an impatient look, "Dear Carp God, please be sure to tell us why the tides are changing."

For many excellent predecessor scientific experts, if there is a big puzzle that is unopened, it will often make them restless and eager to solve the puzzle.

One of the typical representatives is Archimedes, who must consider the law of buoyancy when taking a bath

Although the old George has some problems, as a research expert, he can still be in line with the sages in this regard.

The dragon carp flicked its tail, did n’t even look at him, but just smiled at the chivalrous Jiadao: "Master, when I was young, I was accompanied by them when they were young. , Guard the upper bound. "

Chivalrous A said lightly: "Say the key point"

The dragon carp immediately converged, and quickly said: "The point is that this perpetual change is actually made by the will of the new world of the earth. We have not dealt with similar things in the upper realm. I have experienced dragon carp and entered the monkey. After a trip, I found the problem. As for why it does this, why? "

Fang Ning was not surprised, which coincided with his guess.

If you think about it, the uncle of the system is currently the most powerful in the world. You have to ask if it can promote the moon. The uncle will definitely say that he is stupid.

So Fang Ning did n’t even think about ordinary creatures. After that, there must be great power to do this, just like the ancestor of the Baishi people, he could even break up a continent.

Huh? Fang Ning thought of this and vaguely grasped something.

But he didn't think about it anymore. He just said to the dragon carp: "Very good, you did a good job, and Barrett is carrying you, and it is very hard to go back and forth. There are rewards in this seat." Place, let's go home and talk. "

The dragon carp happily flicked its tail.

It was complacent in its heart, just thinking: This time, Uncle Dragon Carp will have to install a good one.

What must be done is the yellow dog Xue Ba, the housekeeper Zheng Dao, the think tank Ren Ruofeng, and the hamster, who always knows how to chew chestnuts and can't eat anything without a fart, all stunned.

By the way, I have to call the big green worm that never shows up.

Let it know that after eating it, no one will help them solve these troubles in the future, so that it always remembers its fish tail and makes Uncle Longli sleep uneasy these days.

Fortunately, the uncle is clever, fooling Zong Gouzi, carrying his home on it.

Dogs tend to be housekeepers, so they do n’t have to worry about waking up and can sleep peacefully without the tail.

Black Dog Barrett received a compliment, holding her head high and proud.

The owner really knew what was going on. This time, it was really because I was not afraid of hard work, and I ran back and forth in my fish tank. If so, how could the dragon carp have the opportunity to make such a great achievement?

So everyone rode the swordsman Jiafeijian and returned to Qicheng Farm Villa.

The dragon carp suggested on the road: "Master, there is one more thing. Daqing insects used to be the daughter of the patriarch of the upper realm. Although it is greedy and sings, it never does business, but it should have heard some things. Also called. After all, one person counts short, three people count long. "

Fang Ning took it seriously, so he sent a message to Chong Daqing, and the other party promised to come over immediately, so that Fang Ning was very pleased. Although Da Qing was greedy, he was really a good boy.

Fang Ning is not Zheng Dao. He has always been too lazy to communicate with people. He rarely speculates on other people's real thoughts, let alone two non-human guys.

So he didn't know the two guys at all, and each had their own wishful thinking.

In a few moments, everyone fell into the courtyard of the villa and walked into the living room to sit down.

Soon after, the big worm came in a hurry, still smelling of disinfectant.

Afterwards, the housekeeper Zheng Dao, Ren Ruofeng, who had just woke up after drinking, and a group of animal followers gathered together.

The white hamster no longer gnawed the chestnuts, but squatted solemnly on the coffee table.

Obviously at this time, it should be the upper realm Cangzi who controls the body of the hamster, not the little white Wakakura.

When the dragon carp saw all the audience arrive, it immediately jumped out of the fish tank and jumped in the air, revealing a more fat fish body.

It was about to speak, and the big green worm was the first to shine, and said first: "Da Qinglong, I really saw a similar situation with this thing."

Fang Ning immediately reached out to signal the dragon carp to suspend. He knew that the other party liked to brag, or he would listen to what the simple big green worm said first.

Seeing this, the dragon carp fell back into the fish tank in a trance, quite a bit listless.

Daqing insect glanced at the dragon carp, thinking proudly, as long as I perform well, Daqinglong will definitely give its tail to me for reward

By the way, Da Qinglong is too soft-hearted. I have to tell him that the guys in the dragon blood lineage have very strong regeneration ability.

The dragon carp didn't know why, but felt cold all over, and quickly shrank into the sand to hide.

Everyone heard the words and immediately focused on the big worm.

For a time, this slap-like creature seemed to be the key to determining the fate of human

But no one knows its original intention to save human destiny, just to eat an arowana tail

Fang Ning was very pleased: "Well, you continue to say, as long as it helps, I will invite you to eat a big meal."

The big caterpillar was so happy that she said: "A long, long time ago, I remember one time I followed my dad to inspect our Celestial nation. A local leader said that God was angry and repeatedly flooded their farmland with heavy water. They built dams, But I couldn't resist it. I wanted to ask my father to quell the disaster.

"Daddy inspected at that time and found that they had overpopulated and opened up many mountain forests and grasslands into farmland, so he told them to intensively cultivate and increase yields, and to make internal food distribution, so that no one would eat too much, some would Hungry, is he talking about me? "

Fang Ning listened silently and appeased: "It's okay, you think too much. Your father is a Celestial Patriarch, so it won't continue like that. Continue to say yes."

Daqing then assuredly said: "In the end, Dad told them not to expand blindly, plant trees with multiple trees, and restore the damaged forests and grasslands. Since then, there has never been any flood that cannot be resisted."

Fang Ning heard this and thought deeply.

The others looked dignified, thinking silently.

Cang Gongzi nodded and said first, "This noble girl of the Celestial Clan is not bad. I have heard similar stories. After that man came to earth, he has been concentrating on farming, controlling the rat's mouth, Sustained | development, it is precisely know this. "

Everyone knows who it refers to. With this verification, there is no doubt now that the information provided by the big worm is absolutely reliable.

For a long time, Ren Ruofeng took the lead in saying: "It seems that this will be the will of heaven's will to warn us in advance. In the past, there was no extraordinary will in the world, only the cold natural laws existed. Every time it was human beings who tried to find death. Only after the laws of nature have they attracted various irresistible natural disasters.

"For example, the disappearance of the Loulan ancient country and the black sandstorm in the rice country were caused by excessive destruction of vegetation. There is no way for human beings, only to wait for the natural disaster to subside naturally, and then try to remedy afterwards. We have been doing all kinds of work early. There are many people who are ignorant and do not know how to converge. "

Fang Ning nodded and said: "Mr. Ren made a reasonable statement. Heavenly Dao with self-will destroys the vegetation and will issue a flood warning in advance, and will not wait until human destruction is beyond remedy; now the tide becomes stronger, the nucleus rises, and the new earth Tiandao adopts this method and wants to warn us in advance? "

Everyone suddenly had a headache.

This question is not easy to answer, is it also to allow humans to return farmland to forests, not to destroy vegetation?

In fact, countries have known this for a long time, and many responsible people have been working hard to do it, but there are still many guys still doing it.

The dragon carp jumped out immediately and proudly said: "I know what God wants to warn humans ~ ~ Everyone immediately looked at it and was surprised.

Yellow dog Xue Ba acid said: "Oh, hey, in the end, you have seen the gate for the Zhenlong clan's family, but they are well-informed. It's just that things are so urgent now, don't sell it, hurry up and say it."

The dragon carp didn't even care about the other party's sarcasm, but just proudly said: "That's because the humans here are so greedy that they are almost fishing for the monkey's fish. When I went to the monkey survey just now, some smart prawns were opened. He and Dayu both told me that in the future they will not make the clan so stupid, and they always run to those places every year.

"In the future, they will be self-reliant and open up new breeding grounds. They can no longer be found by the human fishermen. The old gods in the trap ♀ clearly warn humans that they should converge in the future and stop eating fish, otherwise it will I will punish you with big waves "

At the beginning, the dragon carp was right and reasonable, everyone agreed.

If it does n’t add anything, add the last sentence, it ’s really possible for everyone to be true

Ren Ruofeng is preparing to suggest that the Truth Office issue a short-term fishing ban, first look at the situation, and understand the last sentence.

Come on, this guy must be bragging again.

He and the other party drink alcohol every day, can it be unclear?

The big green worm was very dissatisfied, and the forelimb akimbo retorted: "Bullshit, eating fish is right and wrong, how can God punish us for this? The gods here are clearly saying that big monkeys are in danger, so you all are far from the sea Far."

Ren Ruofeng frowned, thought for a moment, and then looked horrified.

He looked subconsciously at Venerable Dragon, only to see that the other party was still expressionless.

He does n’t know if the other party also thinks of the fearful possibility. If he thinks right, this is really an irresistible natural disaster.

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